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Shooting from HMMWV passenger seats.

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Why hasnt BIS put this into Arma 2?

Its annoying because of the fact that passengers either have to dismount, or sit their with their thumbs up where the sun don't shine. I wonder if it is possible to create a humvee with M4s attaches to each passenger side window, but thats at the very least.

Anyways, it would be a big improvement to the humvee, because thats how its done in reality over in iraq currently. When ambushed by the enemy, you do not dismount and face them, you assault through the ambush but keep moving to minimize the risk of IEDs and RPGs.

Adding the ability to shoot from the humvees windows will turn the humvee from just an armed transport, to a fighting platform, especially if its an uparmored humvee.

So, is this possible?

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Taking the choice of vehicles in this game into account, this is a neglectable and nonsense feature.

Hm...Question...how do you stick a rifle out of a fixed armoured Window...???

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the ones in this szene are not armoured!

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The HMMWV's in the game with mounted .50 are not armored either. The HMMWV in game that has 240 and chicken plate is the armored one.

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Refield, though Generation Kill is awesome and that is a great scene, it is not a very good representation of shooting through the windows of a HMMWV. Try this one:


I do agree with your idea though. If anyone could get a mod for this, or if BIS could consider this thread and allow the player to shoot through the windows of some HMMWVs. I think the M240 and TOW should keep windows, while the M2 and Mk19 have their windows removed and able to shoot out of. Would make the game much more realistic, and make HMMWVs much more effective. Right now there is little point in filling them more than just a driver and gunner.

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;1379396']Refield' date=' though Generation Kill is awesome and that is a great scene, it is not a very good representation of shooting through the windows of a HMMWV. Try this one:


I do agree with your idea though. If anyone could get a mod for this, or if BIS could consider this thread and allow the player to shoot through the windows of some HMMWVs. I think the M240 and TOW should keep windows, while the M2 and Mk19 have their windows removed and able to shoot out of. Would make the game much more realistic, and make HMMWVs much more effective. Right now there is little point in filling them more than just a driver and gunner.

Thats the scene I was looking for :D

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Also, take the uparmored humvee for example. You can slide the windows back and fire out of the window.

So they should give the option of sitting there like its a calm drive to a FOB with the window sealed, then you can activate "shoot from window" and then the window slides open and you aim your rifle through the window.

They honestly should give this ability to strikers through the 2 back hatches as well.

Also, for 5 tons, make it so 2 people can aim over the roof of the front cab, etc.

This is a viable feature for most vehicles.

Heck, you should even be able to fire mortars from in the strykers, I've seen it happen, they aim the nose angled out of the hatches. No clue how they prevent ear damage or anything like that lol.

Edited by tjzil

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a cheating way is to add some M4 or M16 to the windows and the passengers are gunner

kinda like the SF hummv in ace :)

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really any vehicle with windows that open should have this feature, the civilian cars for example.

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If it is in VBS 2 and if Norrin was able to do it for choppers, there shouldn't be to any greater problems to get it done for hummv's I think.

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Didn't Norrin use the attachTo command and then put a soldier kneeling with an open space in front of him?

(Man IN front of US!)

If someone could remove the glass on the Humvee it may work.

I dunno tho' if the passenger space in the Arma2 vehicles is modelled, it may look odd.

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Perhaps a new Hummw addon is needed, with custom actions such as lowering the windows and letting passengers fire. The Hummw would turn reeeeally useful with that.

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Taking the choice of vehicles in this game into account, this is a neglectable and nonsense feature.

Hm...Question...how do you stick a rifle out of a fixed armoured Window...???

Nonsense feature? Dude, in real war people shoot from vehicles ESPICALLY APCs I might add which this game DOES have, ALL THE TIME. Shooting out of your humvee or other vehicle at someone can suppress them enough for you to get away without being killed. This would change the face of conflict in the ArmA series. It would be WAY more real. U know who else shoots from vehicles? Insurgents. A lot.

And you want to get really real? I was listening to an interview of a vet awhile back and he mentioned when he drove his humvee, he had to get use to driving with his right hand on his rifle laying across his left arm on the steering wheel aiming his rifle out the window in case they were ambushed while he drove. And people think driving while texting is bad!

And as for the up armored humvee..simple... OPEN YOUR DOOR and shoot! And that has been done. And I think BIS should model that in. This is a simulator after all, and people REALLY do that.

Edited by GeneralCarver

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I've been wanting to see this since ArmA1 but most people didn't take the idea very seriously when I mentioned it. Nice to see the topic coming up again.

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I hope no one takes this in the wrong way. But, try and look at some of Norrin's "attachTo" scripts. Take a peek at how he did it, play around with it, make friends on the side and try things out (IE-get a few guys that are good in scripting, a few that have Oxygen installed correctly, and things like that).

I am a big proponent of learning how to do stuff on my own instead of asking others. Though, tbh, I do have to ask alot of people. I've even had to ask Norrin for help.

Which leads me to this, don't be afraid to ask the well known people in the community for help. I am a total noob to this scripting stuff, but the experts seem more than willing to lend a hand.

I beleive that if it's in VBS2, then some how or another, we can get a version of our own into ArmA 2 to make it the same.

If you need, I'll try and help out some too, just let me know who's picking this idea up, and we'll look at it together

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In VBS2 you have to use only one command: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enablePersonalItems_(VBS2)

We don't have this command :(

And do you guys know why the attachTo / setPos - loop isn't a good workaround for that?

Look at this topic: http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=34393.0

Tried something sometimes ago. ^^

arma22009-11-2520-16-26ceu.jpg arma22009-11-2520-16-0rhf1.jpg

Thats the engine. We can't do anything till someone make a new HMMWV model with fake turrets as passenger seats or BIS gives us the command for this.

And if we want to apply that to all vanilla vehicles in ArmA 2 we'll the MLODs first. Because you must define turret positions (the gunner proxys I think) in the model.

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In VBS2 you have to use only one command: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enablePersonalItems_(VBS2)

We don't have this command :(

And do you guys know why the attachTo / setPos - loop isn't a good workaround for that?

Look at this topic: http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=34393.0

Tried something sometimes ago. ^^

arma22009-11-2520-16-26ceu.jpg arma22009-11-2520-16-0rhf1.jpg

Thats the engine. We can't do anything till someone make a new HMMWV model with fake turrets as passenger seats or BIS gives us the command for this.

And if we want to apply that to all vanilla vehicles in ArmA 2 we'll the MLODs first. Because you must define turret positions (the gunner proxys I think) in the model.

man i hate that one. came across this when using norins helidoor srcipt to attach people to the CRRCs. on that note i did also make a hummer version of this http://www.zspecialunit.org/forums/attachments/arma-2-armed-assault-2/209d1260623763-crc-patrols-mount-hummer.rar think its in there with the fore mentiond CRRC script. if you know anythign about this and wanna check it out i would be glad to offer and help i can. what is it oxygen2 or what ever it is called will help me do?

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In VBS2 you have to use only one command: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enablePersonalItems_(VBS2)

We don't have this command :(

I believe its more than only that command, as you also got to tell what position you are facing to etc. from your original proxy location in the vehicle with "personalItemsOffset[] ="

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guys, i know this probably wouldnt be or couldnt be put in addon format but heres what i acheived with this code

this setUnitPos "MIDDLE"; man1 attachto [car1,[-0.5,-0.7,-2]]; man1 setDir 274;

Warning big pic (well somewhat big)

shootingfromwindow.png w1280.png

problem is, the reload key and stuff is gone, idk how to reenable them

Edited by tyler4171

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