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Hybrid Commanding System

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If the waypoint is on top of the empty vehicle they should get in that one.

Imaginable. Dont see vehicles on the map though :confused:

Is SILVIE having a disasterous effect on it ?

Dont think so. Seems since 1.03 they have fixed the most obvious glitches (cars falling from the sky, placed on buildings,.. etc). Had no issues worth mentioning with it since 1.03.

ALICE maybe?

Until we get more HC loveliness from BIS I would recommendyou get your guys to embark when they are proper members on your MAIN team. Then when they disembark again put them into HC teams.

Absolutely, its not an major issue and just important to know for some specific situations/mission designs.

WOuld be nice to have it sorted one day, though I thought I'd better report it :)

---------- Post added at 04:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 PM ----------

Wiper try one of the missions that I posted such as altHCv3, I have played these missions multiple times via multiplayer with up to 6 guys and they work fine. Look at the init.sqfs or description.ext in them and see if there's some difference between what you're doing and what's in them.



Will have a look at them asap ! :)

Difference, I bet there is one ;)

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So I put together a high command at the company level. one CO with two PLs each w/ 3 squads. NOTE I did not put anyone into HybridHC.

The CO has HC w/ this setvariable ["chainofcommand",true]; in the int field HCmodule.

The PLs have HC and Sub cd as well linked up in the standard fashion.

When you give the PLs order, the PL and the squad leaders immediately move out to the waypoint. The troops will wait till their SLs get to the waypoint before they move out.

The SLs will bunch up at the waypoint but the squad members will shake out into their normal formations. using teamswitch to spread out the SLs before they get the order does nothing, they will still bunch up.

Thing number one would be to get the squads to move out simultaneously w their SLs instead of waiting for them to arrive at the waypoint destination.

Thing number two is to get the subordinate leaders (in this case the SLs, to arrive at the destination with the same relative spacing from each otehr they started with.

Or thing three, short of actually important some sort of intelligent AI to the platoon commanders allow the coy cdr the ability to switch on and off a command function to select the PLs squads and move them around.

Similar to the benefit of hybridHC, you want to be able to issue a simple movement instruction for a larger formation, over longer distances, but then be able to take a little bit of tighter command when in contact or otherwise in danger.


p.s. Wiper the other option is post the sample mission and we'll have a look at it.

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Interesting about the SL moving issue. I know that BIS read these forums and perhaps they will work on this after the performance 1.04 patch.

Good work mate.

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Ive been following this thread with some interest and had a chance to play with this system. First let me say great work and very clever. Now questions.

Ive been playing the trianing mission where you can create units from scratch. When I pull up the comms menu hcs is listed about 7 times. It doesnt seem to matter which one I click on by why so many.

Next thing I noticed was I created 3 large groups of 10 troops on the fly. I was able to put them in their discrete squads and control them with HC. Now if I select the three squads and give them the command to regroup on me I end up with a massive unit of about 24. This left a couple of guys wondering around no longer in HC and not in my controllable units. So lesson is be careful how many troops you have reattach to yourself. Keep up the good work on this.

Also a basic A2 squad question. How to select men beyond the tenth guy. I see a right arrow pointing indication there are more men in my unit but I dont know how to select them.

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Hey gunterlund21 ....

Firstly hit F12 ... that will get you to 10+ people. F11 gets you back to the first 10.

I think there is no limit to how many troops you have (but I'm willing to be VERY wrong!)

I have had more than 24 however I'm sure.

Don't know why it's showing up more than once. Will have a look at the mission.

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Gunterlund does bring up a good point about having a zillion guys under you, it's doable but very unworkable to have so many guys under you, call them up in manageable batches.

I try and recruit my squads in batches of ten or less just to speed things up since there's not a terrible amount of time to dick around in contact w teh F11 and f12 keys. One thing that's nice is that after you have organized them and then regrouped them, the fireteams you organized are normally adjacent Fkeys, which speeds up splitting on subsequent attempts.

WRT multiple HCS in comms menu I haven't figured that out yet either. It could be that it's because the sqf is called on the init field of every hybridHCS-capable leader in the missions.

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WRT multiple HCS in comms menu I haven't figured that out yet either. It could be that it's because the sqf is called on the init field of every hybridHCS-capable leader in the missions.

I think that is the case. Not skilled enough to fix it though.

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OK Wiper I looked at your cipher mission:

1. You had the proper HCS subdir and files in there but they weren't plugged into anything.

2. This line was missing from your init.sqf:

[] execVM "commsMenu.sqf";

3. This line was missing from the leader's init:

nul=[this] execVM ""cent_HCS2\cent_HCS2_init.sqf"

When I added the relevant lines Hybrid HC works fin in your mission.

Also unless you have some other reason for doing it, you only need HC commander synched up to your squad leader and HC Subordinate synched up to the HC Module. You do not have to have the HC Subordinate synched up to every subordinate soldier.

I made the changes to the file and have posted it up for you to grab and peruse. Hope this helps:




Edited by Los18z

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Im trying to incorporate this system into my mission but I cant get it to work because the action menus dont come up. Im looking at the Coop_LHI V24 mission and there are so many scripts in there I cant tell what is part of the core HCS system. Can you create a vanilla mission with just this in it.

At this time I have

nul=[this] execVM ""cent_HCS2\cent_HCS2_init.sqf" in my leader and

[] execVM "commsMenu.sqf"; in my init. I have the Cent_HCS and dialog folders in my mission folder. I have the commander modules attached to my leader and the btr from this mission in my mission. What else.

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If you download the demo mission from the first page, you will notice that you wont need [] execVM "commsMenu.sqf"; any longer... it is incorporated into nul=[this] execVM ""cent_HCS2\cent_HCS2_init.sqf". Sorry, if that didn't help much.

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BTW it amazes me that I still see a lot of uninformed comments around various boards by fairly authoritative people that HC doesn't work in MP mode or is limited. They must have looked at it in version 1.0 for about ten seconds and made a snap judgment.


I have tested HC heavily in MP and it does work except for infantry. They usually stop responding halfway through the mission. This applies to infantry groups. Leader of group issues commands to move to x directions y meters away but nothing happens. This is not an issue at all with vehciles/planes.

I hope there is a way to fix it.

But good work here.

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ok confused on how this works. In the Chenarus test mission there is no one in your group. There is an action menu that regroups the entire platoon. Now if I want to split troops into sub unit I hit the appropriate F keys to hilight them, hit communications, then HCS. There is no option to split the group out. You get Engage, disengage and watch my direction. Now if you pull up the action menu without hilighting troops with the F keys you get split platoon and this splits ALL the troops back into the original subgroups. This is different than before. I also tried to create teams ie Red and Yellow and split but again there is not option in HCS.

Also Im interested in the mission Training V24 where you start with no troops and you get a menu selection of the kind of troops you want to spawn in. Then you could create subgroups as they come in. I couldnt recreate this because I couldnt tell which scripts were associated with that. Any way to get that mission more vanilla?

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Chernarus test mission is the legacy HCS I made for myself. But most people like more flexibility and hence born the HCS2 (the utes demo mission). HCS2 is the one that able to split any units you wish.. hope that clears the confusion. So I suggest to look for the utes test mission. that one is really straight forward, I think.

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This is the latest version of LHI_Training which does away with the older commsmenu.sqf and uses the latest HCS routines. All you have to do is ensure you call the script in the leaders init file per Cent's instructions (also explained in the mission briefing):


The above mission incorporates recruiting and base_respawn with AltHCS. So if you die, you come back to life all day long and still and retain command and control.

In group respawn missions, if you DIE, then when you come back to life as the next ranking man you loose your ability to HCS. Perhaps that's why you are losing HC half way through?

This mission: is just straight AltHCS with four squads, group respawn, if you have four guys you can control a whole platoon:


Note that the latest version of Hybrid HCS does not require one to do anything in the init.sqf


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In group respawn missions, if you DIE, then when you come back to life as the next ranking man you loose your ability to HCS. Perhaps that's why you are losing HC half way through?


Los, In a previous post in this thread you hinted at being able to retain HCS after respawn into group...

I was looking into ensuring HC passes onto the next guy in line after death in GROUP REESPAWN mode. I put this script in the inti.sqf:

onTeamSwitch "selectPlayer (leader _from); {_x doFollow leader _from} foreach units _from; selectPlayer _to;";


Did this not work out for you. I tried that snippet in the init line of my player commander and it did not retain HCS for me on respawn into group. This was with default HCS only.

EDIT: Nevermind...I just checked out your mission and noticed that (as you said in your post) you placed that code in the init.sqf, not the init line for the player. It was late and I was tired when i tested, now I can't wait to try it out.

I have followed this thread with great interest as it parallels what i am trying to do with a mission template, using F2 Mission Framework with the ShackTacticial squads and the big thing for me is being able to respawn into group and retain leadership. I am not a fan of respawning back at home base and having to catch up my my guys miles away somewhere else on the map. For me I like the idea of having a limited number of lives to expend and at most using Secops to reinforce me when needed, by flying new guys in.

@ Mr Centipede;Kremator and Los and all other contributors, thank you for your efforts in this regard, excellent work.

Edited by AF-Killer

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Im trying this in a big mp mission with mixed results. Partly I dont know if its the command module wacking out or this addon. It is a PVP mission. One thing that happens is if I regroup platoon it does it for all players not just me. Also on the Opfor side I when I regrouped my large force I didnt see the units in my list with another live player in the mission as blufor. Will test some more.

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AF-KIller that line did not do the ttrcick for me wrt passing command to the next ranking guy. I'm going to see what happens when you synch to every guy in the command group.


Post your mission and I will have a look at it, It may be something simple.


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I did a little experimenting with the GROUP respawn issue. I synched up HC to the SL and his second in command(2IC) and gave them the same HCS script in their init. When the SL dies the 2IC takes command, can split and rejoin squads but he cant command them to go anywhere. I think some kind of piece of script has to be developed that, upon the guy taking over, it spawns HC (w/ Sub HC) and attaches it to him right on the fly and perhaps that might work?

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ok I think Im getting the hang of this. Ive created a monster mission PvP with JIP on Blufor and 1 Opfor player but who has a whole platoon under his command. When he regroups he has 60 units to do what he needs to do. I made a massive convoy by loading all 60 into 7 trucks. It was awesome. En route a buddy of mine found are convoy and attacked. I had all 60 guy jump out of the trucks and scatter. Looked like something out of WWII. Had them remount. Then when I reached the battle site I had everyone get out and form a massive Vee formation and go in with me. In the meantime the Blufor is able to split and regroup as needed. Its crazy. Great job on this. Continuing to check it out. When I get all the kinks out of my mission Ill post it as Im using alot of other scripts in it including Jonesy's mortar script firing from the ship, your script, Norrins attach scripts. Im still looking for an airlift script cause I need to get vehicles off the ship. I tried Mando's hitch but I dont think its been converted.

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ok I think Im getting the hang of this. Ive created a monster mission PvP with JIP on Blufor and 1 Opfor player but who has a whole platoon under his command. When he regroups he has 60 units to do what he needs to do. I made a massive convoy by loading all 60 into 7 trucks. It was awesome. En route a buddy of mine found are convoy and attacked. I had all 60 guy jump out of the trucks and scatter. Looked like something out of WWII. Had them remount. Then when I reached the battle site I had everyone get out and form a massive Vee formation and go in with me. In the meantime the Blufor is able to split and regroup as needed. Its crazy. Great job on this. Continuing to check it out. When I get all the kinks out of my mission Ill post it as Im using alot of other scripts in it including Jonesy's mortar script firing from the ship, your script, Norrins attach scripts. Im still looking for an airlift script cause I need to get vehicles off the ship. I tried Mando's hitch but I dont think its been converted.

Thats what A/A2 is all about for sure :bounce3:

I need to start pulling this out and into missions of my own, im surprised that this feature wasn't out of the box to be honest. Cant thank enough the people involved in getting this up to scratch its a must-have.

I may have asked this before but is there a way using array/dta config that this could somehow be open ended enough to work as a global addon? IE: it attaches itself to leaders of any group found in mission start for any mission? (unless ive missed something).

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In the LHI training mission we added an opfor slot with HCS as wll, to add th option of complicating things for the BLUFOR.


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You can just create game logic and paste nul=[this] execVM ""cent_HCS2\cent_HCS2_init.sqf" into init box and all leaders will use this script.

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As simple as that ? Cool !

We DO need it as a global addon. I don't have the skills to convert it and just hope that Mr Centipede can, otherwise he'll need help :)

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OK regarding the passing donw of command afte death in group respawn:

I've just done a number of tests and we still have the same problem.

Yes every leader has the ability to use HCS to split and regroup subsections but any leader after the First in the group can not have those subgroups follow any orders. Meaning. SL dies, ASL takes over. ASL splits off a few subgroups, switches to HC mode, selects groups to order and clicks a place for them to go. They will not move.

Note this happens in the follwoing iterations regardless if:

1. HC module synched up to SL (w sub mod synched to HC mod) HCS script in ldrs init

2. HC module synched up to SL (w sub mod synched to HC mod) HCS scrripts synched to gam logic

3. No HC module present at all ( but HCS script in gam logic)

HCS passes to next in command but not the ability to have them do anything and follow commands.


On a whim I synched a HC mod/SubCmd mod to the SL, and two corporals in the squad. (not that's three separate HC/SubHC module combos not all three synched to one).

When this happens, HCS works normally to each guy that the above=true. So in the above example the three ranking squad members have normal HCS. When you get around to the forth guy who has no HC/SunHC synched up, then you go to the same problem, NO HCS works.

SO if you want effective CoC to pass down to every guy each will need a HC/SubHC synced up to it.

I have attached this file:


In it one squad has no HC attached, one has HC attached just to the SL,

One squad has HC attached to the SL and two fire team leaders, and one squad has HC synched to every guy. Depbo it and check it out in the editor as it is the same in test mode as well as MP. You can note the difference each iteration makes on passing down HCS/HC.


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