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Hybrid Commanding System

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The simplest way is unPBO the mission, and look at the folder. Then load up the editor and see how the mission was setup.

Basically its like this,

1. open up editor

2. put some units

3 save the mission, say demo_HCS

4. alt-tab and go to your document/arma2/mission folder and look for the demo_HCS mission that you already save

5. in the you should se mission.sqm files, put in cent_HCS2 folder there. cent_HCS2 folder can be found in the folder that you unPBO

6. go back to arma2, setup high command module

7. in the leader init line, put this nul=[this] execVM "cent_HCS2\cent_HCS2_init.sqf"; (i think, cant remember exactly. just look at the mission kremator gave.)

the preview the mission, you should all be set

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I believe you also have to synch up the subordinate high command module to the high command module. At least that's what I have been doing.

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I think I will reconsolidate the script with your newfound BIS commsMenu. I hope thats okay with you.

about making it as an addon, I think it can be done, but I fear it may break some other missions esp warfare. will give it a go tonight. Still, it would only affected those mission that uses HC module. I dont think I want the addon to setup HC automatically.

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Sure mate .... do anything you want to it !

The majority is yours anyway.

The reason I love HC so much is that the WPs are so flexible. The addon idea (just like Soccerboy's Arty addon) would make it the DEFACTO addon for everyone! It's a great way for you to become famous in the community.

Setting up HC automatically would be great (although the mission maker would have to be contrained to certain names for the addon to pick it up)

See what you can do. As ever I'm here to test for you (you have my email)

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I like the HCS menu item but it adds another mouseclick. The user menu item will probably be mroe useful in the future.

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I like the HCS menu item but it adds another mouseclick. The user menu item will probably be mroe useful in the future.

I agree, its just that I feel it will clutter the group comms menu. but I think it can be made to not have the HCS submenu

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Once we have lots of lovely commands in there then it would make sense to have a further menu ... in fact your chernarus mission does have lots in there :)

What about get in and get out (or norrins onTop :) ) as other options?

Or actually getting Suppress to work :)

Really think this adds TONS to the game..... keep up the good work.

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Hi folks,

following the board rules I just pop in here for the mount problem we started to discuss in the user mission sub forum.

I'm trying out what Kremator suggested and am still at a loss in HC mode.

Kremator, if I understand correctly you suggested to select a HC team and (quoting your words: ) ".. use a waypoint over the vehicle. Click Type.."

Strange thing is that I dont have any idea how to "click type" for a waypoint in the HUD/3D view ?

What exactly do you mean with that ?

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OK. Select a couple of your team and split them using the HCS system by Mr Centipede.

Press Control Space to enter HC mode.

Goto the map.

Press F2 (or whatever F-key for your new team)

Click anywhere (or ideally OVER an empty vehicle) away from that team ... they will start moving. If you have placed it sufficiently far away (to give you time) RIGHT CLICK the waypoint (marked as X1 I think). A further command menu now pops up. Use the mousewheel to scroll and the middile mouse button to select.

The first option is TYPE. Mousewheel click that and another menu series will pop up. Mousewheel click GET IN.

The team will all mount then.

Have a play with all the HC commands within there. My favourite is the Timeout or Wait Until ... so that I can coordinate attacks with my fireteams.

Hope that helps.

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thanks for your detailed description. Using the map indeed did the trick :-)

Still, I find it a bit tedious to have it working this way.

I always remember my dozens of deads simply by fiddling around with keys right within a heated up battle.

However, it DOES work, and thats all that matters.

Will take a look into your Cipher mod right now.

Im sure I'll put it in for the next version (no promise though)

Thanks again !

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Could you please upload the mission again?

Why use crappy 10 limit? Why not put it on zshare each time? Well, anyway .. anyone care to up it again?

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Does this work with domination aswell ?

As soon as i respawn i loose the ability as High commander ...

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Havent tried it. I'm sure someone can run their scritping hands over it to make it MP compatible .... anyone ?

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These scripts work fine in domination as well as any multiplayer mode. I have taken Dom AI east and West and converted them to HybridHC and they work great on my test runs.. If you die and respawn you retain command over the AI.

We have this training map where you can recruit AI and it's nice because you recruit your men, split them off into squads and then send them off on ops. You can repeat this as often as you like and when you respawn back in you are still in charge. It's good stuff.

In all cases you can have a standard high command situation set up with subordinate commanders (or all, also have hyrbid HC available.)

I was looking into ensuring HC passes onto the next guy in line after death in GROUP REESPAWN mode. I put this script in the inti.sqf:

onTeamSwitch "selectPlayer (leader _from); {_x doFollow leader _from} foreach units _from; selectPlayer _to;";

If you create a sub group, and team switch to its leader you get full command inc HYbridHC is you want it: Through this manner in say single player, you can command a company of bn and teams switching through leaders splitting regrouping and what not all the way down the chain of command. I

IN Multiplayer same thing. SL dies the whole shebang passes right over to the next in command. Very sweet.

What I need to test is this:

Lets say you have a squad with one other human in it. You as the squad leader decide to take you human buddy and split off half the squad into a fireteam with him in charge. Will the HybridHC pass to him while you still retain it for the rest of the squad? I assume he would have to first of all be in the highest ranking slot in that fireteam. I will try and get this tested today.

Finally here's some test missions so you can see for yourself (they have briefings):

Please be aware these aren't final versions.

First off here's is XENOs excellent Dmination map with the HybridHC added to the squad leaders only:


Next this is the LHI_training mission with recruiting and HybridHC, read the briefing for details on how to use this combat training area. But you can continuously recruit split groups and control large forces. It should be played from the west side but there is an opfor commander with HybridHC to make matters more interesting if there was enough guys playing.


Finally this is the test mission with GROuP respawn that passe HC on to the next guy:


hope this helps...


---------- Post added at 10:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 AM ----------

BTW it amazes me that I still see a lot of uninformed comments around various boards by fairly authoritative people that HC doesn't work in MP mode or is limited. They must have looked at it in version 1.0 for about ten seconds and made a snap judgment.

This is going a long way to making a significant improvement to the arma experience. i think it is the single biggest improvement over arma 1. Guys spend all this time making realistic mods and maps, but in most of the online play, such as in evo or whatnot you end up having just individuals or small groups going off all by themselves all over the islands operating in a non realistic way. I'd personally like to occasionally replicate more realistic operations which I experienced in 25 years of real army. That is battles where you are an integrated part of an overall operation with teams squads or platoons mutually supporting each other at realistic distances. Either as a commander or as a troopie.

It becomes a more realistic command simulator and more of a chess game without loosing the fun FPS experience. It would be nice to eventually be part of an operation where say 10 guys are controlling a company each as Squad leaders and attachment leaders, or even a battalion.

Some things I'd like to see:

1. The ability for a say PL task organize and subdivide his forces, then recombine them into larger subgroups. becomes important as you go higher up, to attach or detach on the fly perhaps give an already existing squad a javelin team etc.

2. Some refinement of the scan this direction so it's menu driven instead of just pointing a certain way.

3. Simpler way to direct mounting dismounting of subordinate elements?

Great stuff either way.


Edited by Los18z

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Thanks Los,

Great write up and great work !

I totally agree that HC just puts A2 into the AMAZING category. Although it is by no means complete in what it can do yet, the flexibility over units is REALLY impressive.

I'm also looking into how we can have battalion sized forces under HC control. There is a command "chainofcommand",true that can be utilitised but i don't know if it works.


For info ... you last 2 missions in that link list aren't downloading.

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Ok thanks I'll look at those links. I hear the chain of command true results in bunching up of everyone on the same waypoint, but perhaps that can be fixed by right clicking on the waypoint and giving better waypoint properties will see later.

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Yes perhaps. I think that BIS removed the chainofcommand thing due to some problems - perhaps it is as you say.

Good to see others onboard the HC train WOOWOO !

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HCS not working in MP here too (see below).

Actually had no time to have a closer look into the code yet, merely ported it straight in the way I received it readily implemented.

Kremator, did you send me the most recent version implemented ?

In MP mode, regardless if as GameServer or Client i just dont have the HCS Comms Menu.


Another issue i'd like to point out is the mounting thingy , again :)

While it works flawless using map an waypoint type and such, it seems impossible to assing a specific vehicle for embarking.

Probably doe to the fact that the vehicle assginment is dropped after getOut - maybe saving it in a variable might be of help in a future verison of HCS ?

Currently when using the SILVIE module f.e. the outcome of a GetIn Waypoint in HC mode often is really funny:

Had all 3 grunts of a split team sitting in 3 different Civi cars instead of manning their truck they disembarked a minute earlier lol

Edited by Wiper

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Hmmmm. If the waypoint is on top of the empty vehicle they should get in that one. Very strange (and hilarious!) as you say.

I'll have a look now.

---------- Post added at 02:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:35 PM ----------

LOL ... have just had one of my subteams entering a house that was completey locked !

Of course it then crashed the system.

Is SILVIE having a disasterous effect on it ?

Until we get more HC loveliness from BIS I would recommendyou get your guys to embark when they are proper members on your MAIN team. Then when they disembark again put them into HC teams.

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Wiper try one of the missions that I posted such as altHCv3, I have played these missions multiple times via multiplayer with up to 6 guys and they work fine. Look at the init.sqfs or description.ext in them and see if there's some difference between what you're doing and what's in them.


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