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Guerilla Warfare [SP-Dynamic]

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aye, dl'd this tonight, i like it quite a lot!

However, I'm a tiny bit confused. The Panthera one gives off the notion that the player is of the Resistance, which is great. (I also prefer the Panthera scenery). The Duala one gives off the impression that the player is of the Blufor? I just had an attack on my base and I was cleaning up rebels by the looks of it. (Personally, I prefer the whole aspect of being a Guerilla)

Also, on the brief play I had on the Panthera one, it only looked like the civilians were in cars! Is this just me not looking around enough? or is that what the Panthera one was (or is it different in Duala)?

either way, great mod, I loved the Persistant Partisan for OFP, and Dynamic War for ArmA... ArmA is great for guerilla warfare... (though the AI makes it a pain the arsch) I do feel that on the Panthera you've done quite nicely with the ZU ural, and I don't believe that Guerilla's should have Tanks and thigns (unless they're stolen and stuff, in which case its grand)

So yeah, overall, 100% fantastic, just need a bit more clarification on a few thigns!

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MrN, do you plan on porting this mission (or Dynamic War) to Takistan? I loved your DynWay mission and would like to see a version with the Army SF against the Takiban.

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any y'all know how to re-arm / where to re-arm the ural with the ZU on it at the Rebel base in Panthera??? Its like one of my favourite tools and I lack ammunition for her :(

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MrN, do you plan on porting this mission (or Dynamic War) to Takistan? I loved your DynWay mission and would like to see a version with the Army SF against the Takiban.


Only issue I have so far is that AI is easy to overcome even on hardest settings I easily take all the bunkers and they hardly ever make it to retake them.Ai also has issues with detecting me at close range just kind of stand there and look at me for 5 seconds lol.

Edited by Vympel999

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Apologies for the late replies. Arma is not a priority for the moment so any requests for updates are not ignored but I won't be editing anything for a while yet.


Do you have plans for other islands and/or to update the Panthera version?

Possibly, maybe...

Also, instead of the scripted artillery that you're using now, what about implementing the Artillery Module? More realistic, more features.

No plans to, I can't get my head around it I'm afraid.

Only played it a little so far. In my few attempts I was killed by artillery pretty soon each time.

I think I set the default difficulty a bit high where the bad guys are more likely to use artillery. If you set it to regular, artillery should be less frequent.


I've noticed there are 3 batteries of guns sitting around the islands (need boat or heli to get to them), i assume they are the ones that fire. Never have been able to take them out, as for some reason the AI can rotate the gun 180 degrees in 1/2 a second...

If you can take these out you're a better player than me! (Not that hard TBH!)


Think it could be incoroprated?

Or might it bugger up some of your scripts?

Yes it would have made life easier and no it wouldn't I don't think.


I haven't even got OA yet...once life has settled down a bit I can justify spending the money, time and effort on games again.


I can't remember why I did things in a certain way, I'm sure there was logic there once.

Cheers for now


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Q, is there a way that I can get the contact messages to pop up in the Duala version?

its hard when in a city and these black fellows just pop outta no where and shoot my arsch

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I can load the mission fine, but when I try to reload it after saving or suspending I get the : you cannot edit or play this mission cuase im missing deleted downloadable content. It seems to be all the caa1 one files, but I just reinstalled CAA1 again. I have both arma 2 and OA running combined, but launching it with just arma 2.

What i dont get is the mission loads fine, so I have all the required addons and can play til I reload.

Any help would be great


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do u use the RH addons?

if yes do u use the non ace version if no

unpack the RH addons again and use the normal cfg's and your good to go

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I'm still getting errors like : caroads_e, castructures_e, caair_e, caweapons_e..it's still the whole deleted content error.

Also, a no entry'bin\ config.bin/cfg.model.default'.

Good mission, I really liked what I could play.

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im sorry i gave u wrong information. tought this was another thread

do u have the latest versions off all addons needed to play?

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thx Black.

It was bad mod juggling between A2 and OA, a mod wasn't the right version.

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I've started porting this over to ArrowHead in readyness for the UK forces mod!

But let me tell you all, there are a LOT of scripts to work through :(

Im having fun doing it anyhow.

Thought i might try inserting a new UN "feed the world" type mission too (you know, defend the truck while people get their grub).

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If you find a way to improve/expand or replace the AI-helo-scripts gimme a hint! Im stuck at this since a few days. The scripts in the mission let the helo get stuck too often and I couldnt find a better solution, yet.

One suggestion - when you port it to OA use only OA-stuff, cos theres a lot of players who only own OA yet. This way the mission would spread faster till the newbs get A2, too! ;)

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If you find a way to improve/expand or replace the AI-helo-scripts gimme a hint! Im stuck at this since a few days. The scripts in the mission let the helo get stuck too often and I couldnt find a better solution, yet.

One suggestion - when you port it to OA use only OA-stuff, cos theres a lot of players who only own OA yet. This way the mission would spread faster till the newbs get A2, too! ;)

Bloody good idea, old chap!

Will do.

I was going to swap for the US army stuff, but the BlackHawk has a horrid bug on it.

The gunners feet poke out of the side of the heli.

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Damn you - I havent even noticed that before... Think I have to return OA to the store now... ;)

Anyway... what Im currently doing is rather a rewrite than a port. The aim is to make the mission mostly script-based so it can work on any map that you feed it.

A kind of a problem is that damn "high-tech-army vs. goat-herders"- setting of OA. To keep the guerilla-setting I use the resistance side, but theres no useful helo on the restistance side. The MI is too bulky for my taste and the UH-1y can only get 5 peeps in when fully crewed. So currently I utilize the BH for that.

When you continue with your port dont forget to add crates with satchels and RPG+ ammo. MrN was too lazy to add them after Ive pointed out that they are missing. ;)

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Damn you - I havent even noticed that before... Think I have to return OA to the store now... ;)

Anyway... what Im currently doing is rather a rewrite than a port. The aim is to make the mission mostly script-based so it can work on any map that you feed it.

A kind of a problem is that damn "high-tech-army vs. goat-herders"- setting of OA. To keep the guerilla-setting I use the resistance side, but theres no useful helo on the restistance side. The MI is too bulky for my taste and the UH-1y can only get 5 peeps in when fully crewed. So currently I utilize the BH for that.

When you continue with your port dont forget to add crates with satchels and RPG+ ammo. MrN was too lazy to add them after Ive pointed out that they are missing. ;)

..I also started to try and re code the whole thing...but i suck!

So i'll go back to importing and adapting.

I was thinking of inserting the player via Halo, you know like the single player training mission? By the time he hits the deck the base and other scripts will have finished and he'll have time to select his settings on the way down.

This could take some time as my understanding of the web of codes in MrN's missions alone is poor to say the least. :(

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..I also started to try and re code the whole thing...but i suck!

So i'll go back to importing and adapting.

Change of plan. again.

I'm going to use BAF instead!

Can you believe i paid for this DLC, when they went and released them for free in the patch anyway?!

I am getting something funny happen though.

at the start of the mission, when the base units are created, the chopper spawns, but the pilots die straight away and i get a warning "chopper is down, we need to find our own way back"

Dont know why this is happening, i havnt touched the chopper scripts yet.

and it has plenty of room, its not like its banging into a house or anything..odd eh?

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No new updates on any of the dynamic missions (Guerilla War, Duala Dynamic)?

I have GW 0.22 and Duala 0.27 currently. Are those the latest? (I see there's a 0.23 beta... That working fine?)

What happened to MrN?

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I really like Guerilla Warfare, but I'm not a fan at all of the 'incapacitated' routine it uses, where if I get shot, I have to watch myself convulse for several minutes. At that point, you're not playing anymore. If you could skip that and get on with the next part (escape), that would be great.

If for some technical reason you simply can't code it to jump to the next section (say, because you have to play out the rest of the battle in real time), then it would be better if you could at least just watch the battle with a spectator camera, as at least that would be entertaining.

The combination of not being able to skip, the red pulsing, and the fade in/outs combine to make a really annoying experience, and I tend to just restart the game at that point. This is actually one of the main reasons I'm not playing GW these days (...I'm using the Cipher mod, which I really enjoy... although I do miss the call for support optino that GW has).

Is the GW mod evolving still, or has it pretty much ended now?

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I really like Guerilla Warfare, but I'm not a fan at all of the 'incapacitated' routine it uses, where if I get shot, I have to watch myself convulse for several minutes. At that point, you're not playing anymore. If you could skip that and get on with the next part (escape), that would be great.

If for some technical reason you simply can't code it to jump to the next section (say, because you have to play out the rest of the battle in real time), then it would be better if you could at least just watch the battle with a spectator camera, as at least that would be entertaining.

The combination of not being able to skip, the red pulsing, and the fade in/outs combine to make a really annoying experience, and I tend to just restart the game at that point. This is actually one of the main reasons I'm not playing GW these days (...I'm using the Cipher mod, which I really enjoy... although I do miss the call for support optino that GW has).

Is the GW mod evolving still, or has it pretty much ended now?


I myself have followed this mission from the ground up.

The steps taken to ensure an enjoyable experience have been painstakingly coded by Mr. Nasty over years and years of hard work.

..by the way, i am starting to import / adapt / recode (yeah right!) my own version of GW on Takistan, with BAF units.

I will be using the ‘rescue me’ missions.

You will be whisked off to another map (namely Shapur, located on the Karzeghistan side of disputed border with Takistan), randomly dropped into one of the area and rescued by one of the underused international SpecOps teams (German, CZ or US).

The capture and escape missions make GW awesome

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Sacrilege? I'm not saying to get rid of the escape/rescue segment... Just remove or allow the skipping of the incapacitated sequence, where all you do is watch your character writhe for several minutes. It's pointless (and irritating to watch)... You are not playing/participating at that point... just sitting there, watching your monitor, as your guy convulses. Nothing is gained by even watching it (...you don't watch the progress of the rest of the battle, or gain any insight). The fading in/out and red pulsing are actually irritating to watch for a minute or so.

By all means, keep the escape/rescue thing in... just allow the skipping of that long sequence.

I had mentioned a few bugs to MrN a while back (in this thread) that kind of killed the game, when they occurred. Like the times I had to escape, but when I was placed in the camp (to escape) it set the time to night. Being in complete pitch blackness, with no NV or light (since everything is stripped from you), it was almost impossible to even get out of the tent (since you had no idea where you were even facing, or where the door was.... let alone trying to avoid guards, run to a hiding spot, find a weapon, avoid getting shot, and escape. At that point, it was just stupid... like playing Arma2 with the monitor off... literally.

Guerilla War was my favorite mod for quite some time, but these aspects killed it for me, and I really wished he would have fixed that. These days, I'm playing Cipher, but keep checking in to see if GW has been updated.

Hopefully it does, as it really had great promise, and many aspects of it were excellent.

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Guerilla War was my favorite mod for quite some time, but these aspects killed it for me, and I really wished he would have fixed that. These days, I'm playing Cipher, but keep checking in to see if GW has been updated.

Hopefully it does, as it really had great promise, and many aspects of it were excellent.

Hmmm, guess we agree.

I see what you mean about the long wounded bits now, and yeah MrN was on the ball with fixes, but gues RL is getting the way of the important things eh?

Maybe i should pull my socks up and press on with my "DynaMish" then eh? ;)

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Ya, I'm always on the lookout for random/dynamic mission generators like Guerilla War and Cipher.

As I mentioned, Cipher is my current favorite for quite some time (I play it pretty much exclusively), along with occassional visits to my own humble little random scenario creation.

I was really impressed at the time with GW... especially things (new to me) like ambient activity (civillian vehicals putting along), riding the side of the helicopter, etc... and, ya, just those things I mentioned only really messed it up for me.

There's a few other suggestions I'd present (feel free to use them on your own project)...

Things like changing the interface to interact with the various 'departments' of the camp (commander, pilot, weapon guy, doctor), as pointing your gun at him is a bit odd (as well as suffering from the same finnicky nature as things like gates and ladders). Rather, I'd just put a big trigger area anywhere in the room they stand in.

I also mentioned that it SEEMED like the helicopter flight to/from the locations (while very cool the first few times) seemed kind of pointless, and yet another 'chore' to sit and wait through. He fully disagreed, claiming that things can happen during it. I'm not sure I believe that, but if so, then fine. Much like the long sequence of watching your guy roll in agony, the main issue (beyond it being a bit tedious) is that you do not participate. You just have to kind of wait for it to finish. Granted, the helicopter ride is FAR more entertaining (and less hard on the mind and retinas) than the writhing in pain for several minutes sequence... but, unless there's a reasonable chance of something happening during the flight home, for example, it seems pointless not to allow a simple 'return home' sequence. Even IF something were to happen (you get shot at?) while flying, it's not like you can actually DO much about it! You're not piloting the copter, so again, you'd just be watching.

There is also a bug(?) where it can be night time when you are placed in your 'prison' when captured... And, as I explained beforehand, that just leads to a ridiculous sequence where you are playing completely blind.

Cipher is quite good and solid... I DO wish it had support options, as GW has (airstrikes, etc), as well as some way to hard code it so you start with your favorite weapons at the start. The inclusion of helicopters/planes/tanks (for the player) would add some nice variety as well... even if they would be ones they find along the way, as opposed to starting with.

I'm eager to see new random mission projects on the horizon!

(Oddly enough, it seems the creators of all the random mission scenarios I am using have seemingly dropped out of the radar...)

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I've played a little, and indeed, it remind me flavours of DMA missions for OFP.

I'd like to adapt/port for Sarhani, and I'd like to know if there is any template existing ?

Thanks for help



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