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Germans Members take Action! Petition against ban of so called "Killergames"

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As a result of the last School-Shooting in Winnenden, german politicians try to outlaw so called "killergames" eg. cs, arma!! and even wow.

don´t let this happen!


The official Petition.

Sign and Spread!

Also: For those who love Paintball:


A Petition against the proposed ban.

Please be advised that overseas signs won´t be counted/deleted!

Sincerly ol´rusty Nephilim

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Could you tell me how many Länder already banned lans with fps ?

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at least 3 or 4 major lan-parties here in germany in the last few months, that have been cancled. they had counter-strike and world of warcraft in their program and the cities´council turned down the events due such "killergames".

but it´s not about lan´s its about action games, so called "killergames" like some populistic politicians call it.

they want to enforce a production and sales ban for such games in germany.

however, signing this petition will be a mark for those politicians, that they cannot just do about everything they want.

atm its´s pretty much hyped due elections being in september, but! doing nothing will just pass them on, which us german gamers, would regret of course.

Edited by 33150

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By länder i mean this, I couldn't find any source telling in which länder "killergames" are prohibited.

Edited by dunedain

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  dunedain said:
By länder i mean this, I couldn't find any source telling in which länder "killergames" are prohibited.

Answer is none of them. People are just discussing things but they're just hiding that they have no real idea.

Since no real important politican said anything against "killergames" I don't think that they'll change the law.

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It would have to pass the Bundestag with absolute majority before getting legally effective. I´d be surprised if it does.

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Since this applies to Germany, isn't it pointless to post it here? Would be more effective advertising it in German forums.

Yea I know there are German's here, but chances are they would see this in a German forum.

Edited by Maddmatt

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^Meh I'm not German but I signed the petitions. This kind of idiocy could easily spread elsewhere.

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I woulda be happy if they set a forbade for most of these games to be honest

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Maybe its for the best, your teens seem to like going on rampages after playing video games. This doesnt happen in my country. Maybe its something in the water over in Germany?

Whatever the case, the only logical step is to ban violent games.

You guys can still enjoy great games such as:

The Sims 3


Hello Kitty Online



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  boomar. said:
Maybe its for the best, your teens seem to like going on rampages after playing video games. This doesnt happen in my country. Maybe its something in the water over in Germany?

I hope you're not serious. Shooting rampages happen all over the world.


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@ Boomar are you really too young to remember the Port Arthur Massacre, Hoddle Street or even Queens Street shootings?

Yes it even happens in Australia.

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Signing the petition without being of legal age 18/ and being a citizen of germany is pointless.

Why did i post it here? Cause not everyone might notice this petition.

Of course the chances that such games will be actually banned are slim, but it´s better to state a point than to be sorry later on.

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the thing that gets me about all this is that school killings even happened in the 70's and 80's... i wonder what games they blame for those... idiots, those politicians...

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  Mc Speedfreak said:
the thing that gets me about all this is that school killings even happened in the 70's and 80's... i wonder what games they blame for those... idiots, those politicians...

Dungeons and Dragons ;)

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Interesting thread, especially boomar's refreshing contribution. A little sense of humour can't do any harm, can it?

I have been following the discussion, but not too intensely. My question is: What can the Internet Police do to effectively enforce a ban on video games - if it should ever come to this?

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Technically, the ban won´t ban the games itself.

Posession and Acquisation will be perfectly fine, at this current state.

Production and Sale will be banned, rendering the law as a farce... Everyone will be able to go abroad and purchase a copy, sliping any FSK/BPJS (German ANSI/PEGI) Rating.

However, Germany has passed a law recently that allows to block/censor Sites, that contain Child Pronography and several Politicians said this law could be also applied on such games.

Altough they said that the passed law is exclusively against Child Pron, it doesnt take a Rocketscientist to figure out what our politicians are up to.

Some wacko Politicians suggested that already.

And thats why a petition agaist that censorship was made, with moderate results tho.

Hammering Nails: German Politicians set up a lawsuit against a Austrian (!!) site, which advertised a game, that is prohibited in Germany and want the Austrian Gamesite to block that advert for German viewers, as that game could also be purchased.

Now the censorship-law will be passed up to the next highest court (Bundesverfassungsgericht), as it harms several groundlaws of our constitution (No censorship of media).

Edited by 33150

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Oh yeah, so it's a nations problem :rolleyes: If people wouldn't treat other people like shit such things wouldn't happen. It's the population who creates his own killers.

I wouldn't take those law designs too serious. German politicians talk a lot when the day is long. Somehow I hope they'll pass this law. This would mean a huge loss for new electers coming right from school ;) Politics will change in the next decade, the great parties will lose many members.

And if I'm wrong ... well .. they can forbid everything, but not break our mind, right? :)

By the way ... The Sims is making me very aggressive :D

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Guest Ti0n3r

Ban the internet while you're at it!

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  boomar. said:
Maybe its for the best, your teens seem to like going on rampages after playing video games. This doesnt happen in my country. Maybe its something in the water over in Germany?

Whatever the case, the only logical step is to ban violent games.

You guys can still enjoy great games such as:

The Sims 3


Hello Kitty Online




I´d even go a step further. It´s an alarming fact that many of the persons who went on a killing spree were visitors of academic high schools. Coincidence? The logical conclusion must be to close these crackpot-producing-facilities, as it obviously ill-alligns our youth. Brilliant, no?

Seriously, as long as politicians construct pseudo-debates for the crowd to engage in, it get's us further away from the actual problems. And that is fully intentional.

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Maybe just a sad coincidence but those countries which knew most school slaughtering share the same love for weapons, here in France it's kinda hard to kill bunch of schoolmates with a rope.

Edited by dunedain

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Seriously, as long as politicians construct pseudo-debates for the crowd to engage in, it get's us further away from the actual problems. And that is fully intentional.

Well, many straight thinking people of course don´t believe that games make you a killer.

But notices that atm, we have clash of generations of some sort.

Basically all polticians know jack about games and such, and most of the so called "experts" know either. They most definately know it´s jacksh1t what they are talking, but to atleast keep up the impression they´re doing ANYTHING to give "vengence" (in a way) to the families in Winnenden, they come up with stupid things, since its easier to ban something than actually to pick problems apart and work on real solutions.

Hence, they´ll move on with their "rusty" morale, and it´s for us to make a point and give a clear sign.

No doubt that if that law should be passed, the major parties (CDU/SPD etc) will loose ALOT of voters and even now since the EU elections we have quite a trend.

And if I'm wrong ... well .. they can forbid everything, but not break our mind, right?

Of course, but you can play mindgames in a dark cell one day maybe.

I´m not trying to convince anybody, but just trying to set some awareness, as one or two might want to sign a petition.

poltically i´m a lazy bum, but i´m not up for cranky farts passing laws on what i am to play and what not and what i can and cannot do in my job as a 3dmodeller/animator.

So in my respect, it´s better to do somthing once in a while.

Edited by 33150

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violence is not in the game or in other products (japanese animes or mangas). the violence is in the society. the only way to avoid crimes in schools --> mankind must change its way of thinking.

a game stays a game. games don't create mental illness, but our societies --> yes

And sometimes violent games are used to help people who have problems of violence (this is a therapy used in france)

but torture, rape etc etc must not be in games. this is just respect for victims and for the common sens

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  D@nte said:
violence is not in the game or in other products (japanese animes or mangas). the violence is in the society. the only way to avoid crimes in schools --> mankind must change its way of thinking.

a game stays a game. games don't create mental illness, but our societies --> yes

And sometimes violent games are used to help people who have problems of violence (this is a therapy used in france)

but torture, rape etc etc must not be in games. this is just respect for victims and for the common sens

AMEN , Brother!

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I don't like to comment on political issues... but lol:

Maybe just a sad coincidence but those countries which knew most school slaughtering share the same love for weapons, here in France it's kinda hard to kill bunch of schoolmates with a rope.

And I don't know what it's like in Germany, but here in the States the whole public school system is a complete fail. I can understand why people would be urged to go on a killing spree (remembers whole Columbine debate).

Aw hell, since I already posted here...

I agree there is a huge generation gap. Politicians don't know shit about children in today's society, or the games industry, but IMO these people are pretty harmless. Here in the US we already went through this mess; I've read a lot of books about this subject, none if which point to any connection between violence in games and real world crime. I put most of the blame (if not all) on parents, 99% of the time it's their fault (either something they did or didn't do), and if it isn't they're still responsible for making sure their kids are 'right'.

Edited by Big Dawg KS

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