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CBA: Community Base Addons public release!

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I have installed ArmA2 CO:OA so I understand that all I need is the 0.5.0 @CBA folder.. my question is I use the sixupdater to update my CBA.. do I need to delete the @CBA folder that I presently have and replace it with the @CBA 0.5.0? OR do I just need to copy and paste 0.5.0 @CBA into my directory and merge the folder?

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CTD Report w/ CBA0.5.0

Crash to Desktop whenever I load a saved game.

ArmaIIv1.7 + OA v1.52 + CBA 0.5.0

but I don't have CTD with CBA 0.4.x.107.

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CTD Report w/ CBA0.5.0

Crash to Desktop whenever I load a saved game.

ArmaIIv1.7 + OA v1.52 + CBA 0.5.0

but I don't have CTD with CBA 0.4.x.107.

Yes I have same problem when playing Operation Arrowhead with CBA 0.50. I have OA installed to the same directory as Arma2 so I guess I have the merged install allthough I did not buy the combined operations thing. Anyway I have tried using just @CBA and @CBA;@CBA_OA. Both have the same exact thing where they crash upon trying to load a saved game. Yes I reverted to beginning of mission each time after changing CBA version, then I would save game, and try to load it and it would crash. Also I noticed that when I loaded OA then tried to exit (w/o crashing) the application would hang and I would get a grey screen. I noticed the same thing happening using the regular ARMA2 exe with the new CBA as well. However if I use the old CBA in OA it seems to work fine. I don't have either of these problems.

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Can anyone help me with this error message? I've been looking all morning and can't find what the issue is.

Error when loading Arma2:OA or Combined Ops (I bought both separately on steam)

"Addon 'Extended_EventHndlers' requires addon 'CATracked2_AAV' "

I have tried using only @CBA (new 5.0 ver) and using both @CBA/@CBA_OA and am getting the same error every time. Now I can click okay and the game will still load but then once I get into the menu I get error

"No Entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Fire_Barrel.scope' "

Again I can click continue and get into the game but then as far as I can tell none of the CBA stuff is working then. (also in the error message the slashes are like that). If anyone knows what the dealio might be it would be much appreciated.

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not that i know what i'm talking about here, but:

this mod requires cba\addon\main\script_macros_common.hpp"


Im getting this msg aswell I cant even launch the game now!

Just so you know:

I had the Arma 2 all ready installed I bought OA so I now have combined ops,

So i removed the old @CBA 107 from my Arma dir. and replaced it with this new 0.5.0 one!

So I now get the message above so it wont even load, I also swapped back to the @CBA 107 but still get this msg

If my Arma 2 is now buggerd Im going to cry like a girl and explode into a thousand pieces!

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Hey guys. Im experiencing some problems with new CBA, i already posted this to Isla Duala topic

Hi guys,

First I must say i have A2:CO v1.52.

I just downloaded CBA 0.5.0 and using only CBA as it was said in readme.

Then I downloaded lates ACE, ACEX and ACEX_SM, all versions 1.3.

Last i downloaded Isla Duala v1.7.

Now when i enable it all at CO the game restarts to apply changes, BUT i get an error saying: "Include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp not found.".

With earlier version of CBA, ACE, ACEX and ACEX_SM it worked.

They told me to move pbos to exclude bad ones. What you can say to how can i get ridd of this error?

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Thanks for the reports guys - I'll try to reproduce the problems and will look into them.

EDIT: Resume crash using CBA 0.5.0 reproduced. (0.4.2 works fine.)

Edited by Killswitch

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Hey guys. Im experiencing some problems with new CBA, i already posted this to Isla Duala topic


show spoiler

Hi guys,

First I must say i have A2:CO v1.52.

I just downloaded CBA 0.5.0 and using only CBA as it was said in readme.

Then I downloaded lates ACE, ACEX and ACEX_SM, all versions 1.3.

Last i downloaded Isla Duala v1.7.

Now when i enable it all at CO the game restarts to apply changes, BUT i get an error saying: "Include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp not found.".

With earlier version of CBA, ACE, ACEX and ACEX_SM it worked.

I have fixed this, what you have to do is move @cba @ace @acex @acex_sm

from your arma2 dir. Then it lets you launch the game from the desktop shortcut, once I was able to launch the game I went back and moved all my mods back to arma directory, launched the game again with CBA 0.5.0 and it works fine. (With me so far).

Im useing the ingame Expantion option by the way

I have all the latest ace mods above but they dont seem to work with this new CBA 0.5.0, so I think its a case of waiting for the OA_ACE to come out

So with all my rambling my point is

If you have A2 + OA combined and use this new CBA 0.5.0 you will no longer be able to use ACE 2 as you will get the error msg above.

But if you use A2 + OA and JUST CBA 0.5.0 it works fine.

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I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm rushing, but do you know if a fixed version will be uploaded today?

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Yes I have same problem when playing Operation Arrowhead with CBA 0.50. I have OA installed to the same directory as Arma2 so I guess I have the merged install allthough I did not buy the combined operations thing. Anyway I have tried using just @CBA 0.50and @CBA;@CBA_OA. Both have the same exact thing where they crash upon trying to load a saved game. Yes I reverted to beginning of mission each time after changing CBA version, then I would save game, and try to load it and it would crash. Also I noticed that when I loaded OA then tried to exit (w/o crashing) the application would hang and I would get a grey screen. I noticed the same thing happening using the regular ARMA2 exe with the new CBA as well. However if I use the old CBA in OA it seems to work fine. I don't have either of these problems.

Okay messed around with it a little on my lunch break and I think I may have figured out what is causing the load save game crash. I was using CBA 0.4.2 in OA after having previously used CBA 0.50 and experiencing the crashing. Anyway after playing in OA just fine and using saved games withoug crashing I loaded up the regular ARMA2 exe and tried to go to the same user made campaign I was playing before thorugh Operation Arrowhead EXE, but whenever I clicked on it it would display the missions from a different campaign. And when I exited the game the screen would turn grey and freeze up just like it was doing with CBA 0.50 but now I was using CBA 0.4.2! So I ctr alt del to close program and reloaded. Then inside the game I choose a different profile, and selected the campaign I tried previously and it worked. And when I exited the game it worked normally as well. (it took me a little longer to figure this out than the sentancessbove would suggest, but the other things i tried didn't help so I won't mention them)

So it seems the problem is related to ARMA2 and Operation Arrowhead using the wrong profile after you have used CBA 0.50 . I tested my theory and removed the OA version of the profile that was not working correctly before from my document/arma2 folder to the desktop. Loaded it up and everything worked correctly. So it seems that what you need to do is if you have an OA and ARMA2 version of the same profile name then before you load either OA or ARMA2 go into your my documents/arma2/profiles folder or my documents/arma 2 other profiles folder and move the version you will not be using to the desktop. Then load the game.

For example if have a Landon.ARMA2PROFILE and a Landon.ARMA2_oaPROFILE and I am going to be playing in Operation Arrowhead, then first I need to move the Landon.ARMA2Profile to the desktop.

It would seem that if you ever used CBA 0.50 that the above is true, even if you are currently using CBA 0.4.2. I guess it writes something in the profile that ends up confusing it (havent had time to look through the profiles yet, but hopefully I or someone else will able to identify and correct it so that this procedure is no longer necessary)

As far as I know this only fixes the crash on load save game and the freezing when trying to exit either ARMA2 or OA, don't know if it will help with any other problems but probably worth a shot.

---------- Post added at 02:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 PM ----------

@funkstar what is the point of using @CBA if your not going to be using ACE? Seems kinda like wearing a condom to not have sex.

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I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm rushing, but do you know if a fixed version will be uploaded today?
Yes :D

CBA v0.5.1 Release Notes

Key fixes and changes from v0.5.0:

FIXED: Crash upon loading of save-game

REMOVED: CBA_bridge prototype

ADDED: Addon/Mod versioned dependency verification to Versioning system

ADDED: Upgrade check; warns when addons no longer part of the distribution, have still been detected

ADDED: Warning messages upon using wrong combination of CBA modfolders with OA Standalone or Combined Operations

Internal fixes and improvements

Full documentation is available over at the CBA wiki

Issue Changelog is available here


The addons, manual, functions reference and complete sources are included in the release. You download the files from here

*crosses fingers*

Edited by Killswitch

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still have not gotten an answer to the question do I need to delete my old @CBA and add the new 0.5.1 or do I just copy @CBA 0.5.1 and paste it and merge the 0.5.1 with my old @CBA?

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[/color]@funkstar what is the point of using @CBA if your not going to be using ACE? Seems kinda like wearing a condom to not have sex.


I was useing @ace @acex @ace_sm @cba 107 and it was working fine!

:note all ace files are up to date as I use six updater

I then see that there is a new cba 0.5.0 d/l that uses stuff from OA, so I did as instructed, I removed CBA 107 from my arma2 directory and replaced it with the new one.

When I clicked on my desktop short cut for combined operations, I got the grey little box and all the ticks but when it got to the last two boxes I kept getting the error msg "Include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp not found.". So I could not even enter the game.

After doing what I posted above I can now at least enter the game and play it without ACE.

But I still get your point OA with just CBA is quite pointless :)

I just need to wait until ACE works with this cba 0.5.0

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still have not gotten an answer to the question do I need to delete my old @CBA and add the new 0.5.1 or do I just copy @CBA 0.5.1 and paste it and merge the 0.5.1 with my old @CBA?
I guess you could do either. It might be beneficial to delete the old addons from @CBA\Addons manually and then copy over the new ones from the 0.5.1 release. This way, the @CBA folder will still be a "six-updater @CBA folder" and when/if ACE for OA is released, it can be auto-updated again.

If that feels iffy, just rename the current (old) folder to, say, @CBA_old and use the new one from 0.5.1

@FUNKSTAR: if you get this error message

Include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp not found.

it means that the addons in the @CBA mod folder wasn't loaded by the game. What does your "desktop short cut for combined operations" have in the startup parameters field?

(ACE v1.3 works just fine with CBA 0.5.1 and a "merged", Combined Ops installation)

---------- Post added at 09:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 PM ----------

Can anyone help me with this error message? I've been looking all morning and can't find what the issue is.

Error when loading Arma2:OA or Combined Ops (I bought both separately on steam)

"Addon 'Extended_EventHndlers' requires addon 'CATracked2_AAV' "

I have tried using only @CBA (new 5.0 ver) and using both @CBA/@CBA_OA and am getting the same error every time. Now I can click okay and the game will still load but then once I get into the menu I get error

"No Entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Fire_Barrel.scope' "

Again I can click continue and get into the game but then as far as I can tell none of the CBA stuff is working then. (also in the error message the slashes are like that). If anyone knows what the dealio might be it would be much appreciated.

Both those errors will show up if you have a standalone Arrowhead installation and load only the @CBA mod folder. The solution in this case is to load both @CBA and @CBA_OA.

If you really see these errors when launching a Combined Ops installation using just the @CBA folder, then, your installation may not actually be a Combined Ops installation. For some reason, the game launches with only the Arrowhead content.

(Also, why buy both OA and Combined Ops? The latter includes the former)

Edited by Killswitch

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I have been useing the OA ingame mod selector, is that where I am going wrong? :o

I will add the mods useing the normal method then by adding them to the start line and see if that works for me.

I also tried the 0.5.1 with ingame selector and get the same error msg

fingers crossed it works :)



If you was in front of me I would hump your leg!

Yes by useing the in-game mod selector cba 0.5.0 +1 messes with ace or something so does not let you play, but by useing the normal method of launching ARMA2 with mods it works fine i.e adding them to your start up line :)

Hope this helps any doughnuts like myself :)

Edited by FUNKSTAR

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I have been useing the OA ingame mod selector, is that where I am going wrong? :o

I'm not sure, but it seems you're not alone: same thing Perhaps there's an oddity with using the in-game mod ("Expansion") selector. I have noticed that one cannot disable a mod that's been selected once, so chances are that feature of OA isn't fully mature yet.

I will add the mods useing the normal method then by adding them to the start line and see if that works for me.


fingers crossed it works :)

Great. Ok people, for now, load CBA in the old-fashioned way using the -mod=... startup parameter.

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I can load my save game with this new version, didn't test for long but from what I saw there were no errors. Nice.

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How can I stop the splash screen from showing up everytime I go back and forth in the editor when Im not using the rte and I just go back and forth I get a long delay each time in an out as it lists some credits is there anyway to stop that?

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You´ll not get rid of that message if you try to laungh it standart shortcut metod, because when its once activated in game you can´t disable it anywere. At least I can´t, I still getting that stupid message.

EDIT: OK, if you activated mods via in-game manager and getting that error message, only way you gan get rid of it is COMPLETE REINSTALL of whole ArmA II WITH DELETING YOUR SAVEGAMES AND MISSIONS. Then you can use shortcut system, which works perfectly

Edited by BJHawk

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I wouldnt mind it once in awhile but when mission making it happens everytime you switch back and forth it is so annoying

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How can I stop the splash screen from showing up everytime I go back and forth in the editor when Im not using the rte and I just go back and forth I get a long delay each time in an out as it lists some credits is there anyway to stop that?
Nope, unfortunately not. CBA shows that loading screen while it processes a few time-critical things that need to be done before anything else is processed. There's no way to do this without showing the loading screen for a moment. (The random credits things were put there to have something shown while this processing takes place)

---------- Post added at 11:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 AM ----------

EDIT: OK, if you activated mods via in-game manager and getting that error message, only way you gan get rid of it is COMPLETE REINSTALL of whole ArmA II WITH DELETING YOUR SAVEGAMES AND MISSIONS. Then you can use shortcut system, which works perfectly
Oh no - you don't have to reinstall the whole game again. Have a look at this post where rexehuk shows you how to edit your ArmA2OAProfile file to remove the enabled mods.

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Edited by spangg
more testing needed

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EDIT: OK, if you activated mods via in-game manager and getting that error message, only way you gan get rid of it is COMPLETE REINSTALL of whole ArmA II WITH DELETING YOUR SAVEGAMES AND MISSIONS. Then you can use shortcut system, which works perfectly

There is no need for a complete reinstall, if you have MOD FOLDERS in your ARMA 2 directory!

Like I said my game would not even load when I used the IN-GAME MOD selector when I had @ACE @ACEX @ACE_SM @CBA (0.5.1)

Instead of a complete reinstall all I did was move these mod folders from my ARMA2 DIR to my desktop then tried again and the game loaded with no mods!

I then went back and stuck the mod folders back into the ARMA2 DIR loaded the game up, and again it worked fine!

After that I tried what KILLSWITCH said about what my start line was, so I thought I will give it a go the old way of launching ARMA2 with mods and to my suprise it works.


Mine is now:

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2OA.exe" -noSplash -noFilePatching -mod=@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM;@CBA;@mma;@mma_xeh;@DUALA;@WarFX_Particles_Beta_1.41;@Tracers;@Brit3Para

and the game runs fine as it used to, and @CBA is ver 0.5.1

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OK, FUNKSTAR, it wotked for you, but when i move folders back it started to annoy me again.

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Nope, unfortunately not. CBA shows that loading screen while it processes a few time-critical things that need to be done before anything else is processed. There's no way to do this without showing the loading screen for a moment. (The random credits things were put there to have something shown while this processing takes place)

Does CBA take that long to do it's initialization that it needs such a screen? Or is this just a ruse for advertising developer credits?

I'm not buying the startup delay story. Supposedly there was a lot of work to optimize the speed of CBA routines ( and ACE2 ) a while back. If so, why were the credits screen added after that work? Aside from the XEH component, not much in CBA needs initialisation anyway.

If I'm wrong, please show the timings of the routines that justify this.

Edited by Evil_Echo

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