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Aircraft rudder has a mind of its own?

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I'm a flyboy so I really wanted to take advantage of aircraft in ArmA 2. Right now I'm not sure if these are bugs or are intended.

I use a joystick setup to fly. I mapped my left and right axis on the stick to "bank left" and "bank right" appropriately. I noticed "turn left" and "turn right" but they don't behave like a flight stick, I assume they are used for mouse flight?

Anyway, I noticed when banking the aircraft the rudder automatically seems to adjust itself to help turn, but the problem is when banking 90 degrees to pull a high G turn the rudder seems to flail wildly without any input on my part. I also notice during other maneuvers the rudder seems to try and compensate.

Also, when applying full rudder one direction and releasing, the rudder automatically goes fully in the other direction for a second attempting to compensate or something. It makes it impossible to make small rudder adjustments when attempting to dogfight or provide CAS (close air support).

I also notice at high speeds sometimes the rudder keeps waving back and forth without any input.

It almost seems like the rudder is under AI control or that it's trying to provide some sort of auto rudder, but anyone who flies with a joystick does not need this automatic rudder, it actually makes it a lot harder to fly properly.

Is there a setting to disable these automatic rudder inputs?? Is this intended??

I understand that "turn left" and "turn right" might adjust the rudder to help mouse users, but when using "bank left" and "bank right" it should not affect the rudder at all. :butbut:

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The turning is the rudder ;) The banking is just leaning (banking) to one side then pulling or pushing to turn. So make sure nothings knocking whatever key is set to turn, might be where your getting your problem.

Turnign should be, by defualt set to x and c i believe. Least, this is what my settings are on.

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Guest RKSL-Rock

Ive got the same problem. I orginally thought it was a worn pot on my joystick but i get it even with keyboard.

It would be nice if we had an option to disconnect the rudder from the roll. It bloody annoying at times. Especially low level.

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The turning is the rudder ;) The banking is just leaning (banking) to one side then pulling or pushing to turn. So make sure nothings knocking whatever key is set to turn, might be where your getting your problem.

Turnign should be, by defualt set to x and c i believe. Least, this is what my settings are on.

It's not that, I have compeltely unbound "turn left" and "turn right". Like I said I have my joystick set to "bank left" and "bank right" and it still adjusts the rudder, x and c are pedal right and pedal left by default.

Left and right turn are originally bound to the mouse, which like I said I have unbound.

---------- Post added at 01:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:48 AM ----------

Ive got the same problem. I orginally thought it was a worn pot on my joystick but i get it even with keyboard.

It would be nice if we had an option to disconnect the rudder from the roll. It bloody annoying at times. Especially low level.

Yeah I mean I find it impossible to fly accurately, it's hard to be precise with the GAU-8 on the A-10 for example :(

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I can confirm this, its so annoying. But i have no idea what the problem is. Probably rudder linking to rolling, as already said.

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I've also experienced this. When flaying in a straight line, my plane likes to "turn slightly" left and right. I thought maybe turbulence was to blame but when I switch to 3rd person my rudder was flapping away!

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It help the plane to fly, seriously :)

I think it's a mathematical problem. The function BI used to automatize the comeback of the "flaps" is bugged. This function is clearly divergent, they need to re-calculate. There's math on it, BI should put one of their ingeneers on it (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_engineering)

-edit- oh and it's my #1 bug on my "wish it would work" list.

Edited by Blueshift

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I have the same issues with demo. I also had the same issues in OFP with a different computer and different control way back in 2000. Makes me wonder if they are reusing old code. I saw the TrackIR 5 and would buy it with ArmAII if only I knew the helicopters would do what I tell them.

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The only probs i get with the rudder using a joystick is when i'm going at high speeds, as you said just starts to flap left and right, which is really annoying so you can't go that fast, espically annoying in the F-35.

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same problem. Rudder just goes back and forth with no input from me. Makes delicate aiming a real pain. The faster the aircraft the more you'll notice it but its on every aircraft in the game. Would really like someone to fix it.

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same here, the rudder goes left and right after a hard turn

i get my game from gamesplanet.com, the first german version that was out

i hope someone fix this problem, i have a good joystick and a trackir but this problem is keeping me away from the sky of chernarus

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I don't think it will be a big problem to fix. I'm sure it will be sorted in time, but it won't be a top priority at the moment.

Sure it is hard for us to aim .... but we are masters of the skies. We can cope and adapt ... spray the target instead :)

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this is becoming a great frustration. i feel sadness, in my heart :P

can't aim for cent in a airplane

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The rudder seems to work properly only at low speeds. I can use its nicely for turning around when I fly slowly with a chopper, but at high speeds it barely does anything...same applies to the planes. And on the top of that, as the topic starter said, it then automatically turns the rudder in the other direction after I release the button. WTF? I dont know how they work in RL but propably not like this. In BF2 is is awesome.

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At high speeds the rudder should not impact direction much, or at all in the helicopters. The higher speeds basically force the aircraft straight.

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Rudder behaves properly on all planes except the F35. When I first got into that thing & took off, first you obviously notice is the rudder going back & forth. My initial impression was: holy shit, just like in real life, the plane is useless without onboard automated flight help system; bet they forgot to update the firmware back at the hangars. :D

It is quite hard to aim with the F35, accuracy being 15-20% on bursts, so it is indeed a bug.

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So its basically bs that in most games you can turn quickly with the rudder?

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I'm not making too big a deal of the rudder issue in the fear that they will "Fix" the rudder issue like they fixed the need for analog throttle...we all know how well that went :( and it really isn't the worst part of flying in this game. It annoys me more that AI aircraft seem to act like magnets towards each other and die more often of collision than enemy fire.

They may just end up coupling the ailerons and rudder to reduce controlability or maybe remove the rudder all-together and we'll get even worse performance and realism. The rudder seems to behave as a basic PID controller that never seems reach a steady state? If it is such an issue, why not increase the allowable error for the PID to reach steady state or allow the controller to correct quicker than a slinky spring! or a combination of both, or rather remove the PID controller middle-man between the user input and actual control output...that is if it is behaving as a PID controller in the first place.

After that debacle, I'm fairly confident that BIS does not have the foggiest on how aircraft should or should not behave. I would love to see vehicles in general get a major overhaul eventually...one of these days...maybe

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So its basically bs that in most games you can turn quickly with the rudder?

Yep. If I were to execute a turn with the rudder at the speed you can do it in BF2 (for example) then the plane would quite possibly go into a spin as I would have suddenly reduced the lift being generated by the wing on the inside of the turn... Not to mention the unnatural stress that the airframe would suddenly be under.

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I've got the same problem. I love flying planes and such but this rudder thingy really annoys me. I can't fly a straight line because the rudder is turning left and right all the time. I noticed it even appears on addon aircraft, so it might be a config bug or misshap or something. Does someone know how to fix this?

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i think that was a well known issue that has been fixed in later patches/beta...

what vers. are you running?

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