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The greatest ARMA 2 experience I have ever had.

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I enjoyed this experience so much I felt compelled to write a thread in the hope that people who havn't bought it yet will see what an amazing game it can be. I wrote it like a book :p

I was on the first scenario mission - Trial by Fire.

The squad I was in made its way quickly from the beach and approached the village, all looked calm, there wasn't an enemy in sight, my anxiety grew as I knew that there were enemies around me, but I couldn't see them. My squad leader, who had already shown himself to be an action kinda guy quickly ran ahead and disappeard behind a wall. The next few seconds were filled with chaos as shouts on the radio were heard along the lines of, 'Oh no 6 is down!'

I knew that it was the squad leader, I started to panic as 2 more of my squad were shot up by a hidden enemy.

The only squad member who had stuck with me was suddenly hit repeatedly after I tried find the insurgents, I dragged him into a destroyed church, at this time the fire had really intensified and someone from the squad had called in air support, 'too late' I thought. I began administering first aid to my downed friend, who I had dragged into this holy place, a fitting contrast to the horror outside it I thought. After several attempts to heal my friend, I noticed he had stopped squirming, I took a look at his face and could see the stillness in him, I left him and rejoined the fighting, by this time a Cobra was flying low overhead, blowing up an armoured car and causing the insurgents to flee, I looked at the chaos around me and realised that this was only the beginning.

ps: One thing that bugged me, who sends one squad to take an entire island? I mean come on, it leads to the sort of thing I just wrote.

Edited by Sky999

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I enjoyed this experience so much I felt compelled to write a thread in the hope that people who havn't bought it yet will see what an amazing game it can be. I wrote it like a book :p

I was on the first scenario mission - Trial by Fire.

The squad I was in made its way quickly from the beach and approached the village, all looked calm, there wasn't an enemy in sight, my anxiety grew as I knew that there were enemies around me, but I couldn't see them. My squad leader, who had already shown himself to be an action kinda guy quickly ran ahead and disappeard behind a wall. The next few seconds were filled with chaos as shouts on the radio were heard along the lines of, 'Oh no 6 is down!'

I knew that it was the squad leader, I started to panic as 2 more of my squad were shot up by a hidden enemy.

The only squad member who had stuck with me was suddenly hit repeatedly after I tried find the insurgents, I dragged him into a destroyed church, at this time the fire had really intensified and someone from the squad had called in air support, 'too late' I thought. I began administering first aid to my downed friend, who I had dragged into this holy place, a fitting contrast to the horror outside it I thought. After several attempts to heal my friend, I noticed he had stopped squirming, I took a look at his face and could see the stillness in him, I left him and rejoined the fighting, by this time a Cobra was flying low overhead, blowing up an armoured car and causing the insurgents to flee, I looked at the chaos around me and realised that this was only the beginning.

Great story! But it's also an awful story because of the believable deaths...and the fact that it reminds me that I STILL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL FRIDAY FOR MY CHANCE AT THE GAME! :D

In the mean time, looking forward to reading more AARs!

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My god, that was an amazing story. I imagined all of it like an action movie. Wow, I can't wait to play this game.

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Great story! But it's also an awful story because of the believable deaths...and the fact that it reminds me that I STILL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL FRIDAY FOR MY CHANCE AT THE GAME! :D

In the mean time, looking forward to reading more AARs!

Thank you and I was not exaggerating one bit, that is how it happened!! :D

I was healing him, they squirm and roll in pain, you can sometimes save them, but I wasn't a medic so its harder, he was just too shot up, I looked at his face and he was just still... I kinda went silent lol it was pretty emotional for a game ^^

Edited by Sky999

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Very glad you're liking it so much. It seems Arma II has found a new bunch of people who can appreciate something more than 'kills' and 'pwning'. You found its about 'team' and 'mission'.

Hope to see you online.

Edited by Scrub

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Very glad you're liking it so much. It seems Arma II has found a new bunch or people who can appreciate something more than 'kills' and 'pwning'. You found its about 'team' and 'mission'.

Hope to see you online.

Yeah im pretty much stuck with the editor, I've tried multiplayer but the majority of the servers have a red circle so I can't play on them and the few that are green aren't coop, Im not a warfare type guy, Im a guy that wants to take a town/ take out a camp with a few mature players who work as a team, all iv'e seen so far on servers are just instant teamkillings and people randomly running off into nowhere....

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Well, when all the servers hook up with 1.02, give them a try. Not to pimp a particular group, but the =Sealz= server has some great guys online. Need Teamspeak to hook up properly, though. (ask and they'll get you the info, also posted in the comments when you connect). Or you can hunt down a squad here: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=90

to get into more regular teamplay.

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Yeah im pretty much stuck with the editor, I've tried multiplayer but the majority of the servers have a red circle so I can't play on them and the few that are green aren't coop, Im not a warfare type guy, Im a guy that wants to take a town/ take out a camp with a few mature players who work as a team, all iv'e seen so far on servers are just instant teamkillings and people randomly running off into nowhere....

Wait another 2-4 weeks and you should see tons of more servers, maybe you could host your own and people will be keen to join you and play with you :)

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Wait another 2-4 weeks and you should see tons of more servers, maybe you could host your own and people will be keen to join you and play with you :)

with ArmA1, I run the server exe, then join it with the client exe and host games up to 6-8 ppl, no problem. Server shows up in the browser so publics could join.

I'm limited by my internet bandwidth for any more than that.

Point is, me and a group of friends can be playing whatever we want lickity split.

I can recall many Epic moments, and I cant wait to make some more .....when I get the game :whistle:

Beta Server exe is out now ;) :yay:


For more information please visit


Edited by [DirTyDeeDs]-Ziggy-

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Great story! Thank you...

I'm waiting for the mail man, like a kid on Christmas eve. The game is supposed to be in the mailbox today. Within 40 minutes or so it should be here.

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I loved that same scenario. My take on it:

We were dropped off on the beach and our leader tore off up the hill. I spotted a couple of civilians by a car nearby and approached them for intel, but they knew nothing it seems, so I ran up the hill after my SL.

At the top of the hill all hell broke loose, the SL started barking out orders to take out an enemy machine gunner to our front so I jinked to the right and came around a derelict building to get a bead on him. The SL kept him busy while I took a few shots and nailed him.

A further group of enemy up the main street had pinned down two of our squad members in the old church, and one of them was wounded, so I worked my way forward to their right and put down suppressing fire as the air support arrived and the enemy went into retreat.

Their empty position made an ideal machine gun point for me to give support to our sniper when he moved up to attack the retreating forces and this left the way open to the camp ahead, where I was sure we'd meet more resistance. We regrouped briefly near the church where a rescued prisoner gave us some information about what lay ahead and off we went.

I won't spoil the rest of the mission for anyone, but it's a great scenario and does feel like you're really part of a team in a firefight.

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Hehe, this thread is totally offtopic at all.

So let me turn it into Ontopic:

Since the expectations as a skilled BIS product user are pretty low, I was already amazed to get ArmA 2 started AT ALL after:

- upgrading directX to 9.26

- upgrading NVidia driver...

...but then I was amazed by the dense vegetation which makes it really hard to spot enemies.

Leaving beside all the technical problems and bugs, I can only imagine in my daydreams how great the experience would be to have a 9h crCTI WITHOUT AI driver problems, "receiving..."screens etc...........

:D :D :D no, seriously, being with the right guys on the right server it is a lot of fun, especially if you bring it with the right strategy to victory. Had already few very nice crCTI sessions, I just have to keep in mind that I am not allowed to pilot because if the "receiving..."screen hits me while flying......

Edited by S!fkaIaC

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I've had some awesome experiences with that scenario too:

After getting dropped off at the beach, I ran straight for the nearest visible houses in the village. Peeking around the corner, I could see up the street - several AI were skylining on the hill at the other end of the village. The road to my left sloped slightly upwards, so I decided to go prone and crawl to a good position to lay down covering fire for my buddies. As soon as I had a good line of sight, I unleashed hell. Thanks to my scoped machine gun (not sure what it's called, but I love it), I was able to take out two of the enemies before they even knew what hit them. The others ran and dived for cover. Soon bullets where whizzing all around me so I crawled back down the slope and out of sight.

Thankfully, my squadmates had taken their sweet time to catch up with me, so by the time the shooting had started, most of them were still in cover and moving into position. I decided to flank left, going around the village toward a large barn. Behind it, there was a small field where a civilian Mi17 was parked - and several tangos were visible through the gaps in a wall. I hit the dirt and fired some bursts in their direction. At least one guy was cut down, but the others had obviously taken cover and were nowhere to be seen. I fired some suppressing shots over the wall and through the gaps, but obviously I had overlooked one of them, as shots suddenly came raining in from my left. Fortunately, I only took one hit to the arms before I eliminated the shooter.

With my aim badly impaired and my squad mates busy with some armored vehicle that had apparently moved in from the east, I decided to take my chances in CQB. Moving in past the barn, I was able to get very close to the gap in the wall I had previously suppressed. As I approached, an AI came running around the corner and literally straight into my sights. Thankfully I hit the trigger in my spurprise and pumped the poor guy full of lead from close range before I even realized what had happened. Moving further toward the wall, I caught a glimpse of yet another tango running away from me. Obviously he had been spooked by the close quarters gunfire. Like his friend, he didn't stand a chance.

By the time I managed to regroup with my buddies, a friendly AH-1Z had joined the fray and swiftly taken care of the enemy light armor. With the village obviously clear, my squad was ordered to move up toward the airport. Flanking somewhat to the west, we soon came across a very eerie sight: at the top of a hill, about 150m ahead of us, I could see the top of some kind of vehicle, possibly a truck. Behind it there was a pillar of smoke. I didn't know what the hell had happened, but it was amazingly intense. Unfortunately, the moment of awe didn't last long.

Just as we were crossing the valley toward the hill, shots erupted from just ahead of us. I could neither see the shooters, nor was there any cover in the immediate vicinity. A few of my squaddies hit the dirt - possibly involuntarily, running being rather difficult when you're dead. A few of them legged it, but in no particular direction. In all the chaos, I had absolutely no idea what to do. I instincively unloaded half a magazine into the unknown vehicle and the bushes and trees ahead of us, but I'll be damned if I hit anything. When I saw one of my squaddies get gunned down as he tried to flank, I just turned and ran, bullets whizzing past me... until my vision went red and my face buried itself in the grass.

EDIT: @SifkaIaC

The only post that's off-topic here is yours. Check the thread title, check the original post. This thread is not about your driver and performance problems.

Edited by MadDogX

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Don't start


But this scenario seems to be pretty tenseful! Looking forward to finally receive my copy...

Damn exams! :-(

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lol... Americans... maybe they should read more books...

Noam Chomsky - Hegemony or Survival

Edited by 76
Undeceived beat me, so change +1 to a +2 :)

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im waiting for the demo, maybe we can play this there too?

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The only post that's off-topic here is yours. Check the thread title, check the original post. This thread is not about your driver and performance problems.

Hehe, whatever.

He wrote:

people who havn't bought it yet will see what an amazing game it can be.
...and I wrote how amazing it could be.....without that ;)
Thanks to my scoped machine gun (not sure what it's called, but I love it)

If it was WEST and 7.62 rounds it must have been the Mk48, big brother of M249. But it is not really with zoom.

I prefer the 7.62 Pecheneg at EAST side, it has a zoom, but it is almost useless in CQB

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Look at the brief again. There are more than one squad taking on the island.

My experiece was somewhat different;

I followed doggedly my SL as we ran up from the beach to the village. I suppose the enemy were tipped off by the helicopter landing and so were expecting us, but as my SL rather brainlessly walked straight into the village (a pity there's no radio button for, "Get down you fool!") an enemy lying in wait shot him dead in an instant. I took him out in revenge with a wild spray of bullets and moved forward, through the right hand side of the village. In order to get cover I ran through the open door of a house and into a room to look out of the window. Then something happened in Kansas as I was warped up into the ceiling and upper floor. Stumbling around somewhat blindly with my head stuck in the ceiling and my feet about 4 feet of the ground while making soil crunching sounds with my feet (and thinking this is just like that classic OFP feeling), I tried to get out of the building but got stuck at the top of the door frame. The enemy that I couldn't see saw me quite clearly through the brick wall in front of me and started shooting (he must have heard those incongruous soil crunching foot falls) with magic brickwall penetrating bullets. Now I was somehwat wounded but somehow, I don't remember how, I found myself outside again. I seemed to be safe for the moment so I hollered, "I've been hit!" and one of my squad mates lit up with a good samaritan blue star. Good, someone to come and fix me up. But hang on, you brainless twat! I'm over here! Why are you running around in circles and not coming to heal me? I yell again, he moves slightly closer in an alzhiemers sort of wandering way. I yell again. He creeps around blindly again. By this time I'm getting hoars but I yell one last time. Finally he gets to me, but the sadistic son of a just crouches near me and watches me bleed out. I search vainly for an obscenity dialogue I can hurl at him to shame him into action, but nothing happening. Then the enemy finally catch up with us. After looking at each other in stunned surprise for a few seconds, my supposed saviour is shot through the head and I meet up with him a few seconds latter.

Yay for the 1.02 patch :yay:

Replay, and pretty much the same thing happens every time; most of the squad just run about in the open and are decimated by the enemy with all-seeing-eyes of destruction. I feel glad I chose "Regular" difficulty. :j:

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I had a pretty intense experience on that mission too, myself and 3 AI buddies end up around a building to left of the main street. Can't see the enemy, but we're taking fire so I go prone. My comrades however don't, one starts blatting rounds off while another takes several rounds to the face. Not much I can do there, so I start moving around the building trying to make headway. One of the AI follow me, and somewhere behind me I hear a yell for a medic as the other guy's hit. I get the corner, poke my head round to see two guys trying to flank us. I nail one, but then the corner of the building disintegrates (not really, but there's a lot of bullet impacts there). Pinned, I wriggle back and my mate gets hit. I crawl over, drag him to safety just as the air support arrives.

AS I'm working on him, the enemy i lost track of moves up behind me and would have probably killed me had not a friendly AI arrived from nowhere and capped his ass.

Shortly after that I, along with two others are mown down by a MG I neither saw nor heard until after I hit the floor dead. Moral of the story, don't try running across a street all at once lol.

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Replay, and pretty much the same thing happens every time; most of the squad just run about in the open and are decimated by the enemy with all-seeing-eyes of destruction. I feel glad I chose "Regular" difficulty. :j:

You are right about one thing: the AI does get gunned down a lot. It is very important to lead the charge into the village and kill the AI on the hill before they get a chance to open fire. That way your buddies can get into the village easily and will do a much better job at staying alive.

Once you get that part right, the mission really is different every time. I've had intense situations where I was literally lying five meters away from the enemy light armored vehicle while it let rip on my squaddies. Other times I didn't even see it before it was destroyed. The AI also seem to take different routes every time when the village is cleared.

Edited by MadDogX

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