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Airplanes automatic rudders

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considering this isn't a flight sim are you surprised? The only thing realistic about this game is the 'combat experience'

Yes because I don't have this problem in OFP or ArmA, the planes in ArmA 2 are worse then OFP as far as control goes lol

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considering this isn't a flight sim are you surprised?


i heared its impossible to create planes in computergames wich can simple fly straight ahead aslong they are not in a flight sim.

The only thing realistic about this game is the 'combat experience'

now im sure you are joking :)

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i heared its impossible to create planes in computergames wich can simple fly straight ahead aslong they are not in a flight sim.

now im sure you are joking :)

I wasn't advocating that it be ok for them to poorly implement vehicle controls or physics, just saying it shouldn't be a surprise, however, if it is worse than the previous installments (that I don't own) I can't blame you for your disappointment.

And no, I wasn't joking. As a combat veteran and a veteran of other tank/plane/naval sims and a sim that has a true ballistic engine I can easily say, that the only thing that is truly real about it is the 'feeling'. IF you didn't get that experience/ambiance people would be far more critical of this game than they are.

This game is based loosely on the VBS system. Clearly they do not share what might be considered sensitive material between dev teams regarding weapons systems and such so what you get in game will be quite dumbed down. Another important factor to keep in mind is that the VBS system finds its purpose not in simulating combat as realistically as possible but in giving the military a somewhat realistic environment in which to practice coordination, communications and standard procedures without the high cost of deploying all of those troops and equipment to the training field.

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What are you on about? Read the thread title. Automatic rudder is applied when flying over 4-500kts. It swings left and right and make you unable to aim straight forward.

Besides that it crushes OFP and ArmA1 in flight model. Much nicer. It feels like this auto rudder saves you at times. Like auto break for a race sim kinda. But we sure dont want that and when you fly straight forward it should not swing left to right like it does now


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What are you on about? Read the thread title. Automatic rudder is applied when flying over 4-500kts. It swings left and right and make you unable to aim straight forward.

Besides that it crushes OFP and ArmA1 in flight model. Much nicer. It feels like this auto rudder saves you at times. Like auto break for a race sim kinda. But we sure dont want that and when you fly straight forward it should not swing left to right like it does now


Me? I'm on about answering a question from someone.

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When I was testing it I was only on the keyboard and mouse with default keybindings. Surely if it was device/keybinding causing it than it would manifest across all planes and not just two (for me).

Are we sure we're using a Roll/Pedal control setup and not the Turn control setup and still experiencing this problem?

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One thing to try as well is.. get the F35 into a stable hover and let go of the stick.. On my system it WILL yaw one way or another requiring rudder input to get it back...

Yeah, experienced the same here. I have to keep the stick twisted at all times to key it stable.

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Vote it ;)

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Wow, I'm pretty glad reading this thread.

When I've noticed this, I thought fade kicked in for some unknown reason, especially because it seemed so instructed (left, right, left, right, left, right). This thought became stronger after playing the 6th mission in "Single player scenarios", called "Bear Rising". It had a flickering map icon and the player abbandonned the tank right after the game was loaded.

I'm pretty glad to see this is just a bug, instead of fade. I do agree, of course, this should be fixed. Something must be pretty wrong if people confuse the real thing with fade.

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So far I havent experienced this bug. The planes are steady and react to my input as expected regardless of speed. I have no problems hovering the F35 either. I use a hotas setup.

Im not doubting anyone, mostly curious when it happens as I havent experienced it so far.

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Don't have that problem also, as a side note I use joystick with rudder control axis (X52Pro) and I did unbind 2 keys(controls) as another post told us before (think are turn left and right) those controls where the responsible of my not wanted rudder turns (it joins ailerons with rudder so you apply both at same time)



Edited by _Pi_

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I've had this rudder wobble bug and it's not due to wayward joystick inputs (I tried it keyboard only) or the turn/bank control issue (I know about it). It's a very real effect built into the game that is entirely separate from controller issues.

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I don't get what the reality of this effect is. When you fly straight against the wind (probably doesn't even matter with those kinds of speed), the rudder is actually "Pushed" straight when flying completely straight.

It's a bit hard to explain this without aerodynamic pictures, but I'm sure you get the point

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I tested the f-16 addon and the rudder is fine on that so it appears to be something specific to the built in aircraft...

Maybe they come with the new "failbywire" flight control system?

It really does make close air support pretty tricky, I prefer not to hose friendlies with fire from my aircraft's guns as I am not American.

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If you use a joystick then unbind, Left Mouse and Right Mouse from the rudder controls, this seems to cure it for me anyway.

EDIT: Well, I thought it had, but it seems to be intermittent or maybe I had too much rum.


Edited by Planck

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This problem hasn't been solved :(

Indeed, please BIS corrects this bug.

Fly an airplane is very disappointing.

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If you use a joystick then unbind, Left Mouse and Right Mouse from the rudder controls, this seems to cure it for me anyway.

EDIT: Well, I thought it had, but it seems to be intermittent or maybe I had too much rum.


did that already, no luck :(

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