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About _pi_

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Woot! Thanks, I have enough with this ;) http://browser.dev-heaven.net/generators/dac/ACE_USARMY Lets test now
  2. Impressive job, grats. *cough* Now, *cough* waiting for DAC_Config_Units and DAC_Config_Weapons with ACE2 units and weapons :D
  3. _pi_

    Pre-Order Of Operation Arrowhead???

    Will Nexway have it again?
  4. I will buy it like I did with Arma2 (with NexWay) and plaaayyy! Don't print things, SAVE TREES! :D
  5. Ok, that questions were 'cos I did see that man at the start fo that video trailer from OA moving hands at that big chooper :D Anyway I usually use that doc about signals: http://www.usu.edu/armyrotc/Visual%20Signals%20FM%2021-60.pdf Its old but works for my level ;)
  6. Oh! I didn't know, I mean for example to bind a key to each of those signals from the link, so I can guide a chooper when landing.
  7. We will have the ability to do this? http://www.sccfd.org/hand_signals.html I did search inisde this thread but I couldn't find.
  8. Voted Interviews, but I like the most "Round Tables" with 3-4 people giving opinions about something.
  9. _pi_

    I need help to learn how to snipe properly

  10. _pi_


    Did read it already before asking but I assume I will have to figure it by myself. Thanks for the help anyway.
  11. _pi_


    mm Also maybe It should work this init on leader of group? group this setVariable ["Team","Alpha"]; But how can I check later if a soldier is a member of Alpha group? in your example Alpha is a var name? is just a "text" it looks to me like a var name not a var value. In my example I set the "Team" var (public) a value of "Alpha" (text) so late in game I can check the "Team" variable.
  12. Hello, I am building a new mission for Multiplayer and I have some questions for you all. I have placed a group of players on a map, and I was looking "how" to name that group, for example "Team Alpha" but I can't see where to place the group name with the editor so I have been looking at the code and came to something like that: Being for example a soldiers editor name like "soldier1" (leader of group) soldier2, soldier3, ... group soldier1 setVariable ["Team","Alpha"]; Its ok with any soldier? If any of that group members die will keep the variable with him? Cos at later stages of the game I want to check if any player, being soldier1, soldier2, etc. is a member of that group with this: if (group player getVariable["Team"] == "Alpha") then {....}; will work? I am not at my arma2 computer right now so I can't test it but have been reading a lot and can't find any other way to name groups. Thanks :bounce3:
  13. Well, anyway ... to all server admins that use Evolution based maps just edit your BIS_EVO_CreateVehicle.sqf file and just after that line I do ask for add this: if ((_crewtype select 0)== "SOLDIER") then {_crewtype = ["RU_SOLDIER"]}; Now you will have around back some Vodnik cars you allways missed ;)
  14. Sorry I've searched a lot and after some testing have to ask you something to you all Gurus :) I dont know if it's a bug or its me, I do use this to search what kind of crew do vehicles need... _crewtype = getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "typicalCargo"); and with those 2 vehicles I think that the types returned are not correct? I do get just "SOLDIER" as _crewtype. Thanks :)
  15. But ... vegetables? Mean what kind of them? Broccoli? Carrots? Beans? :D Sorry but had to joke it :)