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WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

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Fun fact! In the future, everything will be hexagons. Cars, food, buildings... they'll probably invent some sort of language based off of angles and vertexes, too.

Woe betide the non-mathematically-minded in this grim dystopia we are creating.

But seriously, looks nice! Maybe it's just the art major in me talking, but I do love when people create their own takes on fictional forces and equipment, especially when the results are things like this, PRACS, the Nogovan Armed Forces addons that're in the works... etcetera. It's artistry in a subtle way, almost; you're taking things that are familiar and real to folks, and putting your own spin on it. Needless to say, a noble endeavor!

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an old project of mine...reborned :)

btw, still wip, plenty to do


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i love you for that one pufu. looking really nice. any info of what types going to be released?

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that's look like a OH-58D block II cockpit .... ;)

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Looks amazing, PuFu!


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Another shot, with the crye airframe helmet.. still working on the cage armour.



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Another shot, with the crye airframe helmet.. still working on the cage armour.





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Rhodesy what camo is that, one of your own creation? It looks really good.

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Are you going to tackle the OPS CORE FAST helmet mate?

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Rhodesy what camo is that, one of your own creation? It looks really good.

Yer mate, colours are loosely based off multicam, but in a hexagon pattern, cus hexagons are just cool.



haha, ill be releasing these guys to the public down the track, but probaly in a different pattern as these are for my gaming group. but you will have em soon enough.

Are you going to tackle the OPS CORE FAST helmet mate?

Yer been thinking about it, will probaly give it a shot, since these guys are set for arma3 so why not have more helmets to choose from :)



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A little something I started working on this morning.



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, cus hexagons are just cool.

Concur and liking heaps,

but evokes images of guys taking of pants and playing old school battletech on them. :p

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haha, ill be releasing these guys to the public down the track, but probaly in a different pattern as these are for my gaming group. but you will have em soon enough.


in a different pattern as these are for my gaming group

baaaaw ... so what are you planing to add ?

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Will still be hexagon pattern, just different colours. still working on some concepts.

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Looking really good! My knowledge is pretty limited as to what tank it actually is but it looks like a Polish 4TP?

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