Killerwatt 0 Posted July 8, 2009 The latest files from the caa1 download site seem to have cured my problems with the "pink line/death ray" Just a couple of error messages popping up and some textures not showing now, but overall its getting pretty close to perfect. These guys are doing great work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
madrussian 347 Posted July 8, 2009 You guys that are getting the CAA1 way to work... Can someone pop off a quick screenshot of the exact contents of your addon folder? I'm still having issues over here trying the CAA1 method. :eek: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PTV-Jobo 821 Posted July 9, 2009 Mee too Mad. I'm using ArmaLaunch and it only spotted the X file. So I tried it with it running and then I removed the two main folders out of there and ran those mod folders and still didn't work. :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killerwatt 0 Posted July 10, 2009 Well, Here is my set up for what its worth. My ArmA2 installation is on my "D" drive so your drive letter may well be different. I have two additional folders in my Arma2 directory, one is called "caa1" and the other is called "oac" the caa1 folder contains three folders, one called "addons", one called "docs", and one called "keys". These folders contain the files from the caa1 download site after they have been unzipped. The "oac" folder contains a folder called "coa_core" this folder conatins two folders called "addons" and "keys" respectively. The "addons" folder contains the two "oac" files from the caa1 download site and the "keys" folder contains the oac_core_2009_07_07.bikey file from the same place. Again these files were uzipped before they were placed into the folders. Please note that all these folder names are without the " in the name. Finally the shortcut was created and the following path was inserted into the target line in properties. Hope this helps someone. "D:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -mod=caa1;oac\oac_core; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r3volution 0 Posted July 12, 2009 I'm running just the core files buildings desert desert2 misc plants roads rocks sara signs as well as their associated .bisign files and there's minimal errors. Only a couple on startup and/or load. Nothing too bad, and no sign of any purple death ray or pink line of doom or magenta carnage wand or whatever. As everyone has said though, there's something definitely wrong with the way the mid-distance textures are processed because the long-distance ones are being used at v-short distance. I'm not finding a massive framerate boost though, but that could be more attributable to my pc being a mound of suck rather than anything to do with the original arma1 maps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
taves 10 Posted July 15, 2009 i finally got the maps to work in the editor, but on startup of the game i get this: Addon CTI_buildingsBmp2_hq requires version 1.09 of application and when i get in the editor and load a map i get this message: No Entry Bin\Config.bin/cfgvoice/Dan.protocol and it goes back to the editor not allowing me to start a game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted July 15, 2009 You may want to look into: CAA1 - BI ArmA addons in ArmA II The OAC core addon makes porting less work and less errors to surface. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted July 18, 2009 After some frustrated browsing around in dev-heaven I managed to DL yomas tool and all necessary files. And thank you kju! Its a true pleasure playing on arma islands!! I also get more fluent gameplay now than in arma2 so its great! Questions: Why the modfolder "x"? -its confusing for alot of people to use modfolders that way -it doesnt use the common @ that is preferred by many -it doesnt work with yomas addon synch tool!! (I ended up moving the internal folders out and making them into normal modfolders. Which means I have to reassemble the "x" when I need to update) Why so much files, its 2 gig? Are all necessary for the islands or are you thinking future compability for other stuff? Right now it clutter up the armoury. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted July 18, 2009 Thanks andersson for the feedback. I have answered your points in the CAA1 forum. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted July 18, 2009 Thank you for your reply kju :) Yes I do see the benefit of having a less cluttered arma2 folder. Dont know yet if the benefits overweights the drawbacks. But I do see your point. "x" is easy to reach? :D I know that @ is not that easy to reach, but I still prefer that old proven system with an @ first. The size, yes I know that there are alot of content. With future compability I thought that you makes it easier for future arma1 addon ports, which it was :) The reason for me to ask was that I first thought that the pack was only about the islands and they dont need all the files. Imho it would be nice to have an island only pack in addition. It would also be nice to get arma1 weapons 100% compatible (right now problems with some sights and M136 rockets). Also to replace as many weapons as possible to arma2 equivalent would be nice to have less clutter in the armory. Please take this constructive as I am really fond of what you done! Been playing old nice missions on Sahrani tonight. The performance boost also helps the guys with weaker systems. The oac helps me to port over my old favorites without too much mission.sqm editing. So thumbs up and please continue to improve this! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted July 19, 2009 Hi kju, I get this error now and then; "effects/ is not a class." Im quite sure its related to oac. I got it in alot of arma1 missions on Sahrani and when I cleaned up the mission.sqm so the mission only uses arma2 units it disapears. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dmahon 10 Posted July 27, 2009 1.) create a modfolder and name it like u did @opx 2.) create a folder INSIDE the folder @opx and name it "addons" (without the quotes) 3.) copy listed files into the folder with the name addons 4.) copy the files from opteryx maps into the same folder with the name addons. 5.) now you add in your arma shortcut your modfolder , it should read like this: Followed all of these steps very closely but i'm getting an error on startup saying "Addons CTI_buildingsBmp2_hq requires version 1.09 of application" i don't get it, is it a version mismatch of whatever patch is installed on my install of Arma 1? problem is i don't have Arma 1 installed properly, i have it installed on a portable hard drive and somewhewre along the lines my install got corrupted and it wont start up or tell me what version i was running on, does this mean the only way i'm gonna get this running is to install arma 1, download & install the patch and after all that just to get some files? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Peregrine 0 Posted July 29, 2009 Im having the same error as Dmahon. I do whats said on the front page and when I start the game it says "Addons CTI_buildingsBmp2_hq requires version 1.09 of application". Does anyone know a fix? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
p75 10 Posted July 29, 2009 Im having the same error as Dmahon. I do whats said on the front page and when I start the game it says "Addons CTI_buildingsBmp2_hq requires version 1.09 of application". Does anyone know a fix? I get the same error. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
horror1 10 Posted July 30, 2009 the error is normal u can just cick ok and it should work. the version mismatch is caused by the arma2 version 1.02 but arma1 versions of files require 1.09 version:) nothing to bother about there will be at least 2 more errors when u start the maps, just click ok and it should work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thorhal 10 Posted August 1, 2009 Got evolution working on Sahrani. there you go: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites