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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment Mod 2

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Great job I love the flashlights and the flares on the ground. Very promising. You guys think ACE2 will work with OA? I mean with the updated engine and added features. Also will King Homer's M1A2s make a comeback or are OA's M1A2s just going to be modified?

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please keep the youtube vids of ACE 2 features coming. great work.

a question. will it be possible to carry a rifle and shotgun at the same time, just as troops do on the battlefield?

you could use your M4 as normal, then switch to the shotgun for a hard entry to clear a house.

after all, if i can carry a rocket launcher and M4 at the same time, why not a shotgun?

thanks again. and please keep the youtube previews coming.:)

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pete10, damn right, man! I think it'll be great to use the second weapon slot not only for the grenade launchers:)

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Njaminjami... This would be awesome, never noticed a mod like this in ArmA1... so it would be great to see it in ACE2.... :yay:

Regards Culti

Missed this addon too, this is a MUST to finish off air flight, I mean this pretty much nails exactly what flight sims do .. must get that code past over and inserted direct into ACE :yay:

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please keep the youtube vids of ACE 2 features coming. great work.

a question. will it be possible to carry a rifle and shotgun at the same time, just as troops do on the battlefield?

you could use your M4 as normal, then switch to the shotgun for a hard entry to clear a house.

after all, if i can carry a rocket launcher and M4 at the same time, why not a shotgun?

thanks again. and please keep the youtube previews coming.:)

That was possible even back in the first ACE for ArmA1, you could carry any 2 weapons you wished. Like a SCAR and an MP5 etc.

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Great work so far guys!

Loved ACE1 already, was impossible to play Arma without it, after i tryed it once.

Few things to the Blur effects near heavy MGs etc.

I think the effect is far too much, and would be happy about bit different solution.

1. Maybe make the Blur just at beginning, the 1st few seconds, but then weak it very much down. (like you are frightend and not used to the loud noise at beginning)

2. Is it possible to add items like earprotection? Dont know if/how its used in realwar.

So dont make the blur so massive but make ear-ringing more intense. And if you are longer time near loud guns, let the effect stay like 30sec to 1min, until its vanished.

If you use earprotection you would have no effect at all, just all noises quitend down.

next thing:

Will there be anything like in the SLX mode or JTD?

With combination of this mode its much more athmospheric, because hole cities and forrest can burn down, much much smoke is over the battlefields, people can catch fire and run around, the engine of your vehicle can catch fire etc.

Would be a very good thing to have this effects together in ACE2

Edited by KrAziKilla

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Some people has saying that has a bug on the casted empyt shell who may cause some server lag.That made me confuse :$

I'm pretty sure it was client-side "lag" only, the game slowing down after a while because the empty casings kept piling up. IIRC there was such bug in one version of ACE but they got rid of it pretty quickly.

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WRT - zombies, ninja, gore. No, that stuff is for other mods to provide.

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a question. will it be possible to carry a rifle and shotgun at the same time, just as troops do on the battlefield?

you could use your M4 as normal, then switch to the shotgun for a hard entry to clear a house.

after all, if i can carry a rocket launcher and M4 at the same time, why not a shotgun?

If my memory doesn't fail me there was a feature in ACE 1, weapon on back option, wich way you could bring two primary weapons with yourself, only the weapon wich "was on the back" wasn't visible. So in ACE 1 you can already bring and M4 and a shotgun with you. My guess you'll be able to do that in ACE 2 too.

Edit: sorry, I see Cole answered it already :j:

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Are the teamleaders icons going to be fixed? Means they are not that big and maybe textured?


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If my memory doesn't fail me there was a feature in ACE 1, weapon on back option, wich way you could bring two primary weapons with yourself, only the weapon wich "was on the back" wasn't visible. So in ACE 1 you can already bring and M4 and a shotgun with you. My guess you'll be able to do that in ACE 2 too.

Edit: sorry, I see Cole answered it already :j:

thanks guys

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Since Scubaman sayd about a less weapons on ACE2, but since ACE focus on arming the soldiers with equipment deployed with troops in real life...

We can spect some news weapons to Russian Factions?

Like a AN-94 in use by Spetnaz, or a change on a already existing weapon; like those M4and M16 showed on the new video?^^

Or some change in Uniform.

Something i missed on both ArmA's and ACE is the absence of very used gun, the RPD.Would be awesome if you guys make one or if some one dante to the MoD.

Remembered a post somewhere here on BIS forum, where Pufu says about him modeling a SKS, really hope its on ACE2 :D.

We can spects new factions or ACE will use the game armys only?(Maybe in future new faction add's)

With those new blur's effects would love to see how is the new efect when hit by a backblast :3.

Awesome job as aways.

Cheers guys ^^


Edit: Hope you guys change the PSO scope like done with the Acog.

In game PSO:


Real PSO:


Edited by jhoson14

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Since Scubaman sayd about a less weapons on ACE2, but since ACE focus on arming the soldiers with equipment deployed with troops in real life...

I guess the idea would be to have all weapons of the same quality (quality over quantity)...

We can spect some news weapons to Russian Factions?

You never know...

or a change on a already existing weapon

What kind of change do you got in mind?

The M4s/M16s have been done by panda for ACE1, so it was easier to have a port over...

Or some change in Uniform.

Why would one change a uniform that has been done properly in the first place? Just for the sake of it is not gonna cut it...

Remembered a post somewhere here on BIS forum, where Pufu says about him modeling a SKS, really hope its on ACE2 :D.

From the weapons i got started, and none finished, neither is a SKS. It was either daSquade or Scuba i guess...

We can spects new factions or ACE will use the game armys only?(Maybe in future new faction add's)

Give an example of factions...Not sure why more would be needed...

Hope you guys change the PSO scope like done with the Acog.

In game PSO:


Real PSO:


Indeed the ref images for Dragunov looks like the one you posted (it has been designed for 7.62 rounds).

Still, like ACOGs, there a huge number of models out there...

DRAGUNOV PSO - note that ingame PSO is a 6x magnification

ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

AK PSO - note that ingame PSO is a 4x magnification

ref1, ref2

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We can spect some news weapons to Russian Factions?
You never know...

An idea could be also a FAL for the guerrilla side .. It could use the same ammunition and mag of the m14 .. like in "Jam" ..

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What kind of change do you got in mind?

The M4s/M16s have been done by panda for ACE1, so it was easier to have a port over...

Some Russian soldiers use the 1P29 Scope.Has just asking...maybe we see some diferent equipment we havent seen on ACE1 or ArmA II has coming to ACE2 ^^

Or maybe the Add of a RPD to insurgents

Has just curious

PS: 1P29



It was either daSquade or Scuba i guess...

So, my bad!

Give an example of factions...Not sure why more would be needed...

Like Afghan Insurgents, Civil Militias and so on.


Havent got it very well...

Since Pufu sayd there's a lot of Types of PSO, so you guys are sticking with the Vanilla one?

The posted pic has from a PSO-1 wich is really 4x, this one is sayd to be the Dragunov standard.

Edited by jhoson14

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An idea could be also a FAL for the guerrilla side .. It could use the same ammunition and mag of the m14 .. like in "Jam" ..

Fal is already in and has been since ACE1. They use different mags than M14 though.

Basically, ACEX will have approximately the same weapon content as ACE1, but without the SCARs. The HK416s and HK417s might not make it either, depending if I have the time or the will to convert them - but both of these commodities are in short supply right now.

There will hopefully be some new, tricked out M4-based weapons, with a custom (Magpul) upper/lower receiver, RAS, and new accessories.

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Whaaaaat, no HK's?

z0r.de Loop #842

But they are my favorite weapons in A.C.E :butbut:

Ah well. It's not set in stone yet.

By the way, big shiny congratulations on A.C.E 1, it's a masterpiece.

Brought me back to ArmA after a long absence.

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ACEX will have approximately the same weapon content as ACE1, but without the SCARs. The HK416s and HK417s might not make it either
I just died a little inside :(

Either way, the mod looks great and I can't wait for release.

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WowowowowowowowoWOWO No hk416/7 !!!!!!! ............................ thats just wrong imo those rifles are awsome :( The scar i dont give a fook about but the Hk family are the best rifles out there atm.

Hope you can create some time to get these beauties in

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@scubaman3D- tell me why without Scars?

The answer is a bit more complicated than this, but it resumes to the same in the end: there will be SCARs in OA.

Hope you can create some time to get these beauties in

Can you PM with your formula for creating TIME? I'd love it, since i am short on it lately...:rolleyes:

will the ACE-Mod make CQB enjoyable?

What is CQB enjoyable for you?

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The answer is a bit more complicated than this, but it resumes to the same in the end: there will be SCARs in OA.

And what is the answer to the possibility of no HK's in A.C.E 2?

I'm not demanding anything, really, but the HK series are really popular rifles, many people use them, and in addition, they are a welcome change to the in my opinion overused M16/M4/M14 weaponry.

I just really do hope that the HK family will find it's way into A.C.E 2

Used them whenever I had the chance to in A.C.E

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And what is the answer to the possibility of no HK's in A.C.E 2?

scuba already answered:

The HK416s and HK417s might not make it either, depending if I have the time or the will to convert them - but both of these commodities are in short supply right now.

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