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Hey guys,

can anyone tell me where the settings are for the FOV settings are located? The FOV especially in cars is too zoomed in imo.

I found a FOV setting in the Arma.Profile but that seems to be the general FOV.


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I consider that as a bug since Arma1 1.09.

You can't view your speed/whatever indicators anymore and you get no sense for speed since its absolutely to much zoomed-in

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In the configs. For an overview try the allInConfig:


Thanks for helping me,

i searched for keywords like "vehicle" "camera" "zoom" but couldnt find the proper line...considering that its not easy to find it in a file with 386191 lines of code! :eek:

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That "zoom problem" has been one of the most annoying bugs in ArmA1.

In ArmA2, there is the same problem(thanks for ignoring BIS Team), but I have a "very special" fix for this.

As ArmA2 supports multiple input devices(joysticks, joypads, wheels, etc), you only need a unused controller with a "throttle function".

I'm using the logitech wingman rumblepad:


Just configure the zoom in/out (continuously) to the "sliding throttle".

Now you can set a fixed zoom to whatever value you like!

I'm using a complete zoom out as I think, my real eye has no zoom, why should my virtual eye have one?!

Oh, and I also drive cars/trucks/tanks/etc with the pad sometimes. It's fun!

MfG Lee ;)

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The zoom in games are there to gives us the "real FOV", like you put your head at the screen looking into the game. Since monitors are generally too small games have to zoom OUT the view to give us some periphery (spelling?) view. So the zoomed out view is too far and the zoomed in view is the actual view. But when its zoomed in - you also see very little of the game. So all FPS games do this to give us bigger view.


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I'm playing on a 37" FullHD LCD-TV, so the full zoom out "feels" just right for me.


MfG Lee ;)

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Hi, thanks for share with us that you're rich, Lee H. Oswald... know that the game looks

great on you 37" monitor "makes me very happy" on my 17" monitor. "Thanks..." . Let's C ya

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I'm playing on a 47" TV.

Did people still use smaller monitors? :p


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Dont hate the player, hate the game :D

But yes, the default FOV in vehicles is perhaps a bit too small.

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That "zoom problem" has been one of the most annoying bugs in ArmA1.

In ArmA2, there is the same problem(thanks for ignoring BIS Team), but I have a "very special" fix for this.

As ArmA2 supports multiple input devices(joysticks, joypads, wheels, etc), you only need a unused controller with a "throttle function".

I'm using the logitech wingman rumblepad:

Just configure the zoom in/out (continuously) to the "sliding throttle".

Now you can set a fixed zoom to whatever value you like!

I'm using a complete zoom out as I think, my real eye has no zoom, why should my virtual eye have one?!

Oh, and I also drive cars/trucks/tanks/etc with the pad sometimes. It's fun!

MfG Lee ;)

Wouldnt that mean, that everything is zoomed out, not just in vehicles? do you use the Z axis on your trackIR? i cant get it work properly. whats your settings pls?

Hi, thanks for share with us that you're rich, Lee H. Oswald... know that the game looks

great on you 37" monitor "makes me very happy" on my 17" monitor. "Thanks..." . Let's C ya

They are not that expensive if you live in Europe or US....

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I hate you.


hate is not enough hihi

By the way hes the Lee Harvey Oswald

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I have no TrackIR, the TrackIR-settings are ArmA default. Just add the gamepad to that functions.

Yes, everything is zoomed out, works great for me. But you can zoom in/out as far as you like with the throttle control.

Oh, and I'm not rich, that 37" cost me 599,- Euros last december. I think that's affordable and what the hell I'm working for? ;)

MfG Lee:)

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IRL you also don't have issues spotting people standing 300m away from you without any zoom. In games you would have issues even with 50" monitors, simply because the target will be 1-3 pixels in size, depending on your resolution. Currently no monitors have enough resolution to keep both a realistic FOV and realistic visibility, you'd need at least 4-5000 pixels as your monitor's width for that, regardless of monitor size.

I just wish they'd allow you to zoom in/out in ALL settings, that is with all weapons and all vehicles and with all scopes too. Scope zooming would be done by taking a part of the view and stretching it over the entire monitor, just like normal zooming is done - the current zoom while using NV is not the right way to do it. To keep things real, though, limit the max zoom to the amount that would allow you to spot a target at the range you could IRL and nothing more. That is, max zoom on a no zoom weapon should be able to see people clearly up to 300m and unclearly up to 500m and pixeled up to 1000m. Zoom sights should have proportional view distances.

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I noticed sitting in the LAV25 driving i saw the road 50% of the time. Anytime the road goes/ground go downwards slightly i see nothing. So when you need a get away or want to be safe from bullets its hard to drive from inside. Better FOV is needed. Its these "small" tweaks now that will make ARMA2 even better.

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72;1301640']I noticed sitting in the LAV25 driving i saw the road 50% of the time. Anytime the road goes/ground go downwards slightly i see nothing. So when you need a get away or want to be safe from bullets its hard to drive from inside. Better FOV is needed. Its these "small" tweaks now that will make ARMA2 even better.
Thats not so far of since the drivers periscopes are not known for their wide field of view. The only problem in ArmA II is that you got only one of them.

btw...did you use the interior view did you pushed the "0" Button?

I just ask because i can see the Road most of the time.

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I have no TrackIR, the TrackIR-settings are ArmA default. Just add the gamepad to that functions.

If you want to be zoomed out all the way all the time, you can just remove the default trackir-bind to the "zoom in/out" map, no need to bind it to a throttle control that way. At least this works in A1.

I used this for a while, I preferred it whenever in a vehicle but found the default zoom better when on foot, so I've switched it back to the default bind.

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SOLUTION: look for <username>.ArmA2Profile in ur windows docs/arma2 folder,

modify fovLeft to adjust your BASE fov (without pressing - or +, you can have a wider or narrower view)

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Shameless plug ahead ;)

I added an addon in the new version of my GUI pack to reduce the standard zoom in cars.

Some feedback about it would be nice, any vehicles that don't work, still too much zoom/not enough, etc.

If you want to make your personal version feel free to use mine as a start.

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