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Sound Engine, How Does That Sound To You?

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I'd like to discuss the sounds and sound engine. I'm a long time musician (well drummer actually, guitarists will say we're not musicians) and always interested in all things audible. I've made my own sound mods for OFP/VBS, they were a combination of other sound mods for personal use and I dont think it will be needed for Arma2

I've been playing around with German version i bought online and i have to say I'm extremely impressed with the quality of the sounds but i have a gripe with sound direction. Using head phones its very hard to ascertain where the sounds are coming from. I'm hearing shots coming from directions where there is clearly no one.

Do people with a surround sound speaker system have this directional problem too?

I can only think of 1 sound atm that i wasnt impressed with and thats the sound when moving while prone, it repeats a little too quickly, but I've impressed by 50x more than that 1. Made me jump 1st time i was standing next to a tank when it fired.

I don't think sound mods are going to be necessary like in Arma/OFP.


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Not having the game I cannot say too much. I did hear the prone crawling in a video you mentioned and I agree with your thoughts on it. Actually I think it was the very same sound from ArmA1 if I'm correct.

The only sound that I've heard form videos that has left a bad taste in my mouth was the sound of the GAU-8 firing from the A-10 in this video:


If someone can confirm that it does indeed sound like that, I really hope it gets changed. I want my GAU sounding like God unzipping his pants just before the surprise buttsex you are about to receive.

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LOL nice analogy about gods zipper. I agree with you to. I'm not concerned so much if the sounds are not totally accurate but it has to "sound right". Sounding right gives a lot to immersion. The m2 sounds right, its got alot of balls to it, the GAU8 you posted dosnt .

Im not a fan of the robotic voices either, the way when a character is talking in combat it will seem like many different voices have said the one sentence "Man, close, at left" will be said with 4 different tones and its very hard to realise that its supposed to be 1 person talking. If you get 4-5 lines close together it becomes a blur of different voices and tones.

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I have same issues when using my headphones. When I switch to my x-fi sound card/ 2 speakers and a sub I can hear it more in directions or distance. Seems like headphones are the issue.

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Several more, err, distant versions in this

The gau is probably the most scary sound I've ever heard. I think Arma2 should reflect this.

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I don't have Arma2 yet but I have watched a lot of footage on video sharing websites and I have been very impressed by most of the sounds too.

There are some glitches though :

- sometimes the 3D positioning is way off (


- birds and insects can be heard inside the tanks but also outside the tanks (with engine still running and tanks using their main gun in the vicinity)

(for example @ 5:43, 7:04, 8:24, 8:52)

- again, noisy birds and insects but with a dirtbike this time : video

Despite these glitches, the atmosphere and immersion seem truly great.

Edited by MQ-9 Reaper

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I want my GAU sounding like God unzipping his pants just before the surprise buttsex you are about to receive.

Damn that made me laugh :D

I don't know about the realism, but to me the sound of the aircraft is very impressive. I love the sound of jets as they pass overhead.

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I want my GAU sounding like God unzipping his pants just before the surprise buttsex you are about to receive.

ROFL Instant classic :D

And yes, I also noticed that terrible avenger sound, I hope BIS will replace it in one of first patches becaus most sounds are porettty good and I was hoping not to use sound mods in ArmA2.

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Does the cannon sound like this when not flying it.

You gotta love that sound...:cc:




Edited by ZiggyJinx

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Nice videos. Some of them I already knew :)

I was very disappointed when I heard the Gau-8 sound for the very first time in ArmA II. :(:( Doesn't sound like the "fart of god" ingame if you know what I mean. I'd like to have the Gau-8 sound of ArmA I's Fromz' sound mod in ArmA II but all my attempts failed.

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Don't worry we can change that :)

Ouch I just listened to the A-10 in game sounds awful

How do they store sound files by the way are they just in an MP3 format or something? I hope they are like Left 4 Dead was so easy to change the sounds :D

Edited by craig3000

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Shame... i wanted that to be in here from day one. would of been nice to sit up on a mountain and set up a battle in a valley below with A10's making that sound.

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How do they store sound files by the way are they just in an MP3 format or something? I hope they are like Left 4 Dead was so easy to change the sounds :D

It's the WSS file format, but I think OGG will work as well. But I'm no addon modder so I can't proof it :o

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Being a massive fan of the incredible GAU-8 and striving to watch as many videos on it as I possibly can, I am always so impressed by it's unique firing sound.

I can't wait to get Arma 2 and am so impressed by the work they have done so far. One of the first things I typed on youtube was "Arma 2 a10" and found lots of vids.

With great excitement I clicked on videos that appeared in the search listings of A10 Strafing etc. My heart sank though when I heard the mighty GAU-8 firing. It was like sticking a plastic credit card in the spokes of my bike. From what I've seen so far, all the effects, graphics and well, everything looks amazing with this game but Bohemia, please. If you have to improve on anything, I'm gonna go with this thread and say the mighty GAU-8 simply must sound more like "God unzipping his pants just before the surprise buttsex you are about to receive". Amazing analogy!!

The current sound doesn't do the mighty gun any favours to and Dr Richard Gatling would turn over in his grave if he heard it.

Please let this be your next bug for the forthcoming patch.

I will buy the game twice if the GAU-8 sounds correct and I won't buy Op Flashpoint Dragon Rising. I simply won't need to :)

I mean this all in the nicest possible way.

But please change it : )


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I want my GAU sounding like God unzipping his pants just before the surprise buttsex you are about to receive.

In fact, you would recieve your surprise buttsex before you heard God unzip his pants. Think about it. :D

The current sound doesn't do the mighty gun any favours to and Dr Richard Gatling would turn over in his grave if he heard it.

Please let this be your next bug for the forthcoming patch.

I will buy the game twice if the GAU-8 sounds correct and I won't buy Op Flashpoint Dragon Rising. I simply won't need to :)

While I totally agree with you that the current GAU sound is much too weak, I don't really see them putting a very high priority on changing it right now, if at all. The devs have bigger fish to fry at the moment. :)

I wouldn't worry though. There are already some sound mods out, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone has already changed it.

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There are more pressing matters at hand for the devs, although I completely agree that the GAU-8 sound needs some tender loving care from BIS.

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Hi all

The first sound we hear is the bullets hitting the ground, then we hear the Cloverfield like "Wrrrrrr" of the gun firing.

Kind Regards walker

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Someone once said they wanted the a10 gun cannon sound as their mobile ring tone.

Then someone else replied, put it in vibrator mode ;)

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Don't worry we can change that :)

Ouch I just listened to the A-10 in game sounds awful

How do they store sound files by the way are they just in an MP3 format or something? I hope they are like Left 4 Dead was so easy to change the sounds :D

Don't know about .mp3.

Arma accepts .wav, .ogg Vorbis, and .wss - BIS's inhouse format. I´m using .ogg Vorbis when changing sounds. Small filesize. Good audio quality.

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Merged the new thread into the existing thread which easily would serve the purpose, search before posting please.

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Yeah there's bound to be someone with the technical knowledge to change this. Simply can't wait!

But remember that the F35 in the game is using a GAU-12 which sounds similar but doesn't have that low humming. This would need a good modding too :)

I'm so glad that it's not just me that was disappointed by all this. I was almost embarrassed when i heard the gatling potato shooter from the in game A10 on youtube :) Great to have lots of people with the same views.


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I like the new soundengine, small bushes and trees doesnt affect sound of eg a helicopter 30 meters away.

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Here's one of my favorite videos. You can really hear both the hit from the 30MM, and then the roar.


Edited by Placebo

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