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Lights competition is Over

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I just wathced the Russian Video again its over for OFP2.

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It was a very cryptic message, but what he means is the competition for the stagelight. The fame & glory.

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Maybe he means lighting ingame :confused:

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Either way I think DR is doing fine, as far as actual lights go, they can use many and have a solid engine build with, Ive seen good light in other games that use that engine.

I personally still can't separate the two games, for me personally, OFP needs to get the realism Vs balance right (not be too commercial) and Arma2 needs to gets it's bugs sorted. They are the glaring issues I see atm.

The more mature (not counter strike kids) gaming community here in Aus is rather limited, I hope one of these titles is a huge success while the other just falls on its face... hard. Don't much care which one, as long as one delivers and does not split the Aussie milsim community.

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I wish both success. DR for the run'n'gunners and ArmA2 for the more mature simmers. ArmA2 flooded with all of those kids will be a pain in the butt. Imagine them all here in the forum etc phew... With their cHAoS[][]CooL-whatever names and constant complaints over that ArmA2 is too slow etc. :D

Seriously though as i see it i hope both are good and make 2 markets happy. And its the most realistic way as well. One of these two games will not take the whole market of simmers and "BF2'ers". At least i dont think so cause they have never been able to co-exist without puking over eachother.


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I just a little bit in this thread.

Yeah don't mind me, just making about as much sense as this thread.

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I just wathced the Russian Video again its over for OFP2.

Needs more punctuation + explanation. What the hell are you talking about?

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what i believe he is saying is that he watched the Russian preview http://blog.litos-hq.com/blog1.php/2009/05/14/translation-of-a-russian-arma2-preview

and has come to the conclusion that OFPDR is no longer a viable threat/competition for ArmA 2. hence why he said "its over for.."

meaning its down and out, out matched, "pwnz0rd" (if you will) etc.

i know i am dancing around with a lightning rod when i say this, but it sure seems like the mods have been very very lax lately... normally "damnation and hellfire" would have been brought down on this, and many other mostly pointless and repetitive threads...

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seems like the mods have been very very lax lately... normally "damnation and hellfire" would have been brought down on this, and many other mostly pointless and repetitive threads...

Lol tis the Placebo effect! :D

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Lets hold our horses til the game is actually out, shall we? The preview version had plenty of unfinished features and bugs, and we do not know if they will all be squeezed in the final game.

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72;1286734']With their cHAoS[][]CooL-whatever names and constant complaints over that ArmA2 is too slow etc. :D

Or with their Alex[Dev]72 - whatever names....:rolleyes:

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Or with their Alex[Dev]72 - whatever names....:rolleyes:


Now you're turning a pointless but light-hearted discussion into a personal one. Some would call that trolling, even if you were just joking. Which I'm sure you were. ;)

Anyway, I think we understand what Alex means. Think of mOdErN_wArFaRe_SnIpEr and his teeth-kicking, urinating-on-you, pwn-your-ass 1337ness. It's not a good idea to judge people purely by their name, but sometimes you can see the flamewar coming from a mile away...

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I think the subject is supposed to read "Lights OUT, competition is OVER"

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Now you're turning a pointless but light-hearted discussion into a personal one. Some would call that trolling, even if you were just joking. Which I'm sure you were. ;)

Anyway, I think we understand what Alex means. Think of mOdErN_wArFaRe_SnIpEr and his teeth-kicking, urinating-on-you, pwn-your-ass 1337ness. It's not a good idea to judge people purely by their name, but sometimes you can see the flamewar coming from a mile away...

Yeah, especially since the flamewar wouldn't have started if it wasn't for this elitistic "excellent" community.

I'd say an influx of "CoD-kids" or what you'd like to call them would do this community only good - as it's starting to look like a fascist-religious sect.

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Yeah, especially since the flamewar wouldn't have started if it wasn't for this elitistic "excellent" community.

The word you're looking for is mature. And honestly I don't mind CoD, or CoD players in general. I played CoD4 for a while and it's quite a good game. I'm sure there are a lot of mature CoD and BF players out there and I would be thrilled if some of them got into Arma2 and expanded the community. I'm still trying to convince some of my friends who mostly play TF2 and ETQW to give A2 a try when it's out.

What this community doesn't need is a bunch of kiddies. While I agree with you that many comments on that thread were inappropriate and people seemed prejudiced against him because of his name, his reaction was way out of proportion:

i would kick all ur asses in arma 2 or any game bitches fuck u
after i kill u all in arma ill pile all ur dead bodies up and piss all over them

Seriously, you want more of that here?

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Originally Posted by dmakatra

Yeah, especially since the flamewar wouldn't have started if it wasn't for this elitistic "excellent" community.

Heaven forbid a community have a focus, hell why even have passion for anything? Lets all be luke warm and have a nice grey community like most other sites. Too much tolerance allows the foundations of a proven institution, like these forums, to erode. Just get the pride and self importance out of here and it'll be near perfect. Cheers.

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This thread is over, too. ;)

We have a press coverage thread for this (minus the spamming).

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