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North America Release / Publisher

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Foxhound! Thanks for taking the trouble to post your impressions! He was the Guy from Armaholic that was at the 505 press event in London Fellas! And let me vet his site: Armaholic, the sibling of Ghostaholic, is one of, if not the most complete, up-to-date, and helpful sites for all things ArmA if you're comfortable with English, and all the guys on the Armaholic Forums forums are tops! I lurk there more then post but it really is a great site, and if Foxhound is upbeat on the prospect of the North American release time-table; I'm encouraged.

That said, BI really needs to get the Pb out -- a significant volume of sales even for a game like ArmA are impulse purchases, and if there's not a diversity of widely available and easily accessible points-of-purchase before the game is pirated (and it will be pirated), an enormous volume of sales will be lost when a would be Customer's curiosity can be easily gratified for free and at BI's expense. I'd like to see ArmA II boom the way ArmA should have, and BI have the revenue and resources to continue as a strong Developer for the genre indefinitely... Fingers crossed!


Edited by Hoak

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Hello everyone,

I'm fairly new here, only posted a few times but I've been lurking here for a few years.

That being said, I am totally freaking out.

I thought I would just be able to buy this game through amazon.uk but now I find out they no longer ship to the U.S. ??!!!??

Big Ouch.

I know there are a few digital distibuters claiming they will have it for sale but I for one will never buy something I can't hold in my hands.

So now comes the begging, please please please do any of you fine folks know of any stores in the UK that does still ship to the US?

I don't care what it might cost, I gots to have me ArmA2.

I hereby swear that I will build a golden monument in your honor if you can direct me to said store.

Thank you

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Hello everyone,

I'm fairly new here, only posted a few times but I've been lurking here for a few years.

That being said, I am totally freaking out.

I thought I would just be able to buy this game through amazon.uk but now I find out they no longer ship to the U.S. ??!!!??

Big Ouch.

I know there are a few digital distibuters claiming they will have it for sale but I for one will never buy something I can't hold in my hands.

So now comes the begging, please please please do any of you fine folks know of any stores in the UK that does still ship to the US?

I don't care what it might cost, I gots to have me ArmA2.

I hereby swear that I will build a golden monument in your honor if you can direct me to said store.

Thank you

Yup, in fact you'll find you can't mail order games from a lot of retailers in the U.K. or Western Europe to North America any longer (discussed earlier in thread).

The fastest surest (though they have not announced it yet, and it is not yet available on thier site) eTailer will probably be Sprocket IDEA -- direct download only, but it will be in English with friendly DRM. The price might be on high-ish side but shouldn't be ridiculous.

When there are more and better options available for North America they'll be in this thread as soon as we get wind of them.


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Thank you Hoak I really appreciate the reply.

For now I guess we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed.

BTW has anyone here ever had any expirience with www.game.co.uk ?

According to their site they still ship to the U.S. and they have the ArmA2 preorder up here -> http://www.game.co.uk/PC/Strategy/~r340775/ArmA-II/?s=arma set for release on the 26th.

If this is legit, it may be a really good option for those of us here in the states.

Any thoughts?

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Thank you Hoak I really appreciate the reply.

For now I guess we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed.

BTW has anyone here ever had any expirience with www.game.co.uk ?

According to their site they still ship to the U.S. and they have the ArmA2 preorder up here -> http://www.game.co.uk/PC/Strategy/~r340775/ArmA-II/?s=arma set for release on the 26th.

If this is legit, it may be a really good option for those of us here in the states.

Any thoughts?


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now 505games say


19th June 2009

yes hope the new date holde

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Wow (pun intended) nice find decap! Reseller Ratings gives CD Wow favorable ratings, but that's only based on four lifetime ratings...

If all else fails I might give 'em a shot!


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I just did a new google search, only done this about 100 times over the last few months, and put in "pre order ARMA 2", the top results are always the same with Armaholics & Amazon.co.uk, but now there is a new one in the list that I want you guys to take a look at, it appears that there are some sites that will ship to US, at least that what I get from it, you guys take a look and tell me what you think,


If these are legit, I may go ahead and pre-order from one of these sites. I say maybe because unlike Bloodofthedragon who stated he prefers a hard copy, I much prefer a download version of the game.

Looking forward to your responses....

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Wow, so I take it www.cdwow.us is a US based site?

are they safe to use?

What would you like your golden monument to look like?

I believe that they are actually Australian based, but they have a US website and offer free shipping to US

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I just did a new google search, only done this about 100 times over the last few months, and put in "pre order ARMA 2", the top results are always the same with Armaholics & Amazon.co.uk, but now there is a new one in the list that I want you guys to take a look at, it appears that there are some sites that will ship to US, at least that what I get from it, you guys take a look and tell me what you think,


If these are legit, I may go ahead and pre-order from one of these sites. I say maybe because unlike Bloodofthedragon who stated he prefers a hard copy, I much prefer a download version of the game.

Looking forward to your responses....

Sorry, no experience here to offer with any of these outlets... My experience though with many Euro and U.K. eTailers that offer products for sale to North America is once you get registered and signed on -- you can't compete a transaction due to your location, and/or you get zapped with a BIG 'Shipping & Handling' surprise if it's media and not a download.

I personally have no preference over distribution method be it media and having a DVD in hand, or download -- my preference is totally based on the DRM rolled into the distribution: if there's no DRM on the media release I'll go that route, and I'll take Steam over most any of the download and play installer distros that too often have intrusive, registration intensive, resource hungry and bug-ridden DRM.

Back to eTailers; I have had good luck with orders from Australia, though things to tend to get pretty beat up coming from 'Down Under', my VBS, VBS2, Claw, and a dozen or so other games I've ordered from Oz arrived on time but all looked they'd been through 'Three World Fairs & Proverbial Pony...Ride' -- though it wasn't the Shipper's fault as they were well packed.

So all things considered: the lower price, the DRM 505 employs, the fact that CD Wow is even reviewed on Reseller Ratings, gets them my tentative vote for 'best bet so far' -- but that's changing daily...


Edited by Hoak

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And why should I have to go out of my way to search for a copy, aren't you trying to sell us the game? None of the major retailers (in AU at least) are stocking the game, nor even know about it...




and many more.... you do have to make the effort to look, a BI rep isn't going to knock on your door and hand you a list of retailers :)

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My impression is there are either stubborn 'results be damned' personalities involved at BI, or BI remain 'Babes lost in the North American woods'... In either case they stand to, and will loose much more then we who wait by a deal not done in North America at the announced release.

Very unfortunate...


Its possible that American publishers aren't being fair and maybe they're trying to screw BI? and maybe BI are standing up for a better/fairer deal, hence no dates yet... :)

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Its possible that American publishers aren't being fair and maybe they're trying to screw BI? and maybe BI are standing up for a better/fairer deal, hence no dates yet... :)

LOL! If only it worked that way...


Unfortunately, no...


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LOL! If only it worked that way...


Unfortunately, no...


Why Europe/UK?... you could order it in Australia, comes out July 9th here :)

edit: Maybe it does work that way.... how are you so absolutely sure?

Edited by 76

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I just did a new google search, only done this about 100 times over the last few months, and put in "pre order ARMA 2", the top results are always the same with Armaholics & Amazon.co.uk,

Hehe, thats cool, didn't know that :)

Lets hope out of those 2 the community chooses the Armaholic link ;)

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hmm great find on the CD Wow.

I'm still hoping to be able to dled the German version from Morphicon on Friday?

I'm sure somebody will put out a translation.

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Hi all

As I pointed out Clever Communications have been selected to run the marketing campaign for ArmA II.


The selection was made back in April. I would suggest that since then they have been lining up an ad campaign.

I can not but think that the makers of the software that has been used to protect the US President will be able to market and sell their software in the US quite well.

Kind regards walker

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I can not but think that the makers of the software that has been used to protect the US President will be able to market and sell their software in the US quite well.

Kind regards walker

Walker, this may be one of the few times i do not agree with what you are saying.

they've not done a good job so far.

in fact they've not done any marketing for arma2 yet! that's why this thread exists packed with unanswered questions

besides what does making software have to do with their ability to sell? right now their efforts have been less than effective and a disservice to a enthusiastic audience, hopefully they do better soon. even if it is simply by communicating...

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Hehe, thats cool, didn't know that :)

Lets hope out of those 2 the community chooses the Armaholic link ;)

Way to plug away Foxhound, I totally enjoy your site my friend. Actually the reason you guys are first I believe, well the name starts with an "A" but more to the point, you guys were one of the first to put a "buy ARMA2" link to Amazon.co.uk on your Home Page.

Which is why I check your site first before I search anywhere else, I figure you guys will have the latest intel, should things change & I know that you guys asked the BI folks directly about the US release at that London gig, thanks for being our voice out there.

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I have already order some DVD movies from www.cdwow.com . Most of the times they send the items from Hong Kong. I live in Portugal and I was lucky for not having to pay any custom tax.

But I've heard, only a very few to be honest, that sometimes people didn't receive their orders.

You can also try ebay.co.uk. I'm sure there will be some small retailers who have no problem with shipping to US.

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hmm great find on the CD Wow.

I'm still hoping to be able to dled the German version from Morphicon on Friday?

I'm sure somebody will put out a translation.

Be careful Jblack, it's been posted that BI has said that the German release will not be patchable to English like ArmA was... On the other hand if enough people buy it (keeping in mind the release dates aren't as separated as ArmA's were so that may not happen) some motivated soul might take on the chore eventually. I'm not trying to discourage you, just help you avoid what could be an uninformed and frustrating personal enrichment experience...

I have already order some DVD movies from www.cdwow.com . Most of the times they send the items from Hong Kong. I live in Portugal and I was lucky for not having to pay any custom tax.

But I've heard, only a very few to be honest, that sometimes people didn't receive their orders.

You can also try ebay.co.uk. I'm sure there will be some small retailers who have no problem with shipping to US.

Hey Von_Paulus, have you personally ordered from CD Wow before? I'm just curious what kind of experience you had, if you had?

Regarding the U.K. edition of Ebay, due to the way our currency is currently valued (has none) U.S. Customers (not so sure about Canada) will do better to look to Australia, where prices and currency valuation is more favorable. And, I like give'n the Fellers 'Down Under' my business as they've always been square with me.


Edited by Hoak

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