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Player representing USMC

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It's quite typical that BIS would make a campaign where the player is on the side of the West. What is so hard about making the player represent the East for once. I would love to have a campaign in Arma II where you play as the Russian Federation Armed Forces instead of the USMC.

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One of gaming's most profitable demographics are Americans. They make a hell of a lot of money from sales in America. By putting the "heroes" of the story as Americans, sales will more-than-likely increase. Frankly, the American Armed Forces have some pretty awesome weaponry that I love to use to blow shit up such as the AC-130 in CoD4. I don't have any issue with BIS making their campaign from an American perspective. Plus, Universal, it's a bit late in production for them to change it. Besides, it's almost guaranteed someone in the community will make a Russian campaign.

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Americans like to be seen as noble cowboy against barbarian Indians (commies, terrorists etc)

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i do agree. playing as Americans all the time does get boring. granted that they have cool weapons and it is lat but prehaps when BI make an addon we can play as the resistance or Russians like OFP.

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Americans speak English, which is a very universal language. People often think it’s stupid if they play a Russian campaign and everybody there speaks some sort of English just so the majority of the players can understand it. BIS avoids this problem by letting the player be an English speaking person.

The story is also much more interesting from the POW of a small secret peacekeeping team caught in the middle of a political crisis. It is confirmed that you are able to choose who to side with during the campaign (but we don’t know to what extent yet).

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Remember back to OFP times and even in Arma1, there are many many talented campaign makers which making kick-ass campaigns where you play various factions.

And especially now with this Plot and the 6 choseable Factions, im sure we will see some kick-ass SP missions and evenwhole campaigns.

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Remember back to OFP times and even in Arma1, there are many many talented campaign makers which making kick-ass campaigns where you play various factions.

And especially now with this Plot and the 6 choseable Factions, im sure we will see some kick-ass SP missions and evenwhole campaigns.

Not to mention addons from BIS:)

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It's quite typical that BIS would make a campaign where the player is on the side of the West. What is so hard about making the player represent the East for once. I would love to have a campaign in Arma II where you play as the Russian Federation Armed Forces instead of the USMC.

If I ever get into the gaming industry, I'll surely create a warfare game with Russian forces as the focus of the campaign. They'll speak English, with a catchy accent. :P

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It's quite typical that BIS would make a campaign where the player is on the side of the West. What is so hard about making the player represent the East for once.

Two words: Red Hammer.

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Two words: Red Hammer.

Two words: after release. Release only had US campaign Red Hammer eventually came but after release it wasn't in the initial version that was RTM. It's the same scenario all over here again. Always focusing on the West and BI is an Eastern European developer and yet strict Western focus.

As for the language debate it should be as follows: language spoken should be strictly that language that the player's faction/side represents. (Ex Russian). Not English with Russian accent but Russian. Subtitles should be included.

Edited by Supernova

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Considering the US is a big market and is the only superpower in the world projecting its force in every part of the globe and thus highly likely to be the first in a conflict it's logical to have the game focused around their armed forces. Plus, if you really want to see it from a Russian perspective I have two words for you: mission editor.

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You can all do that once the game is out. :)

I still don't get the point why you come up with that now while you know since months that you play as USMC Force recon. Another lame BIS bashing attempt or what?

BTW: Your signature is way too big, you might fix it asap

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Resistance campaign - why not. But play for the russians..? Let it to the community, for example I am NOT interested in russian campaign at all. Atmosphere of the clash between the "good" and "evil" side, which was so typical for Resistance campaign, was the best what this game offered yet ;)

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As for the language debate it should be as follows: language spoken should be strictly that language that the player's faction/side represents. (Ex Russian). Not English with Russian accent but Russian. Subtitles should be included.
I agree, and BIS do as well. They have said that every faction will speak their own language. Even in different versions of the game only the text will be translated, not speech.

As for the vanilla campaign always have you play the Americans: I just think it’s a BIS preference. They seem to like working out their original stories from that POW. Especially in A2 it seems to boost the story by giving you an interesting “moral dilemma/peacekeeping†angle (you’re playing as a scout team, not the regular USMC). I wouldn’t go all conspiracy theory on this one, as I said, it’s probably just BIS`s preference. They are Czech after all...:)

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The USMC team has the biggest amount of options and mobility in the campaign. Any other faction would be quite limited in the end, that's why it's better to save them for other campaigns than the main one.

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You can all do that once the game is out. :)

I still don't get the point why you come up with that now while you know since months that you play as USMC Force recon. Another lame BIS bashing attempt or what?

BTW: Your signature is way too big, you might fix it asap

Why do the mods on this forum are acting so tough? It´s the 3rd or 4th time i have to see an offensive post from a mod...

on topic: i hope for a free russian campaign after release, but this is only a dream i guess. if thats not possible, i hope we get a good addon like red steel with more weapons, vehicles and hopefully a new island.

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Two words: Red Hammer.

That one was developed by Codemasters + you ended up defecting and shooting ruskies (as usual) anyway.

Typical Enemies:

Monsters, Aliens, Commies. North Koreans (in some SWAT game most criminals are foreigners and especially north koreans), Russians, Chinese, Venezuelans (Mercenaries 2) etc.

Many good games get dumbed down because the producers have to compete with eachother in order to survive. Profit maximization is a must. So simplistic so called "cool" games that look identical to each other are mass-produced to suit an audience that knows nothing better than hamburers and movies like "Graverobbers from outer space", "James Bond" and "Rambo".

Luckily BIS is nothing like that yet even if OFP had an acceptable level of anti-"soviet" bias, and that's why I'm going to buy the game. In original Arma there was a great and unconventional story that was poorly implemented. The guy behind it has surely a taste for that kind of work, probably read many good books. Initially it's a game like most other (extreme pro-US), you almost think it's stupid. Then things change. The american footmen end up aiding a mass-murdering tyrant (=king), and some of them disappear when discovering the truth. We experience an interesting personal journey from A to B that many people must have experienced in real life.

Then we have Queens Gambit that wasn't developed by BIS, which was based around some crappy fairy-tale to save the queen or king or whatever against some evil cousin. I don't remember anymore, wasn't worth it I guess.

A military simulator is supposed to be a simulator of both military and the reasons behind it, the politics. And in that perspective commies are mostly the good guys.

Edited by Spokesperson

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Before this goes out of hand: We have no political discussions here, don't even think about starting one. For the usual "hail the communism stuff" we have an extra thread in the offtopic forum.


If you have a problem with me or my moderation work here you're welcome to discuss that with me by sending PMs. We do not tolerate public discussion on how the forums are moderated here.

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Americans like to be seen as noble cowboy against barbarian Indians (commies, terrorists etc)

That is false. The United States wish to close there boards and let everyone go to hell on there own terms. The person on the street would say they don't care what happens in another part of the worlds. And mean it. But the world don't work that way. Oh. Back on topic. Me being African American would love to see African missions with African countries in the lead. And I really would love to see Japan in the missions to.

Edited by ScorpionGuard

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Remember back to OFP times and even in Arma1, there are many many talented campaign makers which making kick-ass campaigns where you play various factions.

And especially now with this Plot and the 6 choseable Factions, im sure we will see some kick-ass SP missions and evenwhole campaigns.

I also hope that with the new "depth" of factions in Arma2, we will see some mission makers and groups who find a good opportunity to make a completely different campaign with this game.

Since there are many more factions in "vanilla" Arma2, there is a much greater chance of seeing something interesting. The problem with Arma was the distinct lack of factions (and for that matter, a second "real" faction... ie, no Russia). That leaves mod teams to make up "real" armies, which in of itself reduces the chance of them being used. With Arma2 however, since the Russians are there to begin with, an aspiring campaign designer can produce a campaign based around Russia without extra addons, and with a little tweaking of the story, can cast any other faction in any role they choose (bad guy, resistance, whatever).

This means from day one of the release, decent missions and campaigns that do not focus on America (and can leave America out of the picture completely) can be produced.

I would love to see that myself.

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Just thought Ill say, in OFP you were fighting a renegade Russian general, there was no "anti-commie" stuff.

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As for the language debate it should be as follows: language spoken should be strictly that language that the player's faction/side represents. (Ex Russian). Not English with Russian accent but Russian. Subtitles should be included.

Actually, that would be pretty stupid.

Only the people from that country would play it. Americans wouldn't get it for some reason. Imagine playing a game thats completely on foreign language, except menus and stuff. Its just so...odd.

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Well almost every player from non-english speaking country play games in a foreign languages (mostly english) and still the game is selled. Isnt that odd?

I dont think that the language barier should be a problem if corect subtitles are included.

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I also hope that with the new "depth" of factions in Arma2, we will see some mission makers and groups who find a good opportunity to make a completely different campaign with this game.

Since there are many more factions in "vanilla" Arma2, there is a much greater chance of seeing something interesting. The problem with Arma was the distinct lack of factions (and for that matter, a second "real" faction... ie, no Russia). That leaves mod teams to make up "real" armies, which in of itself reduces the chance of them being used. With Arma2 however, since the Russians are there to begin with, an aspiring campaign designer can produce a campaign based around Russia without extra addons, and with a little tweaking of the story, can cast any other faction in any role they choose (bad guy, resistance, whatever).

This means from day one of the release, decent missions and campaigns that do not focus on America (and can leave America out of the picture completely) can be produced.

I would love to see that myself.

Hello fellow Seattleite. You have a very good point here and I personally am excited to see some missions or a campaign where you play as Russian forces against resistance like a Chechnya conflict or something. Even as a resistance group righting an unconventional war. All of this looks very possible and beyond with the vanilla ArmaII

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Actually, that would be pretty stupid.

Only the people from that country would play it. Americans wouldn't get it for some reason. Imagine playing a game thats completely on foreign language, except menus and stuff. Its just so...odd.

Yeah, I totally refuse to play games in English.

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