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Vehicle Entrance Animations?

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I'm sorry if this has been discussed before, if so please point me in the right direction.

One thing i find irritating is that i have not seen and good vehicle animations. You walk up to a vehicle and when u want to get in it you just magically appear inside.

Is it difficult to animate a person opening a door and climbing in?

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I'm sorry if this has been discussed before, if so please point me in the right direction.

One thing i find irritating is that i have not seen and good vehicle animations. You walk up to a vehicle and when u want to get in it you just magically appear inside.

Is it difficult to animate a person opening a door and climbing in?

For like 50 different vehicles, yes, I think it would be hard to animate.

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Based on the videos I've seen, at least the "climbing into tank" animations have been improved, which is nice.

At end of the day, mounting animations are only a small cosmetic feature. From the gameplay perspective I'd say that it would be more important to improve AI's mounting procedures as they sometimes take ages to find a "suitable" path into a vehicle, which can be lethal for your group in tight situations.

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Hey OFP2 has entering and leaving vehicle animations. +1

INC flames !!!!

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Hey OFP2 has entering and leaving vehicle animations. +1

INC flames !!!!

No in-game footage about it so no believe so far...

Even if it have, It won't big disaster, I would like more real weapons and stuff..

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Word. to me the cosmetics is less of importance than ballistics, movement speeds and all the rest where real life data comes in. How it looks when i place my ass in a car isnt important (to me).

This is not a kiddie shooter where looks matters the most. At least ArmA1 wasnt so i hope ARMA2 isnt either.

Just my opinion though.

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No in-game footage about it so no believe so far...

Even if it have, It won't big disaster, I would like more real weapons and stuff..

Im pretty sure in the ego tech trailer they showed an animation of a dude getting into a vehicle door and sitting down.

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Im pretty sure in the ego tech trailer they showed an animation of a dude getting into a vehicle door and sitting down.

They didn't.

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Im pretty sure in the ego tech trailer they showed an animation of a dude getting into a vehicle door and sitting down.

Er they showed it on E3 closed doors presentationthe animation.

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I confirm that i've seen those kinds of animations in OFP2 videos, but at least ArmA2 could show - very easy to implement, modded several times - opening doors...

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Er they showed it on E3 closed doors presentationthe animation.

yeah that was it.

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yeah that was it.

1st show me that video

2nd show me some proof this will be in-game, like gameplay pic or video.

Everyone can make such a renders in 3dsmax.

Indeed those are possible to do. Like EA free roam game mercenaries 2 where was full tank get in animation anyway like I said this really isn't bother me.

It would be cool if Arma2 doors will open when you get in car example but yeah let's just wait and see how this turns out.

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I'd be more interested in being able to open doors etc for cover, than having the actual entering animation. As mentioned it doesn't really affect gameplay, so as long as they fix animations that actually serves a purpose (jumping over fences etc which we've already seen), I'm not complaining at all.

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I'd be more interested in being able to open doors etc for cover, than having the actual entering animation. As mentioned it doesn't really affect gameplay, so as long as they fix animations that actually serves a purpose (jumping over fences etc which we've already seen), I'm not complaining at all.

I agree here. Much better to use doors for cover (Even though you can still get hit in the legs).

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72;1275868']This is not a kiddie shooter where looks matters the most. At least ArmA1 wasnt so i hope ARMA2 isnt either.

Just my opinion though.

Kiddie shooter or not, gfx is a very important matter....which doesnt mean that the other aspects should be neglected.;)

Nonetheless, magically appearing inside and out of vehicles doesnt really bother me, and I can recall only 1 game with that feature implemented.

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I'd be more interested in being able to open doors etc for cover...

For cover from what? Stones?

It's not like they would stop anything stronger :p

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For cover from what? Stones?

It's not like they would stop anything stronger :p

Ahhmm.... Humvee doors and others would indeed provide cover and its a common method by the US Troops in CQC/CQB.

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1st show me that video

2nd show me some proof this will be in-game, like gameplay pic or video.

Everyone can make such a renders in 3dsmax.

Indeed those are possible to do. Like EA free roam game mercenaries 2 where was full tank get in animation anyway like I said this really isn't bother me.

It would be cool if Arma2 doors will open when you get in car example but yeah let's just wait and see how this turns out.


starts at 3:04 mins.

2. Maybe it's a 3D render, whatever, atleast it's a fact that they atleast HAVE the animation(s). it's matter on implenting it in. (atleast the head renders they showed, i saw that black guy in the ingame videos, so all of this is plausible)

PS. I want that sexy javelin assemblin animation for ArmA 2!

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Well the get in animations will most probably appear in the other game, but that's their business. Lets focus on what's our business - namely whining about arma 2 :D

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Think this is one of those "nice to have" features that doesnt have a high priority for Arma2 release. ;)

Guess there will be lot of "moaning" if the doors open or close only:

A) auto-magical

B) if they get activated by player ("open door" or "close door")

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starts at 3:04 mins.

2. Maybe it's a 3D render, whatever, atleast it's a fact that they atleast HAVE the animation(s). it's matter on implenting it in. (atleast the head renders they showed, i saw that black guy in the ingame videos, so all of this is plausible)

PS. I want that sexy javelin assemblin animation for ArmA 2!

This video is mostly BS.. I watched it yesterday, strange I did not noticed vehicle animations... anyway...

Return to point this video is BS hype and renders is because if you see end of the video, tank fire animation ... well it latest gameplay video they released there wasn't nothing near like that. Just typical BF style tank fire...

Well If they could make such a accurate javelin sequence as they saying it will be cool but I don't miss assembling things, I don't think soldiers will assemble javelin every time when they shoot it.

Anyway.. what I would like to see in Arma 2 will be real javelin interface, that would be cool.

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Yes some of you guys are right the mounting animations and some other animations could be better and yes the overall handling of the controls for the gound units were a bit slow and sluggish (this was true for OFP1/ARMA1 ) BUT animations are only a small cosmetic feature.

THE GAMEPLAY is the key and not the gameplay of COD/BF games which are fast and in your face action. Could BOHEMIA make better animations YES but how much would it take a away from some other feature in the game (time,money and system resources).

Some of you are going to say they can do it in GAME X so why can't they have it in ARMA2 and your right, but look at all the other games and you will see a list of features they don't have that ARMA2 will have. You can't put 10lbs of crap in a 5lb bag. If you could games would have it all and they don't. So developers pick and choose what they think is the most important features for the type of gameplay they are shooting for.

OFP1/ARMA1 combat was about mid to far distant engagements not CQCB like most 1st/3rd person shooters and the slower handling for gound units fit very well for the gameplay experience the games was/is about. Bohemia has put some new features that will make the gameplay a bit faster and a little more mainstream, hopefully not altering the overall gameplay to much. People just give BOHEMIA a little break look what they have done. No other game comes close to this game in the overall bigger picture.

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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I'd like to see the animations of door-opening and all the according physics in game too. As well as all that can happen and what the character can do during the time that getting in/on a vehicle takes.

(you can get shot of course, the vehicle can start moving and it will cause the character to fall, get injured... ...a bit of that is already in GTA4, but there are so many features that could be implemented into games one day - mentioning only this "procedure" :D )

But I think that this will bring one more huge problem for the modding community. I guess you can't make just one universal animation for all vehicles :D and I doubt that each modder has got his own mo-cap studio :D

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Dammit, even though it was a render, it seems they weren't lying about the Javelin interface.

ArmA 2 should have a realistic CLU, its almost essential to have it in a mil. sim.

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You wouldn't need animations for every vehicle just a few for each type, like how reloading animations work, just a few hand movements thats close enough.

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