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Will my PC Run this? What CPU/GPU to get? What settings? System Specifications.

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I need between 30 and 60FPS to play a game. Sure 25 is ok for a very short while. But after a while I can't stand it. The effects in ArmA2 blur, optics etc, are very bad (unbearable) at low fps. (Great in high though).

I also think it's strange that the equipment dialog reduces the fps to 25 from 60 in mission setup.

I have an i7 and GTX260. 6GB ram. XP. If I want it to be playable I need to reduce the resolution to 1024x768 and 100% fillrate. It looks very bad.

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Yeah I found that one a bit confusing as well :)

Hello Placebo. Thank you for attention to my post.

I mean - it would be great to know about of your (BIS) plans ARMA2 engine improvement.

I want (like a lot of ex OFP players) make upgrade of my rig and I don't understand which CPU/GPU is best for ARMA2 now and in the future.

Some guys wrote here "I have i7-920 and 20 fps in game" and others "I have Core2D8400 and have 60 fps". And they all has same GPU.

So, have I to buy

CPU: i7 or C2D8200 enough for ARMA2 and engine will use 2 core only always?

GPU: GTX285 or 295 - because fps with 295 GPU is like with GTX260 (will you solve this problem or this is not your problem but NVIDIA drivers)?

and so on.

It would be GREAT If you'll give official information about of the best choice of GPU/CPU/RAM technology for ARMA2, because a lot of OFP/ARMA1 fans have to make upgrade of hardware.

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Intel 8088 @ 4.77MHz | 128KB DRAM | MC6845 4KB Monochrome Graphics card | 10MB Seagate ST-412 Hard Drive | 83-key Model F keyboard | 14" IBM 5151 green-phosphor Monitor | PC-DOS 2.0

Those were the days! :)

Eheheh. :D

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I'm about to buy this cheap laptop with Intel GMA X4500 graphic card.

I know it's not quite up to the minimum hardware requirements, but is there

any hope running arma2 with it?

If you have any experience with such a card and Arma2, I'd be glad to hear them.


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I'm about to buy this cheap laptop with Intel GMA X4500 graphic card.

I know it's not quite up to the minimum hardware requirements, but is there

any hope running arma2 with it?

If you have any experience with such a card and Arma2, I'd be glad to hear them.


I don't have any experience with such card. That's onboard. I'll doubt that you can run ARMA II or any 3D game.

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It seems everyone here has nvidia cards and intel cpu's , ive barely noticed anyone here with AMD CPU's and seen a few with ati cards. I have a question, say my AMD 6000+ 3.3ghz AM2 Dual Core for example. Will it run slower than an equivalent intel dual core at the same speed? I know intel are much better, but ive heard some people having problems with AMD CPU's on arma 2..

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Im about to buy paper boy for the ZX Spectrum.... will i get better frames per second than most people will get on high end rigs with ArmA II

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It would be GREAT If you'll give official information about of the best choice of GPU/CPU/RAM technology for ARMA2, because a lot of OFP/ARMA1 fans have to make upgrade of hardware.

I'm afraid that's impossible to state, remember that all the "evidence" in this thread and others is anecdotal at best, eg Fred has spent £8,000 to buy the top end CPU/GPU but gets low framerates, does it mean ArmA2 has big problems with that system or does it mean his system is badly set up and he's running the game whilst an antivirus and 20 other apps are running?

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As far as i can remember, paperboy ran at 12.5 fps on the spectrum.

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Let's stay on topic and not troll the thread with "humour".

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So do people who have the same PC rigs when A1 came out find they have a gain in FPS or a drop, i have the same system as i did in the first game and intrigued to see if i will notice a gain in performance.

2 Nvidia 7800 GTX SLI

AMD 4800X2

2GB corsair XMS Ram


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Just curious as to how this game will run, note due to monitor limitations (32 inch LCD TV) I will be running at 1024x768 or something like that, whatever 720p is.

Curious as to how my rig will hold up.

1 x 2gb G skill DDR2 800 memory

AMD 7750 Black Ed OCed to 3.0ghz

ASUS M4A78 Plus mobo

4850 1gb Video card

Low resoultion will help, and im not a graphics freak, just want the game to look and play acceptably, not some of the horror screenies i have seen on here.

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So do people who have the same PC rigs when A1 came out find they have a gain in FPS or a drop...

Both. At least according to various posts around. This whole topic (and the armaII mark topic) are so inconsistent it's scary. I really don't have a clue anymore what I need to upgrade to to play this game properly without wasting a lot of money.

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Just curious as to how this game will run, note due to monitor limitations (32 inch LCD TV) I will be running at 1024x768 or something like that, whatever 720p is.

Curious as to how my rig will hold up.

1 x 2gb G skill DDR2 800 memory

AMD 7750 Black Ed OCed to 3.0ghz

ASUS M4A78 Plus mobo

4850 1gb Video card

Low resoultion will help, and im not a graphics freak, just want the game to look and play acceptably, not some of the horror screenies i have seen on here.

I have spent 3 days trying to squeeze FPS out without making the game look like Operation Flashpoint on low settings.

Definately at least a dual CPU, also memory is cheap so extra mem is always easy :)

Your card would be decent as long as you are happy playing at lower res and normal detail.

SLi/Xfire seem to be broken (at least for me, and I am yet to see evidence that it has worked for anyone)

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the 7750 is a dual core just fyi.

and the memory thing yeah i agree, but im still on xp pro, so im hesitant to buy another stick of 2gb memory only to be to use 512mb of it.

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I wondered if anyone could help and an opinion.

Im looking at a new system mostly JUST for ArmA and I cant decide against:

Intel e8600

GTX 260 / 280


Intel Q9400

GTX 260 / 280


AMD X4 955

ATI 4870 X2

Also, which is better for ARMA: Quad or Dual?

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Almost all games only use two cores

I would say just get an e8400, lot cheaper, or a phenom 2 x3 720, triple core is all you will ever need for gaming.

Intel is over priced IMO.

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So you really think staying away from Quad would be a good idea?

Im currently on an e6700. Do you think it would make much of a difference going for either of those two?

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So you really think staying away from Quad would be a good idea?

Im currently on an e6700. Do you think it would make much of a difference going for either of those two?

Option 3 is the best price/performance but instead of the 4870 X2 I would advise going with the Radeon HD 4890.

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I just got my new rig

E5200 2.5 Ghz overclocked to 3105 MHz

Geforce 9800GT 512 mb Ram

2 Gb 800 Mhz Ram

And the game runs very fluently! The gameplay is really really really nice with this setup :)... I'm happy :D.

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I just got my new rig

E5200 2.5 Ghz overclocked to 3105 MHz

Geforce 9800GT 512 mb Ram

2 Gb 800 Mhz Ram

And the game runs very fluently! The gameplay is really really really nice with this setup :)... I'm happy :D.

what settings?

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Option 3 is the best price/performance but instead of the 4870 X2 I would advise going with the Radeon HD 4890.

Why would you suggest the 4890?

There are websites suggesting the 4870 out performs it, especially since its X2.

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There's no guarantee that the games you play will be able to take full advantage of that second GPU. In certain circumstances, a dual GPU card can be slower than a single GPU one of the same type.

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Right, thats true...just because you have 10,000 playing cards, doesnt mean your going to get through them all in one poker sitting.

However, the single GPU is still extremely fast and the second is there IF need be. I believe they are going to patch ArmA with better optimisation so I want to plan ahead, without going for a full blown crossfire system.

If that makes logical sense that is.

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I have the HD 4870 1GB which has no burst memory access, so there is a lot of LOD popping.

The other ATI cards like the HD 4770, HD 4850 and HD 4890 do have burst memory access and way less LOD popping.

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