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Interesting ArmA 2 Stuff I thought I might mention

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It also seems that ArmA will now support all head movements, including roll!!!

That's fantastic news !! 6DOF really makes you feel you are "in the game". If this is true, I really can't wish for much more, but a parallax effect for the aircraft's HUD would be great though... whistle.gif

Another thing off topic ; in Arma1 when turning a car the view changes (to the side you are turning), is there a way to disable this ? It's quite annoying when using TrackIR.

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It also seems that ArmA will now support all head movements, including roll!!!

That's fantastic news !! 6DOF really makes you feel you are "in the game". If this is true, I really can't wish for much more, but a parallax effect for the aircraft's HUD would be great though...  whistle.gif

Another thing off topic ; in Arma1 when turning a car the view changes (to the side you are turning), is there a way to disable this ? It's quite annoying when using TrackIR.

Actually, I don't think you can turn it off.  Cause it still does it if you put the cam into free-mode, Double-Tap Alt.  It still turns left/right whenever you turn left/right.  IT was like that in OFP too.  It's cause the camera keeps straight with the tires. It also does it for me too don't worry :/    It would be nice if they fix it though smile_o.gif

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I'm not worrying. wink_o.gif I would really like an option to turn it off in ArmA II.

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Sure, Victor, let me find the video of the radio really quick

Thank ya.

This is putting me off a bit.. I don't get the point of all of the circles in the center of everything, imo it takes a lot of the immersion out.


Unless thats what the old "[ ]" used to be.

I think it shows only when you have selected your troops. so I wouldn't be such a big breaker  tounge2.gif

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I think that that's the cirlce that shows you where your leader is in cadet mode.

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I think that that's the cirlce that shows you where your leader is in cadet mode.

Yea, I think it was "[ ]"(?) thing in OFP, the circle in Arma, and the whatsitthingy it Arma2. smile_o.gif

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I think that that's the cirlce that shows you where your leader is in cadet mode.

Yea, I think it was "[ ]"(?) thing in OFP, the circle in Arma, and the whatsitthingy it Arma2. smile_o.gif

I remember it being a circle in ofp. Maybe I'm just on crack.

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Maybe I'm just on crack.

LOL!! biggrin_o.gif

Super nice with the real markings. And good find on the 6DOF - didnt know that. TIR'ers jump of joy. Time to buy one.


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If it's true that we're getting 6DOF for TrackIR, my warm, fuzzy feeling is justified!  biggrin_o.gif
Quote[/b] ]Bohemia Interactive and TrackIR are taking a new step into the heart of military realism with ArmA 2. Complete with 6DOF TrackIR support, photorealistic graphics, and a powerfully upgraded engine—which is also used in military training simulators around the world—ArmA 2 signifies a significant leap forward in tactical FPS.

Yup, it's true, from what TrackIR says anyway.....

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I found out that USMC gets the MK153 SMAW most likely .. :P


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There will also be UAV's, which may include FLIR and on-board camera's



Also, hopefully some working IED's which could inspire a lot of cool ideas for missions.



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Yep UAV's for both RUS and US. Soooo hoping for FLIR and 360 camera in them. Feels weird without to be honest. But as long as the camera is highly moveable and zoomable im happy. Ultimate would be with FLIR thogh.



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Wheres that from Rick James?

I got the info about the IED and UAV on the ArmA II site, its under Russia and NAPA.  Not sure about the FLIR and On-Board cam though.  Just something i added which it may have a high chance of including, it is a UAV; What good is a UAV if it doesn't have a camera that we can use or FLIR so we can use at night too.

Unless it is AI controlled an the AI pilot just relays the Enemy positions back to us, what fun would that be though lol.

It would even be nice if it was AI controlled yet you can still use the camera on it...(With FLIR)

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UAv's will be cool, and IED's are already in Arma as an addon.

So I fully expect Arma2 to have them.


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Yes, forgot trains also, whether they are static, or moving they still are ingame because they showed it in the video. But don't get your hopes up too high...

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Did they really lower the max view distance for ArmA2 to 6000 ?

Maybe they're using the radius this time, which would make it equal to ArmA1 12000 VD (?)...


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