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AH-6 littlebird "mo'guns"

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I started this addon in an attempt to overcome the age old limit of one weapon muzzle per gun on a vehicle. I was successful, so I threw some extra weapons on it, fixed the glass clipping bug and tweaked the textures and materials a bit. I even added a new sound for it, so all in all its a nice little old school single unit addon. No scripts or compatibility, just play with it. Its good against convoys and stuff, and with the hellfires it can take out a tank. The M134s fire like there are actually two guns there. I know someone already released a scripted version of this, but I did this mainly as a technical experiment to see if it could be done without scripts.



Thank you for the mirrors!





if anyone wants, here is the mlod (editable) model, plus

the model.cfg and config.cpp




not much effort was but into the appearance, but it gets the job done.

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Looks very good! Great Job....

I like especially the textures and Glass effects!

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Good job.  thumbs-up.gif

Dammit you're genious!!!!!! That's a milestone!

Could it be done to other multibarreled vehicles?

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awesome finally its out notworthy.gif

waiting for people to realize what you did here wink_o.gif

rock on yay.gif

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errr... could You show us the source MLODs? pleeease...

I guess I know how could it be done, but can't believe it at all smile_o.gif edit: readme file has confirmed it smile_o.gif that's the most clever use of animations I ever seen in ArmA, together with NWD Tank FCS smile_o.gif

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cool stuff! Wasnt something that bothered me but anything that totally pimps the game and has potential to make others evolve their stuff into greatness gets my vote thumbs-up.gif

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Yup, no doubt this is huge. Great job gettin this done. Sure adds some more depth to the game, don't it? pistols.gif


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I really like the system. Quiet simple and of genius. The only problem is with the source of the gunsound, which is rotating with it. Makes you hear it from time to time on the left and then on the right side, but that is something you can live with.

ArmA II should use it if there is no other system.


And there is a good chopper too. What a day. biggrin_o.gif

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Aushilfe @ Nov. 14 2008,11:18)]ArmA II should use it if there is no other system.

Agreed. I wonder if it can be used on the Shilka? smile_o.gif

The four barrels there makes things more complicated.

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I made some calculations and it should be possible to create the effect on the ZSU-23-4 with a kind of transmission using 2 rotation-animations. I will give it a try and report back when its confirmed.

EDIT: Its not possible on the Shilka. The games engine fixes the Gunmuzzle to the Turret, which doesnt allow any animation. You can only move the whole turret like in the ah6, which obviously wont be an option on the shilka.  mad_o.gif  banghead.gif

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Another genious find of Sakura-chan, just like he edited the uh-60 to Mh-60L

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Awesome work Sakura-chan and thanks for sharing!

This have a BIG chance to be my all-time favorite chopper in ArmA...


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Aushilfe @ Nov. 14 2008,12:19)]EDIT: Its not possible on the Shilka. The games engine fixes the Gunmuzzle to the Turret, which doesnt allow any animation. You can only move the whole turret like in the ah6, which obviously wont be an option on the shilka.  mad_o.gif  banghead.gif

Too bad  confused_o.gif

But al least Multi-role Aircrafts are possible.

MfG, Medicus

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Just had a ~15 minutes test run with it...

1. Love the new engine/rotor sound!

2. Likewise the increased ROF for FFAR's.

3. For some reason I no longer hear anything from the outside world while flying (like enemies firing guns, tank engines running etc.), maybe this was by design?

4. Seem that the 3D model is bullet proof, infantry MG's, BRDM's MG did no damage at all (unless he hit me thru the open doors).

5. How do you use/lock with the Hellfires, couldn't seem to get it to work with standard TAB?


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3. I don't have that bug

4. The same is true for the original littlebirds on my end.

I use the gdt heli mod. Delete my addon and see if it changes

the armor on the original littlebirds.

5. Tab targeting works for me.

Also I should point out that this doesn't work on planes, because

as far as I know turrets don't work on planes. Most modern planes

only use one gun muzzle though, right? Anyways I have a plane pack I'm working on that includes multirole loadouts. coming soon...

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you can take out a t-72 with the mini guns on a BIS littlebird

it doesnt take for ever but once u could get a good burst on his turret you could disable him

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