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avibird 1

ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

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true, now lets not start a pc vs console debate

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Btw look at EndWar on the 360 with the fantastic voice commands. That's much better and more 'realistic' even in RTS than the usual PC mouse interface. There's lots of potential in consoles and new innovative features are likely at the horizon (e.g. Natal), so the argument that a certain genre is better off on the PC as a platform is a view from the past.


I enjoy my consoles alot, but RTS games on consoles suck horribly. Playing a RTS game with a controller is soo bad imo. A keybaord and mouse is far better. I remember I got Red Alert 3 and Endwar to play with my cousin because he only has a 360.. my god that was a horrible decision haha.

Some genres are great for a controller, but RTS are just a nightmare for me personally on a controller. Im not a console hater, I have owned alot of cosnoles since NES/Atari and own a 360 this gen, but imo PC rules for the RTS/FPS genres, while controllers are good for platformers, racing and fighting games. Jsut my opinion.

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Endwar is one of the best RTS on consoles right now i think :D

It was built straight up for consoles while the PC version came out a few months later.

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Not trying to start a console vs pc debate here as you have said, my main question is though, if arma 2 won't come out on the 360, then why? Obviously, one of the big reasons would be hardware, considering how much trouble most pc's are having with the game, which resulted in my rrod comment from the previous page. The 360 is having issues keeping up, although they are apparently trying to fix that.

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I enjoy my consoles alot, but RTS games on consoles suck horribly. Playing a RTS game with a controller is soo bad imo. A keybaord and mouse is far better. I remember I got Red Alert 3 and Endwar to play with my cousin because he only has a 360.. my god that was a horrible decision haha.

You either didn't read my post or you did play a different game with your cousin. I said:

Btw look at EndWar on the 360 with the fantastic voice commands.

The controller is not really used that much in EW.

if arma 2 won't come out on the 360, then why?


Obviously, one of the big reasons would be hardware, considering how much trouble most pc's are having with the game

Since FDR can be played without problems on the 360 it's obviously not the hardware. If a game is built for a console and not simply ported over from the PC then the hardware (which is the same for every player) offers actually an advantage for the developers. They know exactly what to expect from the hardware the player is going to use to play their game.

which resulted in my rrod comment from the previous page

The RRoD is a problem of the past, the new 360s don't have that problem anymore.

The 360 is having issues keeping up, although they are apparently trying to fix that

Still having issues? I don't know on what console you play.


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Not trying to start a console vs pc debate here as you have said, my main question is though, if arma 2 won't come out on the 360, then why? Obviously, one of the big reasons would be hardware, considering how much trouble most pc's are having with the game, which resulted in my rrod comment from the previous page. The 360 is having issues keeping up, although they are apparently trying to fix that.

Just wanted to add , if arma2 will not come out on the xbox or console , be sure to know another games company will release a game of this type,(like OFDR) within the next year or two , and when MS's next console is release, there may not be much space for companys that didn't take the opportunity to have their product firmly set within the console world , as networks , servers, the internet , consoles and pc's get bigger and faster , you may see one day battlefield world or games of this type with 1000 of ppl all playing at once ( i wonder how many ppl will own console at this stage? )..

The games maket is about money , making games that ppl what to buy and play , if one company doesn't develop a game thats in demand another will ...

The futures bright , so say the men with ideas .....

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One man's meat is another man's poison......

I've read lots of reports from people that the campaign is superb, haven't tried it myself so I will reserve personal judgement, want to play it on the 360 ;)

Here you go ppl.

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Btw look at EndWar on the 360 with the fantastic voice commands. That's much better and more 'realistic' even in RTS than the usual PC mouse interface. There's lots of potential in consoles and new innovative features are likely at the horizon (e.g. Natal), so the argument that a certain genre is better off on the PC as a platform is a view from the past.


Endwar was ultimately a simplistic and shallow game - not even comparing to PC controls. It's not realistic in the least. Semi-realistic and complex games exist only on the PC.

I'm telling you guys, ArmA 2 is NOT going to happen on the 360. I know you guys have your hopes up and everything, but this type of game simply wouldn't work on the 360. There's dozens of reasons why - but I shouldn't have to explain them because they are all obvious. A big one though - the 360 isn't powerful enough. Bohemia Interactive aren't skilled console developers - they have no clue how to scale down a game like this to a console that can't even run CoD4 at 720p.

You guys are wasting your time.

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This is a post that was made by PLACEBO the main guy on this forum on

06-27-2009, 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Placebo

"One man's meat is another man's poison......

I've read lots of reports from people that the campaign is superb, haven't tried it myself so I will reserve personal judgement, want to play it on the 360". This ways PLACEBO statement.

I know for a fact that bohemia has a somewhat working version fof ARMA2 for the XBOX 360 right now. Yes anything can happen, they can drop it and move on but I made a detail outline a few weeks ago about what needs to happen for this game to workout for us the console community.

The two main things are getting the PC game working great in all parts and waiting for OFPDR to see if it can sell well compared to BFBC2 and CODMC2 GAMES.

KEEP THE HOPE ALIVE and if placebo makes a statement like that only a few months ago, That is a really good hint. People read between the lines just wait maybe a little longer then we wanted but it will come to console market near you.

Edited by AVIBIRD 1

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well, all we can do is wait and see... and for the record, the hardware of the 360 is probably one of the smallest problems. If you had seen any interviews with BI, you would know.

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You either didn't read my post or you did play a different game with your cousin. I said:

Btw look at EndWar on the 360 with the fantastic voice commands.


No i understood what you said, I agree about the voice commands beign good,etc.. but A) its not new (they did something somewhat similair rainbow6) and B) besides the good voice commands, the game was extremely boring to me, also was just sayign that in general a RTS on a console just doesnt work very well in my exsperience, thats all I was saying. I was SOOO excited for Endwar, but I was dissapointed in how it turned out.

And dont say im a console hater, as I own almost every console since Stari and NES. I love my consoles, just from MY experience, RTS games dont work well with a controller for me PERSONALLY. Some good ideas in Endwar, but it just wasnt all that great to me personally.

I hope ARMA2 comes to 360 athough I doubt it will. I think if a game like ARMA2 where to come to consoles it might make other companys think about making realistic shooters,etc... I have nothign against consoles personally, I just dont enjoy RTS on consoles.

I do enjoy PC gaming the best but I definatly play Forza2 and Resident Evil5 each week with friends :D

Edited by kozzy420

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its not new (they did something somewhat similair rainbow6) and B) besides the good voice commands, the game was extremely boring to me

A) is not true because it is new in the way that it is the first really working voice command feature. It didn't work properly in R6, not at all.

B) is of course - as you said yourself - a personal opinion only, many gamers enjoy the game.

Voice commands are the way to go imho because it creates a feeling of really commanding your troops and therefore do enhance any illusion of 'realism'. A game like ArmA2 or FDR with this voice command feature for commanding your troops and perhaps using Natal for a TrackIR/view would really make a big jump regarding the player immersing in the situation portrayed by the game.


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dedicated servers , both microsoft and sony are devolping new server tech for upcoming games . somebody should try running a multiplayer game of arma2 on your pc and playing the game at the same time .. what is the outcome ? can it be done ? add a dedicated server for any game on a xbox 360 and i would guess wonders will work ....

Section 8™ publisher SouthPeak Games, along with developer TimeGate Studios, is set to break new ground on the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment platform from Microsoft by supporting X Server functionality, an option where players can run their own dedicated servers using a Windows®-based PC. An X Server can handle up to 32 players at once, resulting in one of the largest multiplayer games currently available on the Xbox 360. The X server software will be distributed free of charge* upon Section 8’s launch. Meanwhile, PC gamers can also run dedicated servers for the PC version of the game allowing up to 40 simultaneous players. More information and availability of the X Server and PC Server software will be available at launch on www.joinsection8.com.

This added functionality is by no means necessary to enjoy the game since Section 8 also features a single player campaign mode and offline ‘instant action’ where artificially intelligent ‘bots’ take the place of human opponents. To make sure Section 8 enters battle with all guns blazing; SouthPeak Games will host official ranked PC and X servers in locations around the world. When dedicated servers are not used, Section 8 supports up to 32 players on PC and 16 on Xbox 360.

“FPS fans looking for the perfect multiplayer game expect fast, reliable servers when they're playing online. We go one step further by offering an increased player count and boosting the game play experience to a new level,†said Richard Iggo, VP of Marketing at SouthPeak. “We're confident that Section 8’s incredible team-based combat and our adoption of cutting-edge server technology provide an experience unlike anything else out there.â€

Section 8 is available on PC and Xbox 360 on September 1 in North America.

The only problem with dedicated servers(not users dedicated server) i sensed for the xbox360 and arma2 would be selecting whos misson to play, if its was decided one of the players mission would be used after the last battle had finished , then i guess there could be a voting system, where all people in the lobby voted for a player to host a misson, who ever won the vote would then choose a mission to be uploaded to the dedicated server,which would be played and then delated after that battle had ended ..... It would be great for arma2 to have dedicated servers for the xbox 360 .

Also when making a misson (a player making a mission on there xbox 360 , there could be a xbox 360 mission save and also a dedicated mission save which could only be played on dedicated servers as the build points would indicate what type of mission has been built ) there are many ways around each problem and having some kind of dedicated system may solve some of theses issues, if the game is not able to be hosted and run(played) on a console at the same time then whats the work around?.....

Just to add if you were to decided to have(company) dedicated servers for arma2 for the 360 i wouldn't mind paying a small fee to be a prefered player on these servers.. a person could always pay by microsoft points , but i mean this would have to be a small fee .. this would mean the most hardcore players of arma2 would be able to play bigger and better missions on the xbox 360 ... maybe have a vote on how much people are willing to pay , but i guess more info is needed on the release of this game if the game is to be released ....

Edited by cnickcj
getting timed out

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If this game comes out for the 360 it will dominate a huge untouched market. Keep up the work guys!!!:yay:

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Not so untouched when FDR is out. But competition is good for the gamers because they hopefully get better games this way.


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dedicated servers , both microsoft and sony are devolping new server tech for upcoming games . somebody should try running a multiplayer game of arma2 on your pc and playing the game at the same time .. what is the outcome ? can it be done ? add a dedicated server for any game on a xbox 360 and i would guess wonders will work ....

Section 8™ publisher SouthPeak Games, along with developer TimeGate Studios, is set to break new ground on the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment platform from Microsoft by supporting X Server functionality, an option where players can run their own dedicated servers using a Windows®-based PC. An X Server can handle up to 32 players at once, resulting in one of the largest multiplayer games currently available on the Xbox 360. The X server software will be distributed free of charge* upon Section 8’s launch. Meanwhile, PC gamers can also run dedicated servers for the PC version of the game allowing up to 40 simultaneous players. More information and availability of the X Server and PC Server software will be available at launch on www.joinsection8.com.

This added functionality is by no means necessary to enjoy the game since Section 8 also features a single player campaign mode and offline ‘instant action’ where artificially intelligent ‘bots’ take the place of human opponents. To make sure Section 8 enters battle with all guns blazing; SouthPeak Games will host official ranked PC and X servers in locations around the world. When dedicated servers are not used, Section 8 supports up to 32 players on PC and 16 on Xbox 360.

“FPS fans looking for the perfect multiplayer game expect fast, reliable servers when they're playing online. We go one step further by offering an increased player count and boosting the game play experience to a new level,†said Richard Iggo, VP of Marketing at SouthPeak. “We're confident that Section 8’s incredible team-based combat and our adoption of cutting-edge server technology provide an experience unlike anything else out there.â€

Section 8 is available on PC and Xbox 360 on September 1 in North America.

The only problem with dedicated servers(not users dedicated server) i sensed for the xbox360 and arma2 would be selecting whos misson to play, if its was decided one of the players mission would be used after the last battle had finished , then i guess there could be a voting system, where all people in the lobby voted for a player to host a misson, who ever won the vote would then choose a mission to be uploaded to the dedicated server,which would be played and then delated after that battle had ended ..... It would be great for arma2 to have dedicated servers for the xbox 360 .

Also when making a misson (a player making a mission on there xbox 360 , there could be a xbox 360 mission save and also a dedicated mission save which could only be played on dedicated servers as the build points would indicate what type of mission has been built ) there are many ways around each problem and having some kind of dedicated system may solve some of theses issues, if the game is not able to be hosted and run(played) on a console at the same time then whats the work around?.....

Just to add if you were to decided to have(company) dedicated servers for arma2 for the 360 i wouldn't mind paying a small fee to be a prefered player on these servers.. a person could always pay by microsoft points , but i mean this would have to be a small fee .. this would mean the most hardcore players of arma2 would be able to play bigger and better missions on the xbox 360 ... maybe have a vote on how much people are willing to pay , but i guess more info is needed on the release of this game if the game is to be released ....

cool, thanks for the info.

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Just checking in for any updates. Has anyone heard of a possibility of this coming to 360 in the foreseeable future?

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Never mind. Today I have read that they are already creating a sequel to the pc version. Both the new game and the arrow game are unconfirmed for the console. Im done wasting my time here.:(

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Never mind. Today I have read that they are already creating a sequel to the pc version. Both the new game and the arrow game are unconfirmed for the console. Im done wasting my time here.:(

11 posts and your done here. This game was not for you any how lol. We are all pissed about the lack of information but no game can come close to this game. Yes, I will buy and play OFPDR but will still keep the hope alive that this game comes to the console if not I always have OFP ELITE LOL.

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I kinda of feel like ARMA 2 PC was already vetted (HOT NEW TERM FROM ELECTION!) for consoles. Examples:

1. 3rd person works very well(much better than ARMA 1 which i played exclusively in 1st person when infantry)

2. Complex terrain and level layout seems to cater to sub 300 m engagements (more gamepad friendly),

3. Less recoil overall. (7.62 NATO feels easier than ARMA 1's 5.56 NATO)

Just musings..

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This is a post that was made by PLACEBO the main guy on this forum on

06-27-2009, 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Placebo

"One man's meat is another man's poison......

I've read lots of reports from people that the campaign is superb, haven't tried it myself so I will reserve personal judgement, want to play it on the 360". This ways PLACEBO statement.

I know for a fact that bohemia has a somewhat working version fof ARMA2 for the XBOX 360 right now. Yes anything can happen, they can drop it and move on but I made a detail outline a few weeks ago about what needs to happen for this game to workout for us the console community.

The two main things are getting the PC game working great in all parts and waiting for OFPDR to see if it can sell well compared to BFBC2 and CODMC2 GAMES.

KEEP THE HOPE ALIVE and if placebo makes a statement like that only a few months ago, That is a really good hint. People read between the lines just wait maybe a little longer then we wanted but it will come to console market near you.

Very good to hear.

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Sad but it looks like this won't be happening. Guess I'll have to make do with DR on xbox or hope the recession blows over so I can afford a decent pc

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