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avibird 1

ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

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Not cool, I've read several times that ArmA 2 is coming out on 360 the same time as PC. Why would they stick this thread then?
Linkzorz? I don't recall that. I remember them saying they would work on a console/360 version but not release it at the same time.

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Just wait guys let all the PC markets get released and then let BOHEMIA put out some patches to make the game run like it should.

The console version per MS guidelines must be almost BUG FREE. We only have a week and half just relax and sit back and watch ARMA2 get released world wide.

We will get console information and it will be before OFPDR. This is just a feeling in my bones.

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Just wait guys let all the PC markets get released and then let BOHEMIA put out some patches to make the game run like it should.

The console version per MS guidelines must be almost BUG FREE. We only have a week and half just relax and sit back and watch ARMA2 get released world wide.

We will get console information and it will be before OFPDR. This is just a feeling in my bones.

For their sake it better be, ArmA 2 has targeted one audience, OFPDR has targeted several audiences and will get noticed much more than ArmA 2. Keep that in mind BI.

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I have to say that I was looking forward to the release of OPFD:DR but then came across ARMA2 due for 360 and I'm sure I speak for a lot of 360 gamers when I say ARMA2 is a much more exciting prospect. I co run a 360 clan and have friends all over the UK and further who are patiently waiting for ARMA2 not flashpoint to be released

We seem to be in a bit of a dry patch for tactical games at present and ARMA 2 is going to more that fill this gap for a long time

This game is going to be fantastic and its good to see there is already a growing 360 fanbase for it

As AVIBIRD says be patient let the game roll out on PC then let it come to 360 bug free and ready to rock

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For their sake it better be, ArmA 2 has targeted one audience, OFPDR has targeted several audiences and will get noticed much more than ArmA 2. Keep that in mind BI.
As i said before. We need spectrum:)


All can happily coexist next to each other (on console). Goes without saying that sales drop from left to right but even ArmA2 can shift multiple 100k's on 360 i think

(a wild guess on 360 would be MW2=4-5M, BFBC2=2M, OFPDR=1-1,5M, Arma2=0,2-0,5M)

Well that's not even my 0.02 cents. My 0.01 cents:)

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So I shouldn't go to the store next week to buy this game?

Definitely not.

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I have the PC game, and it plays so much like it should be an X-box game that I rekon they must definitely be planing to release on said console.

Menues are X box like, and the towns are simply laid out, also vehicals are best controlled with an x box controller.

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You never know. With the recent news of Microsoft's "Project Natal" the devs could always wait a little while and when "Project Natal" releases they may be capable of making it compatible with it and that would pretty much make the whole argument about the controls disappear.

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As i said before. We need spectrum:)


All can happily coexist next to each other (on console). Goes without saying that sales drop from left to right but even ArmA2 can shift multiple 100k's on 360 i think

(a wild guess on 360 would be MW2=4-5M, BFBC2=2M, OFPDR=1-1,5M, Arma2=0,2-0,5M)

Well that's not even my 0.02 cents. My 0.01 cents:)

I would say that's fairly accurate, but wouldn't you say that OFPDR combined some of the mechanics of BF and MW with Flashpoint so that they can grasp more audiences while BI have stayed true to their fans and kept it the way it should be?

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Just wait guys let all the PC markets get released and then let BOHEMIA put out some patches to make the game run like it should.

The console version per MS guidelines must be almost BUG FREE. We only have a week and half just relax and sit back and watch ARMA2 get released world wide.

We will get console information and it will be before OFPDR. This is just a feeling in my bones.

Hear hear, let them patch 'em up & ship 'em out & if Mr. Guess is correct maybe a few weeks/months after that.

@Balgorg- Yeah i do tink that it will be easier to control ArmA 2 on the XBox, especially with vehicals.

Edited by HappyBrit
Sorry in a hurry cheese toasty in the oven :)

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... but wouldn't you say that OFPDR combined some of the mechanics of BF and MW with Flashpoint so that they can grasp more audiences while BI have stayed true to their fans and kept it the way it should be?
Yes, definately. That is why i say that OFPDR sits between MW/BFBC and ArmA2 ... not a bad place to be (saleswise) i might add:) Because, CM can't go head-on with MW2, that would be murder, but they don't have to go very-hard-core-OFP like ArmA2

So they can pick the best things of both worlds. Which is a very nice starting position. BUT their biggest prob is of course that it is their FIRST FPS. While all contenters have multiple titles outthere. CM NEVER can beat them in the first round. But, who knows, a 2011 OFPDR2 could be a different matter:)

Edited by maxqubit

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Hear hear, let them patch 'em up & ship 'em out & if Mr. Guess is correct maybe a few weeks/months after that.

@Balgorg- Yeah i do tink that it will be easier to control ArmA 2 on the XBox, especially with vehicals.

MR. Happy Brite, Am I MR Guess lol. If you looked at all the interviews from BOHEMIA since 2007 and have a little insight then you would know there is more money to be make on a console game then the PC market today.

Overall more people play console games then PC games world wide and this is a tend since 2003-2004. Yes world of war crap has more people on online but that is just one game not the whole market. It is a lot harder to make a fake copy for a Console game so fewer lost sales and more opportunity to make a quick buck with very littel work for a company with DLC.

The only real issues are can a console run ARMA2, how much will they need to cut down to make it work good and how many console players really want a game like this. Spectrum of games: Other RUN & GUN games on the market/HALO/GTA4/COD/BF/FARCRY/GRAW/RB6/AA/OFPDR/FSW=ARMA2. I feel a lot and a lot more don't know it yet because they have no clue just look at the other games. Most people who play the games on the right would love this game and most people who games on the left will not. The question is all the players in the middle.

MR. Happy Brite have you ever played OFP ELITE. Then you would know the XBOX controls worked great for the game especially with vehicals so much better then BFBC vehicals.

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I found this in the ArmA 2 PC 'Bin.pbo' file, the config file inside that:

class Regular {
description = "";                
visionAid = 0;

Notice the display name? Interesting...

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I found this in the ArmA 2 PC 'Bin.pbo' file, the config file inside that:

class Regular {
description = "";                
visionAid = 0;

Notice the display name? Interesting...

I don't know what this means but it make me little happier to see XBOX infomation hinting in files within the PC game. It can only point to good things to come for the console community.

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I found this in the ArmA 2 PC 'Bin.pbo' file, the config file inside that:

class Regular {
description = "";                
visionAid = 0;

Notice the display name? Interesting...

What do they say? 'Nice find' :)

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I found this in the ArmA 2 PC 'Bin.pbo' file, the config file inside that:

class Regular {
description = "";                
visionAid = 0;

Notice the display name? Interesting...

That makes me happy in the pants.

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Please don't read anything into the fact I've "un-stickied" this, purely that there are a couple of more pertinent issues that need bringing to attention :)

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Its official then....its not coming out on 360..........


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Hi, im new so im not sure if this link has been posted before(i dont feel like reading through 65 forum pages :P ) but in this interview from Games Convention 08, BIS gives us a LOT of information on the xbox version--->

just remember to enable captions

oh and if you don't have time to watch the whole thing, they start talking about the xbox version at around 5 minutes

Edited by zigg
forgot to add something

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Please don't read anything into the fact I've "un-stickied" this, purely that there are a couple of more pertinent issues that need bringing to attention :)

Placebo I am not telling you how to run your house and I know your hands are full with all the PC stuff in the next few weeks but I feel this is a bad move for PR for the console community.

The only real information about a XBOX game is on this post and if you don't want new people who join for information about the console game making a new post You should keep this stickied.

The console community people vist here to keep there hopes up for a game. We all know the PC is the main focus and we all know we have to wait but you have 9 posts that are stickied and 20 that are not on the first page of this forum. You can keep one more stickied for us the console community unless your are giving us a bone about the current status of the console game. You know most people will read between the lines.

How can we build a console community if you take away our place to go.

I hope you see my point.

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How can we build a console community if you take away our place to go.

I hope you see my point.

Not really, I'm not taking the thread away, it's simply no longer stickied because it's more important to get feedback on the 1.02 patch (for example) than it is right now to stop people posting new Xbox threads (the only reason this thread was stickied in the first place), I also want to Sticky Dsylexci's excellent tactics guide at some point and again cannot because there's IMO too many stickies.

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not releasing officially on xbox sucks big time!

im not happy that ign.com built up my hopes with release dates for the xbox 360 as june 23rd! that is bad. :mad:

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