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Amazing textures! How you make them?

I tried more than twice to edit the existing BIS default textures of OPFOR units, but i could't even make the Wests in "Camo". Is there a tutorial out somethere or you just so skilled with photoshop etc.?

I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for but it's a texturing tutorial.


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What kind of island you use with this units, and the plants, what addons it is ?

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Schnapsdrosel, you are the man. I appreciate your work! Keep up the good work. notworthy.gif

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Looking good there Schnapsdrosel.


Great new units Schnapsdrosel.
Schnapsdrosel, you are the man. I appreciate your work! Keep up the good work.  notworthy.gif

Thanks, you keep me motivated!

What kind of island you use with this units, and the plants, what addons it is ?

It's sap_everon with some object and config changes, combined with some cwr textures, some grass textures I made and PROPER Plants autumn textures v1.0

Right now I'm playing the old OFP Battlefields mission on this Island, brings back some old memories wink_o.gif

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I agree with Spooky Lynx except a long sleeve version of that t-shirt. thumbs-up.gif

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Man, I really wish you could use the body armor that are on Jonny's SF units, or something similiar. Your units look great, but I really think that you need to ditch the default BIS IBA's, despite you making them look better with extra pouches, and using something more modern.

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Man, I really wish you could use the body armor that are on Jonny's SF units, or something similiar. Your units look great, but I really think that you need to ditch the default BIS IBA's, despite you making them look better with extra pouches, and using something more modern.

Well then, all you need to do is get me an unbinarized .p3d from Johnny’s vest model and his permission to use it. Send it to me and I will start updating my models immediately  wink_o.gif

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Yep, or make them from scratch crazy_o.gif

[suggestion]That SF body armor would be nice, though I think we have too much of that stuff

What about the russian Kazak 6 vest (will find pics)

or something like this ?



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The west in the picture shouldn't be to hard to make (need some HQ pics), might be something for the eastern mercs pack or the eastern unit I'm working on with Shadow NX...

Until then, you can download the desert mercs with the old and ugly BIS vest’s here:

download desert mercenaries pack 0.9


(picture by Parvus)

I recommend to use my updated mercenary face pack with this addon (24 faces in total):

download mercenary faces pack


And here's the replacement for the QG mercs (there are 2 versions with the 2 different snipers to choose from)

and the west and independent soldiers:

download desert mercs replacements


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Man, I really wish you could use the body armor that are on Jonny's SF units, or something similiar. Your units look great, but I really think that you need to ditch the default BIS IBA's, despite you making them look better with extra pouches, and using something more modern.

Well then, all you need to do is get me an unbinarized .p3d from Johnny’s west model and his permission to use it. Send it to me and I will start updating my models immediately  wink_o.gif

Only wishful thinking, brother. wink_o.gif I'm pretty sure that if you could change the armor, you would have done it a while ago.

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Man, I really wish you could use the body armor that are on Jonny's SF units, or something similiar. Your units look great, but I really think that you need to ditch the default BIS IBA's, despite you making them look better with extra pouches, and using something more modern.

Well then, all you need to do is get me an unbinarized .p3d from Johnny’s west model and his permission to use it. Send it to me and I will start updating my models immediately  wink_o.gif

Only wishful thinking, brother. wink_o.gif  I'm pretty sure that if you could change the armor, you would have done it a while ago.

I asked Johnny for the permission a while ago, in the time of waiting I could have made the vest myself, but I thought, that it would be stupid to create something for ArmA that is already there... That's the reason why the vest’s still look as they do now. But maybe if there would be more people bugging Johnny to give me the west model, it might increase the chances that it will happen some day rofl.gif

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nice work Schnapsdrosel..those mercs are bad-ass... biggrin_o.gif ..downloading thoses asap...

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Well schnapsdrosel if you really want to get rid of the BIS IBA's



On this site you can find several photos of various vests which you can use for a new vest.

Hope it will be any useful to you.


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