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Dialog to choose any weapon/ammo/gear

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<span style='color:#7ac'><span style='font-size:16pt;line-height:100%'>Morsa's Any Gear</span></span>

<span style='color:#005'>Change your gear loadout, no need for any ammo containers.</span>

<span style='color:brown'>2008-06-04:</span> changed name to "Morsa's Any Gear".

Reworked into clean standalone addon, current version 0.9b


Morsa's Any Gear addon allows you to quickly change your gear loadout, without the need of any in-editor placed ammo containers.

If you need to test multiplne weapons, check their sound or looks ingame, with this addon you don't need anymore to use any 'Player addWeapon "MY_COOL_WPN"' commands and such.

Only thing you need is to fire up the editor, place some playable unit and hit the 'Play' button.

All weapons available in game, including ANY addons, will be available to you after pressing preconfigured key ( default is 'J' ).

download: http://5133p39.wz.cz/misc/mors_anygear.zip (9Kb)

readme: http://5133p39.wz.cz/misc/mors_anygear.txt (2Kb)

installation: (read the readme)

1. Place the addon 'mors_anygear.pbo' into any addon or mod directory you like.

2. Place the configuration file 'mors_anygear.hpp' into the '\arma\dta\' folder.

3. Edit the configuration file to set the key code for dialog activation.


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Cool, I was always using the "Target Range" mission to do this (test different weapons etc).

I suppose its not the most "reality" based addon to have permanent but is there a possibility of making a drop-in pbo version to use anytime?

Great addon though thanks pistols.gif

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Brilliant Job !

You've made my work alot quicker to test ingame mate, thankyou very much..I can see alot of people liking this, would be great for defend the town co-ops!!!!

Does it work in MP?

Thanks again, appreciated

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I suppose its not the most "reality" based addon to have permanent but is there a possibility of making a drop-in pbo version to use anytime?

When i decided i will put it on the web, i was thinking about making also a clean "addon" version along with the "mission" version, but then i thought its unnecessary.

But since i see that you would like that, i will make a clean addon version.

Does it work in MP?

Right now, i don't know, but it should be really easy to make it work in Mp, so i'll make sure that the new addon will work in MP.

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Since i will be converting this "mission" into an MP compatible addon, let me know if anyone wants to change something to make it work little bit differently - change the dialog somehow (make it bigger, or the listbox font smaller so more weapons/mags can be visible at same time?), add some details, more verbose info, anything.

For example, it could be nice if it would automatically select some magazines for the weapon you choosed, so you won't need to manually remove all mags from the previous weapon and add new ones for the current weapon.

Anything else?

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<span style='color:red'>NEW VERSION AVAILABLE</span>

Reworked into a clean standalone addon.

Fixed two minor bugs.

Easy installation and configuration (customizable dialog activation key code).

<span style='color:red'>Read the updated first post.</span>

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Please please please do not turn this into a stand alone MP-compatible addon. Many (even most) MP missions rely on players being restricted to certain weapons (Warfare, Evo, practically all coops etc.). If a player can just install this addon, jump into any MP session and just pick any weapon he wants, whenever he wants, it would basically facilitate rampant cheating.

Not to mention that 3rd party mod weapons could be selected on public servers, which is not recommended in any case.

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Please please please do not turn this into a stand alone MP-compatible addon. Many (even most) MP missions rely on players being restricted to certain weapons (Warfare, Evo, practically all coops etc.). If a player can just install this addon, jump into any MP session and just pick any weapon he wants, whenever he wants, it would basically facilitate rampant cheating.

Not to mention that 3rd party mod weapons could be selected on public servers, which is not recommended in any case.

well, i am not sure, but it may be already too late - even the first version could be easily turned into an addon.

...and i guess that the addWeapon command is "local" (not sure, don't remember exactly), so in that case it will work also in MP.

I will keep updating it and adding features, but i promise i won't work on its MP compatibility (only if somebody asks me for using it as a part of some other project - then i will be willing to help).

I understand that the MP community does have quite often some problems with cheaters, but in my opinion the admins of the servers are the ones to blame - we can sign addons, restrict their use, ban players by ID, etc. - i think the tools exists, but the problem is too few servers are really using them.

I understand your concerns, but i don't think that holding back some otherwise useful addons/scripts is the way to improve the situation. One needs to seal the holes, not hide them.

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You are absolutely right. The MP community has yet to fully adopt the anti-cheat measures provided by BI, so there are indeed still gaping holes.

Although I do agree that this should not be an excuse to hold back scripts, I'm seeing a problem specifically related to this addon. An easily installable dialog that allows players to give themselves any weapon of choice (and unlimited ammo) and does not require activation inside the mission... no offence mate, but this sounds like something that could be found on a cheat download site.

Except that this addon can already be found on three major ArmA fansites, resulting in a much larger distribution throughout the community. Considering how much people love their custom M4s and other weapon packs (which are not public MP compatible), I can see this causing massive problems in public multiplayer, even by those people who do not intend to use it for cheating.

If you would like to hear a recommendation from me: do not sign this addon.

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Great thanks for the pbo version pistols.gif

Have you ever though about setting it up so a script / dta or whatever can be referenced to the set out "kit limitations" ?

Then admins can list what they want it to show in MP, or mission makers in missions.

Kind of reminds me of Ghost Recon, where as you start, everyone picks their kit (which as I say is server restricted by a limitation array of some kind) and then away you go.

Maybe extend this into only being able to call the menu or script at times of re-spawn / init of mission?

This might be re inventing the wheel, but I guess tho bonus here is you have complete control on the kit to show up initially.

Im am no scripter BTW, just some extended thought tounge2.gif

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I guess another way (if this would be possible) is to have this setup that it can only be accessed with the existence of an ammo box on the map.

IE: unless you air drop, have ammo vehicle supply or static ammo boxes with the "gear" option ... you cant actually access it. This way its a "Open source ammo crate content mod" as apposed to it being deemed as a potential "cheat".

This within a drop-in pbo would be good, unless it can only really be done via a script only.

I'm fine with it for personal play / testing, and ultimately its user / admins discretion at the end of the day.

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An easily installable dialog that allows players to give themselves any weapon of choice (and unlimited ammo) and does not require activation inside the mission... no offence mate, but this sounds like something that could be found on a cheat download site.

Except that this addon can already be found on three major ArmA fansites, resulting in a much larger distribution throughout the community. Considering how much people love their custom M4s and other weapon packs (which are not public MP compatible), I can see this causing massive problems in public multiplayer, even by those people who do not intend to use it for cheating.

If you would like to hear a recommendation from me: do not sign this addon.

Well, i guess you are right, i didn't thought about the other people who could (even not intentionally) cause problems with this.

Sorry, but what is done is done, there is no way back - lets hope it will force the servers to adopt the propper anticheating measures more quickly..

Have you ever though about setting it up so a script / dta or whatever can be referenced to the set out "kit limitations" ?

Then admins can list what they want it to show in MP, or mission makers in missions.

Kind of reminds me of Ghost Recon, where as you start, everyone picks their kit (which as I say is server restricted by a limitation array of some kind) and then away you go.

Maybe extend this into only being able to call the menu or script at times of re-spawn / init of mission?

Its possible, i'll see what i can do about that - although this wasnt the original purpose.
I guess another way (if this would be possible) is to have this setup that it can only be accessed with the existence of an ammo box on the map.
But then where is the point then? I made it like this on purpose, so i won't need to place any ammoboxes in the editor when i am testing something. But it can be done.
This within a drop-in pbo would be good, unless it can only really be done via a script only.
I don't understand what are you saying here.

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Always sign your addon. The server admin will have to decide, if

he allows the particular addon(s) related to the key by himself.

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Always sign your addon. The server admin will have to decide, if

he allows the particular addon(s) related to the key by himself.

In any case he should sign this addon with a seperate key. Otherwise any other addons signed with the same key would be blocked along with this one.

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Quote[/b] ]But then where is the point then? I made it like this on purpose, so i won't need to place any ammo boxes in the editor when i am testing something. But it can be done.

LOL tounge2.gif I do admit its going backwards a little, i was really only pointing out about a way it could be used as its a nice open "anything goes in" feature to use with ammo boxes "as well".

Unless theres something already I haven't seen anything with ammo boxes that lets you pick anything you like how much you like, other than scripting it manually per mission. thats what i meant by drop-in PBO .. you could have it so

1. Use with a menu option anytime any place, or

2. Use it via ammo boxes only, so you have "anything you want how much you want" from an ammo box.

The point of the choice is just the fact that MP/People with cheating issues can set it how they wish so you get the best of both really.

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Great tool for what it was made, works faster than the armory.

To keep things simple and avoid cheating, my suggestion is, make it SP only. A single line at the top of your init.sqf would do.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (!isServer) exitWith {};

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Quote[/b] ]But then where is the point then? I made it like this on purpose, so i won't need to place any ammo boxes in the editor when i am testing something. But it can be done.

LOL tounge2.gif I do admit its going backwards a little, i was really only pointing out about a way it could be used as its a nice open "anything goes in" feature to use with ammo boxes "as well".

Unless theres something already I haven't seen anything with ammo boxes that lets you pick anything you like how much you like, other than scripting it manually per mission. thats what i meant by drop-in PBO .. you could have it so

1. Use with a menu option anytime any place, or

2. Use it via ammo boxes only, so you have "anything you want how much you want" from an ammo box.

The point of the choice is just the fact that MP/People with cheating issues can set it how they wish so you get the best of both really.

Aha! So that is what you meant by "drop-in PBO" :-)

I thought you wanted a PBO addon, which could be used just by dropping it into your addon folder, without needing to initialize the addon (starting it's init.sqf) in your mission init script.

Ok, my bad, sorry for this little misunderstanding smile_o.gif The next version will be like this then.

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Quote[/b] ]But then where is the point then? I made it like this on purpose, so i won't need to place any ammo boxes in the editor when i am testing something. But it can be done.

LOL tounge2.gif I do admit its going backwards a little, i was really only pointing out about a way it could be used as its a nice open "anything goes in" feature to use with ammo boxes "as well".

Unless theres something already I haven't seen anything with ammo boxes that lets you pick anything you like how much you like, other than scripting it manually per mission. thats what i meant by drop-in PBO .. you could have it so

1. Use with a menu option anytime any place, or

2. Use it via ammo boxes only, so you have "anything you want how much you want" from an ammo box.

The point of the choice is just the fact that MP/People with cheating issues can set it how they wish so you get the best of both really.

Aha! So that is what you meant by "drop-in PBO" :-)

I thought you wanted a PBO addon, which could be used just by dropping it into your addon folder, without needing to initialize the addon (starting it's init.sqf) in your mission init script.

Ok, my bad, sorry for this little misunderstanding smile_o.gif The next version will be like this then.

Shit no mis understanding there. I was going to ask for a .pbo in AddOns form but I too thought mrcash2009 was on top of it already. I thought he meant the same thing. So thanks to mrcash2009 for confusing 5133p39 into making this into a single .pbo. And thanks to you for following through with said confusion. biggrin_o.gifwink_o.gif

The funny thing is, now that I figured out what mrcash was actually asking for I have to thank both of you once again. His idea is another thing I've always wanted to have available. Christ, you guys are doing some serious damage to many birds with a single stone. biggrin_o.gif

This is a wonderful AddOn for an SP player like myself you loves to use all of these beautiful user made weapons. Much praise for this little treat.

I wonder though, could this be tweaked so I could move these weapons to another unit and vehicle? Just so I could quickly place a few weapons in a vehicle and in the hands of a few of my AI team mates; so we could retreat from a firefight or quickly switch weapons on the go. Now obviously I could just replace the my team mates weapons with out going to the back of a vehicle but I'd like to have the option. Personally, I'm not going to use this addon to switch weapons mid fire fight, but I'll always have it active when I play. So I can essentially just use it to quickly arm my team when I'm out of harms way. Of course if I ever do find my self getting an ass whipping mid fire fight, it's always nice to have a little "cheat" in SP. wow_o.gif As a way to prolong my play only that is. wink_o.gif (No, I just hate to lose. biggrin_o.gif )

I hope I'm making sense with that inquiry.

Thanks again. Great little AddOn! thumbs-up.gif

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I wonder though, could this be tweaked so I could move these weapons to another unit and vehicle? Just so I could quickly place a few weapons in a vehicle and in the hands of a few of my AI team mates; so we could retreat from a firefight or quickly switch weapons on the go. Now obviously I could just replace the my team mates weapons with out going to the back of a vehicle but I'd like to have the option. Personally, I'm not going to use this addon to switch weapons mid fire fight, but I'll always have it active when I play. So I can essentially just use it to quickly arm my team when I'm out of harms way. Of course if I ever do find my self getting an ass whipping mid fire fight, it's always nice to have a little "cheat" in SP. wow_o.gif As a way to prolong my play only that is. wink_o.gif (No, I just hate to lose. biggrin_o.gif )

Yes, i want to make it able to change weapons also for your squad.

That is why there is the empty space on top of the dialog - i wanted to have a combobox with units in your group (or maybe all units on the map - including all sides) to choose a unit to select its weapons.

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So, i have another version ready (but not releasing yet, until i finish some more features).

It's got integrated map allowing you to teleport on clicking into it,

and button for instant healing.

(and please, this time leave out your "oh, its cheating!" comments, when it will be finished, it will be a tool for testing missions and addons. Although i must admit, i really enjoy playing single player Warfare while using this)

The next changes i am working on:

1. When selecting weapon, it will also automatically give you some ammo for it, and automatically remove any ammo for which you don't have a weapon.

2. Ability to spawn any vehicles.

3. To alter loadout or to teleport any unit, not only a player.

...and now, excuse me please, i have to go back cheating into my single player Warfare ;-)

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