kremator 1065 Posted October 10, 2008 I have to agree that this IS a sad day. You skills will be missed, as you have created one of the finest AI improvements. What we need is another programming giant to take over the project and keep it going. [TAO] Kremator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroky 1 Posted October 10, 2008 This news is so depressing, that frontpaged this information from Solus!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackland 26 Posted October 10, 2008 Thx SOLUS Thx!! Great work and very special thx! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PSYCHOSIM 0 Posted October 10, 2008 Sad news, your work and forward thinking will be missed, SLX is great work, yet to be matched. Good luck in your future endevours. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twisted 128 Posted October 10, 2008 solus your contributions to arma have been amazing and the game's future is a little bleaker now. thanks for sharing your skills and time so much. hopefully someone will be able to pick up the torch,. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bhaz 0 Posted October 11, 2008 Definately sad news. Hopefully someone can pick this up, I would've given it a shot but I fail pretty hard at addon design. Plus I took a look inside SLX_Wounds and my head almost exploded. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroky 1 Posted October 11, 2008 Maybe we will see a kind of "rebirth" of SLX when ACE is out... As far as I remember they asked Solus for permission to use some of his code for ACE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroky 1 Posted October 17, 2008 The biggest bug in the current release is surely the ability that severe wounded still can throw grenades... This is for players and for AI's... lying on the ground unable to move or to shoot with the rifle the AI can still exactly throw grenades at your position. Can anybody fix this? Also it is not possible to stop bleeding with bandaging. You can bandage yourself so many times you want, you still will die because of bleeding. I would prefer that bandaging would stop bleeding. Not healing the character but stop from loosing health. Does anybody know how to disable the supersonic sounds from SLX? I would like to use the ones of my sound mod, but they're overwritten by SLX. EDIT: Ok I removed the SLX_WeaponSounds.pbo from the SLX/Addons folder and now the super sonic crack of my sound mod are there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
action man 0 Posted October 18, 2008 Cant open the gl3 pbo! Ive tried with pbo tool but get this message-it seems that it isnt arma pbo. Iv'e tried with kegs pbo tool but the batch file just flashes and dosn't do anything  What tool do i need to open it to edit the cloulets? I have succesfully opened the vehicle pbo with pbo tool! EDIT= in fact kegs tool just flashes for an instant with every pbo i try to open! Am i doing somthing wrong with kegs pbo tool? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted October 18, 2008 Cant open the gl3 pbo! Ive tried with pbo tool but get this message-it seems that it isnt arma pbo. Iv'e tried with kegs pbo tool but the batch file just flashes and dosn't do anything  What tool do i need to open it to edit the cloulets? I have succesfully opened the vehicle pbo with pbo tool! EDIT= in fact kegs tool just flashes for an instant with every pbo i try to open! Am i doing somthing wrong with kegs pbo tool? I get the same problem with Keg's. It worked in the beginning for me but then it never works again. To un-pbo a file that gives that error message use eliteness. I can't remember where I DL'd it but I believe it was under tools. If not under Tools, maybe in another section. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
action man 0 Posted October 18, 2008 @Manzilla.thank's mate for the heads up about elitness Your "da Man" It opens every pbo i've had trouble with in the past Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroky 1 Posted October 19, 2008 silenced weapons are still waaaaay to weak sometimes it takes me 10 shots to kill a unit, and even then I'm not quite sure if he's dead or not and no, it's not my bad aiming, it's just that the silenced weapons are so weak. Since I can kill a unit with 2 maximum 3 shots when the weapon is unsuppressed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Benoist 0 Posted October 23, 2008 Anyone know which pbo causes the sooooooo long reloads? I removed everything except for slx_armavoices.pbo, slx_wounds.pbo and slx_NetCode.pbo. I think that the last one is the guilty, but if I don't add it, wounds.pbo doesn't work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroky 1 Posted October 23, 2008 As far as I know no one of the .pbo in the addon folder is responsible for it. It's rather the config.cpp file which is located in the bin folder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroky 1 Posted November 2, 2008 Did anybody get the SLX animations to work as a standalone like suggested by Solus? I have the problem that I cant move when in crouched mode. The character spreads his arms to the ground and doesn't move. Â i.e. in the crouched run mode. Besides this I get the error of CA_anims_characters needs ca_anims, which is for sure a path error. Anybody knows more? PS. And if anybody is interested in I managed to separate the wounds/drag system and it works as standalone now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HGuderian 0 Posted November 2, 2008 @Kroky...plz check your pm. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted November 2, 2008 PS. And if anybody is interested in I managed to separate the wounds/drag system and it works as standalone now. Kroky, Of course we are interested mate !!! Please upload so that we can all use them. Well done !!! [TAO] Kremator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charliereddog 9 Posted November 2, 2008 Hell yes mate, get it out there! Wounds and drag is excellent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroky 1 Posted November 2, 2008 Yes I will post it tomorrow. I'm busy with my girlfriend today.. See you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted November 2, 2008 Good luck ... on both fronts Looking forward to it! [TAO] Kremator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroky 1 Posted November 3, 2008 ok here as promised my info about how I got wounds/drag system from SLX to work standalone: - First: all credit goes to Solus for making SLX and providing the files modular for wounds/drag. - Second: download all the new files that have been uploaded from Solus to Filefront. (files from 10th Sep 2008) Make sure you are using ONLY these files! - Make an addon folder like @SLX in your ArmA directory, inside this folder make an addons folder. - You need only these files to get to work wounds/drag system: - SLX_Wounds.pbo - SLX_Cloud.pbo - SLX_Arma_Voices.pbo - SLX_Shout - SLX_NetCode.pbo Additionally make sure you have the latest Extended_Eventhandlers.pbo installed in any modfolder as an addon. (right now version 1.9 is up to date) You don't need any Bin folder or Data folder installed from SLX, to get to run wounds/drag system. It should work as a standalone without error. At least for me it works! Optional: Aditionally you can install these pbo's without the need of the Bin folder, to get SLX vehicles to work: - SLX_Veh.pbo - SLX_Veh_c.pbo Optional 2: Aditionally you can install these pbo's without the need of the Bin folder, to get SOME functions of Group Link 3 to work: - SLX_gl3.pbo - SLX_ai_dispersion.pbo - SLX_findcover.pbo - SLX_misc.pbo - SLX_xms.pbo If you want to gain some FPS and to prevent to break some missions (because of GL3) then install additionally these files: - SLX_NoSuppress (allows another Suppression addon to work like the superb six_sys_suppression along with SLX! - SLX_NoManeuver (prevents units being called to help other units, and prevents AI using vehicles that are unmanned. You lose some features when you install this, but gain some FPS and a lot of missions won't break! Optional 3: You can additionally install these two pbo's to get a black loading screen instead of the QG loading screen's: (this still doesn't need the Bin folder in you @SLX folder.) - SLX_loading.pbo - SLX_loadingblank.pbo THE FOLLOWING FEATURES WORK ONLY CORRECTLY IF THE BIN FOLDER IS INSTALLED IN THE @SLX FOLDER AND THE NEEDED PBO FILES ARE INSTALLED IN THE ADDONS FOLDER OF THE @SLX FOLDER: - dodging AI - changed radio protocol - SLX animations - SLX effects - SLX weapons you need the following pbo's and of course the Bin folder: - SLX_mod.pbo - SLX_ModCore.pbo - SLX_ModPeople.pbo - SLX_ModWeapons.pbo - SLX_ModWeapons_c.pbo - SLX_ModWeapons_Replacement.pbo - SLX_Nwdfixes.pbo - SLX_RadioProtocol.pbo - SLX_Anims.pbo (!! note: you need the old file, not the SLX_Anims_c.pbo !! - SLX_ShotEffects.pbo (needed for the dodging of AI when being shot at. Although I changed the main config to use SIX tracers which are better. See the info from thunderbird84 in this thread how to do it.) To get to work any weapon replacement packs, you need to unpbo the corresponding files and add to the line of required addons "SLX_ModWeapons" then the replacement packs will work with SLX mod. (Note!: if the replacement config is binarized then it will not work. It has to be a .cpp file! Until here it is the SLX install I use. The following files I have left out and it works alright without them. Left out pbo's: The following pbo's I have left out in my install of SLX because it doesn't add any important funcionality or effects IMHO: - SLX_Effects.pbo - SLX_Enginestart.pbo (really annoying, and AI doesn't wait) - SLX_Kegspect.pbo - SLX_Loadout.pbo - SLX_Melee.pbo - SLX_Melee_give.pbo - SLX_Modt72.pbo - SLX_Modvehicles.pbo - SLX_ModWeapons_Sounds.pbo (to get to work sound mods) - SLX_Reloadshout.pbo (ECS is doing the job better) - SLX_Sky.pbo (I'm using MODUL sky, it's better) - SLX_Vehicleeffects.pbo - SLX_Vehiclesmokelaunchers.pbo - SLX_Wind.pbo If you have any questions, feel free to pose them in this thread. I will answer them as long as I can. Once again: All credit for all the features and files goes to Solus! Make sure you read through the whole thread since there are some very good suggestions made by thunderbird84 and Karaya1 to optimize SLX to get it run more smoothly. Also there is a improved SLX_Veh.pbo by zGuba in thread which improves FPS also. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kuIoodporny 45 Posted November 14, 2008 I have an important question - could I post some SLX Mod's elements improved a little or simplified there? The list of improvements contains: - MP safe EngineStart with probability of ignition fault - changed AI autorotation system and midair ejection prevence - modified to apply ejection systems for Ka-50/52 helicopters, and to eject crew when landing on water - weapon failure removing whole magazine instead of setting it to 10% no matter what it was before - removed rotor destruction message and fuel zeroing (rotor damage script is enough I guess, I also guess that it's too delicate with current settings) - rotor damage script ejecting AI Ka-50/52 pilots on low altitude and high descending speed - people don't have to submerge 2 meters to stop burning themselves zCF1.14H will be good addition to modified addons Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted November 14, 2008 I think so. I recall reading something by Solus regarding this question, can't seem to spot it at the moment though. paragraphic l may be a person to contact if Solus isn't around. He always seemed to have answers to many inquiries in the thread. Not sure if he's around either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Freshman 0 Posted November 18, 2008 Quote[/b] ]All content in this addon made by SLX may be modified and used in any way with or without credit, except for parts that are under other licenses. SLX_ModWeapons is under the BIS models license. All content copyright by it's respective author(s). Taken from SLX Readme. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EddiePrice 16 Posted November 18, 2008 Kroky I'm confused. You talk of certain pbos needed to run the standalone drag & wounds system but not all of them are listed on the downloads page you linked. Is it not possible to use the SLX mod files and then just remove everything but these?: - SLX_Wounds.pbo - SLX_Cloud.pbo - SLX_Arma_Voices.pbo - SLX_Shout - SLX_NetCode.pbo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites