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Finally the PedagneMOD Italian Pack!

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I have just release the PedagneMOD Italian Pack on PedagneMOD web site

The pack contains 8 pbo files:

ASZ_PersoneIT.pbo (soldiers)

ASZ_Beretta.pbo (light weapons)

ASZ_ndd_weapons.pbo (heavy weapons)

ASZammobox.pbo (ammocrate)

ASZ_Wheels.pbo (wheeled vehicles)

ASZtracked.pbo (armed vehicles)

ASZ_enduro_EI_350.pbo (motorbike)

ASZ_Air_ITA.pbo (choppers and airplanes)


EDIT on 29 April 2008 - BUGS FIXED please re-download the pack and the missions at the links below and subscribe the old .pbo's

-Not function of M203 grenade launcher on the "Beretta SC 7090 M203 Acog"

-During the releoad of a missions: message of error "ASZ_AR7090_RIFLE required"

-Not properly function of "MP5A5". Now it's recalled "MP5A5 E.I."

This solve also the bugs into the missions by MARK82101.

The persistence of error messages about MP5A5 are not caused by Arremba San Zorzo and MARK82101 addons but may be depend by others addons!


Download PedagneMOD Italian Pack        Queen's Gambit Required!

Download MARK82101 missions        Queen's Gambit Required!


High res photo link:


Others photo on:



Here you can find various (179! ) units of Regiments, Brigades, specialties, special units, pilots, crews of Italian Army, Navy and Carabinieri. The most part of the soldier’s camo have two versions: BDU and Digital camo. The 90% of models and the textures making and mapping, are made editing the original BIS work. The textures of digital camo, the boots and the belt are imported from the Dr Rebus great job.

The whole list of the units and the most important point of the config shell are explained in the file “Classi_ASZ.xls†included in the pack. I’m confident that the reading of this file may help you in the comprehension of this pack.

In this pbo pack files you can find also:

- An upgrade of the Beretta rifles with with some fix, new sounds and two pistols (derived from M9 BIS original model). BEWARE! The class weapons of the Beretta rifles have been changed with the addition of the prefix “ASZ_â€. So please, all the modders that have equipped their units with the Beretta rifles, must see the new class list in the “Classi_ASZ.xls†file.

- New pbo file weapons with Panzerfaust 3 of Swiss MOD, the MG42 of Robert Hammer, M249 with aim-point and turned kick (derived by BIS original model) and the Spike long-range launcher that is only the Javelin of BIS renamed. The whole list in “Classi_ASZ.xls†file.

- Many vehicles fast re-skinned by BIS original models.This vehicles have the only purpose to allow to the gamers to play with vehicles with Italian flag. They are only a bridge to the real editing of vehicle starting now with the importing of PedagneMOD vehicles from OFP (I hope that they will ready soon). The whole list in “Classi_ASZ.xls†file.

I have followed tutorials and suggests various, but nothing. So this is my….


The Wounds textures on the soldiers do not load correctly

The Damage textures on the vehicles do not load correctly

Thanks to:

-The SWISS MOD that has allowed me to use their very nice Panzerfaust3 in this shell pack.

-ROBERT HAMMER that has allowed me to use his MG42 and the sounds of his weapons.

-DR REBUS that has allowed me to use important part his textures of Italian digital camo, the boots and the belt.

-BEHORAM WALLACE that has gave me the high-res photo for italian BDU camo and the Beta Testing availability.

-RUBBER for their Beta Testing and availability and help in every days I had quested.

-AIMPOINT for their continued support .

-All the ArmA community that has gave me feedback in the various topic forums.

-BIS for their great work and availability with the community.

And least but not lost, I say thanks to MARK82101 for their availability for the Beta Testing and the making of the missions that you can download below.

MARK82101 wrote:

â€This is a 3 missions pack created at the same time to the release of the italian units for ArmA by Arremba San Zorzo (I greet him and I give thanks to him for

his trust in me for the cration of these demo missions, and for his talent in the creation of this awesome mod for ArmA).

Since the times of OFP I was proud of the works of ASZ.


-)G.O.I. Ride:

The mission consist in control one team of 5 special forces of Comsubin, elite units of italian Navy, for an operation of rescue of a pilot downed

behind enemy lines. I advise you to assume stealth behaviour, because the zone is under enemy control, and a lot of Al-Qaeda patrols are ready to empty they're

rifles to you.

Needed Addons:

Hamas units - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2309


EDIT on 29 April 2008 - rebus EI weapons NOT required now



The Special Intervention Group is called for a special event. The city of Corazol is attacked by an heavy armed terrorist group, and after killed a lot of civilians

they are garrisoned in a big house. 2 teams are near the house waiting for headquarter call, for start the operation.

With Radio you can synchronize the assault with other team bravo, and kill all the terrorists.

Needed Addons:


EDIT on 29 April 2008 - rebus EI weapons NOT required now


-)San Marco Lions

The city of Chantico is under enemy control. The San Marco Regiment are ready for disembark in a large beach near Chantico, and advance in direction of the city

for retake the control of Chantico, supported by Harrier bombers of the San Marco ship (planes carrier).

Thanks to:

Arremba San Zorzo, Rebus, AT_ST_Walker, Gunny, BIS ^^"

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Good job thumbs-up.gif

You might want to add that all three missions need QC. smile_o.gif

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Have these troops got a script inclded to make them run away as soon as the shooting starts?

no comment!! icon_rolleyes.gif

PS: good work Aldo. smile_o.gif

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Thanks to all for the appreachments.

I hope that them like also in game.

@ aimpoint: don't anger, there are the same, stupids comments.

@ particular thanks to Stavanger and to El nino Foxhound that have created alternative mirror of downloads

@xr6turbo: thanks to you

@Q: done! thanks for suggest.

@HDlaeppli: thanks for your great mod

@niQ: great videos

@ PSYCHOSIM: please, tell me what is your perfect country. So, i'm confident, i can find too a prejudice about your country. So, we can laugh both.

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Have to try this nice huge pack with more time and of course inform me more about italian units and what their "main" job, thanks smile_o.gif

found one bug:

- M203 on Beretta SC 7090 M203 Acog doesn't work

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posso fare un video con le tue unita'?

can i make a video with your united ?

grazie ciao

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"Tire e Tas"...

Thanks for your units...I'm downloadin'...are there desert/afghan camoes for Alpini grunts?

Ciao, gran bel work!

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Have these troops got a script inclded to make them run away as soon as the shooting starts?

Lol, only kidding, great work man!

Maybe you think such tired stereotypes are funny, to me they're flamebaiting, if you had family members who died in the war would you like people laughing and making insulting jokes about them? I think not.

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Does that mean absolutely no one can make comments about the U.S. war on terror? Because I'm sure there are plenty of people on these boards who know people who have died in that conflict, yet people always make comments about it. Relax people, it was only a joke, try not to be so sensative.

Nice mod, some really good looking stuff.

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Given both my strong Italian heritage and my interest in their military, I had been waiting for these units for quite some time. Thank you for releasing them!

- dRb

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@ Old Bear: thanks for link!

@ niQ: Sure! You can! for a video or for a use that not transform them you have not need a permission. Please send me the link when you will make the video!

@ NoRailgunner: thanks, i will provvide soon (this week end, i think). The Pack have a Beta test, but i waiting the possibility that someone finds other bugs.

@ monty67t: i agree, relax. the incident it's closed

@ HGuderian: no desert camo no. Sorry there are jet 179 units!

@ DrBobcat: thanks for your appreachments and your waited

@Placebo: simply thanks

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Great job done! Really high quality addons! THX!!

I have only one question. I know it's not that important thing, but there is a way to change the face textures or the default faces fixed with the models?

Can't wait the vehicles pack! notworthy.gif

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About faces, i have choose to add a single face for characther. In the config settings, the faces are regulated by "CfgFacesCA.hpp". I don't know what is the same way in the game editor icon_rolleyes.gif

About the desert, not. Desert is out of the story of PedagneMOD and also my units are jet 179. Sorry.

At all: i say thanks for your appreachments and for the mirrors that someone of you has created. I ask also if i can receive a feedback about bugs (so the next upgrade can fix them) and about the "Classi_ASZ.xls" file. It's the first time that i have used it and i would want to know if you find it useful or useless and if it need variations.


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