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Mark XIII (DayZ)

Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

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ok guys, just to make you aware that editing the actual samples will probly give you errors online with the key not recognising the new filesize...

zGuba, I appreciate what you did, although if someone had been more specific about the problem (ie, click at the begining wink_o.gif )) I'd have sorted it myself, so I tried your version (thanks, I don't mind when its bis's samples) and added it to the next update, which shall contain something...hmmm...different to the usual stuff from me more, m4like work... For now, I'll say expect an update before the weekend for sure.

I'll try to fix stuff people request to be sorted, I'm not gonna touch the vehical sounds for now, that shall be 1.5 I'm affraid, please consider I haven't really stopped doing this since I started, so I'm thinking of alittle break and then come back to make a fresh set of land/sea/air vehical sounds..

Atm I'm working on some seperate projects, the biggest being Project 85, which should be fantastic when you guys get to see the combined efforts of some of the best modders out there! My other project, which is sorta combined with P85 is Vilas weapons pack, I'm currently 'trying' to produce a sound for every weapon he's made, it'll be abit of config work for him...(bless him!wink_o.gif but should be well worth it. As most of you know, he's made LOADS of weapons so I got my work cut out for me. trying to maintain consistency with hifi sounds at the same time, but all in all I'm chuffed with the progress I've made, and love both of these projects to bits.

I know I don't normally go on about other projects much but its abit off topic sorta, the only reason I mentioned it was to give you guys a heads up on my current work/workload..I'm not complaining, I really love the art of Soundcraft!?!

Well, I'll be back soon to update you on any progress made, thanks again for your continuing help & support, all the comments have made me a very happy man, keep it up guys, and so shall I.

Be good

Best Regards


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Hi Mark III

With regards to the breath sound i think the volume needs to be dropped a little as you can hear people breathing 100m away, give or take a few metres.

Right enough about that, you have a nice break mate, all your hard work and time is greatly appreciated but rest is more important than us sound hungry forum monsters.  biggrin_o.gif


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^^agreed, on both counts mate, I'll edit the volume of the breath sound accordingly, will playtest online later & have an update for you real soon.

Does anyone else get a low pitched breath sound, tested it moms ago, I'd previously unpacked zGuba's edit into wav format, that sounded fine...this is interesting, an I shall look into it, please, if you can and you have the .wss to wav converter (somewhere afew pages back maybe? or somewhere ^^there lol) can you grab zGuba's edit and have a listen, maybe I'm going crazy...

Catch you all soon


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Hi Mark III

I changed the volume from using zGuba's sound edit.


soundEngine[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\breath", 0.5924, 1};


soundEngine[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\breath", 0.0250, 1};

And for me anyway, it seems about right. My soundcard is an XFI Gamer.  wink_o.gif

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great sound mod notworthy.gif

but i dont like D30/D81 and M119 cannon shells explosion sound, just my opinion but explosion sound needs more "punch" ... FDF sound mod has a great cannons explosion sounds.

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Thanks for looking into the breathing for us. I will wait and let you sort it rather than tinker around with it.

Cheers mate. smile_o.gif

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Really enjoying the outstanding sound effects - when I hear them. Playing in small infantry vs infantry type engagements is fine. But as infantry surrounded by a large tank battle with artillery, helicopters and aircraft, the only sounds I hear are those which are real close, and then not all of them. There are no sound artifacts, distortion, or other indications of a problem, the distant sounds are just not there. It's as if I was deaf, which might be realistic after a real close explosion, but I don't think you modeled that wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]i dont like D30/D81 and M119 cannon shells explosion sound, just my opinion but explosion sound needs more "punch" ...

Heya mate, I'll be working on these soon, they do need an overhaul, I think you'll be nicely supprised..


Quote[/b] ]Thanks for looking into the breathing for us. I will wait and let you sort it rather than tinker around with it.

No problem mate, I'm always working on something, I spend as much free time I can afford on this, its my 'hobbie' time I guess, some people go watch the footie, I make combat sounds...hehe, expect an update soon biggrin_o.gif

Nicholas Bell

Quote[/b] ]Playing in small infantry vs infantry type engagements is fine. But as infantry surrounded by a large tank battle with artillery, helicopters and aircraft, the only sounds I hear are those which are real close, and then not all of them. There are no sound artifacts, distortion, or other indications of a problem, the distant sounds are just not there. It's as if I was deaf, which might be realistic after a real close explosion, but I don't think you modeled that

I'm really happy you like the Fx mate, I'm a really big fan of your work, best arma Island I say!!! Anyways, I'm not sure how I can help with this...I have a crappy pc that can run my audio editing stuff easily, but I have trouble with arma+30 ai....

so I guess this is where I need you guys to help...I need a good config guy, someone who can run through my config and sort it out, I mean volumes, A10 weapon fire sounds etc, I can't offer cash (wish I could) but you'll have the kudos of a lot of people over on this thread!

well there you go, lets see what happens next

p.s if you're a config master with an addon under your belt I can always offer my sound making services to ya...

See ya all soon

Best Regards


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Really awesome sound design, you clearly have a talent! Ever consider a career in Hollywood? notworthy.gif

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skip Hollywood! Next stop: Bohemia Interactive Soundmaker job biggrin_o.gif

*hopes for this to come true*

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^^^ biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif  whistle.gif  notworthy.gif

That would be nice, think I'd have some competition though..

For now, its nice to know you guys are happy with it, I mean its all good while its free, but would you pay for it...hmmm



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Good Evening Gentlemen,

First of all I really like the sound mod!!! You did a gorgeaus Job with it!!!

But I noticed one minor issue since I play with the ECS mod as well it seems it overrides your sound mod in certain conditions like the M4 Burst the semi is like it should but the Burst sound is different. I post it here in the hope that someone has a solution for it since I can´t figure it out myself, and I basicly don´t wanna lose the nice features of the ECS and the great sounds of the Hifi. At least I tested different start orders but it has no effect so far.

Thanks for the answeres in advance



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Quote[/b] ]...

- Add a folder named "Disabled Add Ons" to your \@ECS\AddOns directory.

- move the following files into this folder:

- ECS_Armory.pbo, thus re-enabling a sound mod of your choice (Tested and works)


Damn somtimes I speak faster then I think never mind the post and sorry for asking whistle.gif

Kind Regards


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Cannot find a sound file hifi_sounds\s\mgair_vrb.wss

Looks like a char bug in config wink_o.gif

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Thanks a lot!!! This is really amazing sound! Improved a lot the feeling that we are dealing with a real weapons!

I would like to suggest, if possible, for future releases if the impact sound when we are in a vehicle be fixed. With and Without the sound mod we can't identify very well when we just recevied an impact from a AT soldier's missele or from an enemy tank.

Thanks again! Great job! notworthy.gif

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Love the sounds!!!

In particular the aircraft sounds and the sonic pops.

Keep up the great work! notworthy.gif

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[uKF-SF] Shaolin [sgt]

Quote[/b] ]Damn somtimes I speak faster then I think never mind the post and sorry for asking

Heya mate, welcome to ^my world^. lol, seriously though I'm chuffed you like it. I use ECS as well, great stuff!


Quote[/b] ]Cannot find a sound file hifi_sounds\s\mgair_vrb.wss

Once again....YOU..THE...MAN

consider it fixed! btw, I'd love you version of my config..ya know..the all fixed one....hehehe


Quote[/b] ]for future releases if the impact sound when we are in a vehicle be fixed. With and Without the sound mod we can't identify very well when we just recevied an impact from a AT soldier's missele or from an enemy tank.

Ok mate its like this, I believe with alot of config skill sounds can be broken down into more distinctive groups, but my current & only config doesn't really define the sounds in that way...Am I making any sense!?!?! I'm not sure on this, but I don't think bis's sound config does either. My hit sounds are in number order. 01 , 02, 03 etc..Earlier today the missus was watching me play, she asked me to fire on a bmp so she could hear the new armourhit sounds I'd done, she then asked me to shoot a tire...(I laughed alittle before I did it, coz I know what would happen next).. I shot the tire, an it went 'CLANNNNG'. she laughed and said, "honey, you should really sort that out". I explained to her the same thing, It's just some objects aren't defined to have a seperate sound.

LOL, gosh, can I go on....sorry for that!

Just to inform you all.

An update will happen this week (still) some small changes & config fixes are to be expected, after which I'll having a little break from my HiFi project and focusing on the P85/Vilas work. Don't worry though, I always check back here, its like my home from home now... biggrin_o.gif so as usual, all feedback is welcome..

Best regards



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Earlier today the missus was watching me play, she asked me to fire on a bmp so she could hear the new armour hit sounds...

Mate, I'm out of words... wow_o.gif  Mine would winch like hell banghead.gif

I wanted to ask you, do you think that you'll add some more punch to the grenade explossions? Or you living them as they are?

Here are some samples for you anyway.

M203 video samples from Youtube:

. Notice the punch of the explossion. (Not on to the wall)

M203 firing. BTW, Noticed the amount of punch in the firing.

Hand grenades:

Grenade in water. He surely changed his pants after this.

Another one in water, deeper in the water.

BTW Mark, you wouldn't have some nice envioramental sounds, like trees being shaken by hi wind, or floks of birds suddenly taking off, etc. I had a look at the ExtraSFX addon by Aeon  and I fancy trying to do something like it but with new sounds.

EDIT: I ment to say, I noticed that 6thSense WeaponPack grenade launcher is affected while I'm using your mod, it replaces the M203 firing sound with your "throw" hand grenade sound. I don't know if this is to do with your mod or with 6thSene's weapons.

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Quote[/b] ]Mate, I'm out of words... Mine would winch like hell

Well, I'm a WW2 buff and she's really into the history of the vietnam war, so you know its all good.... biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]I wanted to ask you, do you think that you'll add some more punch to the grenade explossions? Or you leaving them as they are?

I did tweak them for 1.4, but I'd like to work some more on them now I have access to some online playtesting (Cheers the.D ))..During the building process of 1.4 I mainly worked on the 'c' 's' & 'h' folders of my sounds .pbo. The 'v' and 'e' folders will next, ready for 1.5 no doubt. I'm looking forward to using some of the techniques I've picked up whilst making the smallarms for 1.4 on the explosion sounds..guess we'll have to wait and see if you like em.. wink_o.gif

Well, gonna go shoot some pixels..at some pixels...take it easy

Best Regards



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I allways take it easy, that's why I never get anything done, lol.

Them weapons and explossions sounds are good, so ignore what I said earlier.

About the 6thsense weapons pack grenade launcher sound issue, anybody here knows if is related to this mod? Because it works allright with Vanilla ArmA.

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Breathing noises are defienetly way too loud, but thats my only annoyance smile_o.gif

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Hey Mark.

on Full Metal Jacket (the movie) they have some wicked movement sounds with the gear and stuff when they are running and sneaking around etc... I reckon you should check it out biggrin_o.gif

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Really enjoying the outstanding sound effects - when I hear them. Playing in small infantry vs infantry type engagements is fine. But as infantry surrounded by a large tank battle with artillery, helicopters and aircraft, the only sounds I hear are those which are real close, and then not all of them. There are no sound artifacts, distortion, or other indications of a problem, the distant sounds are just not there. It's as if I was deaf, which might be realistic after a real close explosion, but I don't think you modeled that wink_o.gif

so im not alone with this problem then?

i have the exact same problem..

at first i thought that it might have been the 1.14 patch but then i realised it must be this sound mod...

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