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Mark XIII (DayZ)

Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

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cant get much better really.

I need to fraps it and up a movie clip ... its worth seeing & hearing.


I wait too))

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There's something about the M1A1 and T-72 engine idle sounds which I don't like: There's a squeaking included.

I don't have any idea how a running tank engine alone would be squeaking like this. Tracks, dampers, hatches or maybe the trurret could be squeaking like this, but not if they aren't moving on a idle tank.

And what's making it worse, is that especially the frequently squeaking makes it easy to recognize that this sound is looped.

More than likely the author has mixed the track sounds with the engine sounds into 1 file. Where as it should be 2 different sounds called say m1a1_eng and m1a1_env in the config . By using the "environment" part of the config only the engine will sound when the tank isn't moving. And of course when its moving the track sound will be heard along with the engine.


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Quote[/b] ]More than likely the author has mixed the track sounds with the engine sounds into 1 file

This guy knows his stuff!

He's right basically, I wasn't thinking about it obviously and thinking more about realistic sources for the m1a1 instead of thinking about making seperate sounds for the tracks and such...Good quality sources of just the m1a1 sound without distortion an americans shouting "come get some" is near impossible...Still, like I posted above, I have fixed this with 'just engine sounds for the engine and modified the bis default track sounds alittle. Both the t72 & m1a1 sound a million times better now..

...I guess there's no such thing as a perfect release, still I've been looking at the config and may be able to add some more stuff too it..which means some more sound work, but that makes it more interesting for me, and provides you with an update (with tank fixes attatched) biggrin_o.gif

BTW, I love your work SGT_SAVAGE, I'm frothing at the mouth for your stuff to be fully released. keep up the great work mate!

Best Regards


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Great to hear you Savage has helped you fix the problem Mark... When will we be expecting an updated HiFi?

ALso noticed you've managed to fix the breathing bug (well at least on my PC) great work! I would also like to comment on your A-10 sound.. Most sound mods only make it so it sounds good from a ground perspective but you've managed to nail it perfectly and made it good to hear from the Cockpit, Ground perspective and 3rd person view! Great work

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Quote[/b] ]When will we be expecting an updated HiFi?

Errr, depends I guess, So far I've had great feedback from the bulk of posters here an only afew criticisms & suggestions , so I figure I could wait afew days more, see if anyone else has suggestions and make changes ready for a weekend update...Or, I could have alook at what possible larger changes I could make to Hifi and take some time on it but come back with something more interestng..We'll see, whats your opinons guys ?

Quote[/b] ]noticed you've managed to fix the breathing bug

I should hope so mate, it wasn't hard really, I just turned it down, to be fair theres over 1500 samples in my latest release and sometimes Its easy to lose track, not forgetting that I'm also trying to work on other projects too..Sooo I guess I'm gonna miss the odd sound here an there whistle.gif

Quote[/b] ]I would also like to comment on your A-10 sound.. Most sound mods only make it so it sounds good from a ground perspective but you've managed to nail it perfectly and made it good to hear from the Cockpit, Ground perspective and 3rd person view! Great work

Chuffed you like it mate, me too..I've noticed some of the other sound mods have great sounds for the avenger too, especially polo's latest version of FFAMM...When I watched that vid I nearly wet myself! my only issue with it was how it sounded from the cockpit, as the A10 travels between 350knots - 450knots the delays between firing and striking sounds would be different to what you'd hear on the ground. Polo's sound is great from the ground because I guess thats the way you'd hear it. In his sample I believe your hearing the bullet strikes 1st then the actual gun noise slightly later..I only know this from watching a documentry on the a10 an its 'supersonic' silent killer bullets..I'm not knocking his version, its awesome..just watch his promo vid, besides he's a good friend. I guess we all attack sound editing differently biggrin_o.gif

Well guys stay safe

Best Regards


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Well mate over 10,000 people watched them promo video's you made, so I'd say you've contributed 'alittle'...hehehe

...Thanks again, I still watch them on occasion, an enjoy them still, and thats testement to your good video making more than my sounds...So Good luck in the future mate, I think you have a very promising future ahead of you..

oh, an I'm more than happy that you still like the mod!

Best Regards


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I really like this new version Mark, well done. Haven't even tried the warfare version yet.

If I had to make 'suggestions' I'd say the sukhoi jet sound is too weak. Just as I had abandoned all hope on something close to realistic jet sounds you guys surprise me with some nice A10 sounds. So I hope the other jets will get updated soon as well. Imo, it's more important how it sounds from the ground when it flies past then what you hear insinde the cockpit...

The other thing is the temporarily dropping of volumes that was introduced with the 1.14 patch. It really breaks immersion and I hate it. One that is very persistent is when firing the board cannon in an M1, the engine sound will drop to almost inaudible levels. I know it's not your doing but maybe you could look into this since it borders on your department shall we say. smile_o.gif

edit: does this mod solve what I mean or is it for something else? not really sure and can't test it myself.


Oh btw, the new firing sound for the m136 rocks!

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I really like this new version Mark, well done. Haven't even tried the warfare version yet.

If I had to make 'suggestions' I'd say the sukhoi jet sound is too weak. Just as I had abandoned all hope on something close to realistic jet sounds you guys surprise me with some nice A10 sounds. So I hope the other jets will get updated soon as well. Imo, it's more important how it sounds from the ground when it flies past then what you hear insinde the cockpit...

exactly, the jet sounds needs to be more stunning, louder, rumbling whatever, but HIFI sounds are the best out there, i love you work!

cant wait for the new tank sounds, keep it coming!

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Quote[/b] ]temporarily dropping of volumes that was introduced with the 1.14 patch. It really breaks immersion and I hate it. One that is very persistent is when firing the board cannon in an M1, the engine sound will drop to almost inaudible levels. I know it's not your doing but maybe you could look into this since it borders on your department shall we say.

Hi there mate, glad you liking 1.5. Ok, mate I totally agree with you, it does break the immersion ALOT and I'm getting sick of not having the option to turn off..So this got me thinking alitttle, BIS seem to give people what they want if requested enough..I say this is important enough to all arma players wether you play SP or MP or both, at the end of the day, we should have some control over it, we get enough options for visual settings, why not release a small patch or at the very least point us in the right direction..<>

getting to the point, I think we as a community have a right to get this sorted out, if someone can point me in the right direction I'll happily start the ball rolling. Would it best to start a poll? Would you like some control over the dynamic sound dampening system? < something like that ?

also, I did go into all three config's and edit out the sound occlusion code once i got word of that thread existing (I think maddmatt pointed me in the right direction?). So, I'm abit perplexed myself as you can see^^, one thing though, I think other addons my be effecting this dampening effect, I'm gonna do some testing later when i get a chance.


Quote[/b] ]jet sounds needs to be more stunning, louder, rumbling whatever

Well, all I can say is I thought they were ok, but as I'm making some updates I can work on afew, how about these?

Sukhoi (designation fails me..but, I'll make this louder, add some EQ and then see if i can maybe mix something more exciting into it, I make no promises though decent jet sounds that can be looped well are hard to find..)

Harrier (add some thump and rumble if i can, the sound itself is pretty dang faithfull but I'll just build on it)

I think thats it isn't it... the A10 stays, thats from god....

Hey, good to see you guys posting over here again, thanks for comin'

Best Regards


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The other thing is the temporarily dropping of volumes that was introduced with the 1.14 patch. It really breaks immersion and I hate it.

The high dynamic range sound system has been in from the beginning. Surrounding sounds have always been deadened by loud gunfire in this game. Maybe BIS just increased the volume of the tank cannon in 1.14? I must say, I have experienced this since playing the demo.

Personally, I like having a realistic range of volumes, and I think these psychoacoustics good.

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The other thing is the temporarily dropping of volumes that was introduced with the 1.14 patch. It really breaks immersion and I hate it.

The high dynamic range sound system has been in from the beginning.  Surrounding sounds have always been deadened by loud gunfire in this game.  Maybe BIS just increased the volume of the tank cannon in 1.14?  I must say, I have experienced this since playing the demo.

Personally, I like having a realistic range of volumes, and I think these psychoacoustics good.

Well I've been playing Arma a lot since the game came out and I have difficulty believing your statement. Either this was introduced in the last patch or it was greatly increased by it because I never noticed it before 1.14

It's also not realistic at all, it happens quite randomly and often also occurs when you are flying a helo and there is a .50 firing on the ground. Come to think of it, I think I've only noticed the volume dropping on vehicle sounds like tanks/hummer/helo's.

I don't think I've ever experienced this 'feature' as you call it in infantry combat. Not with nades exploding around me or artillery or a SAW being fired next to my ear...

Perhaps it's a feature to improve VoIP somehow. Whatever it is it's EVIL and must be stopped. smile_o.gif

@Mark; I'd happily sign that petition mate.

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it seems to be triggered more by the number of sound sources rather than the actual sound level of the loudest sound. In principle it would be a very very good thing however, and much needed. typically explosions and guns are mixed unrealisticaly silent.

btw, i suppose anyone in a war will wear hearing protection. So it wouldn't be a bad idea to filter a sound mods sounds accordingly.

yesterday i tried the sound mod, not the warfare version however. it sounds quite good, and what's even more important in my pov, very consistently. the only thing i didn't like however was the environmental combat noise, i think you call it ACE. if i hear combat, i want combat to happen somewhere, not a random ambience. with that ambience noises i felt like being back in day of deafeat. tonight i'll probably try the warfare edition, without ACE, i think it also has less trailoffs.

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Hey Mate, awesome job on this big mother of soundmods :P

A couple of issues:

[*] The sound configs seem to be based on pre ArmA v1.08 config. (Funny enough, every soundMod i've come across had it this way, until they fixed theirs :P)

Quote[/b] ]Updating base class M16A4_GL->M16A2GL, by hifi_config_warfareace\config.cpp/cfgWeapons/M16A4_ACG_GL/

Updating base class M16A4_GL->M16Muzzle, by hifi_config_warfareace\config.cpp/cfgWeapons/M16A4_ACG_GL/M16Muzzle/

Updating base class m16a4->M16A2GL, by hifi_config_warfareace\config.cpp/cfgWeapons/M16A4_GL/

Updating base class Single->Single, by hifi_config_warfareace\config.cpp/cfgWeapons/M4A1SD/Single/

I'll make an example as to how these messages should be read:

"Updating base class M16A4_GL->M16A2GL, by hifi_config_warfareace\config.cpp/cfgWeapons/M16A4_ACG_GL/"

Means that M16A4_ACG_GL in the original configs, is based on M16A4_GL class. However, your config changed the class inheritance tree, so it is based on M16A2GL.

Thus you should change it back to M16A4_GL instead smile_o.gif

Some more info: If you change a sound on a weapon baseclass, and other rifles are inherited from it, but no custom sounds were defined for them in their original config, then you don't have to set the sounds for them, because they are already inherited from the base rifle.

Hence I changed for example the m16a4 gl's:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class M16A4_GL : M16A4 {};

class M16A4_ACG_GL : M16A4_GL {};

And to fix the m4sd single -> single message:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class M4AIM : M4 {};

class M4A1SD : M4AIM {

class Single : Single {

sound[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\s\m4a1sd_s", db-40, 1};


[*] The requiredAddons array is incomplete, to my knowledge it should be: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">requiredAddons[] = {"CAData", "CAWeapons", "CAWeapons3", "CACharacters", "CATracked", "CAWheeled", "CAWheeled3", "CAAir", "CAAir3", "CAWater"};

To my knowledge, you must include each addon that contains classes which you override with your config.

Both the above problems, should be the cause for the need of the class CfgAddons preloadAddons.

If you fix above problems, you should be able to remove the complete CfgAddons class, as this is only necessary for configs that add new classes or wish to relink existing classes to different base classes; Something you usually don't wish to accomplish, with a sound mod smile_o.gif

I hope this helps, and keep up with the awesome work biggrin_o.gif  notworthy.gif

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It wasn't intended for me obviously Sickboy. But from a fan of this mod I wanna say thx for taking the time to help out Mark on his project! yay.gif

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Quote[/b] ]the only thing i didn't like however was the environmental combat noise, i think you call it ACE. if i hear combat, i want combat to happen somewhere, not a random ambience. with that ambience noises i felt like being back in day of deafeat. tonight i'll probably try the warfare edition, without ACE, i think it also has less trailoffs.

To be fair WarfareACE config is really for people with low spec machines, like me...We have to suffer the loss of sound with alot less units on the map than most of you guys probly do. Its also away for me to test some ambient combat fx ingame, if you guys remember I wanted to replace the bis 'music' with stereo ogg. combat ambience tracks. Well this was also a way of giving you guys a teaser of what could be expected. That being said I've recieved quite abit of negative stuff said about this stuff, so I'm thinking of leaving it alone for the time being. maybe the guys who make the ECS mod could use it more effectively?


Quote[/b] ]It's also not realistic at all, it happens quite randomly and often also occurs when you are flying a helo and there is a .50 firing on the ground. Come to think of it, I think I've only noticed the volume dropping on vehicle sounds like tanks/hummer/helo's.

I don't think I've ever experienced this 'feature' as you call it in infantry combat. Not with nades exploding around me or artillery or a SAW being fired next to my ear...

I have to agree with one point of this, its totally random..I think this really depends on how beefy your pc is, for all those who've yet to notice this problem, try downstepping you pc's to the minimum requirements, I think you'll see why some guys suffer with this problem more than others. either way I'd still like it to be an option to enable/disable..just like the depth of field, it adds realism but is optional...


Quote[/b] ]Hey Mate, awesome job on this big mother of soundmods :P

OMG its sickboy 'the scripting moses' on my thread, and he likes my stuff...(falls over only to awake afew minutes later...)

Quote[/b] ]A couple of issues...

THANKS ALOT for that stuff matey, I'll try to get my tiny mind around what your saying and fix it!

Quote[/b] ]I hope this helps, and keep up with the awesome work

OMG He likes my stuff.....(falls over for a second time...)

lol, seriously mate, your a god round these parts...thanks for popping in here and helping me out, its appreciated!

Best Regards


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Quote[/b] ]I have to agree with one point of this, its totally random..I think this really depends on how beefy your pc is, for all those who've yet to notice this problem, try downstepping you pc's to the minimum requirements, I think you'll see why some guys suffer with this problem more than others. either way I'd still like it to be an option to enable/disable..just like the depth of field, it adds realism but is optional...

I have a reasonably beefy machine and I have this problem, so I don't think it's a performance thing. It'd be nice if someone could BIS could explain exactly what it is, but it'd be nicer if you could turn it off, like you said.

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MArk I wanna thank you for your excelent mod.

Just installed the 1.5 version and had a go.

One word: awesome!

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I finally had time to check this mod out for a little while - I've had it on my hard drive since the first release but had little time for playing. I downloaded the latest one today and tried out the hifi1.5 version with some random missions and evocti. I nearly got my nut during an a10 attack, and those shilka sounds are amazing, especially at long range. This mod is truly something to hear. Very good job.

I think that the distances that everything is audible at is also quite commendable. I love the rich soundscape that can be produced by a town wide battle because of the distances that all of the weapons and vehicles can be heard from.

On that note, I noticed something. Some of the missile whooshing sounds have the doppler effect baked into them. You can hear the missiles approach much further away than they can travel before the loop ends, though, so you get this sound like 'sheeeoo sheeeoo shhhEEEOOO SHEEEOOO' and the missile approaches. I think just some white noise would be better.

Excellent mod. It is a great achievement.

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What do you guys prefer? Standart, warfare or warfare ACE? I just can decided which one sound better. smile_o.gif

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Well I've been playing Arma a lot since the game came out and I have difficulty believing your statement. Either this was introduced in the last patch or it was greatly increased by it because I never noticed it before 1.14

It's also not realistic at all, it happens quite randomly and often also occurs when you are flying a helo and there is a .50 firing on the ground. Come to think of it, I think I've only noticed the volume dropping on vehicle sounds like tanks/hummer/helo's.

I don't think I've ever experienced this 'feature' as you call it in infantry combat. Not with nades exploding around me or artillery or a SAW being fired next to my ear...

Perhaps it's a feature to improve VoIP somehow. Whatever it is it's EVIL and must be stopped. smile_o.gif

@Mark; I'd happily sign that petition mate.

I used to experience it in the demo, 1.03, when I was shooting my infantry weapons with a running engine in the background. The sound of the engine would drop off and then come back up. I'm not saying that it's behaving exactly as it is designed, but this volume dropping is the result of the HDR sound feature, possibly due to a dramatic increase of the dba value of the minigun.

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I really like this mod and I use v1.50 with warfare config but i think the sounds for choppers (at least for uh60) is too loud. I can hear chopper from 3km distance better than gunshots next to me. I have EAX and hardware sound options "on" in settings. Soundcard is Sound Blaster X-Fi Audio.

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I have recently noticed that some explosion sounds are very short (with 1.5 config) and especially when they are close they sound very wierd and i think they need some kind of echo with the 1.5 config, try shooting a mk19 right beside you it just goes boom then stops almost instantly... not sure if it's ment to be like that but i get it with Maverick and Hellfire explosions and maybe others as well.

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Why are there three different soundmods, why not put everything in one nice package?

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