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Wow, looks very good !

It seems that some details got lost between Stalker and ArmA, or exagerated (like the bump mapping).

A fully functional BTR would be a good addition to the game !


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Was the normal map extracted from the diffuse?

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Was the normal map extracted from the diffuse?

Not sure what you mean there.

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There are plugins and methods for various paint software that allows you to convert an image into a normal map.

Some texturers use it as a way to save time, basicly converting the diffuse or what is needed from the diffuse, into the normal map. That is waht MehMan means.

It's looking good, my only suggestion would be to tone down the specular a bit.

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in my opinion details on the side of the hull should be done with polys, the normal maps seem just strange.

Quote[/b] ]It's looking good, my only suggestion would be to tone down the specular a bit.

I agree. in the first pic, the btr is really shiny

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Did you use the colour map to make a normal map, or was the normal map taken from the game? It's wrong in both cases. The numbers shouldn't be extruded like that, which leaves me to conclude that the color map was simply convert to a normal map using crazybump or something similar. Along with that, the spec map could use some more attention.

Other than that pretty cool.

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BTR is nice now ,but is too shiny i think smile_o.gif

BTW in Stalker wasn't the NM texture for that btr ?

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The normal maps look odd because this is the beat up version, it is supposed to be rusty, bubbling paint, etc. The normal maps were generated from the colour map which is what makes it look odd. On the less beat up texture some things will look more natural.

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The GSC model had normal maps, yes? Or were they generated from the diffuse map?

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Quote[/b] ]Did not work correctly if I remember correctly, was entirely different.

I guess it was bump not normal map in there ? you still could edit it to achieve better results... cause current look is even worse then in stalker sad_o.gif

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You may be able to use crazy bump to alter a black and white bump map into a normal map, just don't apply a height map and tweak the settings carefully.

Can you post an example of Stalkers BTR-70 normal/bump map?

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Did not work correctly if I remember correctly, was entirely different.

Taking a stab in the dark here, it's different in that the channel representing tangents in the y direction in ArmA is reversed to how they normally are in most games and applications.

Normal maps keep track of values in 3 directions, and to do so, use the three channels, R, G, B. In most 3d applications, the order for anything is RGB or XYZ. The manipulator gizmos in 3d applications are usually colour coded in this regard, r for the x axis, etc.

anyways, instead of y+, ArmA uses y-. So, you need to invert the y channel. XYZ => RGB, therefore, you need to invert the green channel. It should work properly if you do that. Load it up into photoshop, go to the channels menu, select the green channel, hit Ctrl+i, then save. If stalker uses standard normal maps, that should work.

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I kind of like the way it looks now but I'll give the STALKER normal map a shot.

Edit: I inverted the green channel but the blue came out MUCH darker than a usual map.

Also the maps look pretty similar to mine, I want to make it clear that the reason the maps look odd is because of the very beat up condition of the vehicle, they will look more normal on the less beat up skin.

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only I bet the painted on numbers don't look like they have a 1/2 inch bevel on them. You'll have to modify the diffuse map quite a bit if you want to get a normal map off of it that doesn't look in part weird and illogical.

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Actually I think the map is defined from the textures as well for the GSC one.

Either way its something I can probably edit manually.

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