jonneymendoza 10 Posted June 26, 2009 You seem to imply that software code morphs into other code (arma2 code becomes codmw code) when put on console hw ... lol ... you saw too many scifi movies i'm afraid look what they did with the battlefield and rainbow six series Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Acc12 10 Posted July 3, 2009 Hi!, To start sorry for my bad english.:p I read in some pages, that this game is going to be in Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, but, the game is only for PC. When is goin to be released in Video game console´s ?, I cant run this game in my computer...:j: Thanks and good bay! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxqubit 1 Posted July 3, 2009 While not confirmed, a future 360 version seems probable. However, nobody has a clue about the time table. It could well be 2010 for ArmA2/360 to arrive A PS3 version is a completely other matter, there is ZERO indication that BIS considers this. My bet is that Arma2/PS3 will never see the light. I guess it is not impossible but if PS3 version would be done imho it would be 2011+ for release. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MulleDK19 21 Posted July 3, 2009 Apparently ArmA 2 is going to be released on the PS3. Have Bohemia actually confirmed this as a fact? It's not going to be on the PS3. Apparently ArmA 2 is going to be released on the PS3. Have Bohemia actually confirmed this as a fact?Bohemia did a great job of transfering a lot of the technicalities of Flashpoint over to a console with Operation Flashpoint: Elite. I think with the PS3 version of ArmA 2 Bohemia could get away with doing an almost perfect port of the PC version due to the fact that the PS3 is based on an open network, it accepts multiple file types, and Sony is very lenient on user created mods. Actually, it's quite opposite. It's extremely difficult to make anything for the PS3. That's why a lot of companies like BIS, ValvE, etc. doesn't make games for PS3. They can't be arsed to work with the shittiest system ever. The PlayStation 3 is a total disaster on so many levels... I think it's really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted. I’d say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a "do over". Just say, "This was a horrible disaster and we’re sorry and we’re going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it.". I’m betting that by Christmas of next year, the Wii has a larger installed base than the 360. Other people think I’m crazy. I really like everything that Nintendo is doing And he's not alone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted July 3, 2009 I was with him until he started talking about the Wii which IMO is a gimmicky poor spec piece of crap, best suited to grannies/aunties/skint parents with 2 or more children. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cartier90 0 Posted July 3, 2009 Agree, casual gaming is a scourge... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MulleDK19 21 Posted July 3, 2009 I was with him until he started talking about the Wii which IMO is a gimmicky poor spec piece of crap, best suited to grannies/aunties/skint parents with 2 or more children. Ya, it is poor, but that doesn't mean it's hard to develop for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eVo 0 Posted July 3, 2009 They can't be arsed to work with the shittiest system ever. That's a bit harsh to say when there are a good verity of games available for the system (MGS4, KZ2, LBP, infamous, GT5, Uncharted, Heavenly sword, etc...) Clearly the system is not impossible for some developers but I do agree that for a very independent developer such as BI, the time and expenses required could/would be counter-productive. As for Gabe's comments... Valve are up there with some of the best in regard to PC game development but Valve have never developed outside of a PC centric platform before. (Gearbox did the ports for PS2, Dreamcast, Mac and EA for PS3) So I find his comments rather one sided. As for the wii... let's just not go there. :confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Canuckrz 10 Posted July 6, 2009 A lot of fanboy comments through this thread though I should have expected that from the get go. The ps3 is far from the "shittiest platform ever" but yeah its hard to code for because it uses such a different setup. My question is that the official website use to say that it was coming out for nextgen consoles (notice the plural), but now I can't find any indication of it coming out on either of the consoles nor can I find any information on the various developer sites as to if or why they have decided to not make it for the consoles. Its like the thought never existed at all. PS. Someone mentioned that it would suck because you can't use user made add-ons for the ps3; that's simply untrue, unreal tournament 3 does. The only reason most games don't have it is because other developers want you to pay for their add ons and not get user made ones for free. And there's also the extra coding to accept it that some dev's couldn't be assed to doing which certainly doesn't look like it would be the case with Bohemia from the looks of things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxqubit 1 Posted July 6, 2009 A lot of fanboy comments through this thread though I should have expected that from the get go. The ps3 is far from the "shittiest platform ever" but yeah its hard to code for because it uses such a different setup.PC (windows) and XBOX have a lot in common. Which seems logical as they are both MS products (windows that is). Add to that the xbox Elite version of OFP and it is obvious 360 has the advantage over PS3 for a possible console version of ArmA2My question is that the official website use to say that it was coming out for nextgen consoles (notice the plural)I have NEVER seen the 'plural' form. (but my memory could be fault at this) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Canuckrz 10 Posted July 6, 2009 PC (windows) and XBOX have a lot in common. Which seems logical as they are both MS products (windows that is). Add to that the xbox Elite version of OFP and it is obvious 360 has the advantage over PS3 for a possible console version of ArmA2I'm quite aware that the 360 version is more probable as its easier to port over games from the PC correctly to it.I have NEVER seen the 'plural' form. (but my memory could be fault at this)Likewise on the not being 100% sure whether it was plural or not but I'm fairly sure; but I am certain that it didn't specifically say which console which leads me to beleive that they either weren't releasing it for a single console or the idea was still up in the air. Unfortunately there no way to check the phrasing of it anymore because all the evidence of them making it for the consoles in the first place seems to be wiped clean. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kocrachon 2 Posted July 6, 2009 A lot of fanboy comments through this thread though I should have expected that from the get go. The ps3 is far from the "shittiest platform ever" but yeah its hard to code for because it uses such a different setup. My question is that the official website use to say that it was coming out for nextgen consoles (notice the plural), but now I can't find any indication of it coming out on either of the consoles nor can I find any information on the various developer sites as to if or why they have decided to not make it for the consoles. Its like the thought never existed at all. PS. Someone mentioned that it would suck because you can't use user made add-ons for the ps3; that's simply untrue, unreal tournament 3 does. The only reason most games don't have it is because other developers want you to pay for their add ons and not get user made ones for free. And there's also the extra coding to accept it that some dev's couldn't be assed to doing which certainly doesn't look like it would be the case with Bohemia from the looks of things. But his original point is simple and has been pointed out by Valvue and many other PC/360 developers. For one, PC is easy and cheap to make games for. You dont need a special dev kit you had to pay for. On the other hand, the 360 and PS3 both have to have dev kits to have games made for them.... for the most part. The PS3 has an INSANELY expensive dev kit, which again makes it harder for a small company to make games for. The PS3 is INSANELY difficult to develope for. Read vavles recent comment. They had to hire a company with actual knowledge and the dev kit to do it. You need a special team of people who know how to program for the PS3. People who SPECIFICALLY know how to. Where as the 360, anyone with PC programing knowledge can program for the 360. On that note, because the 360 is so much like a standard windows machine, its easy to take a PC game and port it right over with no fuss, where as the PS3 is a pain in the ass to develope and port over too. In the long run BIS is a small company, I dont know the numbers but something like 30 people? You really think a company that small is going to be the estimate price of $10,250 dollars when odds are, they will HARDLY break a profit on that when you also consider the amount of time it would take to cross platform it, hire a group of people to develope for it, and remake it to work on a lower end console? Lets not also forget that the PS3 has the TINIEST fanbase of all of the consoles, a TINY fanbase based on the statistics. And look at the software sales of the games. Even if BIS did release it, the PS3 would hardly sell enough copies for them to profit off of... In the long run, at this time, its best for them to develop for the two platforms that are dirt cheap and easy to program for. If they were a EA style studio with over 200 members, it would be ok, but seeing that they PS3 is a burden to program for and non of the members of their team have a background in programing for it, its illogical to say the least. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Canuckrz 10 Posted July 6, 2009 I'm not going to get into a console flame war, but 20million is hardly tiny, unless you're talking about the ARMA fan base then I really can't comment on either way. I do recognize the cost of the development kit but it's not like the game would be specifically developed for the ps3 but rather simply ported over much like 85% of the games are for it anyway. Honestly I've never heard of these guys until I stumbled upon the trailer for arma2 by chance and it looked like an amazing game and I was confused as to why there wasn't more talk about it; then I saw that it was comming out for the nextgen console(s) so I thought to myself good now I've got a realistic shooter to play because the new socom was a terrible fiasco, and a total disgrace. Now that that's gone it sucks because there's really jack shit out there for realistic shooters on the new consoles (If you call COD realistic good luck to you) and I'm very tired of all these run and gun games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trickster1982 10 Posted July 6, 2009 To be fair the PS3 has pretty much the same catalogue of games as the 360, has a slight technological advantage graphics wise & also doesnt have red ring of death problems every 5 minutes! The PS3 is nowhere near a failure despite the 360 fanboy rantings, the atari jaguar (which i own) was far more an epic failure than the PS3 could ever dream of! Anyway back to the point of the thread, i really see no point in bringing ArmA 2 out on either console, the game is designed for & plays best on a PC with the mouse/keyboard control system & infinite modding/patching/editing ability. Let the console fanboys cry over the fact the PC has a great exclusive that they cant play for a change like it used to be in the old days! I imagine it would be a bit of a flop on consoles anyway as the ADHD gaming generation would quickly tire of its slow pace & complex command systems, word would quickly spread its nothing like CoD & it would die a death,whereas it flourishes on the PC :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quinten 10 Posted July 11, 2009 Hi all I realy love simulation game's and i realy want arm2, but my computer is just to slow and i dont have all the money and other stuf to upgrade my computer. i do have a PS3 but i stil dont know or it will com out for it (it does say for PC and other next gen conssolles on the website). i realy hope it will come out on the PS3 and i know a lot of poele that will love it 2. can someone please give me some good information and maybe if there already is a release date. greats from holland!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manberries 0 Posted July 12, 2009 Console version production is currently suspended indefinitely. If not flat out canceled. I'm sure there are a number of reasons regarding sales, mods, and everything else. I would say the biggest reason is because patching a console game is significantly more difficult, and only possible recently (recently meaning a few years). I dont believe BIS would even think about a console version until quirks are worked out in the PC version. In short, assume it will never be released on consoles as this is currently the most likely situation. However, you can cross your fingers and sell your soul to the devil if it makes you feel better. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted July 12, 2009 Console version production is currently suspended indefinitely. If not flat out canceled. And your job with us is what exactly? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
solidsnake2384 10 Posted July 13, 2009 BIS should ask Quantic Dream to help port the game to the PS3. Though they arent really specialized in these type of games they are specialized with the PS3. They are the ones developing Heavy Rain and its also a videogame company located in France. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manberries 0 Posted July 14, 2009 And your job with us is what exactly? One didn't have to be Hannibal to see that Carthage was going to burn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted July 14, 2009 Like I thought, baseless speculation, seeing as you don't work for us, please don't speak for us, thank you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cartier90 0 Posted July 14, 2009 Everyone on the gta forums thought that R* would never develop a GTA4 PC version considering the ratio of consoles to PCs out there and where the bulk of fans lied. They did, and it sold comparatively few copies. The situation with ARMA2 is brighter, yes the natural home is the PC, but when there are millions upon millions of consoles out there I cant see them being neglected. OFPDR is targeted towards console gamers, hence the more forgiving nature of it. Who's too say that ARMA couldnt be 'softened' or at least made more user friendly for consoles. Scaling back gfx and vegetation, I cant see it having problems running at 30fps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quinten 10 Posted July 14, 2009 Seriues i was really waiting for this game to come out an now i found out that it is probably not going to be on the ps3 while even on the oficiol website it sad for pc AND NEXT GEN CONSOLLES i can realy almost cry about this shit the best game i ever saw and i think it is going to stay that way for still a long time and i can't play it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manberries 0 Posted July 14, 2009 Everyone on the gta forums thought that R* would never develop a GTA4 PC version considering the ratio of consoles to PCs out there and where the bulk of fans lied. They did, and it sold comparatively few copies. The situation with ARMA2 is brighter, yes the natural home is the PC, but when there are millions upon millions of consoles out there I cant see them being neglected. OFPDR is targeted towards console gamers, hence the more forgiving nature of it. Who's too say that ARMA couldnt be 'softened' or at least made more user friendly for consoles. Scaling back gfx and vegetation, I cant see it having problems running at 30fps. Arma 2 is a difficult game to translate into a console. Editing, scripting, all of these most basic features of this series of game can either not be done or done in a limited fashion. There also would be no mod support. Then there is also the matter of online play. PC can handle 100 players easily, MAG says it will take 250, but with much worse graphics than Arma 2. I guess it is possible for them to port it, and perhaps someday they will. However, we can all thoroughly agree not any time soon. If the consoles do get a title named Arma 2, it will not be the same arma 2 pc users got. And by not the same I mean significantly less capable and worthwhile. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MPBR 10 Posted July 15, 2009 While I have a PS3, I don;t think I could ever play A2 on it. Apart from the issue performace, apart from the issue of controls, The biggest reason is that full HD (1080) is ..well crap. On a 50" screen 1080 res is really really crap (sorry just can't think of any better way of saying it). Most missions I play solo (with AI squads) or with clans, alot of engagments happy @ 300m - 800+M's. Trying to ID a inf unit on a crap resolution of 1080 on a 50" its just blocky and very messy / crap. (Yes I tried a few games on the 50" over the time). Its why console games usually have very close action / events etc, full HD just is not good enough on large screens. Conversly, when I get to use the 30" LCD monitor (Mate's who spends a fair bit of time overseas on business I get to err "keep it safe") its not an issue as you just up the res and all is good (depending on PC spec of course). And its apples to oranges comparing a 50" @ 1080 on 1 game, and then playing same game on PC on the 30" @ 2600. In the end thats why I no longer have any games for the PS3, its purly now just for movie watching. TBH I still find it hard to belive how much ppl rave about HD, its about 10+ years behind the curve (I remeber running 16x12 in the eary 90's on a crt, most people with a decent PC have been running >1080 for the last 5-6 years with LCD's (Ok only just greater in the case of 22-24" screens but still). Of couse, if there were screens in the 40"-50" range with decent resolution opitons, it would then kill any console, at least for PC's X-fire or SLi is an option, thou might need a rig like this I mean Crysis on a 30" @ native on high settings really is a thing of beauty (just refering to it as a tech-demo showcase - not talking gamyplay etc). Of course, now waiting until Matrox Th2g can support 3 x 30"'s Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manberries 0 Posted July 15, 2009 ^ that is a good point as well. I am way behind the times the max my monitor does is 1280 X 1024 weakest part of my pc :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites