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FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

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All error messages and bugs have been fixed with the incoming patch, I'm currently waiting for Beta-Testers reports to carry out the right adjustments and then release the patch.



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thunderbird I have mailed you to you're email adress my report.

but one correction from the email: no PG-7VR rounds for the RPG-7V because PG-7VR was introduced in 1988. But what I would like to see is the ability to take off/dismount and mount sights for weapons. ex take off the pgo-7 sight for rpg-7v and have to use ironsights or mount the pgo-7 sight on rpg-7v and use the pgo-7 sight instead of ironsight.

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  (Universal @ Feb. 25 2008,15:44) said:
But what I would like to see is the ability to take off/dismount and mount sights for weapons. ex take off the pgo-7 sight for rpg-7v and have to use ironsights or mount the pgo-7 sight on rpg-7v and use the pgo-7 sight instead of ironsight.

The last time I tried RPG ironsights with an OFP addon, it was a rather difficult experience. I dont know why you'd bother with them when you can have the much easier to use scope.

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I think that for the rebels an ironsight RPG-7V would be more common than one with an PGO-7 scope. I may be wrong on this one though.

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TB i have one question: do you implement all the improvements (or a part) of this FFUR85 version (the ability of the MG, the artillery, the improved SLX features, the sounds...) to FFSX2007?

So we have two great MOD: one modern MOD and one '85 era MOD for OFP!!

Good work guys!! notworthy.gif

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Thank you for the report Universal, it is quite detailed and very clear.

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]do you implement all the improvements (or a part) of this FFUR85 version (the ability of the MG, the artillery, the improved SLX features, the sounds...) to FFSX2007?

It would exclusively depend on the free time I would have.

But of course, this is envisaged so far.

I'm currently carrying out the final adjustements in order to ensure that the MOD aspects are overall fine and the project runs flawlessly.



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I ran into the building being almost transparent for the Ai as well TB. Here are shots of a tank sitting in a house in the mission "shadow killer". Also is it me or is teh NV's really grainy its almost unplayable at certain points cus you cant see anything.




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When you'll release the patch? My translation is almost finished but don't worry: I'll give it you in short time..then, I've a suggestion: maybe you must make die the soldiers heavily injured after some time. If there's a soldier that's heavily injured and you must make he die...making not die he, the player can lose the injured enemy from his sight and may he can't win the mission for a "semi-survior"...maybe after 1\2 minutes he can die...this can be really important.

PS: Great job guys!

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First off, great work, I loved the 1985 feel of the original game, and this just reignites that awesomeness. And for someone who doesn't have a machine that can run ArmA, anything that improves OFP is always welcome.

Anyway, my only question is about the amount of dust kicked up when you shoot. It seems that huge clouds are always kicked up, while I feel that they're a little big, the size isn't really the issue. My only gripe is that these clouds of dust stick around for what feels like an eternity. I lose sight of the target after only a couple rounds. While the dust is a great improvement on old OFP, it makes engaging a target difficult unless you get them in the first shot. Is there anything on my end(I don't see this as patch worthy) that I can toy with to adjust this effect?

Either way, awesome mod, maybe I just need to get used to the dust.

In the same vein, what visual setting can make seeing the enemy more... possible? The Soviet uniforms and the ground on Everon seem to be almost the same color, I can never see them. Will playing with gamma or brightness help that at all?


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Glad to help Thunderbird sorry for the late response. Any news or updates on this ?

One more thing: CSLA afaik has KZS camouflage which is the correct camouflage but FFUR-85 doesnt have it implemented. I think its essential to have.

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First of all, thanks to the team for yet another OFP Mod.  Having grown tired of ARMA, it was nice to come back to an old, reliable 'friend'.

This may have been mentioned, but the game crashes out after completing the Redhammer mission 'Under Fire'. Error message = Invalid crew

And yes, night vision far too grainy.  Please make it a simple solid hue of green or greyscale.


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Thunderbird the problem why certain helicopters don't show up when used with this mod is because of the vehicle inheritance class. I did some research on this and thats what the BW mod developers are certain of. If you could fix this then that would be just great.

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3 memorable years of development with countless hours of work, of enjoyment, with a solid community's support, backing and encouragement.

I would like to sincerely thank all of you who contributed in making FFUR one of greatest achievement within OFP's scene, and for having kept the MOD alive so long, with more than 400 000 downloads throughout more than 50 months...

- Simple players.

- Modders.

- Addon Makers : (Modelers, Coders, Scripters, Sound Designers, Animations Developers, 2D Artists...).

- Former FFUR Members.

- Beta-Testers.

- Military Advisors.

- News Posters.

As this is undoubtedly the last FFUR release for 'Operation Flashpoint' - Vektorbosen's upcoming models will be included via a little patch that will only replace some of the current US Models.

Download - Mirror 1 - This is a Patch, therefore you need to install the 'Full pack available in the first page' before you perform the installation of the patch.

(Mirrors would be greatly appreciated).

--------------------List of changes and enhancements--------------------

+ Enhanced: Made SLX scripts more "OFP missions" compatible therefore increasing the FPS Level.

+ Enhanced: Included New Sound Effects for light weapons (Rifles mostly).

+ Fixed: The Crash on Soviet/Russian anti tank specialist.

+ Fixed: Rebel dshk gunner is USSR not Rebel.

+ Fixed: Removed the G36 as it did not exist in 1980's (entered service in 1995).

+ Fixed: Rebel BMP-1 crew is russian along with t-72a , and t-80u (rebel models).

+ Fixed: US Black Ops should use AK-74 not AK-47 or at least AKM.

+ Fixed: The reloading animation of the M72 Law.

+ Fixed: Riflemen mortar (american) has 2 reload stanag 5.56mm options under action menu.

+ Fixed: Replaced the AK-74su by the AKS-74 for Crew and SpetsNatz Members.

+ Fixed: Spetsnaz machinegunner(and light machinegunner) cannot establish machinegun position.

+ Fixed: The left hand of the spetsnaz soldiers, as a part of the hand was missing.

+ Fixed: The mouth of all Models as it you were able to see through their heads.

+ Fixed: The gear of the Mig-21 doesn`t retract.

+ Fixed: The Repair truck on the USSR side is listed as Ammo Truck.

+ Fixed: Put back the radar on the Shilka.

+ Fixed: Res Armored vehicles have Res crews and no more russian crews.

+ Fixed: Errors after ejecting from a-10 bomber.

+ Fixed: US Trucks carry M84 Carl Gustav Launchers and not just rockets.

+ Fixed: Cessna has no more 'Ejection Seat'.

+ Fixed: MIG-21 maeuvrability values.

+ Fixed: Put back the crosshairs.

+ Fixed: Ironsight of the M3A1 Greasegun.

+ Fixed: RPK-74 only fires in Semi Auto.

+ Fixed: The error messages: "Error alive: TypeArray, expected Object!" .

+ Fixed: M60A2 renamed to M60A1 or M60A3; the M60A2 fired missiles and wasn't fielded widely.

+ Fixed: Replaced the T-80U by the T-80BV for a matter of realism.

+ Added: Realistic Grass around roads on OFP's islands.

+ Added: Symbiot Amazing Malden Island and replace BIS islands textures by WGL nice ones.

+ Added: M21 and SVD Rebels.

+ Added: Ironsight for the RPK.

+ Renamed : M60A2 renamed to M60A1 or M60A3; the M60A2 fired missiles and wasn't fielded widely.

+ Renamed : SU-22 to SU-17M4 as the SU-22 is the expert version.

+ Renamed : BMP-1 to BMP-1P.

+ Renamed : F-4 to F-4E.

+ Renamed : F-14 to F-14A.

+ Renamed : MI-8 to MI-8 MT/MTV.

+ Renamed : PT-76 to PT-76B


- Due to the lack of time, I had to only focus on the single-player aspect, my sincer apologies concerning this issue.


Special thanks to:

- Universal/ Big-Rooney and Njmatrix for the Beta-test and great suggestions.

- Symbiot for his amazing island.

- Fromz for some of his great sounds.


Have fun!

Best Regards,


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Wow with this release and MCM-SLX it will feel like Christmas smile_o.gif I just hope you didn't simply rename a BMP-1 to a BMP-1P because this is 100% wrong , they have different anti tank launchers the BMP-1 having a Malyutka with simple rail launcher while BMP-1P uses a Konkurs/Fagot launcher atop of the turret thereby needing a new model which CSLA has for the BMP-1P and you can see the difference in real life its not just a picky small detail. I detailed this in my report along with the fact that the Ural's in this mod are 4320's now 375D and I also hope all my other considerations/suggestions were implemented such as RPG-7V for USSR (not just plain ironsight one) etc....

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Congratulations Thunderbird84 on this more than great mod. The level of enhancement over the original game is overwhelming, one could say this plays better than ArmA.:D Of course this would get some people upset.

Your contribution to the community is immense and I see FFUR '85 as the golden age of OFP, near perfection on all counts. It feels like Christmas as Universal stated. xmas_o.gif

Although it is my first post here, I have been reading the forums for quite some time and I though this release would be the perfect occasion to show my gratitude. inlove.gif

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Welcome to these boards and thanks for the nice words!

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]I just hope you didn't simply rename a BMP-1 to a BMP-1P because this is 100% wrong

I would say 5% wrong as it is only a matter of 'Missile Launcher', unfortunately I haven't got the necessary time to achieve the BMP's Model replacement, but if you have the patience and skills to carry this out yourself, then feel free to do it and release a little patch that corrects the little issue ;].

- No worries, I added this to a brand new list of bugs to fix for the incoming little patch intended to replace the US vehicles by Vektorbosen incoming models -



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Very nice Tbird, I like the new small arms sounds  smile_o.gif

*Bug Report: Whenever I try and place someone in a BTR-80 I get a CTD

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To bad the mod is only single player. Was hoping it was gonna be more MP friendly but I guess it wasn't in the cards.

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Played through the first 5 missions with the mod and I encountered no problems whatsoever.

But, I have a question : is it normal that the weapon's dispersion seems very large? Sometimes I'd find myself in close encounters or I'd be shooting someone point blank and nothing happened. As if the weapon's dispersion was very random. I know of other mods that simulate good dispersion like Jungle Fever Redux, but nowhere near the level of FFUR '85.

And for the information I have a legitimate copy of OFP, so I cannot blame FADE protection.

Is anyone else having these issues? I searched through the forums and people seemed to have this problem also with FFUR-SLX 2007. Is there a way to get more decent accuracy?

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I also ran into the same problem with "steal The Car" episode. If I ran up on a AI they couldnt hit me to save themselves but I was hit running about 100 yards away from them. As a test I ran directly thru the town gunning down every Ai i came within 20 feet or so and they couldnt hit me but I wasted them. Also in Shadow Killer as soon as the mission starts the Alarm goes off and the whole town is alerted. Also when the tank rolls into the town it turns and heads away from town and does circles a few 100 meters over the hill for no apparent reason. And the troop truck that follows the tank in proceeds to run over a prone AI and keep going back and forth as well until the AI gets up and moves. We are getting some jittering and stuttering even on low settings. We tested also this against the MCM and WGL mod with the same effects NOT happening. I do like the fact you cleaned up the night vision it looks great and the new screens are nice as well.

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