EricJ 765 Posted January 2, 2008 Do a word search Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
khayes 0 Posted January 2, 2008 looks like russian AA missiles otherwise, the model seems nice, can we have a side view ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
havocsquad 0 Posted January 2, 2008 Yeah, those look like the Russian R-27 (Alamo) series of air-to-air missiles. It's no big deal that they stay to hold the positions of key hardpoint areas on the Tornado model, but as soon this addon starts to materialize far enough, then the R-27's probably need to be replaced with Skyflashes or Sparrows. The Skyflash is basically an improved version of the AIM-7 Sparrow design by the British. So except for a few texture changes, it should be almost identical. I'm sure you can find many reference web pages and info on loadout abilities for each variant of the Tornado. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=LSA=Butcher 0 Posted January 2, 2008 YEs they are I want some thing to fill  the hard points.... But don't worry boys she'll take shap..... doing the missiles is the last thing on my mind... but I just wanted to see what she looked like loaded up Plus I'm missing two hard points... and O by the way boys I know what the armament for the plane is two as is.... Two internal 27-mm Mauser cannon with 180 rounds per gun plus more than 9000 kg of external stores on seven hardpoints, including Sidewinder Texas Instruments HARM Hughes AGM-65 Maverick British Aerospace ALARM Laser guided bombs like Paveway Bombs up to 450 kg MW-1 munitions dispenser Matra Apache Nuclear freefall bombs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=LSA=Butcher 0 Posted January 2, 2008 Hey Eric J Â hard to think that Airbus makes Airbus A320 and has their hands in making fighterjet as well. Anyway thanks for the site good photo to go by... Â I like these links as well too Hey did you get to scripting the physis of your F-18 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
da12thMonkey 1943 Posted January 2, 2008 Two internal 27-mm Mauser cannon with 180 rounds per gunHughes AGM-65 Maverick MW-1 munitions dispenser Matra Apache Nuclear freefall bombs Since you've only mentioned doing Gr.4 and F.3 Tornados I assume you're only doing RAF variants, in which case: GR.4 and F.3 Tornados only have 1 cannon. Tornados don't carry Mavericks in RAF service, Harriers do. However the Brimstone missile is carried by both aircraft. The RAF has never used MW-1. It used a similar dispenser called JP233 instead, but no longer does. Apache was used by the French. The RAF use an updated version of it called Storm Shadow (SCALP EG in French service). The only nuclear deterrent the UK currently has are Trident SLBMs carried by Vanguard class submarines. The weapon carried by Tornado, WE.177 was retired in 1998. IIRC Italian and German Tornados retain a nuclear strike role with B61. havocsquad pointed out that the RAF used Skyflash missiles; these have now been replaced by AMRAAM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=LSA=Butcher 0 Posted January 3, 2008 How about this If I want my GR4 or F3 to have two 27mm and carry Mavericks and your not even doing any thing to help the addon GAMING COMMUNITY. There are people out there that will like it becase they are board with what's out in the game.... If you don't like it with two guns don't fly it.... The People want more gun and more Vec and mor jet... Maybe if this was a hi poly game we could be more exact with them... And yes they do have a tornado that carrys Mavericks and one's thats has two 27mm Mauser and or Aden Cannon A better post would say this.... Kool about time we got some more jet and tanks and Guns is there anything i can do to help speed this along ....but NO we got a bunch of Critics who I’m sure they don’t  know what Ipo curve is or what decimating polys is….    Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted January 3, 2008 How about this If I want my GR4 or F3 to have two 27mm and carry Mavericks and your not even doing any thing to help the addon GAMING COMMUNITY. There are people out there that will like it becase they are board with what's out in the game.... If you don't like it with two guns don't fly it.... The People want more gun and more Vec and mor jet... Maybe if this was a hi poly game we could be more exact with them... And yes they do have a tornado that carrys Mavericks and one's thats has two 27mm Mauser and or Aden Cannon A better post would say this.... Kool about time we got some more jet and tanks and Guns is there anything i can do to help speed this along ....but NO we got a bunch of Critics who I’m sure they don’t  know what Ipo curve is or what decimating polys is….    Or you could find out about the people that are trying to help and advise you are.  da12thMonkey is a member of the UKF Team.  He's already involved in bringing realistic Britsh addons into the gaming community. This community is very much into realism.  The majority of vocal forum member want realistic weapons and aircraft to play with not fantasy versions. As for your Tornado...  I strongly suggest you take a proper look at some Tornado photos and do a little research.  Your model isn't exactly what you or anyone could honestly describe as accurate.  If you would like to make a more accurate and realistic model i would be happy to give you some very nice 3 way views I've used on my own Tornados. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted January 3, 2008 I echo Rocko's sentiments. One option that would save ALOT of time is (with color changer's permission or at least credit if you can't get ahold of him) is to import Color Changer's Tornado from OFP and just retexture it and enhance the model. At the very least, that model could be used as a template for yours to at least get the dimensions and general shape more accurate. Trust me, alot of mods are working hard to bring more jets into OFP including my own (Lost Brothers). So don't get too upset about constructive criticism. We're not bashing your work. Its close...but just needs a little more work. We're critical because we're passionate about these addons. The criticisms about the weapons are things that are easy to fix once you get the model fully textured and working in-game. If certain things are beyond your ability to do, then that's understandable. But if you just refuse to make an addon more realistic out of pride...then well...thats just foolish. We are a family here that try to help each other out usually. So chill and just relax. The advice you're getting is from people who have MANY years of experience in the addon/mod making community in OFP and now ArmA (not to mention often real life military experience). Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=LSA=Butcher 0 Posted January 3, 2008 Well maybe you can can read your opening Text on the Video link IMPORTANT NOTE:  THIS Video shows a working Concept model and  does NOT Represent a finish project. HUMMMM I think I said some thing along that Lines ............... "Sneak Peek There is still lots of body work to be done. But with the right welder , tools and a paint job. She just might turn out looking good..."  .... But lets understand one thing I DON"T Give A XXXX who I Piss off when I'm getting BS from critics talk about small stuff.....But If I hurt someone's feelings I'm sorry....Forgive me because I do want help..... IF they did have a jet with two 27mm I could understand....But they do... But your missing MY Point New people getting into the addon GAMING COMMUNITY... you got Critics who all they want to do is Pick Little BS points...  OR there buddy got the same project and they just want to talk BS.... When the "Focus" should be getting Good Models "not shitty ones I undstand Good Criticism, Constructive Criticism I'm Ok with... I don't want BS addons that are not real." out to the community because if you not notice that after COD4 came out with their marketing plan for their game, the nunbers drop for arma.... Why.... A. One year later still playing the same Island same Vehicles with SOME kool addons that did come out....there No MEat to this game..... and don't get me wrong I Love OFP and ARMA... I guess what I'm pissed about is that People like US should be tweeking Models and NOT making these models.....or for better word Not making Models that should have came with the GAME...... BUT I got One question for you  RockofSL IF you got the Jet...WHY is it not out YET... Looks like your on the right path ... Looks good and are you going to let that one go as an addon  "Tornado"??. Because  if  your going to, then I need to stop working on the the Tornado and start on a F-16 or F-15,  MIg 23,29,31 , Su-27 or Mirage..... or make new Islands......  oK one more why only 20,000 Vertc and 15- 20,000 Faces  can't I do 20- 40,000 vertc?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted January 3, 2008 Well maybe you can can read your opening Text on the Video link IMPORTANT NOTE:  THIS Video shows a working Concept model and  does NOT Represent a finish project. HUMMMM I think I said some thing along that Lines ............... "Sneak Peek There is still lots of body work to be done. But with the right welder , tools and a paint job. She just might turn out looking good..."  .... But lets understand one thing I DON"T Give A XXXX who I Piss off when I'm getting BS from critics talk about small stuff.....But If I hurt someone's feels I'm sorry....Forgive me because I do want help.....IF they did have a jet with two 27mm I could understand....But they do... But your missing MY Point New people getting into the addon GAMING COMMUNITY... you got Critics who all they want to do is Pick Little BS points...  OR there buddy got the same project and they just want to talk BS.... When the "Focus" should be getting Good Models "not shitty ones I undtand Good Criticism" out to the community because if you not notice that after COD4 came out with their marketing plan for their game, the nunbers drop for arma.... Why.... A. One year later still planing the same Island same Vehicles with SOME kool addons that did come out.... I guess what I'm pissed about is that People like US should be tweeking Models and NOT making these models.....or for better word Not making Models that should have came with the GAME...... BUT I got One question for you  RockofSL IF you got the Jet...WHY is it not out YET... Looks like your on the right path ... Looks good and are you going to let that one go as an addon  "Tornado"??. Because  if  your going to, then I need to stop working on the the Tornado and start on a F-16 or F-15,  MIg 23,29,31 , Su-27 or Mirage..... or make new Islands...... You have totally missed the point. People have gone out of their way to give you accurate information and you've thrown it back in their faces.  You don’t want anyone's help you want sunshine blown up your arse and a lollipop for producing something that looks like a half melted Airfix kit. Re: the Mauser 27mm - Cannon.  ALL F3 & GR4 aircraft carry a single cannon now and have done for years.  The only exception is the GR4A which has none.  Go and do some research then come back and apologise properly.  In fact just do some research. Re: Our own Tornado.  It was put on a lower priority until we could find a way to have it self designate LGB's by using the Gunner seat in MP.  Which i am glad to say we are close to doing, breaking the plane class restriction that no turrets work on planes.  it will be released when it done, together with The typhoon, the Migs and everything else we have cooking away. Now I am always willing to help others with information, research and support but you really aren’t endearing yourself to me or anyone on these forums in short:. You sir, are an arse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=LSA=Butcher 0 Posted January 3, 2008 I guess your just wanting to show off for your buddy because if you had any Reading Comprehension and let me give you the def.. for that Reading comprehension can be defined as the level of understanding of a passage or text... Quote[/b] ]You have totally missed the point. People have gone out of their way to give you accurate information and you've thrown it back in their faces.  You don’t want anyone's help you want sunshine blown up your arse and a lollipop for producing something that looks like a half melted Airfix kit. Ok my WOrds Quote[/b] ]I undstand Good Criticism, Constructive Criticism I'm Ok with... I don't want BS addons that are not real If  i hurt someone's feeling I'm sorry....Forgive me because I do want help..... And I sure as hell Didn't call you a name or I'm sorry... you said  Quote[/b] ]You sir, are an arse You sir , are a f_ing Prick Punk.. you you can quote me on that.... it was ok until your last post..  I was ok hearing Miles Teg  ideas... But you had to show off your balls on the last one... that was wrong....RockofSL  family one thing being a prick is some thing else..... I bet your a those coop Guy and Not A PVP person Smell like it? well I siad what i had to say... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cooper1 0 Posted January 3, 2008 Can we get a mod in here? This post has havoc written all over it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Winters1807 0 Posted January 3, 2008 Helo0. Having recently spoken to an RAF GR4 pilot, i can inform you that the GR4a is no longer in service, so maybe for realisms sake, it should be left out? I could be wrong, because i cant really remember whether he said F3 or GR4a, but i am 100% that one of those is out of service, or being phased out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_centipede 31 Posted January 3, 2008 i think its okay to put the phased out version in... because in reality it was used... maybe people can make mission in an era/period where it was used. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=LSA=Butcher 0 Posted January 3, 2008 I think your right Winters1807.... I read that in one of the link I posted before... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted January 3, 2008 I guess your just wanting to show off for your buddy because if you had any Reading Comprehension and let me give you the def.. for thatReading comprehension can be defined as the level of understanding of a passage or text... Quote[/b] ]You have totally missed the point. People have gone out of their way to give you accurate information and you've thrown it back in their faces.  You don’t want anyone's help you want sunshine blown up your arse and a lollipop for producing something that looks like a half melted Airfix kit. Ok my WOrds Quote[/b] ]I undstand Good Criticism, Constructive Criticism I'm Ok with... I don't want BS addons that are not real If  i hurt someone's feeling I'm sorry....Forgive me because I do want help..... And I sure as hell Didn't call you a name or I'm sorry... you said  Quote[/b] ]You sir, are an arse You sir , are a f_ing Prick Punk.. you you can quote me on that.... it was ok until your last post..  I was ok hearing Miles Teg  ideas... But you had to show off your balls on the last one... that was wrong....RockofSL  family one thing being a prick is some thing else..... I bet your a coop Guy and Not A PVP person ? well I siad what i had to say... My reading comprehension of English is fine.  But I do struggle with poorly formatted sentences, disgraceful spelling and none existent grammar but I’m guessing English isn’t your first language. If you understand good criticism, why are you insulting them and belittling their feedback? I see you’ve edited away some of the previous comments. I really don’t see whether I prefer Coop or PVP has anything to do with this?  Would that give you an insight into my motivation? Well you have now.  Fell better more empowered?  More grown up? Well so did I.  I say it like I see it and frankly with each reply I feel perfectly vindicated in my earlier comment. As for constructive criticism. 1) Your model’s planform is totally inaccurate 2) Wing shape and geometry structure does not suggest that you have bothered to model the Tornado’s key feature: the swing wings 3) The intakes look like they are stuck on like some kind of after thought. 4) Forward fuselage is totally the wrong shape and doesn’t look anything like a Tornado.  Check any picture reference and you’ll see what I mean. 5) Cockpit space looks more like a single seat plane than anything else. 6) Pylons and Hardpoints – You appear to have 6x pylons on the wing in image tornadobpa5.png  On the real aircraft no matter what version there are only 4 on the wings and 4 positions for weapons on the fuselage. 7) Wing position form the front view.  The Tornado has a very characteristic high wing design.  Your model’s wings are more in the middle of the profile. a) GR1 are no longer operated by the RAF.  Nor is the GR1A  They were both updated and re-designated GR4 and GR4A respectively b) The version and weapons you refer to in your introduction would suggest you are confusing German and British aircraft and capability. c) Mavericks cannot be fired form any Tornado aircraft operated by Any Air Force.  The avionics are not compatible. d) Nuclear free fall bombs – WE177 – were withdrawn from service in 1998. Having recently spoken to an RAF GR4 pilot, i can inform you that the GR4a is no longer in service, so maybe for realisms sake, it should be left out? I could be wrong, because i cant really remember whether he said F3 or GR4a, but i am 100% that one of those is out of service, or being phased out. F3s are being phased out over the next 10 years in favour of the F2 Typhoon.  The Tornado GR4 is set to continue in server until 2022-25. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted January 3, 2008 1) Your model’s planform is totally inaccurate2) Wing shape and geometry structure does not suggest that you have bothered to model the Tornado’s key feature: the swing wings 3) The intakes look like they are stuck on like some kind of after thought. 4) Forward fuselage is totally the wrong shape and doesn’t look anything like a Tornado. Check any picture reference and you’ll see what I mean. 5) Cockpit space looks more like a single seat plane than anything else. 6) Pylons and Hardpoints – You appear to have 6x pylons on the wing in image On the real aircraft no matter what version there are only 4 on the wings and 4 positions for weapons on the fuselage. 7) Wing position form the front view. The Tornado has a very characteristic high wing design. Your model’s wings are more in the middle of the profile. I'm not particularly well versed in modern military aviation design (see my previous post asking why Rock had named an Apache AH1) but even I can see the this guys Tornado model is not terribly good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nephilim 0 Posted January 3, 2008 jesus christ on a pushbike... @=LSA=Butcher  you "sir" should wind your neck in, as obviously you have no clue who are you talkin to. this community has always dedicated a lot of time into realism. plus i dont think you are in charge to dictate people here what they have to do and what not. rock knows his work and im sure you dont, cause your post clearly shows that you have no friggen idea about the hole process of developing a functional, well optimized and good looking addon. and yes i know what an ipo curve is and what decimating polys is... so stop sounding like a smartass.. you "sir" are a whiner. its really sad that people get aggressive here cause they dont get what they want. like little spolied kids.. I WANT THIS I WANT THAT! how friggen old are you? 8 or something? then you shouldnt be here... go play lego... im really astonished that rock and his team havent left this community cause of pricks like you. go on bashing, if he and his team leaves i´m quite sure youll get your ass kicked collectively. Rock is doing a superb job on the model. they look accurate and better than the other "pseudo tornado" lurking around here, ok its a wip but you should say its going to be slick, we´ll see that afterwards importing meshes form ofp isnt a good solution as its been discussed here gazillion times. but again whiners dont get it... "hey that looks cool lets port this".. and then they go like "hey why does this lag and why does it look like shit".. go on play with your crap import addons.. but leave us the fvck alone with your stupid attitude btw wasnt the GR1 the only version with 2 cannons? at least the pics if got of the famous Mig Eater depict them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dm 9 Posted January 3, 2008 Maybe if this was a hi poly game we could be more exact with them... You do know that as games go, ArmA is pretty "high poly"... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xnodunitx 0 Posted January 3, 2008 8,000 polies per soldier and another 2 or 3 thousand for the weapon if I'm not mistaken. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=LSA=Butcher 0 Posted January 3, 2008 You have a classification of Conspicuously unintelligent and you’re Making shit up .... I wish YOU could understand and comprehend this shit I never insulted them…. You insulting me by calling me ares or ASS  and I was not even talking to you so fuck off... Edit unedit...  I c you call you buddies to posted up along with you... Maybe If I was replying  to your comment we could have this pissing match. But I was talking to da12thMonkey.. and Can u find one phrase in this where I was insulting him and belittling him???? … Quote[/b] ] How about this If I want my GR4 or F3 to have two 27mm and carry Mavericks and your not even doing any thing to help the addon GAMING COMMUNITY. There are people out there that will like it because they are board with what's out in the game.... If you don't like it with two guns don't fly it.... The People want more guns and more Vec and more jet... Maybe if this was a hi poly game we could be more exact with them... And yes they do have a tornado that carries Mavericks and one's that’s has two 27mm Mauser and or Aden Cannon A better post would say this.... Kool about time we got some more jet and tanks and Guns is there anything i can do to help speed this along ....but NO we got a bunch of Critics who I’m sure they don’t  know what Ipo curve is or what decimating polys is….  NO didn’t see it… and yes I shouldn't this Quote[/b] ]your not even doing any thing to help the addon GAMING COMMUNITY I was wrong to say thatPlus I did say I was sorry if I hurt anyones feelings ,but no you had to put gas on the fire right…. and to your obtuse comments about Quote[/b] ]Mavericks cannot be fired form any Tornado aircraft operated by Any Air Force.  The avionics are not compatible You’re so full of  “يُبْرِز، يُخْرِج “ Read and comprehend and just to help you out read the Specifications part. Damm am I going to have to make a coloring book for you to understand …. It might not look like a tornado now But for spending 24 hours on it from start to now not bad for eyeing it... Maybe you didn't Under stand when I said this… I'll show you again Quote[/b] ]Sneak Peek There is still lots of body work to be done. But with the right welder ,tools and a paint job. She just might turn out looking good... Did you understand that you Pompous prick and I'm putting a lot of emphasis on word “Pompousâ€... It like you looking at my house that I’m building and I only have the foundation up but your tell me where to put my windows and my walls look like shit and sink In the wrong place…. Get real And I might have to use a spell check but I can read and under stand a paragraph and I'm not composing a letter to the f_ing Queen her self... and don’t worry about my word knowledge or my colorful Adjective Phrases  it very deep and colorful and  take your formatted sentences structure crap and stick it up your you know what..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra@pulse 0 Posted January 3, 2008 Mavericks can't be fired from a Tornado, take it from someone who spent a week at RAF Marham with the engineers. But hey, taking first hand knowledge on isn't your strong point here is it. Believe something from Google or from someone who did work experience on the aircraft for a week, and trust me, the large amounts of tea breaks leads to lengthy discussions. But what ever. Websites also say that WW2 never happend and the moon is made of cheese... Stop with the pompous attitude yourself, your not doing yourself any favours as by now, im pritty sure not many people care about your addon its self, more just your shocking attitude. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=LSA=Butcher 0 Posted January 3, 2008 And to the poly count go check the post in edit O2 ArmA Modelling Basics where I was told that arma can only hanld 20,000 vertc and 15-20,000 faces .. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites