Tigran 0 Posted January 2, 2008 I have been an OpFlash fan before it got released in the US. I own 9 copies (used to run a big LAN party twice a month). I had been watching the shelves for "op flash 2" and missed the Arma release. Now that I got it, I am stunned to see that everyone is playing coop. Why? The AI is TERRIBLE! I am being sniped by AKs from 300+ yards by a guy that doesnt even have line of sight on me! The other half of the online players are doing some RP RTS game that I tried to play and could not figure out. Good concept, but did you guys seriously buy Arma to play an RPG?? This game was made for PvP - CTF, Hold, etc. After playing coop for a few days online, I got sick of it, loaded up my hosted server with the right files and started my own game (there are almost no PvP servers out there!. Now its really hard to get people in there. The server is blazing fast, has over 10mbps of bandwidth, set up to play all of the Berzerk maps and it sits empty 90% of the time... I just dont get it... I have never seen anyone playing Battlefield2 or any of the other dozens of genre games in coop like players are doing here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
l etranger 5 Posted January 2, 2008 I don't know if i'am unlucky, but for the six time i player PVP on Arma (from 30 min to two hours straight), it ended by hacker loggin in and ruining the game for everyone (insta kill, high altitude teleport, pyramid of spawning trucks...). So i only play coop in private, PVP could be played in private too, but it's not that easy to gather thrusted people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rambo-16AAB 0 Posted January 2, 2008 could have something to do with the " you shot me your obviously a cheat" mentality thats haunting this game. I hate coops as well, I never play them, I'll only play PvP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pulverizer 1 Posted January 2, 2008 I guess the animations, aiming etc are too slow, glitched and difficult for your avarage pvp gamer so they went on to play other games. COD4 et cetera. Except the folks playing A&Ds which are paced more like co-ops than corridor rambo frag-fests. Also, cheats & the dull randomness of public pvp. And the standard procedure on public ctf servers where the experienced players bunch up on one side to pwn the noobs or whatever, then call you a lagger or haxor when you shoot a couple of them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arskuri 0 Posted January 2, 2008 I would play PvP but there is always only Coops in the list, and I don't want to go through dozens, maybe hundreds, of servers just to find the right one. But as Rambo said, when people get killed they start "Ur a f*ckin hax0r! I want you banned! *Cry*". PvP = The best mode, and thats the truth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfsblut_ 0 Posted January 2, 2008 could have something to do with the " you shot me your obviously a cheat" mentality thats haunting this game. What about the 1.09b-Version with the anti-cheat-implementation? Will this take the game turn for a better? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted January 2, 2008 If the "AI are horrible" then you're playing the wrong missions. Find the right server, the right people, with some descent missions and you'll get a great experience. But there are CTF servers out there, its just some of the newer Coop missions run for HOURS! I'd actually recommend a few less people host these coop missions, it'd probably help the community in the long run. Then again, I dont want to see a 100 stupid brain-dead Hexenkessel missions either! I like all game types .... - Coops when I want a bit of team work, maybe you need to be a bit more mature to fully appreciate it. (and I DONT mean those who dont like it are "immature" OK! ) - CTF when I only want a "little" team work and more fun stupidity and mayhem. Can't handle 1 mish for more than 30mins each. - DM when I just want to be a loner .... and more stupid fun. - C&H when I want a little of each - CTI when I really want to work as a team on a much bigger and serious goal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirby 2 Posted January 2, 2008 CoOps are good cause you don't get the usual random "OMFG killz killz i gotz 100/0 KD ratio i pwnz... OMG I DIED H4x0r BANN BANN!!!!!!111one" or boring close combat CTF. Thats what most people think of when they think PvP. I think if someone made a good mission that was played out like a coop but had 2 sides (One defends, one attacka? Two trying to complete opposing objectives? Ect.) then more PvP would be played. Although Berzerk looks good, I'll be playing that when I get a PC that decides to work atall. RP games are fun. Get into them and you'll see. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryankaplan 1 Posted January 2, 2008 what the fuck is all this shit about being sniped by aks from 300 meters thorugh bushes bollocks. it doesnt bloody happen in arma, it hasnt happened once to me and i play big multiplayer sessions every damned week with a mod which increases ai accuracy and detection ability and firing range. I have quite frequently come face to face with ai in bushes and forests, where i could bayonet them if i had one. I can snipe with an m16 from 500meters without a scope thanks to bis zoom, so why shouldnt ai be able to? even then, they are not that good. People speak shite just because they didnt see the person who shot them and get pissed off. provide some evidence people, provide it with fraps and dont chat shit. phew... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rambo-16AAB 0 Posted January 2, 2008 The anti cheat isnt active in the 1.09 BETA, bis forgot to invlude some rather importaint DLL files to make it work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luminous 0 Posted January 2, 2008 You get a good group of mature people on a good server that is admined well coop is brilliant! Getting some good drills in especially with teamspeak going on! I do agree if u could get something as vast as EVO to be PvP, that would be very interesting! The idea of ArmA is to produce the most realistic simulation of warfare possible and coop allows that most of the PvP maps out there are too much like BF2 so at the moment they dont appeal to me! But my personal opinion i like realism! As for the AI shootin from miles away with great accuracy yes it does happen there is no middle ground at the minute the AI are either too good or totally crap but one thing has come out to help us and thats the durgs vegetation fix finally they cant see us through bushes! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rogueci5 0 Posted January 3, 2008 Because this is NOT OPF This is Arma! Different game A whole new crowd of players started with this game, on a personal note, I could not stand OPF Multiplay, made me want to hang myself. I love Arma Multiplay Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted January 3, 2008 Because this is NOT OPF  This is Arma! Different game  A whole new crowd of players started with this game Well ... not really I think Just like for OFP, when the dust settles and the all the BF2 and Crysis players have found something else new and "flashy" .... they'll move on and the old OFP (love the sim) types will remain, be it SP or MP. But by that time, we'll have moved onto ArmAII Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted January 3, 2008 what the fuck is all this shit about being sniped by aks from 300 meters thorugh bushes bollocks. it doesnt bloody happen in arma, it hasnt happened once to me and i play big multiplayer sessions every damned week with a mod which increases ai accuracy and detection ability and firing range. I have quite frequently come face to face with ai in bushes and forests, where i could bayonet them if i had one. I can snipe with an m16 from 500meters without a scope thanks to bis zoom, so why shouldnt ai be able to? even then, they are not that good. People speak shite just because they didnt see the person who shot them and get pissed off. provide some evidence people, provide it with fraps and dont chat shit.phew... 48h vacation from the forums for the abusive language. After more then 3 years here one could think you know the rules. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bazooka_boy 0 Posted January 3, 2008 I think a well written coop with a group of mature gamers working together will deliver really satisfying game play. But I also agree that PvP brings a whole new level of engagement. I'm part of the Theatre of War tournament and we are working to try and achieve the type of game play you seem to be after. We currently get about 50 on Battle Day but the number is increasing every week. We use the full island (north & south) so the area of play is huge. But we have objectives which need to be taken in sequence which brings some focus to the action. I don't want to turn this into to much of an advert but feel free to visit our site to find out more, there is always someone around to answer any questions you may have. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Snafu- 79 Posted January 3, 2008 I have been an OpFlash fan before it got released in the US. I own 9 copies (used to run a big LAN party twice a month). I had been watching the shelves for "op flash 2" and missed the Arma release. Now that I got it, I am stunned to see that everyone is playing coop. Why? The AI is TERRIBLE! I am being sniped by AKs from 300+ yards by a guy that doesnt even have line of sight on me! The other half of the online players are doing some RP RTS game that I tried to play and could not figure out. Good concept, but did you guys seriously buy Arma to play an RPG?? This game was made for PvP - CTF, Hold, etc. After playing coop for a few days online, I got sick of it, loaded up my hosted server with the right files and started my own game (there are almost no PvP servers out there!. Now its really hard to get people in there. The server is blazing fast, has over 10mbps of bandwidth, set up to play all of the Berzerk maps and it sits empty 90% of the time... I just dont get it... I have never seen anyone playing Battlefield2 or any of the other dozens of genre games in coop like players are doing here. Search for the ic arma tournament. That is what PvP should be for ArmA. It's 100 times better than public co-ops and the ramboing claustrophobic maps of regular PvP games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlipperyJim 0 Posted January 4, 2008 The simple answer is if we wanted BF2 or Cod4 or Quake or Counter Strike we would be playing those games. I personally prefer coop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lurchisme 0 Posted January 4, 2008 Surely the way to go if your seriouse about your arma multiplayer gaming is clans? I don't have home internet access, so I havn't looked, but there's got to be some out there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tigran 0 Posted January 4, 2008 what the fuck is all this shit about being sniped by aks from 300 meters thorugh bushes bollocks. it doesnt bloody happen in arma Sorry you got banned man, but you had it coming. I dont know what maps you are playing, but the realism in this game on the part of the AI is terrible! Unlike most here, I have seen combat, have fired the vast majoraty of the weapons in this game and personally own many of them. The best detachment of Rangers could not fire with the accuracy that the AI has in this game. I do often see the guy that shots me, he is usually on the other end of the field looking back at me through the iron sights of his AK and nailing my prone guy with a single burst from a standing possition at 300 meters - that is total BS! In Arma if you see an enemy detachment your only chance is to have hard cover, take a single shot and book permanently because even though with good aim you will drop a guy, maybe two, the rest of his squad magically knows exactly where you are at, spots you and goes to town with uncanny accuracy. It just doesnt work that on a battlefield. Even if you are alert, there is no way in hell you can even tell from what direction the first shot that wizzed past you came from. The concussion of the sonic boom surrounds you and the corking from the muzzle is drowned out. If the siper is well-hidden, it will take at least 3-4 shots to determine within 10 degrees his direction and distance. To actually find him, especially in the daytime without muzzle fash... In Iraq a sniper team will drop 10 guys before the rest even know what direction to point their guns in. Time and time again I will see an enemy detachment walk through my field of fire, take a shot and then get blown up by a TANK that was rumbling half a mile away in another direction. Let me tell you something - when you are rolling in ANY tracked vehicle you are wearing inches of ear protection because the thing is damn loud. You talk to one another via headsets even though you are sitting 2ft from one another. Guys know when to jump out because a light turns on. A guy could be 10 yards away unloading his AK or throwing bricks at your rig and you would never know it! Please tell me how does an AI tank instantaniously know exactly where I am at when I take a shot at his buddies whom themselves are out of his line of sight? I think the biggest missing part in the AI is the sence of self-preservation, which we all have. When you shoot at a group of people, you never see them start pointing their guns around, etc. They run for the closest cover they can find, evaluate where the shots are coming from and act on that. The actions of the AI troops when they come under fire is unrealistic. I am not saying that it should be a total turkey shoot, but there is a blance of self-preservation vs attack that is absent here, which makes these virtual engagement very weird for me... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
croc4 0 Posted January 4, 2008 I agree, good PVP maps would be far better than the AI. And for those that think PVP = frag fest, that is the most lame "the earth is flat", etc attitude I have heard, why is this community for the most part afraid of PVP?. Yes I have read many many post on this forum and reading between the lines of posts that don't want PVP, all I can honesty see is fear, god forbid this game becomes popular and enable BIS to actually come out with a better game the first time instead of needing to wait for 3-4 patches, gee wouldn't that be a novel concept Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rambo-16AAB 0 Posted January 4, 2008 PvP doesnt mean Arma automatically becomes Quake/BF2/COD4 etc. The style of play is down to map design and player attitudes. Being a hero and boasting you wiped out 300 AI soldiers holds very little water. In the other hand if you could kill 300 living, thinking and unpredictable humans, then you have a skill worth shouting about. Fighting AI just doesnt cut the mustard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walker 0 Posted January 4, 2008 Hi all I play a mix of PvP and coop about a 30 70 split. The PvPs tend to be realism based asymetric warfare with deliberatley unequal sides. Winning for OPFOR is about getting a stategic win, kill the principle, cause the BLUEFOR casualties and get away with it. For BLUEFOR it is about preventing casualties and holding ground by conducting a successful patrol. For OPFOR the ambush or IED or Road block, or sniping is key. If you are playing BLUEFOR side you try to make it a long range engagement and use superior weapons like autamatic grenade launchers and big MGs or Armor to bombard the enemy or sneaking a recce team in with a civilain vehicle. If you want to play Quake/BF2/COD4/Unreal/bunny hopper hell/ or Hexekessle style the maps, they exist, as do the servers, it is just you will not find many people on them, people vote with their feet as to game play style. More ArmA players like organised cerebral play with long engagment ranges, most times now I am engaiging the enemy at between 200 to 500m sometimes at 1000m plus; coops and relaistic PvP provide this. Mad half hour close in urban PvP gets boring quick. Kind Regards walker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tj72 0 Posted January 4, 2008 Ive become a CTF addict and I need help! I started playing coops and making my scripts and had some fun times with LSA clan playing their coops. But it was difficult to get to a fun part of the game quickly. Evo is now boring for me and Ive not played the new versions very much but after playing the older versions I got tired of it. Ive had more fun with Domination and other smaller scale but more dense groups of enemies then on the huge Evo mission where it can take a long time to reach the front. Often I feel Im chasing the battle. I play missions where the island seems empty for large parts causing aimless wandering untill a suprise encounter kills you suddenly. Reaction: exit. CTF came along and was faster and exposed my fire and movement deficiencies quickly. Because of playing CTF my FPS playing has improved in every game Ive played since. Even when I fire up RES I can shoot the old bots with much more confidence. I never would have developed this part of my game playing coop. Maps like Hex/Never Scared and others are set for action and quick fun. Sometimes its a camp fest as you can prone and wait for targets to come up the only way they can, but even the camping is balanced out as there are some great anti campers out there and its amazing how fast some of these guys can shoot. Alot of people (mission makers) dont get how well ARMA could work. And their missions are filled with potential that is missed. Too many missions are clear the area and the enemy fights to the last man. The game could be fun just travelling through an ambient warzone where you DONT have to kill everything! Just crossing the street with bullets flying by as you try to reach cover or a specific location could be fun. Another thing.... If you kill 80% of an enemy force in the real world, would they really stay and fight to the death or would they surrender or flee more likely? If your squad of 10 was down to 2 are you gonna stay and die or fall back and call for reinforcements or such or just leave! If you kill 100 troops and theres one soldier prone by a bush you cant see, does that really mean you didnt win the objective untill that last rifleman is dead?! I have yet to see a mission that works like this: Where you just have to kill a percentage of them to meet an objective. Just because a present trigger is easy to put in, doesnt mean it should have an objective hinged on it! Please coop mission makers: STOP MAKING CLEAR THE AREA MISSIONS LIKE THIS!!!!!! I hate having to wander all over the town for the last loon and the only reason they are like that is because the mission maker was to damn lazy to think what would make the mission more fun and realistic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
(FPC) Bacon 0 Posted January 4, 2008 Well only play CTF maps on our server when we play on it there are some coops on there and the odd evo but when we go on it's CTF's all night till were to pissed to play any more games that is and there's nothing better that knowing your killing other players rather than Ai in my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leckig 0 Posted February 1, 2008 I also wish there were more PvP servers, specially on 1.09. I spoke to some BERZERK admins on 1.08 and they refuse to update to 1.09 before it is final. Not sure why, with the same logic you could play Arma 1.0 as this is the real stuff, the way it was designed... 1.09 is a huge improvement over 1.08, I get 10 times fewer crashes on 1.09 plus all other improvement. I dont understand why the admins are so stubborn, are there issues with 1.08 that i dont know, maybe on the server side? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites