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Swat units release

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Is there a weapons crate for the weapons in the editor? I gotta be blind if I missed them. I've looked all over.

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LMAO... Tactical Santa... rofl.gif . Funniest thing I've seen all new years day.

Cool release, reminds me of Swat 4 (many hours of MP duty).

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Is there a weapons crate for the weapons in the editor? I gotta be blind if I missed them. I've looked all over.


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How about some Urban Swat units and a PSG-1 or something?? notworthy.gif

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yeah, that PSG would be awesome!


also, would it be possible to add scritp that allows u to put the "terrorists" under arrest, like in FDF mod they had biggrin_o.gif

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Can you please make it independent of QG? I know I can just click away the error message, but if I make a mission using these guys and someone plays it, it looks poor. And nowadays I prefer to play without QG, because of the ugly loading screens. (Its missions are not that great, either.)

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What are the class names for the weapons, Want to use them with other units..............

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Weapon Names:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> M4_SWAT




I cant take any skin request right now, I'm way too busy with IMW, sorry. But your free to edit the skins yourself anytime.

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Hell YEAH!

*But where are the nightvisions? oO

*You should add some shotguns xP

*I want googles on his eyes! Not on helmet...


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Goggles are on hes eyes...

Those work without GQ, but gives error of texture

They still work, but when killed, looks bit wierd.

Ill give DL link later today for small retextured marpat unit.

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@Dren: Yeah, please do. Seen the retex in the screen shots thread and they look great................


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As i promised here it is.

(just one unit, what i loved the most biggrin_o.gif )

Note: pbo is still named same as the original, so basically if you dont use different MOD folder for it, it replaces it.



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w00t your retexture pwnz!

Can you make desert one?

Your units got goggles on eyes while SWAT-guy's don't. I dont have any errors and I dont have goggles on any of em so I think they dont have....

But yours... Make desert plixxxx0r@!!!!

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Hmm... i dont want anyone else be thinking that i did do more than retexturing. That is Swat's model, and yes on of them did have goggles on smile_o.gif

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Great job, the retexture looks awesome! Deffinitly would be kewl if u did a desert retexture as well. Anywayz, off to go kill some AI with my newly downloaded force recon unit!

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Well this game lives by community, so maby community gets what they want... lets see about desert version wink_o.gif

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SWAT-guy, I discovered something strange, maybe too late and maybe I am noob(maybe? I am noob). Your units are holding guns a bit different than BIS ones, the 1st person camera is a bit to the right. Is it bug or you can explain me what is the target of new camera?

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It's the QG handgun bug that your experiencing, hopefully BI might fix it when they finally release the latest patch (in 10 years probably)...........................

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I am working on Iraqi National Police retexture, here is a little teaser:


Retextured with gT.SWAT-guy permission, thanks.

Hope you like it. smile_o.gif

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Not all swat guys have balcavas. Any way to lose the balcavas so we can use custom faces? Also alot os swat snipers like to have baseball style hats in stead of the boonie. If not no biggie. I love these units as is for my KILL POINT mission.  notworthy.gif

Any chance for some normal uniform cops? Normal US looking I mean.  yay.gif  yay.gif

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Is it just me or are these units more tempermental to blue-on-blue than other soldiers? biggrin_o.gif

Try downing one of your fellow kind, then do the same with the default ARMA soldiers. Note how quickly you died after opening fire on a fellow SWAT unit. Laugh. Revel in the glory of properly made units!

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