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Jahve's character addons - Shaw v1.1

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Update: v1.1 released!


Quote[/b] ]v1.1 - Removed: AKS-74. Now dependant on JahAKS74.pbo

      Added: Wound textures

      Added: Armory description

      Fixed: Addon is now signed with bisign. jah.bikey is available at www.ofpec.com

This is a Character Addon.

A Character Addon is a single character with a pre-set name and a custom weapon.

Screen1: http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/5402/arma2007122712001291gw9.png

Screen2: http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/6899/arma2007122712004605jg0.png

Download (23.6MB)

REQUIRES AKS-74 ADDON! Download (1.51MB)

Character Addon "Shaw" - a US Army Special Forces Operator conducting unconventional warfare.

It can be found under BLUFOR in the vehicle class "JAHWERKS - Men".

For further info I refer you to the included readme file.

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Looks good smile_o.gif


Quote[/b] ]Please dont hassle me with bugreports


You could've worded that differently....Or not at all. If every addonmaker had that attitude... crazy_o.gif

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Well i know there are one or two bugs and i dont have time to fix em wow_o.gif And i didnt want this addon to be like my OFP projects folder: 10 gb of unreleased content.

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Cool looking character, Queen gambit free i hope?..


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And i didnt want this addon to be like my OFP projects folder: 10 gb of unreleased content.

Holy crap, I wonder what's in there crazy_o.gif

LOL I had some unreleased OFP stuff, but nowhere near 10GB. And it wasn't anything special.

The AK he comes with, is it a custom addon or the BIS one? Just wondering.

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@ wika_woo: If my addons ever require anything but regular ArmA, it will be clearly stated.

@ Maddmatt: "New", as the one in ArmA has a scope.

@ 20mb: All needed textures and maps. For compareance, look at the ArmA characters.pbo file size... ArmA uses alot of new stuff, wich OFP didnt. This makes an addon done properly about 2 times (or more) the filesize it would have been in OFP.

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32MB addon and no wounded textures? C'mon Jahve, I know you're not creative but... tounge2.gif

If you fix that, I ignore the other bugs smile_o.gif

Oh wait, you said no bug reports... whatever. He looks great, good job man.

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cheers jahve, i'm not underestimating you. Sometimes people forget to state it.

Awesome Addon though, really like the hat tho lol..


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This is the only version that will be available in terms of colors, atleast for now.

I will release an updated version at some point with a signature and wound textures. When? I dont know.. soon.

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Very nice addon thumbs-up.gif

I like the feel and looks of it. Looks fairly realistic to me wink_o.gif

Good work.

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Version 1.1 released! Check first post wink_o.gif

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