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Hi TonyRanger,

That AI behavior looks really cool! Is there any chance it is available as a module, so that other missions/mods can also use it? I'm not saying I don't like the rest of FFN, just that I like to improve my other missions/mods as well! Such as... ACE. Any chance? smile_o.gif



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new XEH replacement for FFN MOD 0.82 is AI standalone one,so the rest features only enable when you place them in mission ediotr youself

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looks really cool thumbs-up.gif

does it need much more performance as without??

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great work but i hope the shouting ai is optional becuase it can get very anoying

lol Your not kidding!

Got very annoying!

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is this mod still gonna screw up all the weapon loadouts and recoils that will have to make me relearn how to shoot in this game? The changing of weapon values is what made me not want to use this in the earlier version and is also the reason I wont play with ACE. If you do intend to change the weapon loadouts/ recoils then can you do so in a seperate PBO and leave the AI enhancements as a standalone addon? This would be greatly appreciated.

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great work but i hope the shouting ai is optional becuase it can get very anoying

lol Your not kidding!

Got very annoying!

Yeah I'm not a fan of the shouting either. Everything else looks good though.

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FFN MOD 0.82 will contain a AI only replacement,no weapon loadouts and recoils changes for default unit.so will not break offcial campagin again,if you want use the weapon loadouts and recoils changes,just place the units from TR - Soldiers with FFN setting

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thanks you very much. Sorry for posting this request again. Should have read the rest of the thread before making the request for the millionth time.

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This looks GREAT ! Would it be possible to release a video from above the battlefield to watch the movement of all the soldiers? Your videos are good but an idea of the fire and maneuver from above would be sweet.

Can't wait to get my hands on it ! (Although it will have to be ACE compatible - CANT ... LIVE .... WITHOUT ..... ACE MOD !!!!wink_o.gif


[TAO] Kremator

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The modular AI part is very good news. Is the new version event handler compatible?

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new XEH replacement for FFN MOD 0.82 is AI standalone one,so the rest features only enable when you place them in mission ediotr youself

Bottom of last page. It sounds like it. biggrin_o.gif

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Hi just wanted to ask wich setting for the behaviour did you use for the waypoints in the vid? I made a mission where some soldiers had to attack a town and as i set the behaviour to stealth the soldiers hardly started to move into the town, just hold there position and fired. As i changed the waypoint setting to the standart setting they started to move.

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I used the default behaviour(safe or aware),the AI feature in FFN MOD only enable in combat behaviour(in default ArmA,AI will swtich behaviour from safe or aware to combat in battle,and switch it back after area clear,if the started waypoint is safe or aware)

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Hi tony It has passed some time since i try for the first time FFN mod, but i´m still looking at the topic to see your advances!!!

I wached your videos at youtube and ey the IA looks very good!!!

And hearing that it will be like a stand alone AI addon it sounds great!!! I will be waiting for the new release I hope all works fine. Maybe this addon would be the final IA enhancement till arma 2 comes to our hands.

Regards from spain, I will infor my clan abbout your advances. When you have something to download we will test it in MP.

PD: Oh sorry I forgot one question: is this new FFN 0.82 fully Mp compatible??, The last wasn´t.

Nothing more thanks for your work and time!!!!

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stand alone AI should be fully Mp compatible if you don't use another features

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Does the Ai still see through walls? on the Avgani and Afghan village maps, it was a little annoying have the Ai blazing away at compound walls.

Also will this new version modify weapon recoils? The weapon recoil on the MG's was way too much especially in the prone position. If this new version leaves that out, that would be very good.

Keep up the great work! I'm really looking forward to this new version!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Posted just above your post Miles.

FFN MOD 0.82 will contain a AI only replacement,no weapon loadouts and recoils changes for default unit.so will not break offcial campagin again,if you want use the weapon loadouts and recoils changes,just place the units from TR - Soldiers with FFN setting

Doesn't sound like it. Let's hope.

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Ah thanks. I totally missed that even though I read it. lol

That'll be very good then. However having them throw smoke grenades I think is still very cool. I hope that AI action is still in there.

The thing I loved most about the FFN AI actions is how in battles they would attack...then pull back if under heavy fire. Also how the AI would outflank targets. So hopefully this new version will, like the old version, make battles longer and more realistic.

It's always fun when the enemy AI (and friendly AI) surprise you.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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These videos contain some vehicle AI,which shows how a tank coopirate with infantry. the tank will give soldiers close range fire support,destroy enemy covers,such as buildings and walls if someone let him know there are some enemy behind those cover.tank also destroy walls by wheels around the enemy while advancing.At last there is a 10 mins' video show how mutilpe units fight in a big town.

1.tank coopirate with infantry

2.tank destroy building with enemy inside

3.mutilpe units fight in town

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I'm VERY impressed. It's great how you have sync'd the move forward animation with troops actually moving forward!

The tanks seem to be rotating quite a bit however.

Keep up the good work as this wil fit in VERY well with ACE Mod !

[TAO] Kremator

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After watching the videos just a couple notifications about tanks.

- Nobody would attempt to repair a vehicle in a middle of a fire fight. The crew would call for assistance and blaze away with anything they got if the enemy is close.

- AFVs should not wheel around exposing their sides and back to the enemy.

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the ArmA engine force tank crew eject when wheel broken,there is no way to keep them inside of tank unless lock them with script,if everyone want this,I can do it,but we'll never got chance to capture an enemy tank anymore because you'll never got a empty tank anymore,don't know if it worth.

even I don't want to let them wheel around exposing their sides and back to the enemy,but this is engine problem,can only wait for ArmA2 for that sad_o.gif

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