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Sakakah Al Jawf OPEN BETA

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yes !

the map runs on our dedicated server !!!

good job ! notworthy.gif

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I do not know if it has been posted already but there are some buildings with ladders inside and they are not working ...

on the rest awesome work

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here are pics of my FOB.

I'm editing a kind of real life in sakakah, with buses and cars, civilians and parked cars and trucks.



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Looks awesome and it is the kind of thing this map needs. thumbs-up.gif

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Nice base naash, how do you get to roof? :]

Here is the one we're using currently (same place, heh):


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Wow. crazy_o.gif Haven't seen the beta in a while...

Here's some new screenies:




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Great screenshots biggrin_o.gif

I really love those maps.

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any chance of uploading those two "missions" somewhere and linking them? They would come in handy when I'm just messing around in the editor and want a base.

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I'm in an edition phase and did not planned to release it.

But if some of you are interested in, once I've finished I could make it downloadable.

But it's very simple.

I settled objects, some US players and added a kind of artificial life in the city :

- 3 buses and 6 cars with waypoints

- a lot of locked cars and trucks, parked around the buidings

- some civilians with waypoints in each building blocks

- an independant HQ

- an official buiding

I'm doing this in order to animate missions on sakakah map, but it's not a mission (no opfor or objectives...) by itself.

And I don't know if it will cause lag or other things.

edit : the new screenshots are great !

Are you using QG buidings and objects ?

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shots are looking great Opteryx...very nice city thumbs-up.gif

We need more middle eastern island/city makers like you.

And also more buildings and stuff for those cities sad_o.gif

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Will you also make a version with vanilla ArmA of your Map?

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Wow the screen shots look stunning (having trouble finding the right words, its looking THAT good.)

Hey Naash, yeah mate that would be great if you could do that. I'd love to get my hands on something like that to check out as well. smile_o.gif

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I'm in an edition phase and did not planned to release it.

But if some of you are interested in, once I've finished I could make it downloadable.

But it's very simple.

I settled objects, some US players and added a kind of artificial life in the city :

- 3 buses and 6 cars with waypoints

- a lot of locked cars and trucks, parked around the buidings

- some civilians with waypoints in each building blocks

- an independant HQ

- an official buiding

I'm doing this in order to animate missions on sakakah map, but it's not a mission (no opfor or objectives...) by itself.

And I don't know if it will cause lag or other things.

edit : the new screenshots are great !

Are you using QG buidings and objects ?

Sounds great Naash, deffinitly get it finished and release, will come in handy to many I'm sure.

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I have noticed the objects in town don't work. No elevator access, cannot open doors, climb ladders.

Will this be fixed or is it like this on purpose?

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Is there a QG version of this island download link?

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@ Nov. 09 2007,00:02)]I have noticed the objects in town don't work. No elevator access, cannot open doors, climb ladders.

Will this be fixed or is it like this on purpose?

Yeah I wish there was a work around for that. There is a way to animate doors via trigger, assuming you know the door's name, but it's not built into missions so I figure it is built directly into the maps themselves.

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@ opteryx: notworthy.gif This map is awsome!

Some advice for those who waits for the finished map: buy QG. i bet opteryx won't say much more for the progress on this map, since he already have much work, and dont want you guys to have too much expectations.

Let's just say.. there will be some suprises smile_o.gif

opteryx: if i said too much, you can come here and kill me, with a spoon. tounge2.gif

for the rest of us: be patient. christmas isn't too far away.

keep up the good work opteryx! yay.gif

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After seeing you guys post pictures of the FOB...

I wanted to build something like that...

FOB Hunter



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in the end : nearly 100 civilians spread in the city...

I'm finishing to edit it.

I think that I could release it monday or tuesday...

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those new pic in the combat photo thread of the updated version. They are foking fantastic. Just what I wanted to see in Arma. Keep up the work. Mean I'll have to buy queens gambit just for this island

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