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Sakakah Al Jawf

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Damn Opteryx! If I had some more time I'd model you some custom buildings!

Please get more time, really! sad_o.gif

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is the landscape really that flat ??





Wow! That's just... i can't find any words to describe it! AMAZING!! notworthy.gif

Really great so far. Now there are some dunes and the city looks completly different! Much better. If I would know how to make some addons that would fit into this I would really like to model a few. Damn! smile_o.gif

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DarkNight you should edit out that pic before admin eats you... BTW looking really nice m8 smile_o.gif

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darkNight, please remove IMG tags when quoting posts with images in them.

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Sounds like a project that could push your patience to the limit.

well you know that's the aim of our MOD wink_o.gif

we wish you good luck

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darkNight, please remove IMG tags when quoting posts with images in them.

You're talking to me? I didn't do nothing! nener.gif

Anyhow, really nice map Opteryx. Can't wait until I get my hands on it. smile_o.gif

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just thinking of what missions could be based in the city, i cant wait for this map

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Very nice. Couldn't see any fps reduction looking at the video. Does it play well near the more denser build up areas? Anyway can't wait to have some close infantry fights there :P

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The only impression I can do is Roger Rabbit:

"PlblblblblblblEASE" (release) biggrin_o.gif

Looks pretty fine mate. REALLY looking forward to it smile_o.gif

Needs more rubble & general misc items to give it some character, but it's going to be one of the most important maps in ArmA for sure.

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FPS was around 25/35 through most of the video.

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I think the island is nice.. big but too flat tough.

Maybe more ruins would be nice to have in that map.

Hope it doesn't lag much

I wonder what error appeared at the end icon_rolleyes.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I think the island is nice.. big but too flat tough.

Maybe more ruins would be nice to have in that map.

Again, It's not an island...

Quote[/b] ]Hope it doesn't lag much

That'll be completely dependent on your PC.

Quote[/b] ]I wonder what error appeared at the end icon_rolleyes.gif

It's an object with no texture, it will be removed.

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sorry to mention the word "island", unfortunately is something we were used to it since OFP.

Hope we can forget the "meaning of that word" soon. smile_o.gif

Though if it isn't an island this map will have infinitive flat ground..

Or will we reach an area with like a cliff or something, am i right?

If yes, can you some thing about that?

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Quote[/b] ]sorry to mention the word "island", unfortunately is something we were used to it since OFP.

Hope we can forget the "meaning of that word" soon. smile_o.gif

Indoctrination through constantly repeated lies and faulty facts.

Quote[/b] ]Though if it isn't an island this map will have infinitive flat ground..

Well the area where city lies is for the most part flat, this is for simpler construction.

More complex terrain will be added in later version(s).

Quote[/b] ]Or will we reach an area with like a cliff or something, am i right?

If yes, can you some thing about that?

Yes, once you reach the map border the terrain is extruded ad infinitum, however in this case where's the height map is very high, you'll encounter a sudden cliff formation, bellow that is the extruded landscape.


Higher Resolution Video

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Hi all, just though I'd inform you about release. I've changed my mind for various reason and decided to hold an open beta, if all goes well and nothing unexpected happens I hope to release on Friday.

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Hi all, just though I'd inform you about release. I've changed my mind for various reason and decided to hold an open beta, if all goes well and nothing unexpected happens I hope to release on Friday.

Sounds awesome! Thanks for your hard work! I know this map is gonna get A LOT of good use. Can't wait to see all kinds of kewl missions showing up on your map!

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Don't get too exited yet, there are some major quirks that needs fixing on this map such as roads being laid out with now working road tool, roads now are placed manually as objects which may interfere with AI pathfinding.

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Well, all I can do is hope for the best, and if something does go wrong, hope for a fix ASAP. I'm sure that if there are any problems, if you can't iron them out, someone on these forums will be able to help. Wish I knew anything about map making so I could help out. Well, GL with the map and I'm sure it'll all go good. notworthy.gifthumbs-up.gif

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Hi all, just though I'd inform you about release. I've changed my mind for various reason and decided to hold an open beta, if all goes well and nothing unexpected happens I hope to release on Friday.

Excellent news Opteryx, I can't wait to try various things out on this map.

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Here's the tactical map view of the complete city:


All I need to do now is some minor changes and it'll be ready.

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