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co30 Domination! One Team

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Allmost done... just a little bit testing...

3.07 Changelog:

Quote[/b] ]

- fixed calculations for airki positions

- bigger radius for air patrols over main targets

- fixed the "jumping mobile respawn marker" bug in the revive versions

- there is now only a 30 percent chance that you will see an attack plane over the main target (instead a light attack chopper like UH60MG will appear)

- more use of DMSmokeGrenadeVB if available

- enemy artillery observers do call smoke strikes instead of HE strikes if their own troops are to close to the arti target

- fixed a copy and paste error in d_ltd_weapons_array

- changed the main target parahandler code (the choppers now do not come at once but with a light delay, workaround for the parachute getout server bug)

- added a little special effect to the tank smoke system

- changed the mission name to co30 Domination! XXXX instead of co30 Domination! One Team - XXXX, so it's better readable ingame

- some internal changes

- and of course, like allways, some other changes that I've allready forgotten

I'll add another bonus mission to the mission pack because you had to wait that long smile_o.gif


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I'm doing my Schmalfelden conversion and I noticed a little something of a bug probably affecting all versions.

1. As far as I can see, the function fn_GridRefCoords is not in anywhere, making two calls to it from scripts\teamstatusdialog\teamstatusdialog.sqf. This makes the team status dialog fail (in all versions?) regarding the pos and command fields. I'm precompiling this from init.sqf since both server and clients in my version is using this also in other scripts now.

2. The function fn_GridRefCoords will not provide the correct readout in Schmalfelden. I will try to fix it by hardcoding it within the function to account for Schmalfelden grids, but I think a better way would be accessing grid data from the addon/island and using these as variables. Dunno.

3. Schmalfelden version unpacks as 3.05 but briefing and intel says 3.03. Also the old intro selection trigger is still present in mission.sqm. If you do a copy&paste, just remember to remove/filter the boats respawn scripts within init.sqf.

Awesome to see so many suggestions implemented.

Edit: Oh, and while I'm at it, I replaced the IncomingMissileEventHandler in default version to use the graphics system from the Mando version. Reason, the flare system didn't work for me using muzzle name, had to use ammo name (or vice verca), and it just didn't look very good. Mando flares look awesome!


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

if (d_version != "MANDO") then {

   XIncomingMissile = {

       private ["_vehicle", "_ammo", "_who", "_missile", "_flare", "_flares", "_ran"];

       _vehicle = _this select 0;

       _ammo = _this select 1;

       _who = _this select 2;


       _missile = nearestObject [_who,_ammo];


       if (isNull _missile) exitWith {};


       _vehicle vehicleChat "Dropping Flares...";

       [_vehicle] execVM "bat\mando_chaffflaredraw.sqf";


       _ran = random 100;

       if (_ran >= 40) then {

           waitUntil {((_missile distance _vehicle) <= 150)};

           deletevehicle _missile;

       } else {

           waitUntil {((_missile distance _vehicle) <= 100)};

           _vehicle vehicleChat "!!! Attention !!! Missile impact...";




My "bat\mando_chaffflaredraw.sqf" (differs from original):

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

/*mando chaffflares

mando_chaffflares.sqf v1.2

April 2007 Mandoble

Generates a chaff or flares "clouds" able to attract mando_missile missiles aproaching in mode 2 (active mode)



private ["_maxspd", "_mass", "_vol", "_rubb", "_launcher", "_type", "_pos", "_drop1", "_script", "_color", "_size", "_i", "_numdrops", "_angv", "_angh", "_rad", "_radv", "_radh", "_vel", "_vell"];

_maxspd = 10;

_mass  = 1.275 + 0.3;

_vol   = 1.0;

_rubb  = 1;

_launcher = objNull;

_type = -1;

_pos = [0,0,0];

_drop1 = "";

_script = "";

_color = [[1,1,1,1]];

_size = [1.5, 3.5];

_i = 0;

_numdrops = 0;

_angv = 0;

_angh = 0;

_rad  = 0;

_radv = 0;

_radh = 0;

_vel = [0,0,0];

_vell = [0,0,0];

_launcher = _this select 0;

_launcher say "mando_flares";

_vell = [-(velocity _launcher select 0), -(velocity _launcher select 1),-(velocity _launcher select 2)];

_drop1 = "\ca\data\koulesvetlo";

_script = "bat\mando_flaremove.sqs";

_color = [[1,0.8,0,1]];

_size = [1.5, 3.5];

_numdrops = 10 + random 6;

for [{_i = 0},{_i < _numdrops},{_i = _i + 1}] do


  _pos = _launcher modelToWorld [0, -3, -2];

  _angv = random -90;

  _angh = random 359;

  _rad  = 30 + random _maxspd;

  _radv = abs(_rad * sin(_angh));

  _radh = abs(_rad * cos(_angh));

  _vel = [(_vell select 0)+sin(_angh)*_radh, (_vell select 1)+cos(_angh)*_radh, (_vell select 2)+sin(_angv)*_radv];

  drop [_drop1, "", "Billboard", 0.1, 5, _pos, _vel, 0.5, _mass, _vol, _rubb/8, _size, _color, [0,1,0], 5, 0.05, _script, "", ""];

  Sleep 0.01;


I'm unsure how drop works regarding multiplayer and I haven't been able to test it fully for multiplayer yet, but I can see preplaced AI (local to server) dropping flares. Maybe you need to set off a addPublicVariableEventHandler to every player so they see the particles, just not sure about this one yet.

bat\mandoflaremove.sqs is equal to the original.

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Allmost done... just a little bit testing...

Made a test with 25-30 players yesterday and players constantly connecting and disconnecting.

Good thing, allmost no JIP lag, some small errors, but....

the server crashed again. The reason, millions of...

Quote[/b] ]

GetOutAny soldier EAST :4 already in landscape

Entity listed twice.

Unit is not in cargo

So I'll now wait for the next patch and do not release anything until it's out. All server versions before 1.11 were totally stable compared to the new server versions. Maybe one crash in a week but with 1.14 we encounter somtimes four to five crashes in one day.


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xeno send the rpt and crash files to suma.

best with repro and simple test mission.

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Played on {GOL} clan server yesterday, public game of Domination going on, and had a weird experience. The server was infested with team killers killing everything they saw near spawnpoints. Server was unfortunately setup with no tags or info or anything, so nobody knew who to kick. We ended up just playing somewhere else.

Is it possible to add killed eventhandler that sets off a addPublicVariableEventHandler on all clients that just informs players who the culprit is, and the command used to kick this person?

Everyone (well, most) will teamkill once in a while, but usually it is a freak accident or mishap (such as using timed satchels on radio tower when someone is actually on top of it, LOL!wink_o.gif, but teamkillers like these are no fun to those who actually wants to have a good time.

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Quote[/b] ]So I'll now wait for the next patch and do not release anything until it's out. All server versions before 1.11 were totally stable compared to the new server versions. Maybe one crash in a week but with 1.14 we encounter somtimes four to five crashes in one day.

Well lets hope that patch comes soon as Domination is probably one of the reasons I and my members keep playing ArmA.

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A suggestion that might help server crashes:

One of the main problems is the amount of error messages (I believe). One of the reasons this happens is that because of the amount of armor, you usually are forced to take down a whole main target before even attempting the radio tower. Radio tower should be placed using a new random function, that implements a minimum distance from main target center. If radio tower (and some guarding units) were placed 150-300 meters randomly from main target center, it would be possible to take it out before so many reinforcements arrive. Now the usual approach is clearing the target, then the radio.

Why wait for a new server update to release a fixed and updated Domination version? "All" servers are 1.14 today, and I guess all versions of Domination is suffering from this problem?

Btw, I tried removing the tanks from the check_trigger, but often now I will get a target cleared message before the mission was generated. I have tried now adding setTriggerTimeout to see if it helps. Not been able to test it yet though.

Edit - Quick bugreport:

setupplayer and setupserver checks against d_subver. This check is left out in x_jip.sqf.

Another thing that might help crashes, it to limit number of targets in description.ext to only include 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. That way, no editing is needed for Schmalfelden version as well. Does anyone sit through 21 targets in one go?

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I decided to not put my head into the sand, so here it is...

New version 3.08 available...


Quote[/b] ]

- fixed calculations for airki positions

- bigger radius for air patrols over main targets

- fixed the "jumping mobile respawn marker" bug in the revive versions

- there is now only a 30 percent chance that you will see an attack plane over the main target (instead a light attack chopper like UH60MG will appear)

- more use of DMSmokeGrenadeVB if available

- enemy artillery observers do call smoke strikes instead of HE strikes if their own troops are to close to the arti target

- fixed a copy and paste error in d_ltd_weapons_array

- changed the main target parahandler code (the choppers now do not come at once but with a light delay, workaround for the parachute getout server bug)

- added a little special effect to the tank smoke system

- changed the mission name to co30 Domination! XXXX instead of co30 Domination! One Team - XXXX, so it's better readable ingame

- respawn not possible at mobile respawn if the position of the mobile respawn is in water (also in revive versions)

- replaced the wreck chopper with ffar version

- reduced the number of choppers and reinforcements for the main target again (sigh)

- some internal changes

- and of course, like allways, some other changes that I've allready forgotten

I've also added an East Uhao version of Domination to the mission pack (made by Wolfgang from www.germany-fun.de) and a new bonus mission called

co20 High Mountains (with revive):

From briefing:

"SLA has managed to get a reconnaissance satellite from another country. We know that they control that satellite with 5 radio towers around mount Pico de Perez.

Our goal today is it, to destroy those radio towers. But before we can destroy a radio tower, we have to shut down the satellite terminals. Intel reports, that there is a control near each radio tower.

It is vital, that we first shut down a terminal BEFORE we blow a radio tower. Otherwise the communication will be still established.

One pilot is available. He is the only one who can fly the Mi17.

We have a big problem though... During the landing operations at the beach near Roca del Dror we lost a cargo ship that had all our weapons on bord.

The only weapons we could recover were M16, M240, a few M24, pistols and M136."


Domination! One Team 3.08 Mission Pack

Once again, you don't have to ask me to modify the mission or release a modified version.

Enjoy !


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Thanks Xeno,

I been waiting/reading this thread for awhile, when you annouced the halt, I was hoping you would keep trying.

Thx again, I'm sure I will be gone for a few days.......playing these missions.

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Great news! I've been waiting for an update. This mission and EVO are the reasons I've converted my friends from GRAW R6V2.

Thanks and keep up the good work!

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3.08 West AI on a dedicated server.

This error occurs when a player dies and is only seen by that player. Dead bodies are not removed.


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Allmost done... just a little bit testing...

Made a test with 25-30 players yesterday and players constantly connecting and disconnecting.

Good thing, allmost no JIP lag, some small errors, but....

the server crashed again. The reason, millions of...

Quote[/b] ]

GetOutAny soldier EAST :4 already in landscape

Entity listed twice.

Unit is not in cargo

So I'll now wait for the next patch and do not release anything until it's out. All server versions before 1.11 were totally stable compared to the new server versions. Maybe one crash in a week but with 1.14 we encounter somtimes four to five crashes in one day.


Xeno, I love the Domination 3 mission however we have had to remove them from our server (3.0 - 3.05) since we keep getting the same crash as you've experienced:

GetOutAny soldier EAST :4 already in landscape

Entity listed twice.

Unit is not in cargo

Is it something to do with the paradrops because the crashes seem to happen then? (but not always).

Just posting my support and I hope it's resolved soon.

Edit: Just noticed that you've released version 3.08. I'll give it a test and report back.

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This error occurs when a player dies and is only seen by that player. Dead bodies are not removed.

Does this happen for all users ?

If so I'll provide a quick update as soon as I'm at home from work.


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Xeno, I love the Domination 3 mission however we have had to remove them from our server (3.0 - 3.05) since we keep getting the same crash as you've experienced:

GetOutAny soldier EAST :4 already in landscape

Entity listed twice.

Unit is not in cargo

Is it something to do with the paradrops because the crashes seem to happen then?  (but not always).

It happens when an AI soldier gets ejected out of the parachute when he is on the ground (not when he ejects out of an air vehicle).

It's a bug in the ArmA server, not much I can do about. sad_o.gif

I've reduced the number of paratroopers in 3.08 and each reinforcement chopper will come with a delay of about 30-40 seconds (number of reinforcement choppers depends on the number of players). But it seems I've added a small Bug in 3.08, please wait until I'll update it when I'm back from work.


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This error occurs when a player dies and is only seen by that player. Dead bodies are not removed.

Does this happen for all users ?

If so I'll provide a quick update as soon as I'm at home from work.


Yes, mate. All users.

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Bugfix version sad_o.gif

New version 3.09 available...


Quote[/b] ]

- fixed script error in x_checkkill

- corrected wreck repair point position in Mando version

As a little sorry for that bugs I've added a new bonus mission to the mission pack from Panzeraufklaerer from www.germany-fun.de:

co25 Enemy at the gates Corazol

From briefing:


The UStroops pushed us back and we have lost Corazol. The gate to  Northsahrani is now open for an invasion. We must take Corazol back at all costs or the enemy will build a bigger defenseline and start his invasion, soon..."

This mission is with three men on the opposite side but it's still coop.


Domination! One Team 3.09 Mission Pack

Once again, you don't have to ask me to modify the mission or release a modified version.

Enjoy !


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Instead of me posting thanks with every release of your missions......let me just say enough to cover for a while,






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Just tried to run the Domination Uhao, didn't seem to start any missions.

Do you mean sidemissions or do you mean the mission won't start on the server ?

Works fine here, tested it a few seconds ago. Mission runs and sidemissions start too.


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None of the missions started, maybe there has been an update for the island that I missed.

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Scratch that _Xeno_ I did a restart on the server and it all seems to be running fine now, sorry.

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