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DMSmokeEffects Beta 4

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If you have MaddMatt's effects loaded after my smoke effects, MaddMatt's effects will overwrite ALL my config effects, which have been altered to best complement the scripted smoke.

However, if you load DMSmokeEffects after MaddMatt's effects you will still get all MaddMatt's effects that "show through" mine. This is the way I recommend.

MrCrash is correct in his viewblock version description, however I will add that there is a FPS overhead for full viewblock functionality. It's fine for average amounts of battle wreckage but if you have VERY intense battlefield action you will see a slowdown.

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However, if you load DMSmokeEffects after MaddMatt's effects you will still get all MaddMatt's effects that "show through" mine. This is the way I recommend.

That is a fine tip, thank you smile_o.gif

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Thank you all, it help greatly as to understand it.

I didn't know the order in the mod line had a prority. So the mod that is loaded first or last get priority? I would think that it would be last as because anything that gets loaded last overrides anything before it. So where would the Exended EH go (that is if I were to need them)?

Would I need the Extended EventHandlers to make this work perfectly with each other or just don't bother with them?

Again thanks. smile_o.gif

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I didn't know the order in the mod line had a prority. So the mod that is loaded first or last get priority? I would think that it would be last as because anything that gets loaded last overrides anything before it.

Its not that simple, its dependent on requiredaddons[] in the addons config. But yes, as DMSmokeEffects and MaddMatt's effects have the same dependencies the loading order will affect the outcome.

(I tried to find my thread about this issue but cant find it...)

edit: if you dump them in the same folder then DMSmokeEffects will be loaded first and then MaddMatt's effects.

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Sure works!

I added it to the list. My apologies it took so long! I should've mentioned it way earlier..

I love this add on but never spent much time to figure out how to make it work with Maddmatt's effects. Thank you for all this!

PS: I suppose it is a good idea to let the server load the add on as well? (Due to AI view blocking)

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If you have MaddMatt's effects loaded after my smoke effects, MaddMatt's effects will overwrite ALL my config effects, which have been altered to best complement the scripted smoke.

However, if you load DMSmokeEffects after MaddMatt's effects you will still get all MaddMatt's effects that "show through" mine. This is the way I recommend.

So what you are saying is that the last mod folder in the -mod= list will have a higher priority than the one before it due to it being loaded last and it's configs are overwritting the mod before it (if both mod's use the same configs such that of ArmAEffects and DMSmoke).

So whatever is in the mod list last has priority over the rest of the mod list because it is loaded last and what is loaded first is overwritten if its configs happen to be the same things as one mod that is loaded last?

On another note...if I use any smoke grenade or the smoke shells "class name" item, those will also hide yourself from the AI?


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hey DMarkwick, if your in need of a beta tester, or some one to just make sure all things run top notch, Im free to help! And i don't bite or steal or anything else, just test and get back with you.

Good work so far man! smile_o.gif

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Thanks EvEnLeaSe44, what I need is MP beta testing, so if you got at least one other person I can pass you the version I need testing.

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Can someone give me a slight overview of my last post about the order of the -mod= line. As in what which mod in the line take priority over the next. Either it be the first mod or the last mod loaded.


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Can someone give me a slight overview of my last post about the order of the -mod= line. As in what which mod in the line take priority over the next. Either it be the first mod or the last mod loaded.


Take a look at this thread: Overwriting configs.

In short; the loadorder of mods is by name, unless they are sorted in modfolders where the last in line overwrites earlier addons. But the most dominant factor is the 'requiredaddons[]' in the config which makes an addon wait for all those required addons to be loaded until it loads itself. Then the addons name or modfolders loadorder doesnt matter.

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Hey DMarkwick, I have plenty of other testers that could help me test online for you within the shortest times, no delays.

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Can someone give me a slight overview of my last post about the order of the -mod= line. As in what which mod in the line take priority over the next. Either it be the first mod or the last mod loaded.


Take a look at this thread: Overwriting configs.

In short; the loadorder of mods is by name, unless they are sorted in modfolders where the last in line overwrites earlier addons. But the most dominant factor is the 'requiredaddons[]' in the config which makes an addon wait for all those required addons to be loaded until it loads itself. Then the addons name or modfolders loadorder doesnt matter.

Ah thanks.

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I've got a 1.08 QG dedicated server. 2 questions.

Is this server side only? Clients don't need it?

Forgot what the other question is. Bah.

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I have dedicated server and would like to test. does it fix the "you can not play/edit this mission due to content that has been deleted. dmsmokeeffects" message when you throw a smoke grenade.

otherwise, i am wondering how to fix that message?


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I have dedicated server and would like to test. does it fix the "you can not play/edit this mission due to content that has been deleted. dmsmokeeffects" message when you throw a smoke grenade.

otherwise, i am wondering how to fix that message?


"Content that has been deleted" is a result of the addon spawning viewblock objects while in Preview mode in the editor. As you probably know all editor placed objects get a reference in the SQM file as a required addon. The DMSMokeEffects itself has no editor placed objects (actually it does, I wonder if manually placing a viewblock object somewhere unobtrusive would fix that...) but does spawn an object, which then writes itself to the SQM file.

Something along those lines, it's a minor problem of an addon that only spawns objects, and not has them placed by the user. It's possibly unique in that respect.

I still have no idea at all whether the MP version actually does anything at all, all I can tell you is that it still works fine in SP smile_o.gif I'd be happy to send you a PM link to it though, as soon as I find out whether it works on any level I can publicly release it. It will change it's nature though, being a required addon instead of a clientside optional addon.

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NP - glad to help when you are ready. PM would be great.

as far as current version, the problem is that:

1. i am using stock missions from the original arma, so there can be nothing placed in the editor as i have not opened these missions in the editor. they are still pbo'ed and everything. (if i get what you mean correctly)

2. you throw a smoke grenade when you need cover. usually under fire or in close contact. then the error message window magically appears and you are likely killed while you mess with clocking o.k. on the error message. sad_o.gif


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Aah yeah OK, it's still "something along those lines" but the other way around from my first description biggrin_o.gif It's because the editor hasn't written the reference that the error comes up. Kind of like if the mission were to try and spawn a Mapfact helicopter in script when you haven't got the addon. Except in this case you do have the addon smile_o.gif

As I said I don't know what to do about that as spawning objects are the only objects there are, and can happen in any mission that uses a smoke grenade. One of those situations I'm sure could never have been foreseen. Maybe I should make the addon have a required physical presence via editor so that it acts like any other addon that has objects.

In any case, I will PM you the link. I'll also PM you the link for the DMSmokeGrenadeVB addon as it's now separate.

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Hey DM, are you thinking off replacing the damage textures also? Would be a nice addition.

There's a fix out there somewhere if you think you don't have the time. Maybe you could ask if you could include it.

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another question i thought of... if it blocks ai view with a invisible object, does it block fire? i.e. if the enenmy throws a smoke grenade you can still shoot into the smoke for suppression effect...or does this block everything? thx.

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another question i thought of... if it blocks ai view with a invisible object, does it block fire? i.e. if the enenmy throws a smoke grenade you can still shoot into the smoke for suppression effect...or does this block everything? thx.

It just blocks the AI view, that's all.

Actually, it also blocks sound, nothing I can do about that as it's hard coded into the engine, if it blocks view it also blocks sound. Or rather, muffles it.

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another question i thought of... if it blocks ai view with a invisible object, does it block fire? i.e. if the enenmy throws a smoke grenade you can still shoot into the smoke for suppression effect...or does this block everything? thx.

It just blocks the AI view, that's all.

Actually, it also blocks sound, nothing I can do about that as it's hard coded into the engine, if it blocks view it also blocks sound. Or rather, muffles it.

Well in that case can you make me a smoke suit so I suck less ingame?

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Right, as an update, I've just had it confirmed that DMSmokeEffects 5 is working in MP now, so soon I will release a V5 DMSmokeEffects for MP version.

I'll start a new thread for it, as it will be a slightly different prospect to v4 in that all users will be required to run it for the MP to work properly. So it will be ideally suited for total mod makers or clans/private servers for example.

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Right, as an update, I've just had it confirmed that DMSmokeEffects 5 is working in MP now, so soon I will release a V5 DMSmokeEffects for MP version.

Excellent news, lloking forward to the release yay.gif

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Right, as an update, I've just had it confirmed that DMSmokeEffects 5 is working in MP now, so soon I will release a V5 DMSmokeEffects for MP version.

I'll start a new thread for it, as it will be a slightly different prospect to v4 in that all users will be required to run it for the MP to work properly. So it will be ideally suited for total mod makers or clans/private servers for example.

Is this new thread started yet? I can't find it.

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