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ADF mod back up!

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I wish I could help mate, but it sounds like there are experts here that are helping.

The dude in the centre looks awesome!

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ADF Mod's Christmas presents are almost ready!

We are working hard on our units to get our core pack ready for release on Christmas day. Here are some WIP pics to drool over while you wait smile_o.gif

The content CONFIRMED to be in the core pack:

- ADF Infantry (Solder/SFTG/TAG)

- ADF Weapon pack (F-88's/F-89/SR-98/Browning pistol)

- ADF Landrovers

- ADF S-70A's

The content that will MAYBE in the core pack:


- ADF M1A1 (AIM) Abrams

- ADF MRH-90 (This is 99% done, the only issue is that the rotors wobble a bit)

- ADF ARH-Tiger (Some Geomentry issues)

I think that covers it, if anyone wants to help get the maybe stuff into the confirmed list, please contact me asap.




ARH Tiger shot 1

ARH Tiger shot 2

ADF Soldiers

MRH-90 shot 1

MRH-90 Inside shot

MRH-90 shot 2


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I love it all! Thanks so much mate - the Tiger looks especially tough!

Thanks mate, good luck with the project! smile_o.gif

Stew yay.gif

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ADF MOD - NEW SITE: http://www.adfmod.armaholic.eu/index.php

ADF MOD Bushmaster W.I.P

Textures by TankCommander




(Inside is being Modeled & Textured at the moment)


Textures by Rico


Other Stuff Coming with 0.2:

New Troop Models & Textures

Styers - Different variants



Updated S-70

Updated ARH Tiger

Updated MRH-90

And a lot more surprises! whistle.gif

Remember! If you would like to offer a hand to the mod, please do not hesitate to contact Rico at - richard_chantler@hotmail.com

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Nice work boys, looks like you're progressing well without me. One criticism with the Bushy, you've got all that dirt around the wheel arches yet the tyres are perfectly clean. Keep it up though, you're onto a winner.

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Looking good. The only comment I can make about the Bushy is that you've got stretched textures in the wheel wells that should probably be taken care of. smile_o.gif

Can't wait to see how you guys go with the troops.

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Yes. New Wheels are being modelled, and new wheel textures being applied! Thanks for the positive comments lads.

And yes, they are a new model of troop with new textures. smile_o.gif

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Something about the mud just makes me go  confused_o.gif

It just appears like you have gone in photoshop, selected a light brown and just clicked the brushes down (Something I'm guilty of doing before). Without really taking into consideration the edges, hinges, handles, cracks and the fact that dirt will have lighter and darker spots, also another thing to keep in mind is that within arma this vehicle is going to be most likely used in desert, temperate and wooded maps you'll need to find a happy medium to suit them all (unless of course you have different versions, but that shouldn't be necessary)

It does look good the majority of mud spots etc that arn't covering a detail instead of 'complementing' one look good.

Hope you don't take it the wrong way. I am trying to help  wow_o.gif

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Please note guys that this is an old model which has not been mapped completely or modeled accurately. I'm just going through what I can and increasing texture quality where possible and redoing the interior so that we can have a functional Bushmaster for squad nights. And it has only been worked on over a couple hours so far.

There are texture stretching issues which may be difficult to resolve under the circumstances so I'll try to mask them as best as possible. The mud also looks bright under certain light conditions like dawn/dusk and this needs to be resolved. Mud used here is also directly referenced to bushys from Iraq which has a similar tone of mud all over. But mud is also a w.i.p. The wheels haven't been textured as they look wrong in size and dimensions. So when they are remodeled, they will get a coat of dust as well. And it will be possible to have a clean and dusty version of the bushy on release.

Hope this answered some issues smile_o.gif

And here is a pic just to get a better overall look.


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LOL I didn't realize how far out the mapping was until the mud was splattered on.

I had done a little work on it for Rico some time ago but was too pressed for time to get very far (I wince at some of the bugs I still see that I was intending to fix) . So its great to see it being picked up TankCommader. It may be an old model but it doesn't have huge numbers of textures like most OFP ports so is a good base for improvements

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Hi, are you going to do SASR units too? their equipment look very pimp on this

youtube video:

I think that will be pimp. Let's C ya

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Only if you make these 'pimps' dress uniform.


BTW TAG-E is 4RAR CDO's CT section not SASR's, albeit similar kit.

Edited by Sabre

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I wore that for Halloween. But I went all out and wore some white gator skin Gucci shoes and fur coat. I was Dolomite.

Edited by Manzilla

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It's bad enough when you wake up with one of those really bad migraines. It's even worse when you go online and see a post like that that makes you laugh hard enough to the point your head is on the verge of exploding--lol. Thanks for the great laugh Sabre, I needed that. :rofl:

Edited by Yokhanan

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