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{9thInf}Winchester Delta1

ARMA 2 Aircraft wishes

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If this topic is for wishes, than i just can say i want the OFP flighmodel back (particularly for helicopter), this incl. also, lock on targets with mouse.

This was perfect, because OFP is not a "air combat simulator", and ArmA neither.

The current ArmA FM (flightmodel) trys to look more realistic, but it is just not needed, to be more realistic.

ArmA is not a air combat simulator.

And for me i don't need to see fighing jets.

F22, F35 don't have big ground stike capabilities.

The good A10 & AV8 is still the best choise.

And if the game needs "supersonic airsupport", than pls, pick a F-15 Strike Eagle, FA-18 Super Hornet or the good old light bomber F-111.

Same goes for east, SU39 as main groundsupport plane, SU34 as "supersonic airsupport", or as alternative SU30 MK / MIG29 SMT.

Excuse me, but the whole 'ground combat' thing? That you say is all ArmA is about? That's DONE. It's conquered territory. The only other thing ArmA2 can have would be some sort of infantry damage model and first aid. All the rest of it? We're ALREADY THERE. There's not much more to the infantry game they can add. Maybe some minor shit like fast ropes, climbing, etc. Why not expand it in more directions? Make it as comprehensive a simulator as possible?

Secondly, this isn't an 'infantry simulator with vehicles'.

1) Vehicles aren't secondary, rather, there's actually a pretty big reliance on them.

2) ArmA is specifically a COMBAT SIMULATOR. It doesn't say anything about INFANTRY SIMULATOR WITH VEHICLES.

3) How does a more advanced flight model hurt the infantry game in any way, shape, or form? If anything, it'll HELP them, because not every noob can hop in an A-10 and pulverize everything on the map.


That said, for aircraft I'd like, at least on the American side as I don't know/care foreign aircraft at all:

- A/A MIS: Either an F-16 or the F-35. F-35 just seems too 'exotic' to me, but since it's fundamentally just a harrier, well, why not?

- A/G MIS: The good old fashioned F-15E. Trust me, this piece of shit's going to be around for at least another decade. Unfortunately for me.

- CAS: I wouldn't mind keeping the A-10. This entirely depends if CAS is even needed, however. A GBU and a ground-borne laser or using a LANTIRN pod would be sufficient.

Alternatively, to keep with ArmA's Harrier implementation, simply have an F-15C as the A/A MICAP fighter. It would be concievably more fair then having an F-35 vs. some ex-Soviet Union piece of crap.

ArmA does NOT need to have 14 different aircraft for each side, however. K.I.S.S.

In terms of complexity, no, I really don't need to have a fully operational LANTIRN nav pod and TF radar. A simple night-vision overlay on the HUD will simulate the effect aptly enough. I don't need to have the complex radar throttle controls either or an operational BIT page. I don't need to have my Band 3 C/O on my ICMS blow up like they do every god damn day in real life.

On the plus side, if they did make it hyper-realistic, I'd have an advantage over everyone else as I already know how to operate every damn system on an F-15 smile_o.gif

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The F15 had no chance in 2004 vs. indian SU30, so pls no Air to Air fights in ArmA2 vs. russians SU32MK.

If you like to read more about it search for "Cope-India 2004".

I love when civilians talk about what they don't understand and pass it off as fact.

Cope India was an exercise that pitted USAF pilots against 3 times their numbers of Indian fighters. 12-4 odds. Secondly, the exercise had the USAF pilots flying less aggressively to simulate other hostile nation's air capabilities - meaning Iran.

We have a bunch of guys at our shop right now who just came from Elemndorf, I'm sure they'd be happy to hear your opinions on our fighters.

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Read my last post.

SU30 was always able to spot and lock on the F15 befor they could.

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The original topic was getting interesting, perhaps you guys should take the offtopic discussion to the offtopic section?

If Arma 2 is using the marines there shouldnt be F15's so cry us a river because i hope a river will be present in Chernarus..

I would rather have the F18 with customisable loadouts than the F22, F35, whatever..

I agree with the original topic to a degree, Arma features modern aquipment but still feels like WW2 play wise. I believe that increasing the complexity and realism of the simulation would make gameplay much more interesting than what it currently is (way too basic).

I would even trade the large selection of vehicles for a smaller selection of "better" ones, with more realistic behaviours, instruments, systems, damage model, etc.

Quality vs quantity!

I wouldnt dare asking for 100% fixed, rotary or armored simulations but a significant leap forward is expected.

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I have to agree with Heatseeker. I'd like to see fewer, more detailed vehicles in terms of models, functionality and onboard systems than a large variety of modern vehicles with WW2 style of gameplay. crazy_o.gif

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I know, US military complain that there were unfair conditions for the F15.

But SU30 was always able to spot and lock on the F15 befor they could.

It aint matter that india had more planes, if F15 could have locked them on 1st.

btw.. if you quote a US Colonel, on www.globalsecurity.org, you should offer a link to the article.

If i would be you, i would search for some a better source.

All my sources are from hard copy books; I just used global security for copy and paste, and you should be able to find all that if you search for the operation. If I'm wrong on something then please let me know other wise.

@DVD - 'SU30 was always able to spot and lock on the F15 befor they could.'

If you read what Uranium had to say - 'Secondly, the exercise had the USAF pilots flying less aggressively to simulate other hostile nation's air capabilities - meaning Iran.'

Take that into account; plus the odds they were against.

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maruk says

Quote[/b] ]New killing machines

Important role for USMC will be played by AAV (note: Amphibious Assault Vehicle) which will be often used for its adaptability. Russians will get modern tanks as is T-90, less protected, but amphibious BMP-3, eight-wheeled APC BTR-90 and anti-air Tonguska-M1.

American side will also get a new transport helicopter - C-130J Super Hercules and a new jet - F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Russia will get the Mil Mi-24 Hind, which was somewhat an icon of Operation Flashpoint and here it returns. You see yourself, how detailed the model is in another video below.

And because ArmA 2 takes place in near future, aside from already mentioned military vehicles, you can look forward to vehicles that are not used in current conflicts yet.

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I urge BIS to think in the direction of Falcon 4.0/SteelBeasts PRO PE.

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I hope the F-35 isn't the only one.

As replacement for AV8 ok, but not for the A10.

Problem would be to simulate IR and radar.

In OFP and ArmA, IR and radar are simulated with a "vehiclescanner", but this has to be separated in real IR scanner and radar.

And what got east?.. SU30MK and SU39?


The F15 lost.

It's clear people search for excuses, but it ain't change the facts.

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All i can hope is that the flying model could be similar to the one from the freeware YSFlight , not only YSFlight flight model is hundred time more realistic than OFP/ArmA, but in the same time (with enough training), it is possible to achieve very nice things in both combats situation or acrobatics with only a mouse keyboard/combo (if you don't have any joystick) without any "arcade" feeling like in OFP/Arma.

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Ah, shmeh, the JSF is homo. I dunno what I'd rather see, but almost anything would be preferable to that lumpy block of shite. crazy_o.gif

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I hope the F-35 isn't the only one.

As replacement for AV8 ok, but not for the A10.

Problem would be to simulate IR and radar.

In OFP and ArmA, IR and radar are simulated with a "vehiclescanner", but this has to be separated in real IR scanner and radar.

And what got east?.. SU30MK and SU39?


The F15 lost.

It's clear people search for excuses, but it ain't change the facts.

No, not excuses if I have put up all my information from hard copy sources. ITS A FACT.

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<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>I wish all aircraft to BE REALIST in every way.</span>

Starting with Flight Simulation.

ARMA Flight Simulation was/is a joke.

Compair ARMA with several Good Flight Simulators out there and you see ARMA is too arcadish and for Kids, unfortunatly!!!

Creat ARMA2 for men!

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If Arma 2 is using the marines there shouldnt be F15's so cry us a river because i hope a river will be present in Chernarus..

I would rather have the F18 with customisable loadouts than the F22, F35, whatever..

A-10s, anyone?

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It's clear people search for excuses, but it ain't change the facts.

That's funny, because I have about a dozen F-15 guys at our shop that came from Elmendorf who say differently. Who am I going to trust, the guys in the Air Force who were there, or a piece of sensationalist journalism that says "USAF PILOTS SUCk - SHOT DOWN BY 3RD WORLD NATION"?

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i love all the planes in the game. only thing i wish is we get back the "mouse targeting" in vehicles again. it's been a real pain trying to select targets when in first person mode inside a vehicle. i've been killed due to this more times then i can count  crazy_o.gif

i'll tell you something funny though... if we are getting marine corp gear, then the US side lost already! LOL... i am a marine and all of our crap sucks. yet we still are a shit load better then the army  rofl.gif

harriers are nice, ah1's are nice but god damn hueys and AAV's suck ass  crazy_o.gif

when i was deployed on the 15th MEU these are the vehicles we had at our disposal:

harriers, ah1's, aav, hueys, CH-53's, CH-46's uparmered 7tons/m2/mk19/saw(yes a saw, we ran out of crew servers), uparmered hmmvws/m2/mk19/saw (thats right... you cant be shot out of the damn vehicles with this shit! they better put this into the game for god sakes...) m198 howitzer (we also have m777 howitzers and we just got HIMARS) and those recon jeeps.

that's it! that's all we had

if this game is going to be based on the corp than that means the marine unit that's deployed to this fictional former soviet state will be a MEU. and the vehicles i posted would be all we get. unless they fly out the m1a1's... then we shouldn't even get those! and that would really suck crazy_o.gif

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i'll tell you something funny though... if we are getting marine corp gear, then the US side lost already! LOL... i am a marine and all of our crap sucks. yet we still are a shit load better then the army rofl.gif

This is a sad but true fact of the modern military. Military games, for example, GRAW2, paint this picture that the US military is equipped with high-tech weapons and armor. The fact is, pretty much most of the military funding ISN'T going to the infantry corps, but instead is going to the USAF. Those shiny new F-22s? They're SUPPOSED to replace the F-15, which was originally designed to be phased out back in the 80s. The fact is, F-22s cost too much, and we can't even afford THOSE.

The latest F-15 is the F-15E, and my best guess, working on that fine piece of crap, is that it'll still be in service at least up until 2020 - that's 50 years total for the F-15. However, what isn't known is that the F-15E is ONLY in service because DoD needed to buy them to keep McDonnell Douglas in business. It'd be a horrific blow to the economy to have them go under, so it was necessary to buy the aircraft.

Military spending at its greatest.

Personally I'd rather see ArmA2 be a joint-operations campaign. Focusing on one branch is pretty much impossible if you want to implement a wide variety of equipment. Hell they have C-130Js, and I'm pretty sure Air Mobility Command controls all those, so we've already failed.

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I wouldn't count on the Typhoon EF-2000 Eurofighter being seen in Arma2 by default, its neither a US nor Russian aircraft.

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I wouldn't count on the Typhoon EF-2000 Eurofighter being seen in Arma2 by default, its neither a US nor Russian aircraft.

I don't think its just the US and Russia anymore in Arma2. Isn't it set just above china?

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You guys are asking for a lot. There's no way aircraft simulation will be added to ArmA/ArmA2. The aircraft are only in it to supplement the ground forces, to give a good feel of battle. We'd all complain if there were no aircraft in it just because BIS didn't want to have them without totally realistic features.

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Given the things possibly in my opinion aircraft are better then in any other game minus dedicated flight sims..think about it, opening canopy's, folding flaps, moving guages and horizons as well as compasses.

And thats standard, what can be done further vastly outweighs, Franze has shown me that plenty with his dynamic arming apache's and F-18's which can infact have menu's come up when loading to allow you to choose what weapons on what pylons rather then the cluttering action menu.

I highly doubt anything other then a flight sim can do that.

When then are these things not done by default? Well..the fewer scripts the better, and we'v seen several examples in which conflicting scripts can cause more trouble then more textures then needed.

Yes I agree on some cases flight model could use some improvement but surely not to the extent of reverting back to OFP's.

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I wouldn't count on the Typhoon EF-2000 Eurofighter being seen in Arma2 by default, its neither a US nor Russian aircraft.

It is actually a Rafale in the picture... why not equipe the resistance/allies side with it.

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Let the flying be something Like Lock On Modern air combat.... But 25% less diffecult

I agree that <span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>ARMA2</span> in terms of Flight Simulation <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>should be something similar or even better then Lock On.</span> Lock On is just fine, its not hard.. You just need to get the touch.. In ARMA it was just ridiculous.. (sorry but its how i felt and feel)

Though i don't agree ARMA2 should be less difficult then what Lock On is in terms of simulation!

Lock On is "almost" perfect in terms of Simulator. If ARMA2 was something like Lock On, people would enjoy the Aircrafts a lot better. They would be hooked not just on the ground.

People Look for Simulators! Not arcadish Games especially arcadish Simulators. And this Game meant to be a Realistic Simulator! Also people could learn something while enjoying, instead of just having "fun like kids".

@BIS: <ul>If ARMA2 is suppose to be "The Game2" and "The Ultimate Combat Simulator", PLEASE, PLEASE make the Flight Simulation More attractive to those Who LOVE real SIMULATION!

We have true and real proof in this forum that people take Simulation very serious, per example the RKSL Studios. They want so bad to improve making it work as it should like in real life and their project is really appreciated.

So i Ask Again, Please make the Flight Simulation similar to Lock On or if possible Better!

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