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ArmA 2

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Wow, BIS announces that Game2 will be called Arma2 and 90% of the board turns into idiots?

Game2 was announced a million years ago and BIS stated I don't know how many times, that Arma was just something for us to play with until Game2 is ready.

Nowhere does BIS give the impression that Arma2 is Arma in another location + some bugfixes. Infact all they did was announce that "Hey we're still working on Game2. We're gonna call it Arma2. It will be released in 2008."

Anyways, I'm not going anywhere near this board for a week when the first delay is announced. I'm sure they have to triple the number of moderators then.

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hmm I am interested the Urban Screens there look more Detailed look at the MEtal Works there with the ladder and walkways will make more Interesting Battles in Urban I just hope for a system where more buildings are enterable

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My concern is when i see early promo screens with Arma content like the bad vehicle texes.

While its an early pic i realize, knowing how BIS does things...its going to be some old content mixed with new and people will be rolling their eyes "again" when Arma2 comes out.

Watching how things have gone over the last few years and seeing how BIS likes to keep old content kicking around...its hard to be optimistic.

But maybe they will suprise us. whistle.gif

US vs Russia....again? confused_o.gif

I didnt see any OPF content in Arma? The few there was was completely redone (buildings).

I dont see any Arma content in these pics but i wouldnt mind since its quality stuff anyway..

What i would like to see is (i.e.) that nice looking M1A1 get a nice looking interior, realistic behaviour, intruments, etc. Better vehicle physics and handling and stuff like that.

Graphically Arma is more than good enough imo.

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Everyone assumes too much before getting the official news..


Lets face the facts, its impossible to tell anything from the few screens we have now...

First of all, just because it LOOKS like ArmA, dosn't mean its going to be like ArmA. If the games RPG elements, and true physics system have survived the last two years, then its already a whole new game. Also, alot of the elements we see could very well be fillers for right now, that have been borrowed from ArmA. If you will all recall, ArmA looked just like OFP when we first saw it... so its only logical to assume that in a year (if it makes a 2008 release date) the game will look alot diffrent.

And to the comments reguarding paying for a "beta" game when it comes to ArmA... its common practice to use the same engine (which may not even be the case here) for more then one game. Call of Duty is built on a lesser version of the Quake engine then Call od Duty 2. That dosn't make Call of Duty a beta game now does it? ArmA was always played as an in between game anyway , and that Game2/ArmA2 would follow shortly after... so what that ArmA became a little more ambitious, that dosn't change its purpose. It was, and still remains just a filler game. Which personally I still don't see how anyone can call ArmA a whole new game. Its got better graphics and minor engine fixes. HARDLY a new game over OFP.

With all of that said... I personally am very excited to see what else we learn in the near future about ArmA2. If destroyable environments, RPG elements, and many of the other previouslly mentioned features of Game2/ArmA2 have survived... then it will be a great new game. However... if it really IS just a chopped down version of VBS2 and not really a big step past ArmA, then it will be very disapointing. Only time will tell.

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I wonder how ArmA2 will compare to OFP2.

BTW I've uploaded the OFP2 teaser to YouTube LINK

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I wonder how ArmA will compare to OFP2.

BTW I've uploaded the OFP2 teaser to YouTube LINK

Thanks very much, was looking for this earlier. wink_o.gif

EDIT: Hmm, looks pretty good, doubt that is ingame graphics, hope it is...

The way the guy gets killed from quite a distance by the bomb so this could mean some actual realism from the game. tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I didnt see any OPF content in Arma? The few there was was completely redone (buildings).

I dont see any Arma content in these pics but i wouldnt mind since its quality stuff anyway..

I didnt mention OFP content, i said theres a pic of a damaged vehicle with Arma damage textures (the ones people have been complaining about since day 1)

When people say its only early pics and dont assume this or that...well I think a lot of stuff doesnt change. Arma showed that early screens and videos were pretty much what we got.

As I mentioned before, the USA vs Russia theme is just overdone in this series as that is basically all it has ever been (the SLA are just '85 Russia IMO) and it would have been nice to see something different for a change.

I like Arma (bugs and all) but a new game warrants a new theme and new content I think.

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As I mentioned before, the USA vs Russia theme is just overdone in this series as that is basically all it has ever been (the SLA are just '85 Russia IMO) and it would have been nice to see something different for a change.

I like Arma (bugs and all) but a new game warrants a new theme and new content I think.

I'll have to agree with you on that, its getting very old but maybe the new "east" side will have a little more personality than the.. SLA.

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I can't wait. I was so extremely excited when I red the news.

I'm going to buy it for the PC and 360 yay.gifyay.gifthumbs-up.gifwow_o.gif

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What about the revolutionary, dynamic gameplay demo'd in earlier game 2 demos?

If this is not included, I will no longer support BI - the prospect of their original continuous campaign ideas are the only reason I still follow this franchise.

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revolutionary, dynamic gameplay demo'd in earlier game 2 demos?

That is news to me. All I remember were interviews and pics. Demos? Do you have any links?

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revolutionary, dynamic gameplay demo'd in earlier game 2 demos?

That is news to me. All I remember were interviews and pics. Demos? Do you have any links?

I'll see if I can find some sources, but basically there were to be no separated missions in the main campaign - you would live the life of a soldier, and everything you did would have an effect on the game. Missions would be dynamically generated and their failure or success would have an effecton the war.

One example given was a comrade of yours offer to read a letter from his girlfriend, and if you say no it might demoralize him and prevent him from covering you as well in combat (because he doesn't like you)

Also, everything is dynamically destructable so as the campaign progresses you could see how is was affecting the environment.

Another example, if you blew up a house or civilians unecessarily his/her family might join the resistance against you. You could also question civilians for intelligence and interact with them.

EDIT: some sources



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I love ArmA to be perfectly honest so I'm really looking forward to ArmA II. That said, I really hope they don't use the same burned out vehicle wrecks because they look horrible now, using them in the next version is not a good idea.

I don't mind the color of ArmA though because real life is vibrant in color, no reason a combat sim shouldn't be. It would be nice if they added some wildlife to the environment though because the current gameworld of ArmA is really just a barren wasteland with some insects in it.

I also hope they optimize ArmA for multi-core CPU's. There is no reason that anyone running good hardware should be stuck with under 30 FPS at any time in any environment IMHO.

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I love ArmA to be perfectly honest so I'm really looking forward to ArmA II. That said, I really hope they don't use the same burned out vehicle wrecks because they look horrible now, using them in the next version is not a good idea.

I don't mind the color of ArmA though because real life is vibrant in color, no reason a combat sim shouldn't be. It would be nice if they added some wildlife to the environment though because the current gameworld of ArmA is really just a barren wasteland with some insects in it.

I also hope they optimize ArmA for multi-core CPU's. There is no reason that anyone running good hardware should be stuck with under 30 FPS at any time in any environment IMHO.

Ok, Mr I-got-totally-suckered-by-the-marketing-bs-so-I'm-demanding-anybody-but-me-justify-my-money-whoring, would you care to proffer an explanation of how to apply asynchronous multi-threading to a linearly sequential simulation system? I'm eagerly awaiting your profound wisdom, nobody else has made a comparable game that actually utilizes multiple threading.

Since you so clearly know how to do such high level process scheduler control programming, what are you doing spamming here, and why aren't you making your own game?


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I'll see if I can find some sources, but basically there were to be no separated missions in the main campaign - you would live the life of a soldier, and everything you did would have an effect on the game. Missions would be dynamically generated and their failure or success would have an effecton the war.

One example given was a comrade of yours offer to read a letter from his girlfriend, and if you say no it might demoralize him and prevent him from covering you as well in combat (because he doesn't like you)

Also, everything is dynamically destructable so as the campaign progresses you could see how is was affecting the environment.

Another example, if you blew up a house or civilians unecessarily his/her family might join the resistance against you. You could also question civilians for intelligence and interact with them.

EDIT: some sources





I remember reading an interview with someone from BIS saying that, paraphrasing here.... "What is the point of making games if they are not innovative".

Where's the innovation? To me, this looks like it will be closer to an expansion then a new game (compare BF2 to 2142, it's basically a full conversion mod sold as a new game.)

Of course all we get is some pictures, so I will hold my judgment for later, but my first reaction was not of joy or anger, but shock. I hope there is more to this game then just some new content. I want to see something innovative! I hope that desire has not left you BIS. confused_o.gif

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I love ArmA to be perfectly honest so I'm really looking forward to ArmA II. That said, I really hope they don't use the same burned out vehicle wrecks because they look horrible now, using them in the next version is not a good idea.

I also hope they optimize ArmA for multi-core CPU's. There is no reason that anyone running good hardware should be stuck with under 30 FPS at any time in any environment IMHO.

Well its really hard to tell right now... but if things haven't changed from two years ago, all vehicles are suppose to blow up realisticly and dynamicly.

To quote one article... "There are filly destructable buildings and vehicles. Each capable of being reduced to their component elements."

Thats what was originally suppose to be in ArmA2... obviouslly from these screens its really hard to tell. Sure dosn't look like that... but could just be fillers. Really have to wait for more info.

As for multi-core support.... I sure hope so smile_o.gif

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Weird. I'm looking forward to it, sure, but I wonder where this leaves ArmA...

...and I hope they fix the proportions on those models, the heads are McHuge!

EDIT - Just a thought... it'd be nice if community ArmA content could be directly ported (or ported with minimal modification) into ArmA II. Judging from the (current) similarities between the games, surely this would require less work than the current OFP-to-ArmA requirements?

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Quote[/b] ]ArmA 2 is set in a near future, year 2009, in a fictional post soviet country Chernarus. Players will be sent as members of United States Marine Corpse Force Recon squad to this area to prevent further civilian casaulties and ensure ongoing stability in Chernarus.

United States Marine Corpse eh, well we are off to a good start here aren't we BI, we already found bugs and we haven't even played yet!

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Guest Ti0n3r

Nice. The story looks pretty interesting xmas_o.gif

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i just dont get the story, somehow i dont see the US sending troops to some ex-CCCP country just like that, Afghanistan was an exception and it isnt the same as Uzbekistan,Georgia, Armenia or whatever you want to place this new game setting in. If theres trouble in those regions, the Russian federation Army will be the main force to reckon with.

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This makes me sick.


I really don't understand these strategic business decisions made by BIS?  

Looks like they ran out of money again so instead of Game 2...we get ArmA 1.5

Burn me once, shame on me...

Burn me twice...

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Ok, Mr I-got-totally-suckered-by-the-marketing-bs-so-I'm-demanding-anybody-but-me-justify-my-money-whoring, would you care to proffer an explanation of how to apply asynchronous multi-threading to a linearly sequential simulation system? I'm eagerly awaiting your profound wisdom, nobody else has made a comparable game that actually utilizes multiple threading.

Since you so clearly know how to do such high level process scheduler control programming, what are you doing spamming here, and why aren't you making your own game?


Marketing BS my ass. So are you saying that he shouldn't have upgraded his system for other games using it because they cant figure it out? Going from a P4 to Q6600 was totally worth it.

Anyways, i'm going to hold my judgement about Arma2 until we see details(hopefully in a couple days). I'm sure they have something nice stuck up their sleeve and are rofl at some forum posts(i hope *gulp*). But I really hope they make the 2008 release date. Mid 2009 i'll be in USMC boot camp.

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I love ArmA to be perfectly honest so I'm really looking forward to ArmA II. That said, I really hope they don't use the same burned out vehicle wrecks because they look horrible now, using them in the next version is not a good idea.

I don't mind the color of ArmA though because real life is vibrant in color, no reason a combat sim shouldn't be. It would be nice if they added some wildlife to the environment though because the current gameworld of ArmA is really just a barren wasteland with some insects in it.

I also hope they optimize ArmA for multi-core CPU's. There is no reason that anyone running good hardware should be stuck with under 30 FPS at any time in any environment IMHO.

Ok, Mr I-got-totally-suckered-by-the-marketing-bs-so-I'm-demanding-anybody-but-me-justify-my-money-whoring, would you care to proffer an explanation of how to apply asynchronous multi-threading to a linearly sequential simulation system? I'm eagerly awaiting your profound wisdom, nobody else has made a comparable game that actually utilizes multiple threading.

Since you so clearly know how to do such high level process scheduler control programming, what are you doing spamming here, and why aren't you making your own game?


WOW dude maybe take a images-1.jpg

pill and leave the poor guy alone..

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Quote[/b] ]Ok, Mr I-got-totally-suckered-by-the-marketing-bs-so-I'm-demanding-anybody-but-me-justify-my-money-whoring, would you care to proffer an explanation of how to apply asynchronous multi-threading to a linearly sequential simulation system? I'm eagerly awaiting your profound wisdom, nobody else has made a comparable game that actually utilizes multiple threading.

Since you so clearly know how to do such high level process scheduler control programming, what are you doing spamming here, and why aren't you making your own game?

Yep, That's just "wow".

Maybe someone needs to take a time out if they get that worked up over a guy's post.   biggrin_o.gif

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