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ArmA 2

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It's not that he has to, that's not his problem. It's just a figure of speech. It is annoying that computers outdate so quickly but BIS aren't the only culprits. Every 2 years there's another generation of computing technology so if ArmA2 comes out in 2009/2010 then you can't blame them any more than every other developer around.

If you don't want to spend thousands on a new PC to play a game, don't but if you do, don't expect it'll last you years smile_o.gif

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If you buy a whole new super computer for one game you have more money than sense, unless that game cost you several thousand (wahetver currency you use) like VBS2 or something. I'm pretty sure you use your pc for more than just ArmA.

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Right now I am just praying to God that this IS game 2 with all original features.

If it is Game 2 as we know it, it will have ODE physics - and not just that, but dynamically destructable buildings and vehicles as well.

If this isn't game 2 and is just a lazy attempt at a sequel, well, as I said earlier, I will neither buy it nor support BIS any longer.

I'm not trying to be sarcastic but is it even possible for a game with a scope the size of Arma to have such physics with current hardware technology? I've seen Crysis demos and while impressive seems to be on a much smaller scale.

It should be possible in a singleplayer game at least. When we were told about the DD system, it was said it would be very scaleable. So if you bombed a whole city and your PC was struggling, some of the physics pbjects would be replaced by static objects to take stress off the system. Thats at least what the system was originally planned to be like, and the devs obviouslly thought it was possible to have a full DD system a couple eyars ago. We just have to wait and see....

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in annnoucement i saw ARMA2 in year 2008, we have august 2007, so 2008 is in some months

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Ah yes I assume it will be delayed like most games. If it is out 2008, little will be done graphically (hopefully) so you shouldn't have to have a total upgrade...perhaps just a bit of RAM or something. Still, I don't know, again it's an assumption. Remember, it might not even be good enough to buy wink_o.gif

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i'm aware of at least 40 games to come in this and next year with dynamic or semi dynamic destruction of buildings and other objects...

from genres like FPS, RTS, RPG and air sims ...

leave it out and be sure Your product get marked by reviews as 3rd class budget

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I recently viewed the trailer of operation flashpoint 2 over on www.gametrailers.com looks cgi to me it cant be ingame, however many people believe it is. Could another ocmpany really better bohemia at there own game. I have high expectations of arma2 i think everyone does.

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Right now I am just praying to God that this IS game 2 with all original features.

If it is Game 2 as we know it, it will have ODE physics - and not just that, but dynamically destructable buildings and vehicles as well.

If this isn't game 2 and is just a lazy attempt at a sequel, well, as I said earlier, I will neither buy it nor support BIS any longer.

Yes, If it isnt Game 2 as we know it, this will sadly, may be the end of BIS.

I mean in my little world, you have my friends, all who bought ArmA, all who stopped playing ArmA and went back to OFP claiming they can wait with OFP untill Game 2 (ArmA 2) comes out.

I myself like that we now have compitition between two companys. So the race is on.

I only wish BIS would create a whole new engine... Anyways, I have 99% faith left in BIS, please dont kill me further...

Edit: And really, why some people are pissed, imho, is that they can see the potential, but its like trying to teach a special ed kid math or somthing...

Edit 2: And also, BIS needs to work on their PR, i mean, even Flight Simulator has better PR than that...

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in annnoucement i saw ARMA2 in year 2008, we have august 2007, so 2008 is in some months

In an announcement a few years back they announced ArmA for 2004 (if not earlier), release date was Oct. 2006.

I wouldn't give too much about release dates, we all know 98% of them are just estimated dates (if ever). smile_o.gif

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Moving this here as it has not much to do ArmA at all.

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