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Russian ‘spy’ planes put RAF on Cold War alert

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thought this was interesting to see. a trip for a couple of photos or a little gesture from putin over the litvinienko debacle ?

It seems they were shadowed by norwegian f16s before the raf incident im not a plane buff but some reports say tornado f3s and the pics show typhoons the pic below is the norwegian plane shadowing ?


link to the times online


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norway use F16´s, not F15´s as on the pic...

the pic is probably from a earlier event when F15´s "escorted" russian bombers outside Alaska.

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The British picked up a Tu-95 Bear flying towards/near Scotland, they dispatched some Tornados after it. Putin recently restarted Cold War-style bomber patrols, it was all over the news, google should reveal more.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
The British picked up a Tu-95 Bear flying towards/near Scotland, they dispatched some Tornados after it. Putin recently restarted Cold War-style bomber patrols, it was all over the news, google should reveal more.

Apparently it wasnt Tornados either. It was Typhoon F.2s according to the BBC.


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Hehehe, well well well...


Here in the countries close to Russia it is, I think, a normal procedure for the Russians to try to scare us with their military airplanes. Maybe they want to silence their critics in our political field or something like that. They have flewn into our airspace way too many times, and even during peacetime! I think they pretented at some point that they made errors but honestly, I don't think so. It's happened too many times to be an error. If you make it once I can believe it was an error but if you make it twice or more, I think you are either not suitable for flying an airplane or you did it on purpose (I believe the Russian pilots know how to fly). Estonia has experienced this same thing too, Russian military airplanes in their territory and certainly not invited. For example such an incident close to the moment when Estonia joined NATO. Russians didn't fly into their territory on purpose? Haha yeah right...

I've heard a story from a reliable source (border guard) that the Russians have done "practice runs" with fighter jets towards our border in larger formations, which naturally alerts our border guards and airforce. It must be quite an exciting job to watch the airplanes on the radar to come directly towards our border, then turn back in the last moments. Maybe some time they will not turn back and oh boys will that be a bad day for every single one of us... not again I say.

BUT there is the other side of the coin! Russia spreading its wings now is a natural consequence of what the USA has been doing. And I think it's needed! Unfortunately. If the USA is expanding its area of military influence, then it is only normal that someone is doing "countermeasures" to have some kind of balance. I must say I don't like the idea of USA expanding its military influence into every damn village (same goes for Russia of course). The closer USA gets to Russia, the more the danger of a war breaking out increases. If you don't see that threat coming then you must be blind. This game might be played between a few bigger nations, but there is a lot more than their pride at stake. If you piss Russia off and a war breaks out, you will effectively draw Finland into the conflict and I am not going to thank you for doing that (I haven't thanked Hitler & Stalin either for playing their little game).

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They were on international airspace so I don't see a problem in that. Surely UK, USA and others like to fly in their military planes in international airspace too? Different matter is when they come to your airspace, your territory. That's what they have done here. I must clarify my previous post that I don't have a problem with Russia as long as they stay out of our territory (the same goes for the USA and others too). A fact is Russia has failed to stay out of our territory on too many occasions. I think that is much more worrying and much more provocative than if they fly in international airspace close to your country.

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Anyone remember:

U2 Crisis


Quote[/b] ]Four days after Powers disappeared, NASA issued a very detailed press release noting that an aircraft had “gone missing†north of Turkey.[2] The press release speculated that the pilot might have fallen unconscious while the autopilot was still engaged, even claiming that “the pilot reported over the emergency frequency that he was experiencing oxygen difficulties.†To bolster this, a U–2 plane was quickly painted in NASA colors and shown to the media.

After hearing this, Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev announced to the Supreme Soviet, and thus the world, that a “spyplane†had been shot down, whereupon the U.S. issued a statement claiming that it was a “weather research aircraft†which had strayed into Soviet airspace after the pilot had “difficulties with his oxygen equipment†while flying over Turkey. The Eisenhower White House, presuming Powers was dead, gracefully acknowledged that this might be the same plane, but still proclaimed that “there was absolutely no deliberate attempt to violate Soviet airspace and never has beenâ€, and attempted to continue the facade by grounding all U–2 aircraft to check for “oxygen problems.â€

On May 7, Khrushchev announced:[3]


I must tell you a secret. When I made my first report I deliberately did not say that the pilot was alive and well… and now just look how many silly things [the Americans] have said.â€

Not only was Powers still alive, but his plane was also essentially intact. The Soviets managed to recover the surveillance camera and even developed the photographs. Powers’s survival pack, including 7500 rubles and jewelry for women, was also recovered. Today a large part of the wreck as well as many items from the survival pack are on display at the Central Museum of Armed Forces in Moscow. A small piece of the plane was returned to the United States and is on display at the National Cryptologic Museum.[4]

Who's violating what?

Russia is a rotten conservative country, but west is liberal shit. Lies and hypocrisy all day long.

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There... smile_o.gif

Is the Russian bear awakening again? I thought I felt a sudden cold bris down my spine. I seriously hope we don't enter a Cold War II.

Putin reassigns in 2008 but still wants to keep some kind of power, Russian claim for half of the northern pole and the re-introducing the old Soviet-era patrols in to international waters.

What's next?  confused_o.gif

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yes Russia bear is back again and new cold war is on rise ...

they simply don't know any other way how run country

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yes Russia bear is back again and new cold war is on rise ...

they simply don't know any other way how run country

Just look at what the USA is doing... I agree with the Russians that a stop has to be put to what the USA is doing. I don't want the Russian military come any closer to me, but for certainty I don't want the USA do that either with their military. If someone started a new Cold War, it is the USA. Didn't the Russians warn the USA already many times, to not start it? But the USA just continues their "Rule the whole World" plan and does its best to not care what others are saying.

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If a second Cold War breaks out I'm moving to Austrailia! They barley ever get in big fights and are pretty far away from Nuclear fallout. Lol.

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Quote[/b] ]they simply don't know any other way how run country

nonsense. Certainly Russia "knows" other ways. But it's a big country, the biggest. That's why they've got that military strength.

And besides, why nag Russia about everything West has been doing for hundreds of years? That's liberal hypocrisy.

Cuba is a bad "dicatorship", don't trade with them. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan is much better. Cuba, North Korea, Belorussia, Gaza and Venezuela are also "dictatorships" even though the people elected those governments, they've got more support than Bush. Every day media complains on and on. I never read about any other countries. Mostly only about successful anti-western planned economies that limit the markets of the corporations. Makes people believe things that aren't true. We are good, the rest is shit. But it's we who break international laws, exploit the third world, mass-murder millions, pollute, wage wars and play superiors.

The Warszawa Pact was dissolved. NATO hasn't. NATO continues to expand closer to the former USSR. They create bases and place missiles in the EU. They coup countries together with the CIA and think they can get away with it. The entire existence of NATO is a provocation.

In the 90ties the free market - west neoliberal style system collapsed in Russia. Today there's some more state intervention, but way too little. GDP is 1/3 of the USSR one. In some areas 1/10. 1/3 are poor, in the USSR 1/10. Unemployment 10-20%, USSR 0%. Healthcare somewhere between Peru and Guatemala. Tubercolosis and AIDS on the rise. 1/70 homeless. Most % in prison in the world. Least life expectancy for males in the industrialized world. 58 years. Healthcare, Schools not affordable for all. In the USSR this was free. Some billionaires run the country, the elections are never fair in Russia.

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If a second Cold War breaks out I'm moving to Austrailia! They barley ever get in big fights and are pretty far away from Nuclear fallout. Lol.

World War 1, World War 2, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, Iraq War, Afghanistan, many smaller conflicts and peace-keeping ops.

The Aussies get involved in wars as readily as us Brits. They have a skilled military that's just as capable of supporting offensive operations as most in the West.

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rofl.gif You know I think that's a Tupolev Tu-95MS and If you want to 'spy' with that thing you better pray that your enemy does not have radar, ears, eyes or a sence of humor, you could kill a person with a sence of humor If you tell him that you are spying with that thing (A man dying of laughter rofl.gif)

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If a second Cold War breaks out I'm moving to Austrailia! They barley ever get in big fights and are pretty far away from Nuclear fallout. Lol.

Actually, you wanna get yourself over to New Zealand mate, they fell out with the US cause they wouldn't even let their nuclear Aircraft Carriers near. wink_o.gif

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hmm intresting, its good that some people put up a little bit against Bush imo so the world gets a little tiny bit of balance but i hope russia wont become a dictatorship crazy_o.gif

But things are looking more and more that Putin feeling the chills down his back and that he wants the world to remember him so i think he will remain in power for a few years more probably tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I seriously hope we don't enter a Cold War II.

I highly doubt it, neither side could really afford another arms race.

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hmm intresting, its good that some people put up a little bit against Bush imo so the world gets a little tiny bit of balance but i hope russia wont become a dictatorship  crazy_o.gif

But things are looking more and more that Putin feeling the chills down his back and that he wants the world to remember him so i think he will remain in power for a few years more probably  tounge2.gif

You mean it is NOT a dictatorship right now?  wow_o.gif

Anyways, Cold War 2 sounds like fun... at least should heighten the sense of vigilance of everybody, which is needed to fight terrorism, since "they be out there" (the terrorists, that is). But this time around, I bet it'll be a three-way Cold War, with China as major player as well...

And, as much as I hate to admit it, don't forget that Churchill was the first to be suspicious of Stalin already during WW2, I think the Brits have a cunning ability to see the express train in the tunnel when it's farthest away, but sure to head in their direction... I wonder what this will bring about... Oh well, I'll be getting my copy of Tom Clancy's "Red Storm Rising" soon...

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Dropping bombs in fields and flying through with fightters

-Why would they do that?

More sounds like Georgia wants to make Russia look even more bad. Only they gain from doing so.

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this is a strange story. do the Russian's not have spy satellites that can do the job just as well?

also Russian fighter penetrated Georgian  airspace


and thats after Georgia accused Russia of dropping a bomb on them!


The purpouse is definitely not intelligence gathering, the purpouse is bullying - using the BEAR aircraft for it makes that statement clear. Of course Russia has spy satellites, and if it needs even more intel, I bet it can hack into other spy satellites and pull info from them, just as others probably can hack into russian spy satellites and use them. No, using the TU-95 is clearly just showing a sign of presence, not mere, and definitely not stealthy, intelligence gathering. A sign of presence worthy of the name of that plane, inherent from the nation it comes from - the russian Bear.

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No why would anyone do that? It just makes russia look bad, and they are not stupid. It's not rational.

I guess georgians/NATO/CIA themselves did this to speed up their integration into NATO and by hosting new NATO radars.

And guess what. Why is Georgia interesting to NATO and the US? They just built a new huge oil pipeline through Georgia.

The Huge New Pipeline:


It will make west more independent from the mid east and russia. Very important.

Politics is all about economy. Profits in the case of capitalism. Nothing else.

Western lies and hypocrisy!

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