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My New ArmA with 8800 GTX 768!

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So I upgraded my video card today, yeah!

now it wont work! Go ahead send me to trouble shooting....I dont care! HELP!!!!

There is ALREADY a post in TROUBLE SHOOTING and THAT forum COULDNT FIND AN ANSWER, SO I am trying this ONE!!!

But, go ahead, shoot me to that one, the one that DIDNT find an answer!!! YEAH!

Here is the thread that found no answer:




Screen shot!

EDIT, DON'T HOT LINK IMAGES bigger then a 100KB


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Kevlar2007 don't hot link images bigger then 100kb. Moving to TS because this is where you will get the answers.

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Um yeah its called troubleshooting for a reason.

The reason that no one who visits that forum can provide an answer? is that the reason its called troubleshooting? so no answer can ever be found by its visitors?


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Kevlar2007 don't hot link images bigger then 100kb. Moving to TS because this is where you will get the answers.

Wrong bucko, already been there, already thread there, already no answers.

Sorry to burst your faith in "Troubleshooting"

General Forum will get more HITS, and potentially more answers.....Is your brain on AUTOPILOT?!

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1.) Did you not read any of these posts concerning the 8XXX series prior to purchasing that card? If you did, and you went ahead bought it anyway, well, that's your own mistake and a rather stupid one at that. I can understand those that post issues with this card that already had it before installing ArmA, it's certainly not their fault.

2.) Have a look around the net, and you'll notice that the 8800 cards have quite few problems running a number of games.

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1.) Did you not read any of these posts concerning the 8XXX series prior to purchasing that card? If you did, and you went ahead bought it anyway, well, that's your own mistake and a rather stupid one at that. I can understand those that post issues with this card that already had it before installing ArmA, it's certainly not their fault.

2.) Have a look around the net, and you'll notice that the 8800 cards have quite few problems running a number of games.

So, YOU ARE TROLLING? How is your post helping anyone?


CLICK HERE (second time just for you):



UPGRADED FROM 88XX card to 88XX card

So, guess what, the first 88XX card worked......

Quote[/b] ] well, that's your own mistake and a rather stupid one at that

Since you dead wrong, about everything you posted, that's YOUR mistake, and a RATHER STUPID ONE AT THAT.

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1.) Did you not read any of these posts concerning the 8XXX series prior to purchasing that card? If you did, and you went ahead bought it anyway, well, that's your own mistake and a rather stupid one at that. I can understand those that post issues with this card that already had it before installing ArmA, it's certainly not their fault.

2.) Have a look around the net, and you'll notice that the 8800 cards have quite few problems running a number of games.



UPGRADED FROM 88XX card to 88XX card

So, guess what, the first 88XX card worked......

So, you're saying that two different, but similar pieces of hardware are expected to preform identically, because that's the jist of your post? Sorry BUD, but that's are fairly ingnorant statement in-of-itself. Also, have you not taken into consideration the possibility that while the preformance you previously experienced, is perhaps, just perhaps, related to a hardware/software issue between your new card, ArmA, and Vista?

However, I can understand your fustration

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1.) Did you not read any of these posts concerning the 8XXX series prior to purchasing that card? If you did, and you went ahead bought it anyway, well, that's your own mistake and a rather stupid one at that. I can understand those that post issues with this card that already had it before installing ArmA, it's certainly not their fault.

2.) Have a look around the net, and you'll notice that the 8800 cards have quite few problems running a number of games.



UPGRADED FROM 88XX card to 88XX card

So, guess what, the first 88XX card worked......

So, you're saying that two different, but similar pieces of hardware are expected to preform identically, because that's the jist of your post? Sorry BUD, but that's are fairly ingnorant statement in-of-itself. Also, have you not taken into consideration the possibility that while the preformance you previously experienced, is perhaps, just perhaps, related to a hardware/software issue between your new card, ArmA, and Vista?

However, I can understand your fustration

More ignorance and another post that doesnt help anything. Wow, you're on a roll "marine"....

You're first post completely wrong, and a weak troll.

Now, lets examine your second effort:

Quote[/b] ]expected to preform identically

Well, Im not sure I expected anything to "preform", however of course buying an upgrade I expected it to perform BETTER....

First error. Thats a pretty ignorant assumption on your part. Why would I upgrade for the exact same performance? duh.,,,, "preformance" for you to understand.

Now secondly, you confusingly reason, again without consideration of the thread I've TWICE enlightened you to, people who do not have the same VIDEO CARD have the exact SAME PROBLEM...

Quote[/b] ] Also, have you not taken into consideration the possibility that while the preformance you previously experienced, is perhaps, just perhaps, related to a hardware/software issue between your new card, ArmA, and Vista?

In logical terms that REMOVES the card from the "troubleshooting" equation....

I dont expect you to be logical, however , your troll is getting weaker by the post....

So, you can reply, but offer a solution, as weak as you could probably offer, would be better than your childish troll attempts.

Buy a Dictionary, increase your vocabulary.

Quote[/b] ]pre·form /v. ˈpriˈfɔrm; n. ˈpriˌfɔrm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[v. pree-fawrm; n. pree-fawrm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–verb (used with object)

1. to form beforehand.

2. to determine or decide beforehand: to preform an opinion.

3. to shape or fashion beforehand: to preform a mold.


4. biscuit (def. 5).

5. any of various uncompleted objects of manufacture after preliminary shaping.

Quote[/b] ]Per·form /pərˈfɔrm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[per-fawrm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–verb (used with object)

1. to carry out; execute; do: to perform miracles.

2. to go through or execute in the proper, customary, or established manner: to perform the marriage ceremony.

3. to carry into effect; fulfill: Perform what you promise.

4. to act (a play, part, etc.), as on the stage, in movies, or on television.

5. to render (music), as by playing or singing.

6. to accomplish (any action involving skill or ability), as before an audience: to perform a juggling act.

7. to complete.

–verb (used without object)

8. to fulfill a command, promise, or undertaking.

9. to execute or do something.

10. to act in a play: to perform in the role of Romeo.

11. to perform music.

12. to go through any performance.

13. (of loans, investments, etc.) to yield a profit; earn income.

I'm quite certain "MARINES" you have no idea what PERFORM or PERFORMANCE is....and probably never will.

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Kevlar2007 heres a link to whats going on with the 8800 series cards.
Quote[/b] ]Nvidia will fix 8800 by mid-September

8800 slowdown is "Problem of complex nature"

Full Story Link

Also are you using XP or Vista because i didnt see your system specs or i overlooked them.

Sling Blade your link doesn't work.

Secondly, as Ive repeated, now for 3 times, there is a thread which Ive posted in this thread TWICE, which refers to the exact same problem occurring in DIFFERENT manufacturers card...



I.E. ATI...check it out (first post)


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Check the link again i just fixed it. I also sent you a pm if you can check what i sent and pm me back i more than likely can help you out.

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Check the link again i just fixed it. I also sent you a pm if you can check what i sent and pm me back i more than likely can help you out.

The article you posted is about "8800 slowdown issue"

This is not a "SLOWDOWN" issue.

Thanks for the link though.

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One, I never "Trolled", you simply took it as such. Two, you're running Vista, which isn't a officially supported platform to begin with. Three, while the 1.08 patch allowed for increased VRAM allocation for those cards, they STILL are not supported. Four, it's widely considered to be that of a driver related issue, so maybe you should contact nVidia or post a topic on their forums, as those members seem far more up to date with these problems. Five, from the latest reviews concerning those cards, it's clear that nVidia improperly implemented core architecture values. Six, if you couldn't find a solution in the thread you originally posted, I spose you're not going to find a solution at all, at least not until a set of properly optimized drivers are released. Hell, if the other card worked just fine, and you still have it, slap it back in there.

Same or like issues.


It's fairly obvious at this point that the 88XX is unstable at best. The majority of the posts express just that.


EDIT - I had the exact same problem with my X1900 XTX. I couldn't find a solution either, an was forced to downgrade to a 7900 GS OC.

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One, I never "Trolled", you simply took it as such. Two, you're running Vista, which isn't a officially supported platform to begin with. Three, while the 1.08 patch allowed for increased VRAM allocation for those cards, they STILL are not supported. Four, it's widely considered to be that of a driver related issue, so maybe you should contact nVidia or post a topic on their forums, as those members seem far more up to date with these problems. Five, from the latest reviews concerning those cards, it's clear that nVidia improperly implemented core architecture values. Six, if you couldn't find a solution in the thread you originally posted, I spose you're not going to find a solution at all, at least not until a set of properly optimized drivers are released. Hell, if the other card worked just fine, and you still have it, slap it back in there.

Same or like issues.


It's fairly obvious at this point that the 88XX is unstable at best. The majority of the posts express just that.


EDIT - I had the exact same problem with my X1900 XTX. I couldn't find a solution either, an was forced to downgrade to a 7900 GS OC.

Nvidia Architecture? haha..

Here I won't troll, I'll be you:

'Are you ignorant and stupid? I told you its not the card, every other game I own, and that's many, work just fine.....EVEN BETTER than the 8800 GTS, are you ignorant and stupid? (not trolling here, just curious the level of ignorance and stupidity you have)

Also, I told you time and time again, people have the same issue with cards that ARE NOT NVIDIA ...

THEN, you yourself tell me you had the "exact same problem" with an ATI card?

Are you ignorantly stupid again? Why would you go on a binge of blaming NVIDIA when you CLAIM to have the same problem with an ATI card?

Quote[/b] ]EDIT - I had the exact same problem with my X1900 XTX. I couldn't find a solution either, an was forced to downgrade to a 7900 GS OC.

"Duh, its NVIDIA architecture, just like my ATI card!"

Ignorant, or stupid? Pick Now.

You are a troll.

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You know what, shut the hell up mate.

One thing, you aint gonna get any useful help when as soon as someone tries to help you, you bite their fucking heads off. Grow the hell up for god sake. Yes its incredable frustraiting when things dont work, switch off the computer, calm down and try again in a bit and try not to be so much of an ass.

This community is very different from a lot of other ones, it doesn't take too kindly to pathetic posting when something doesn't go your way.

Put it simply, the games engine architecture can not completely guarentee a fully supported game when running a Dx10 card or software thats too advanced. OFP for example I lost performance when I upgraded my GPU.

It'll be driver issues with back compatability as it has already been pointed out to you, countless times and is obvious through out the forum.

Patience is the name of the game here, not rude and pathetic comments posted with poor judegment.

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You know what, shut the hell up mate.

One thing, you aint gonna get any useful help when as soon as someone tries to help you, you bite their fucking heads off. Grow the hell up for god sake. Yes its incredable frustraiting when things dont work, switch off the computer, calm down and try again in a bit and try not to be so much of an ass.

This community is very different from a lot of other ones, it doesn't take too kindly to pathetic posting when something doesn't go your way.

Put it simply, the games engine architecture can not completely guarentee a fully supported game when running a Dx10 card or software thats too advanced. OFP for example I lost performance when I upgraded my GPU.

It'll be driver issues with back compatability as it has already been pointed out to you, countless times and is obvious through out the forum.

Patience is the name of the game here, not rude and pathetic comments posted with poor judegment.

Another useless post. You and Marines should start a club. Or, you could do like Marines does and post a link to a "slowdown" issue forum..... *sigh*.... learn how to read.

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Kevlar2007, you should be more appreciative to these folks taking the time to help you out.

+1WL and 48 hour PR to give yourself some time to think about it.

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His graphic card is the least of his problems.

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Kevlar, you can't act like a dick and expect to get help at the same time.

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either talk about the problem at hand or move on.

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...I think we have the right to be pissed

I'd be pissed off too if I had the req'd specifications, and nothing but problems. But if you're running a OS, i.e. Vista, that isn't officially supported, and a card that isn't officially supported, what in God's name does anyone expect that has said software/hardware installed? It's fairly simple - Just look on the box under system specifications described. If your rig doesn't meet them, simply move on, or give it a try. But don't bitch moan and complain when you experience problems.

It's like talking to a brick-wall with some of these people.

And no cjs, this is not directed at you, but a larger statement as a whole.

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advice to kevlar: Throw that nvidia out of the window, and get urself a nice rx9200xtx 64mb whistle.gifwhistle.gifwhistle.gif

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Wow, hardly the best way to go about getting any help. I can't get the game running either and I'm frustrated as hell but taking it out on every person that posts in your thread isn't really going to get you any help whatsoever.

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