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XAM 1.3 Released

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Not sure if i missed it somewhere previous in this thread?

But is there a list of the weapons class names anywhere?

So i can add their class name to the Arma Edit data files.

I use 'Arma edit' for custom crates and my existing missions with custom crates are playing up,cause the standard crates are changed with XAM mod running!

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Does anyone else have issues with the characters not having weapons? It would appear to be an error with the M4 - I keep getting an error message about the Anim and the Sounds.

When I start a mission none of the US guys that have M4's seem to have them.

Any ideas?


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Once again, I really need seeders. Right now I have 0.

Ok, i'll seed it again.

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Hello, not sure if I should ask here, but gmjamez isn't responding. I really want to keep using XAM 1.3 But I would also like to use gmjamez Sight Adjustment mod, since that would allow me to actually hit things at a thousand meters with the Barret consistently and without using the thick black bar at the bottom of the scope. And since gmjamez isn't responding, I was curious if you knew what caused the Sight Adjustment mod to not work, and if you knew how to fix it. Thanks in advance for any help.

One other thing, is there any way I can disable the custom XAM explosions for tanks and such? I really like how they look, but it sacrifices too many frame rates for me to still want them. Eye candy is awesome, but not at the cost of performance. Thank you for any help or even just kind words.



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Hello, not sure if I should ask here, but gmjamez isn't responding. I really want to keep using XAM 1.3 But I would also like to use gmjamez Sight Adjustment mod, since that would allow me to actually hit things at a thousand meters with the Barret consistently and without using the thick black bar at the bottom of the scope. And since gmjamez isn't responding, I was curious if you knew what caused the Sight Adjustment mod to not work, and if you knew how to fix it. Thanks in advance for any help.

One other thing, is there any way I can disable the custom XAM explosions for tanks and such? I really like how they look, but it sacrifices too many frame rates for me to still want them. Eye candy is awesome, but not at the cost of performance. Thank you for any help or even just kind words.



Have you tried Solus's 'Extended init event handler'?

Might be worth a shot smile_o.gif

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I haven't tried the mod yet, it looks amazing, but what i really want to know is:

<span style='color:red'>1. Why does the mod install make a registry entry effectively creating an 'uninstall' option?

2. What other registry entries does the install make?</span>

A reply would be nice, as I'd like to use, but registry entries and the like, I don't see the point to, as I thought this was advertised as a mod?

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can someone help me figure out how to change the 3rd person view back to the default arma view?

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For the third time, I really need seeds so I can finish up this download. Right now I'm getting 1.4 Kb/s. The response I've gotten from this so-called community is pathetic.

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Seeders? Last I checked this wasn't a bit-torrent file. If you have slow download speeds just freak'n download the thing when you go to sleep....then ya wake up in the morning and WALLA!!! The download is complete!!!

On a seperate note, I really hate that the crosshairs in the non-sight 1st person view is removed. That sucks badly because while you don't have crosshairs in real life during "hip shooting", the game does not simulate very well aiming from the hip with no sights. It just makes things much more difficult and not really any more realistic. In real life, you have better eye/body coordination while in the game it is very difficult to tell what direction you're shooting at without the little cursor aim point on the screen. Some translations of stuff into English would be really nice also. French is cool and all but if you want more people to the play the mod, having an English version would be very nice. Aside from that and the bugs mentioned, excellent job. I ESPECIALLY LOVE the radio sounds. I've been waiting for someone to do a standalone ambience mod with the ECP mod's radio sounds. Hopefully the ECP team will do this. I can only hope. If not I hope you could at least make a stand-alone version of the radio sounds. That would be excellent. That is the thing that I think most gives the game ambiance.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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how can i alter the downtime on the artilary and airstrike??

found inside some pbo's the artilaryavaible timer set to ~900, i changed this to 10 as a test and re-pbo-ed it all; doesn't work...

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For the third time, I really need seeds so I can finish up this download. Right now I'm getting 1.4 Kb/s. The response I've gotten from this so-called community is pathetic.

Hey I'll just go ahead and throw up some seeds now that you've collectively insulted all of us. Good one. icon_rolleyes.gif

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For the third time, I really need seeds so I can finish up this download. Right now I'm getting 1.4 Kb/s. The response I've gotten from this so-called community is pathetic.

Hey I'll just go ahead and throw up some seeds now that you've collectively insulted all of us. Good one. icon_rolleyes.gif

If people keep finishing to download the torrent and stop seeding i'll stop too.

Since i started to seed again a lot of ppl finished and didn't seed. confused_o.gif

If the next one that finish doesn't seed too, i'll stop seeding. mad_o.gif

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In real life, you have better eye/body coordination while in the game it is very difficult to tell what direction you're shooting at without the little cursor aim point on the screen.

My advice: go to controlls and pull the lowest slider on the screen all the way or allmost all the way towards left.

This will keep the gun pointed around the center of the screen - and this you can tell where it is.

However I have to disagree with your "eye to hand" comment. This coordination isn't that great IRL. You can hit up to 10-20m. away but that's about it, with crosshair in ArmA you can hit people at 50-100m and more, which is a hudge overkill.

I think it is most realistic without crosshair.

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@ Aug. 25 2007,08:37)]...However I have to disagree with your "eye to hand" comment. This coordination isn't that great IRL. You can hit up to 10-20m. away but that's about it, with crosshair in ArmA you can hit people at 50-100m and more, which is a hudge overkill.

I think it is most realistic without crosshair.

Well I think that's for the player/server admin to decide, it is in the difficulty options after all.

Scoped weapons in ArmA don't have CQB sights on them like the real ones, so you need some way to hit close targets.

I would like the idea of removing the centre dot part of the crosshair, while keeping the outer one though.

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I have a problem when i am playing this beautiful mod crazy_o.gif

When i want to load or reload a save or autosave, i have a ctd with this type of message "Cannot load « C:\Documents and Settings\Pre-user\Mes documents\ArmA\Saved\missions\MABloodSweatAndTears.sara\autosave.ArmASave »

Anyone can help me?

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I have a problem when i am playing this beautiful mod crazy_o.gif

When i want to load or reload a save or autosave, i have a ctd with this type of message "Cannot load « C:\Documents and Settings\Pre-user\Mes documents\ArmA\Saved\missions\MABloodSweatAndTears.sara\autosave.ArmASave »

Anyone can help me?

I've been told by some mission creators(Kronzky, MrN) that it has to do with the fact that this mod adds extra variables to the saves. If my memory serves me correctly, ArmA can only handle a certain amount of variables and thus the CTD when loading. In my experience with EvolutionSP and Dynamic War, I always get the CTD when loading if I've tried to play these missions using XAMv1.3. When I tried to play without this mod I don't get the loading problem. Especially with these missions and some others, when I try to play with too many other mods(XAM not being one of them) I still run into the problem. If turn some mods off, loading works again.

Granted, I have no idea what I just wrote means. I'm just relaying what the creators have told me. That said, since I don't have the problem when I use less mods(and these men are much more knowledgeable than myself at Arma) I've come to accept the fact that some missions can't be played with either XAMv1.3 or too large a combination of certain mods. Yeah, it sucks but I've never been informed of another option or way too fix the problem.

I may be completely wrong in this explaination but I do know one thing.... Certain missions need to be played with minimal amount of mods. It may be my computer but I highly doubt it since I have a real powerhouse/workhorse set up.(and I refuse to believe that after the absurd amount of $ I've put in to this machine that it can't handle anything I throw at it.)

I hope this helps you and if I'm wrong, someone please let me know what I can do to fix the CTD during load problem.

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