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Shadow NX

Russian Federation Units V.1

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If I were to use the add weapon command, what would be the weapon names for these???

Can you please give em to me?

Edit: and the Maggazine names?



- "RHS_Mar_TLeader"

- "RHS_Mar_Rifleman"

- "RHS_Mar_RPKRifleman"

- "RHS_Mar_Grenadier"

- "RHS_Mar_Medic"

- "RHS_Mar_Engineer"

- "RHS_Mar_AT"

- "RHS_Mar_AA"

- "RHS_Mar_Marksman"

- "RHS_Mar_Mgun"

- "RHS_Mar_Crew"


- "RHS_VDV_TLeader"

- "RHS_VDV_Rifleman"

- "RHS_VDV_RPKRifleman"

- "RHS_VDV_Grenadier"

- "RHS_VDV_Medic"

- "RHS_VDV_Engineer"



- "RHS_VDV_Marksman"

- "RHS_VDV_Mgun"

- "RHS_VDV_Crew"


- "RHS_AK74" - - "RHS_AK74mag"

- "RHS_AK74GP30" - - "RHS_AK74mag"

- "RHS_AK74PSO1" - - "RHS_AK74mag"

- "RHS_AK74M" - - "RHS_AK74Mmag"

- "RHS_AK74MGP30" - - "RHS_AK74Mmag"

- "RHS_AK74MCobra" - - "RHS_AK74Mmag"

- "RHS_AK74M1P29" - - "RHS_AK74Mmag"

- "RHS_AK74MPSO1" - - "RHS_AK74Mmag"

- "RHS_AKS74" - - "RHS_AK74mag"

- "RHS_AKS74GP30" - - "RHS_AK74mag"

- "RHS_AKS74PSO1" - - "RHS_AK74mag"

- "RHS_AKS74PBS3" - - "RHS_AK74SDmag"

- "RHS_AKM" - - "RHS_AKMmag"

- "RHS_AKMGP30" - - "RHS_AKMmag"

- "RHS_AKMS" - - "RHS_AKMmag"

- "RHS_AKMPBS1" - - "RHS_AKMSDmag"

- "RHS_RPK74" - - "RHS_RPK74mag"

- "RHS_RPK74DM" - - "RHS_RPK74mag"

Also, here's some mirrors from Total Armed Assault (one for the Troops and one for the replacement pack):

Russian Federation Units v1.1

Russian Federation Replacement Addon

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Bet you sat up all night trying to pick flaws in other people's work. Congrats, idiot. icon_rolleyes.gif

Anyway, besides whatever you two blokes have planned for v2, I would like to see the troops a bit dirtier, especially around the knees and legs - I doubt they'd be that clean after seeing action on Sahrani. smile_o.gif

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Well done guys.

I hope to see more work like these. Everything seems pretty professional.

And now pistols.gif

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Great Job

I like the Units notworthy.gif

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Perfectly. On behalf of squad the BOCTOK ours to you respect

We wait for following your works smile_o.gif

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Bet you sat up all night trying to pick flaws in other people's work. Congrats, idiot. icon_rolleyes.gif

Anyway, besides whatever you two blokes have planned for v2, I would like to see the troops a bit dirtier, especially around the knees and legs - I doubt they'd be that clean after seeing action on Sahrani. smile_o.gif

In the first, the idiot you will name the friends, the ugly creature has understood? In the second, these not I have found completions at once as soon as have started to look at the weapon.. If you such stupid that cannot see it in the first seconds that these are your problems! The weapon good but not modified, I simply do not understand, how it was possible to not notice such not completion

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@ July 22 2007,18:54)]In the first, the idiot you will name the friends, the ugly creature has understood? In the second, these not I have found completions at once as soon as have started to look at the weapon.. If you such stupid that cannot see it in the first seconds that these are your problems! The weapon good but not modified, I simply do not understand, how it was possible to not notice such not completion

Well, that's such convoluted translator-English that I'm not even gonna try and reply to that. rofl.gif

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Cant blame him for not having perfect english, and I cant see what wrong he did by reporting the miss (he included pictures and everything).

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Cant blame him for not having perfect english, and I cant see what wrong he did by reporting the miss (he included pictures and everything).

Let's just say his attitude was not appropriate.

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I'm happy to know that most of you like our work smile_o.gif

Vr 2 is already in progress, as usual from my work some of your suggestions will come true, all bugs reported will be fixed and some nice surprises will be added.

ty all for your help and support wink_o.gif

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@ July 22 2007,11:04)]You have understood me,about what I speak

Well it really is hard to translate but i think most here understood that you said these bugs were so easy to spot that you wonder how they could make it into the release.

Also i thank you for showing the bugs to us but the smily and the words you used to show it werent very polite.

But i gotta say it cant be that obvious cause i never saw it before but i guess thats cause i just played with them, however i tried to recreate the probs and you were right they need to be fixed for V.2

At least its nothing gameplay affecting.

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Those are my typical last hour errors, i tried to check the mag on the other way around and I changed something on the selections by mistake. That's typical me really, I always find my own way of making a small mistake at the end tounge2.gif

The shadow bug to be honest doesn't happen in my computer and that's bothering me the most because I can't fix something that works in my game.

Nevertheless, the quality of this addon and the amount of new features released by 2 guys that professionally are all but designers or 3d modelers I think is very very good.

Remember we ain't professionals at all, I work on my addons after 10 hours of daily work that go from statistics to meetings with enterprise managers and such.

Those two bugs are like good news to me really, if that's all, than I'm very happy, I could even release a quick fix for those but such a small mistake isn't really worth it, Vr 2 will fix it biggrin_o.gif

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The shadow bug to be honest doesn't happen in my computer and that's bothering me the most because I can't fix something that works in my game.

While testing the hind i noticed that it´s shadows only show up correctly when using high (or very high) shadow settings.

Maybe it´s the same here.

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Could be but I think it's not, it must be something else since that shadow is exactly the same as most of other weapons but with slight changes so if the others work than that one must work too, it might be just a game problem on that particular place.

Can anyone confirm that the AKS-74 GL as problems with the shadow? It's the weapon equipped on the Marine Grenadier, ty people.

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Can anyone confirm that the AKS-74 GL as problems with the shadow? It's the weapon equipped on the Marine Grenadier, ty people.

You´re right. Just tested and could´nt reproduce that bug, shadow looked perfect even on low settings.

But there´s some other things i noticed.

- The 'tracers' your weapons use supress the very cool looking 6th Sense tracers sad_o.gif

- Low recoil on the weapons gives these troops a big advantage over stock ArmA troops (only tested AK74 & RPK).

Other than that it´s very cool. Hopefully i´ll have some more time to play around with these soon.

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Quote[/b] ]- The 'tracers' your weapons use supress the very cool looking 6th Sense tracers sad_o.gif

I think 6th sense made the best tracers around, they are better than mine in my opinion.

Quote[/b] ]- Low recoil on the weapons gives these troops a big advantage over stock ArmA troops (only tested AK74 & RPK).

Recoils are very close to BIS and to my Racs work, they are inspired on Twisted's work for my Racs, so... The RPK's recoil should be very close to the AK-74 recoil I think (insert some question marks here please).

Recoils and sounds are the usual conversation biggrin_o.gif

Nevertheless, you already know my kind of structure, open the RHS_JAM and do the thing you normally do biggrin_o.gif

Than if you want to release it here as a side project please do, it would give people an option, ty Burns wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]- The 'tracers' your weapons use supress the very cool looking 6th Sense tracers sad_o.gif

I think 6th sense made the best tracers around, they are better than mine in my opinion.

An that´s exactly the reason why i want´em back biggrin_o.gif

Recoils are very close to BIS and to my Racs work, they are inspired on Twisted's work for my Racs, so... The RPK's recoil should be very close to the AK-74 recoil I think (insert some question marks here please).

Recoils and sounds are the usual conversation biggrin_o.gif

Nevertheless, you already know my kind of structure, open the RHS_JAM and do the thing you normally do biggrin_o.gif

Than if you want to release it here as a side project please do, it would give people an option, ty Burns wink_o.gif

Gonna have a look at it later, never played around with recoils before, so we´ll see if something good comes out of it.

The sounds on the AK are good enough, if not even better than the one used in ModWarSound, imho.

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Firstly. Awesome addon.. Great selection of new weapons that all look great. I havent had a chance to properly test em but its pretty awesome so far. What are you planning for the next release of it? Planning on putting the RPD in? How about the Pecheneg for the VDV troops? Especially the short barreled version. Personally i would like to see some Ak\gp\sight combo's i know their rare but that doesnt mean that it doesnt happen. Also would be nice to see some Mg's with sights... ive seen plenty of russian troops with pkm's and sights.

Good luck with furthering this great addon.. its trully kicking ass allready

P.s can someone send me some links that show the Russian desert camo fatigues.. as i cant find them anywhere. wich is leading me to suspect that they just use one of the multicam style uniforms

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